VK7AX > UIVIEW 06.10.09 13:07l 345 Lines 10327 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
Subj: [ui-view] Digest Number 4982
Sent: 091006/1201Z @:VK7AX.#ULV.TAS.AUS.OC #:12395 [Ulverstone] FBB7.00g $:VK7A
There are 8 messages in this issue.
Topics in this digest:
1a. Setting up UI-View 32
From: wagw9wag
1b. Re: Setting up UI-View 32
From: Ed L Locklear
1c. Re: Setting up UI-View 32
From: wagw9wag
1d. Re: Setting up UI-View 32
From: Keith VE7GDH
1e. Re: Setting up UI-View 32
From: VA7OTC JD Erskine
2a. Re: New add-on program for UI-View: UI-PHG-DFS
From: eldon akers kb9pza
3a. Internet only setup problem
From: Paul
3b. Re: Internet only setup problem
From: Keith VE7GDH
1a. Setting up UI-View 32
Posted by: "wagw9wag" wagw9wag(AT)aol.com wagw9wag
Date: Sat Oct 3, 2009 7:42 am ((PDT))
I had to reinstall my UI-View 32 Ver 2.03 software after being off the air for almost a year.
I have the software installed and on a XP computer and using an Alinco DR 135T transceiver on 144.390 Mhz. Simplex in Digital Mode. I am also usin Precision Mapping Version 7.
In the Comm Setup I have Baud Rate 9600 8-1-N XON/XOFF Handshaking, Host Mode None And TNC Type TNC2.
Everytime I start up the program it will start to initialize the TNC and then afer about 4 commands it will stop saying that it is not getting the the proper Initialization responses from the TNC.
I have reset the Alinco and made sure that the com Port was at 9600 and working but nothing seems to work.
I would appreciate your assistance.
Messages in this topic (5)
1b. Re: Setting up UI-View 32
Posted by: "Ed L Locklear" kf4chg(AT)gmail.com kf4chg
Date: Sat Oct 3, 2009 8:37 am ((PDT))
On Sat, Oct 3, 2009 at 10:07 AM, wagw9wag <wagw9wag(AT)aol.com> wrote:
> > I had to reinstall my UI-View 32 Ver 2.03 software after being off the air for almost a year.
> > I have the software installed and on a XP computer and using an Alinco DR 135T transceiver on 144.390 Mhz. Simplex in Digital Mode. I am also usin Precision Mapping Version 7.
> > In the Comm Setup I have Baud Rate 9600 8-1-N XON/XOFF Handshaking, Host Mode None And TNC Type TNC2.
> >
> > Everytime I start up the program it will start to initialize the TNC and then afer about 4 commands it will stop saying that it is not getting the the proper Initialization responses from the TNC.
> >
> > I have reset the Alinco and made sure that the com Port was at 9600 and working but nothing seems to work.
> >
> > I would appreciate your assistance.
> >
> > Thanks
> >
> > Wag W9WAG
Try using the following:
Handshake: NONE
Host Mode: KISS
Messages in this topic (5)
1c. Re: Setting up UI-View 32
Posted by: "wagw9wag" wagw9wag(AT)aol.com wagw9wag
Date: Sat Oct 3, 2009 1:01 pm ((PDT))
Hi Ed,
I tried that but it did nothing. I rebooted and that did not start the program.
When I try the other modes I always get that the TNC is not responding correctly for the initization.
Thanks again
--- In ui-view(AT)yahoogroups.com, Ed L Locklear <kf4chg(AT)...> wrote:
> >
> > On Sat, Oct 3, 2009 at 10:07 AM, wagw9wag <wagw9wag(AT)...> wrote:
>> > > I had to reinstall my UI-View 32 Ver 2.03 software after being off the air for almost a year.
>> > > I have the software installed and on a XP computer and using an Alinco DR 135T transceiver on 144.390 Mhz. Simplex in Digital Mode. I am also usin Precision Mapping Version 7.
>> > > In the Comm Setup I have Baud Rate 9600 8-1-N XON/XOFF Handshaking, Host Mode None And TNC Type TNC2.
>> > >
>> > > Everytime I start up the program it will start to initialize the TNC and then afer about 4 commands it will stop saying that it is not getting the the proper Initialization responses from the TNC.
>> > >
>> > > I have reset the Alinco and made sure that the com Port was at 9600 and working but nothing seems to work.
>> > >
>> > > I would appreciate your assistance.
>> > >
>> > > Thanks
>> > >
>> > > Wag W9WAG
> >
> > Wag,
> >
> > Try using the following:
> >
> > Handshake: NONE
> > Host Mode: KISS
> >
> > Ed, KF4CHG
> >
Messages in this topic (5)
1d. Re: Setting up UI-View 32
Posted by: "Keith VE7GDH" ve7gdh(AT)yahoo.com ve7gdh
Date: Sat Oct 3, 2009 4:34 pm ((PDT))
Wag W9WAG wrote...
> > I tried that but it did nothing. I rebooted and that did not start the
> > program. When I try the other modes I always get that the TNC is not
> > responding correctly for the initization.
Can you talk to the Alinco TNC using a terminal program? If that doesn't
work, UI-View won't be able to do any better. Suggestion... yank that
TNC out and replace it with a T2-135! The Alinco EJ41U TNC is a poor
choice for stand-alone APRS use. It is barely APRS aware, it can't do
SmartBeaconing, is useless for KISS mode, and can't be remotely
73 es cul - Keith VE7GDH
"I may be lost, but I know exactly where I am!"
Messages in this topic (5)
1e. Re: Setting up UI-View 32
Posted by: "VA7OTC JD Erskine" va7otc(AT)yahoo.ca va7otc
Date: Sat Oct 3, 2009 5:41 pm ((PDT))
wagw9wag wrote:
> > Hi Ed,
> >
> > I tried that but it did nothing. I rebooted and that did not start the program.
> > When I try the other modes I always get that the TNC is not responding correctly for the initization.
> >
> > Thanks again
> >
> > Wag W9WAG
Step 1. Check comms with the TNC. Use your favourite or available
terminal app. HyperTerminal?
Cheers, John
Messages in this topic (5)
2a. Re: New add-on program for UI-View: UI-PHG-DFS
Posted by: "eldon akers kb9pza" kb9pza_uiview(AT)hotmail.com kb9pza_uiview
Date: Sat Oct 3, 2009 6:02 pm ((PDT))
Use this address is http://www.filefront.com/14592023/UI-PHG-DFS-V02.zip/
-------Original Message-------
From: Ed L Locklear
Date: 10/02/09 15:31:40
To: ui-view(AT)yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [ui-view] Re: New add-on program for UI-View: UI-PHG-DFS
On Fri, Oct 2, 2009 at 10:21 AM, richard611657 <g8eia(AT)btinternet.com>
> >
> >
> > Version 0.2 or 0.1 of my UI-PHG-DFS program has been downloaded 125 times
and nobody has reported any bugs.
> >
> > In the near future I will issue version 1.0 which will give the PHG circle
range in kilometres as well as nautical miles. Adriano IK2CBD has offered
to translate the help file into Italian.
> >
> > If anybody knows of any bugs in the program or has any comments about
changing things, please let me know.
> >
> > Richard, G8EIA.
How bout doing everyone a favor and post a link as to where we
(UI-View Group) can download your software next time you post about a
new revision.
Messages in this topic (14)
3a. Internet only setup problem
Posted by: "Paul" paul(AT)telco.demon.co.uk paultelco
Date: Sun Oct 4, 2009 4:58 am ((PDT))
I thought I'd run my registered version of UI-View32 to test a few things out on my APRS setup.
It works perfectly on RF traffic but when I 'connect to server' I don't receive any stations over the internet.
I have downloaded the latest server list and see successful connections in the terminal window to T2UK and T2MCI etc. But no internet stations appear - only RF.
Any idea what I'm doing wrong? I haven't used UI-View32 for about a year so maybe something has changed in the service that I need to change?
My verification code is ok and my callsign is in ststion setup and WX setup.
I've even looked at firewall settings. Norton is set to allow and that seems ok because I get the acnowledgement from the servers at login.
Does my unproto port and path have to include Igate traffic? it's set to Port = 1 and path = APRS,RELAY,TRACE7-7.
Any help gratefully received.
Messages in this topic (2)
3b. Re: Internet only setup problem
Posted by: "Keith VE7GDH" ve7gdh(AT)yahoo.com ve7gdh
Date: Sun Oct 4, 2009 6:00 am ((PDT))
Paul (callsign?) wrote...
> > I thought I'd run my registered version of UI-View32 to test a few
> > things out on my APRS setup. It works perfectly on RF traffic but when
> > I 'connect to server' I don't receive any stations over the internet.
> > I have downloaded the latest server list and see successful
> > connections in the terminal window to T2UK
You didn't give your callsign, so we can't verify that you are connected
to a server or if so, what filter you are using. Care to elaborate?
> > Does my unproto port and path have to include Igate traffic? it's set
> > to Port = 1 and path = APRS,RELAY,TRACE7-7.
Before we start jumping up and down and ranting about "obsolete" and
"abusive" paths, we should speculate based on your email address that
you are in the UK.. That path may be acceptable in the UK, but I thought
there was a trend there to go to WIDEn-N instead. However, going by the
message subject, you said "Internet only". If it isn't on RF, an
obsolete or excessive path would make no difference. Just leave "APRS"
entered in he unproto setting (hit F1 to read why) and completely remove
the path as it won't be used.
Back to your problem... what callsign-ssid are you using? Are you
connecting to a filtered (14580) port? If so, what filter are you using?
73 es cul - Keith VE7GDH
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