Directory of VEREINE/YL:
Rubrik der weiblichen Funkamateure
3818 VE3WBZ > YL 29.10.11 112 #999 @WW RE: Gus I0OJJ's comments
3819 PE1BIV > YL 29.10.11 58 #-99 @WW Re: Hello Angela (WBZ)
3820 VE3WBZ > YL 30.10.11 69 #999 @WW "Thanks" Angela PE1BIV
3821 PE1BIV > YL 30.10.11 38 #-99 @WW Re: "Thanks" Angela (WBZ)
3822 VE3WBZ > YL 01.11.11 66 #999 @WW NOV-01-2011 Posting
3823 VE3WBZ > YL 23.11.11 50 #999 @WW RE: Keebee Update..or note
3824 VE3WBZ > YL 17.01.12 39 #999 @WW Maria gone to BRASIL
3825 VE3WBZ > YL 09.10.12 85 #999 @WW Hello out there YL'ers & OM
3826 PE1BIV > YL 27.05.13 38 #999 @WW Still here
3827 VE3WBZ > YL 28.05.13 54 #999 @WW Echolink Meeting Date & Tim
3828 VE3WBZ > YL 29.05.13 85 #999 @WW Hiya Angela PE1BIV
3829 PE1BIV > YL 04.06.13 39 #999 @WW Re: YL-nets
3830 VE3WBZ > YL 09.06.13 86 #999 @WW Hello Angela PE1BIV
3831 PE1BIV > YL 09.06.13 35 #999 @WW Re: Didn't see (TEZ)
3832 VE3WBZ > YL 04.07.13 48 #999 @WW Echolink Notification
3833 VE3WBZ > YL 03.10.13 50 #999 @WW Info for YLs and even OMs :
3834 VE3WBZ > YL 04.10.13 55 #-99 @WW Info for YLs and even OMs :
3835 G4APL > YL 04.10.13 21 #999 @WW Re: Info for YLs and even O
3836 G4APL > YL 05.10.13 35 #-99 @WW Re: Info for YLs and even O
3837 VE3WBZ > YL 05.10.13 74 #999 @WW Hello Paul G4APL
3838 G4APL > YL 05.10.13 37 #-99 @WW Re: Info for YLs and even O
3839 VE3WBZ > YL 05.10.13 57 #-99 @WW Info for YLs and even OMs :
3840 VE3WBZ > YL 06.10.13 72 #-99 @WW Hello Paul G4APL
3841 G4APL > YL 06.10.13 46 #999 @WW Re: Hello Paul G4APL
3842 G4APL > YL 06.10.13 46 #-99 @WW Re: Hello Paul G4APL
3843 VE3WBZ > YL 06.10.13 17 #999 @WW Hello "x" times Paul G4APL
3844 VE3WBZ > YL 06.10.13 92 #-99 @WW Hello Paul G4APL
3845 VE3WBZ > YL 07.10.13 124 #999 @WW RE:Paul's stages etc :)
3846 VE3WBZ > YL 10.10.13 15 #-99 @WW Hello "x" times Paul G4APL
3847 VE3WBZ > YL 10.10.13 121 #-99 @WW RE:Paul's stages etc :)
3848 G4APL > YL 11.10.13 135 #-99 @WW SB yl @ ww < ve3wbz $31120_
3849 VE3WBZ > YL 15.10.13 50 #999 @WW YL Net Reminder fr: Oct-19-
3850 VE3WBZ > YL 20.10.13 53 #999 @WW The Friendship Net..maybe?
3851 VE3WBZ > YL 21.10.13 50 #999 @WW YL-Echolink Net ...etc
3852 G8PZT > YL 22.12.13 11 #999 @WW For VE3WBZ..
3853 VE3WBZ > YL 28.01.14 52 #999 @WW Echolink YL Net upcoming
3854 I0OJJ > YL 28.01.14 70 #999 @WW Re: Echolink YL Net upcomin
3855 VE3WBZ > YL 29.01.14 28 #999 @WW RE: Gustavo I0OJJ's comment
3856 VE3WBZ > YL 30.01.14 45 #999 @WW RE: Gustavo I0OJJ's Offer
3857 I0OJJ > YL 30.01.14 54 #999 @WW Re^2: Gustavo I0OJJ's Offer
3858 VE3WBZ > YL 12.02.14 51 #999 @WW YL-NET Notice
3859 VE3WBZ > YL 12.02.14 28 #999 @WW Comments on Net Notice FEB-
3860 KC2GMM > YL 03.05.14 7 #999 @WW Re: The Friendship Net..may
3861 PE1BIV > YL 03.10.14 32 #999 @WW SK Karen Weaver KC4KBK
3862 I0OJJ > YL 07.03.17 29 #999 @WW (7+) 7+ 6/6
3863 I0OJJ > YL 07.03.17 293 #999 @WW (7+) 7+ 2/6
3864 I0OJJ > YL 07.03.17 293 #999 @WW (7+) 7+ 3/6
3865 I0OJJ > YL 07.03.17 293 #999 @WW (7+) 7+ 4/6
3866 I0OJJ > YL 07.03.17 293 #999 @WW (7+) 7+ 5/6
3867 I0OJJ > YL 07.03.17 294 #999 @WW (7+) 7+ 1/6