Directory of VEREINE/VETS:
Rubrik der (Kriegs-)Veteranen
14 G4EBT > VETS 18.11.04 116 #999 @WW War Records now online!
15 N7GCW > VETS 20.11.04 62 #999 @WW Injured Vets-blood infectio
16 G4EBT > VETS 27.11.04 233 #999 @WW History of UK Waifs and Str
17 G4EBT > VETS 03.12.04 183 #999 @WW Working condx 1800s/1900s
18 G0TEZ > VETS 04.12.04 72 #999 @WW Re: Working conditions 1900
19 ZL1AJG > VETS 05.12.04 45 #999 @WW Re: Working conditions 1900
20 G4EBT > VETS 07.12.04 103 #999 @WW Re: FDR's Speech - Dec 8 19
21 N7GCW > VETS 12.12.04 50 #999 @WW VANADIUM-linked to health p
22 N7GCW > VETS 12.12.04 89 #999 @WW Carbon Tet exposure-Vet Bil
23 G0TEZ > VETS 12.12.04 27 #999 @WW Re: VANADIUM-linked to heal
24 G4EBT > VETS 13.12.04 123 #999 @WW Re: Health Probs (Chemical
25 G4EBT > VETS 13.12.04 152 #999 @WW Re: Health probs (Nuclear)
26 N7GCW > VETS 14.12.04 75 #999 @WW Vet poem to make you think!
27 N7GCW > VETS 14.12.04 138 #999 @WW DON'T TREAT OUR VETS THAT W
28 G0TEZ > VETS 14.12.04 30 #999 @WW Re: Health Probs (Chemical
29 G0TEZ > VETS 05.02.05 23 #999 @WW WWII Dummies.
30 VK6BE > VETS 08.02.05 14 #999 @WW Re: WWII Dummies.
31 ZL3AI > VETS 08.02.05 23 #999 @WW Re: WWII Dummies.
32 N7GCW > VETS 21.03.05 31 #999 @WW Antibodies to SQUALENE
33 N7GCW > VETS 21.03.05 62 #999 @WW Rare blood infection surfac
34 N7GCW > VETS 21.03.05 153 #999 @WW Rise in non-combat ailments
35 N7GCW > VETS 21.03.05 80 #999 @WW Blast injuries..important i
36 N7GCW > VETS 21.03.05 214 #999 @WW Understanding Brain Injury
37 N7GCW > VETS 22.03.05 88 #999 @WW Carbon Tet exposure = BENEF
38 N7GCW > VETS 22.03.05 25 #999 @WW FINALLY! A number to call..
39 N7GCW > VETS 22.03.05 106 #999 @WW The DRAFT is coming soon!
41 N7GCW > VETS 23.03.05 154 #999 @WW Mefloquine (Lariam) causes
42 N7GCW > VETS 23.03.05 130 #999 @WW GWS...caused by brain damag
43 N7GCW > VETS 24.03.05 69 #999 @WW Veteran files lawsuit again
44 N7GCW > VETS 24.03.05 144 #999 @WW The Marine - A Poem From th
45 N7GCW > VETS 24.03.05 126 #999 @WW Tara King about the Navy Ve
46 N7GCW > VETS 24.03.05 139 #999 @WW Don't treat our soldiers th
47 N7GCW > VETS 24.03.05 223 #999 @WW Agent Orange "knocking down
48 N7GCW > VETS 26.03.05 53 #999 @WW SQUALENE - Adverse reaction
49 N7GCW > VETS 26.03.05 74 #999 @WW A Christmas Poem
50 N7GCW > VETS 26.03.05 134 #999 @WW The FERES DOCTRINE & UVC si
51 N7GCW > VETS 26.03.05 51 #999 @WW Heaith effects of VANADIUM
52 N7GCW > VETS 26.03.05 79 #999 @WW New laser weapon to be used
53 N7GCW > VETS 26.03.05 131 #999 @WW Tainted Anthrax vaccines -
54 N7GCW > VETS 26.03.05 157 #999 @WW Bioport _ UVC links
55 N7GCW > VETS 26.03.05 147 #999 @WW VA benefits like Welfare?
56 N7GCW > VETS 26.03.05 355 #999 @WW Porphyria - caused by Agent
57 N7GCW > VETS 26.03.05 280 #999 @WW U.S. Bases known to be cont
58 N7GCW > VETS 26.03.05 62 #999 @WW Send all of us old Vets to
59 N2OHH > VETS 28.03.05 18 #999 @WW Re: New laser weapon to be
60 KA5GEM > VETS 05.04.05 43 #999 @WW Atomic Veteran Weekness!
61 VE3WBZ > VETS 12.11.09 35 #999 @WW Soon they'll be Gone! :(
62 G4EBT > VETS 26.11.09 133 #999 @WW Re: Soon they'll be gone:-(
63 VE3WBZ > VETS 27.11.09 234 #999 @WW RE:G4EBT's reply my posting