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ZL3AI  > APRDIG   09.07.04 23:15l 428 Lines 15315 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 3562-ZL3AI
Subj: TAPR Digest, Jul 06, 1/1
Sent: 040709/2145Z @:ZL3VML.#80.NZL.OC #:27496 [Chch-NZ] FBB7.00i $:3562-ZL3AI

TAPR APRS Special Interest Group Digest for Tuesday, July 06, 2004.

1. Fw: Re: Remote Ignition Relay Trigger
2. Re: Remote Ignition Relay Trigger
3. Re: Remote Ignition Relay Trigger
4. Re: Remote Ignition Relay Trigger
5. Windows and MapPoint problems
6. aprsworld new search by location, track
7. Re: aprsworld new search by location, track
8. automatic power off information
9. Re: automatic power off information
10. Automatic Power Off Device
11. aprs newbe
12. Re: aprs newbe
13. Re: Automatic Power Off Device
14. Re: Remote Ignition Relay Trigger
15. RE: NWS RADAR question


Subject: Fw: Re: Remote Ignition Relay Trigger
From: "David McBrayer" <>
Date: Mon, 5 Jul 2004 21:11:27 -0700
X-Message-Number: 1

I'm interested in your circuit.

Dave,  N6OJJ

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "James Jefferson" <>

>I designed a circuit that uses a PIC to monitor voltage and then turn a relay
>on when the vehicle starts. It will then automatically turn the relay off
>when the voltage has been at less than a set point for a certain
>(programable) period of time. There is an override switch to turn on power
>without regard for battery voltage.
>The circuit consists or a PIC12F675, some resistors, a few capacitors, a
>LM78L05 voltage regulator, n-channel MOSFET, and a 30 amp printed circuit
>board mount relay.
>I have a double sided circuit board designed for, but I've only had a few
>ordered. If people are interested I could write up the project and release
>the source code and information necessary to build it.
>In my truck I use it to apply power to my D700 and GPS. Unfortunately I can't
>get my D700 to automatically turn on when power is applied to it, otherwise
>it would be really slick. I guess I could add a serial connection to the
>radio that would issue a "PS 1" command a few seconds after it turns on.
>-Jim KB0THN


Subject: Re: Remote Ignition Relay Trigger
From: "KC2MMi" <>
Date: Tue, 6 Jul 2004 01:55:41 -0400
X-Message-Number: 2

< I would like to build a relay that will power up my APRS tracker package
when the key is turned on in the vehicle.>

Phil, I'm going to make the rash assumptions that the undetailed tracker
package is located in that same vehicle. And, that it can be powered from
the vehicle.

So...instead of powering the tracker from the battery, power it from the
"ignition hot" circuit which is only live when the key is turned on. And if
you are using a transmitter that requires direct battery power...don't build
a relay, buy one. Honest, you can buy the darn things pre-made in the stores
these days!<G> Run the ignition hot lead to the relay coil, run your battery
power across the contacts, voila, same thing, when the key is on the tracker
is on.

Ignition hot is often available at the lighter socket(s), which may be good
for up to 10A directly. And in the back of the vehicle, it is often
available at the fuel tank, where in-tank fuel pumps are often connected to

All depends on what you want to do, and how fancy the vehicle is.

If you just want "one ping and one ping only" rather than powering up the
tracker and leaving it on, you can still use the ignition hot but use it to
turn on a timer rather than a straight relay. Short-time 55 timer circuits
are plentiful. can buy those premade at the stores too, these


Subject: Re: Remote Ignition Relay Trigger
From: "David McBrayer" <>
Date: Tue, 6 Jul 2004 06:46:28 -0700
X-Message-Number: 3

Jim's PIC circuit offers something not found in most timer-driven power
relays: low-voltage shut-off.  Battery protection is vital to those of us
who demand reliable starting in all seasons but don't have the space for a
substantial deep-cycle battery to feed the toys when away from an AC-powered

Running a set of power leads directly from the battery to my equipment
location is a pain but quite do-able.  Jim's PIC device protects the
battery.  My Toyota doesn't have the space for proper care, feeding and
switching of a deep-cycle battery.

Tapping power from the dashboard of most newer vehicles (since at least
1990) has serious limits since the circuits are hot via relays in the engine
compartment; including the lighter and cell-phone sockets.  All of those
neat features controlled by the ignition key and stalks on the steering
column are actually switched at those same relays because the contacts can
handle only small currents.  Go look at the cover on the relay/fuse box(es)
in the engine compartment of your truck, car, or what have you.  You will
see my point.  Only the dome light is "unrelayed", but beware - it's lightly
fused.  Check the wire size before you tap into it.  Using the "body" for
the return path?  It's unreliable-too much plastic.  The archives for this
SIG contain much more detail than I've given here-go check them out.

Jim's PIC-controlled relay is what I _need_.

Dave  N6OJJ


Subject: Re: Remote Ignition Relay Trigger
From: Jason Winningham <>
Date: Tue, 6 Jul 2004 09:16:57 -0500
X-Message-Number: 4

>I have a double sided circuit board designed for, but I've only had a few
>ordered. If people are interested I could write up the project and release
>the source code and information necessary to build it.

I'm interested.  I've thought about this very thing, with some possible 
enhancements, like the "PS x" commands for the D700 that you mentioned, or
just a command to turn beaconing off and on, a command to change program
modes (to make it easy to digipeat the satellite APRS), or the thing could
copy the GPS data stream and do smart beaconing, all kinds of good stuff.

For the D700, you wouldn't need the relay, just the ability to PS 1/PS 0.



Subject: Windows and MapPoint problems
From: "JBCrafts" <>
Date: Tue, 6 Jul 2004 11:24:43 -0400
X-Message-Number: 5

I am going nuts here....

I am trying to install MapPoint and then APRSPoint on one of my work
stations and I am getting a (I will paraphrase) "Windows could not start
INSTALLER, this could happen because you are in SAFE MODE, if not, call
your system admin" message.

OK, so i went to Microsoft Knowledge Base and it said to go into the
registry, HKLM/software/microsoft/policies/installer - well, this is all
well and good, except I do not have an INSTALLER entry!!

Anyone have a suggestion on how to FIX this?

I tried to REPAIR my Win2K install... I DO NOT HAVE an ERD (smack Bob with
a stick!). I do not know what command to use from the repair console.

Oh, I am able to install other programs, I just put Dreamweaver4 on this
work station.

I did try to use Add/Remove Programs and still the same Installer error.

Bob K8YS


Subject: aprsworld new search by location, track
From: James Jefferson Jarvis <>
Date: Tue, 6 Jul 2004 10:35:18 -0500
X-Message-Number: 6

Hey group,

I wanted to let y'all know that I've done some major improvements to the 
search by location and track pages on aprsworld. They have been tested by 
various people over the last month, so they should be ready to go. (thanks
to all the testers)

The new track page is possible to search by time period as well as date
range. It does automatic filtering so a single bad position does not screw
up the map. As always, the track data is downloadable as shapefiles. The
DBF file can be open with almost any spreadsheet software and you'll
immediately have spreadsheet data with no parsing required. There are a few
more new features that you also might find useful.

The location search is also totally redone. It is now possible to search by 
place name, near an APRS station, or by ZIP code. At the moment the place 
name and zip code are US only, but soon I'll have the massive world
gazetteer (6 million places from Antarctica to Zimbabwe) online. You can
specify how old of stations you want to display, and how big of radius from
your search point. The result page shows a map of all of the stations, a
table, and has links to the shapefiles which you can download and use for
whatever you want.

Summer is the time when I have time to work on aprsworld stuff, so if you
have ideas and feature requests, please send them my way now. No promises
that I'll get them done, but I always like hearing ideas. And as always, if
there are any programmers that want to work on aprsworld, they are always



Subject: Re: aprsworld new search by location, track
Date: Tue, 06 Jul 2004 13:52:25 -0400 (EDT)
X-Message-Number: 7

On Tue, 6 Jul 2004 10:35:18 -0500, James Jefferson Jarvis wrote:
>name and zip code are US only, but soon I'll have the massive world gazetteer
>(6 million places from Antarctica to Zimbabwe) online. You can specify how

Jim, Antarctica and Zimbabwe are both in the southern hemisphere... so much
for covering the whole world!!!! arr arr arrr.... ;-)

The map which was rendered for my station looks really good... can you add
the option of local time (or allow me to pulldown for timezone) to be
displayed? Wes

>ideas and feature requests, please send them my way now. No promises that
>I'll get them done, but I always like hearing ideas. And as always, if there
>are any programmers that want to work on aprsworld, they are always welcome.
>-Jim KB0THN

ham callsign: kd4rdb
find me:


Subject: automatic power off information
From: James Jefferson Jarvis <>
Date: Tue, 06 Jul 2004 14:32:40 -0500
X-Message-Number: 8

I started documenting the APO project at:

Tomorrow I will try to get some photos, complete bill-of-materials, and 
printed circuit board files up there.

If anybody is interested in getting a PCB please e-mail me. If there is 
enough interest I will do a small board run.



Subject: Re: automatic power off information
From: James Jefferson Jarvis <>
Date: Tue, 06 Jul 2004 14:58:50 -0500
X-Message-Number: 9

Derek -

OOPS! I redrew my original schematic and ended up messing this up. Will be
a bit before I get it changed (got go from the stupid Windows box, print to
EPS, convert EPS to PDF, open PDF and crop out just schematic, save
schematic as PNG, upload to server, change image size...) but I'll put your
note up there ASAP.



>I took a look at the link and reviewed the schematic. There is a problem
>in that Q1 is backwards and current will flow through the body diode to
>ground. Thus, the relay will never turn off.


Subject: Automatic Power Off Device
From: Chuck Kimball <>
Date: Tue, 06 Jul 2004 19:49:36 -0400
X-Message-Number: 10

Folks might also be interested in the commercial product that does a lot 
of these features also.

A little pricey at $xx, but I used them on a lot of mobile installs and
they saved a lot of hassle.
Be aware they only handle 30amps, so for some emergency vehicles we had 
to use two.

It does have the advantage of a high voltage disconnect in addition to 
the low voltage disconnect.



Subject: aprs newbe
From:  <>
Date: Tue, 06 Jul 2004 16:54:36 -0700
X-Message-Number: 11

Hello, I have just finished building a 'Tinytrak' and am in the process
of building interface cables to my TM-241A and am wondering if there is
a digipeater in my part of the world (Oroville, WA)
Wallace, WB7AXN


Subject: Re: aprs newbe
From: James Jefferson <>
Date: Tue, 6 Jul 2004 19:23:53 -0500
X-Message-Number: 12

It's funny you should ask ... try the aprsworld location search page at:

The results show that there is a digi about 37 miles from you:

It looks like there is some activity in your area.



Subject: Re: Automatic Power Off Device
From: Dale Blanchard <>
Date: Tue, 06 Jul 2004 17:42:23 -0700
X-Message-Number: 13

All my battery discharge charts show that 11 volt is discharged. That is 
open circuit voltage not load voltage.
This looks like with a light load on the battery it would run it down to 
A while back  there was a battery with that built in.   It was also 
supposed to be a cheap anti theft gizmo.
Looks like a solution for a not existent problem.

Chuck Kimball wrote:

>Folks might also be interested in the commercial product that does a
>lot of these features also.
>A little pricey at $xx, but I used them on a lot of mobile installs
>and they saved a lot of hassle.
>Be aware they only handle 30amps, so for some emergency vehicles we
>had to use two.
>It does have the advantage of a high voltage disconnect in addition to
>the low voltage disconnect.


Subject: Re: Remote Ignition Relay Trigger
From: David Rush <>
Date: Tue, 06 Jul 2004 21:01:46 -0600
X-Message-Number: 14


Check out a widget called "ChargeGuard CGD12".  You put it in-line 
between your battery and your radio equipment.  It turns things on when 
you start the vehicle, then turns them off (cuts power) a selectable 
amount of time (from 15 minutes to several hours) after you turn off the 
vehicle.  Also protects from overvoltage (to protect radios) and 
undervoltage (to protect battery).  I've got a couple (one per vehicle) 
and they work great.

David, ky7dr


Subject: RE: NWS RADAR question
From: Earl Needham <>
Date: Tue, 06 Jul 2004 21:31:03 -0700
X-Message-Number: 15

At 09:51 AM 7/5/2004, AE5PL Lists wrote:
>You can get the top-left/bottom-right for all NWS radars at

Thanks to everybody that responded, I now have weather RADAR
images in my UI-View32.

7 3

Earl Needham, KD5XB, Clovis, New Mexico  DM84jk
SETI@Home:  11643WU/7.56yrs



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