DK3UZ > QRP 05.03.08 19:02l 151 Lines 6738 Bytes #999 (0) @ EU
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QRP-Contest-Community (qrpcc) 02nd Mar 2008
c/o Dr. Hartmut Weber, DJ7ST
Schlesierweg 13
e-mail: dj7st@darc.de
web: http://www.qrpcc.de
Dear Guests and Friends,
the QRPCC presents the
Results of the 20th HOMEBREW & OLDTIME-EQUIPMENT-PARTY (18-Nov-2007)
Pos. Call ALL 40m 80m TX ; RX
Class A TX & RX resp TRX Homebrew or >30 years
1 OZ5DX 317 135 182 Drake T-4XB ; R-4B (1969)
2 HA1WD 271 130 141 TS-820S (1976?)
3 DL8UF 259 104 259 Drake R-4C/T-4XC (1975, 1976)
4 OK2ABU 245 126 119 All HB TRX (100W)
5 DJ3IW 213 92 121 Johnson Viking Ranger II ; Hammarlund HQ-170
6 G3TYB 181 119 62 HB PA 807, 70W ; Eddystone 830 SH (1965)
7 OZ7YL 179 51 128 Drake T4X ; R4C
8 DJ8BD 167 89 78 HB TRX IF 9 MHz, 20W (PA 2*2SC1972)
9 HB9APJ 160 90 70 Viking Ranger (1954) ; Hammarlund HQ180A (1952)
10 DJ2MM 157 54 103 SB-100 (1966)
11 OK5TM 146 0 146 HB TX GU29, 100W ; SSH IF 500 kHz
12 DK1JU 120 0 120 BC 696, PA: 1625, 25W (1943) ; BC 342 (1943)
13 DK2KV 118 78 40 DX-100 (1956) ; HQ170a (1965), 80m: E310b
14 DL1UNK 105 39 66 FL-200B ; FR-100B (1965)
15 DL9GTI 102 51 51 TRIO TS-500 (1967)
15 DR5E 102 102 0 Drake T4X ; R4C (1971/73)
17 SP9DUX 98 0 98 HB TRX 2W "Bartek" CW/SSB 3,5 - 3,8 MHz
18 DL9GWA 90 27 63 HW-101 (1972 ) ; RX-FK50-Land (1957)
19 DJ6HP 89 0 89 HB-TRX, FET/ICs, PA 6146 (1968/69)
20 DF3OL 76 0 76 Elecraft K2
21 OK1MKX 71 0 71 HB SW-80, 1W
22 DL9BDM 70 27 43 Lo 40K39f (1944) ; Telefunken E103Aw/3 (1952)
23 UA4LS 58 50 8 HB copy (UW3DI design); 70W
24 OE1TKW 56 26 30 Drake T-4XC ; R-4C (1976)
25 DL2JRM 50 50 0 SEG15 (1959), 15W
26 DJ1LP 48 27 21 15W s.e.a. (1941)
27 DL7ULF 44 15 29 SEG 15 TYP 1444.2 (1959)
27 LZ2FM 44 44 0 FT-100 (1968)
29 PA3AQL 42 33 9 SEG15 (1959), 15W
30 DK2TA 38 0 38 HB TX PA=LS50, 50W ; HB DC-RX
31 UA2FBQ 35 35 0 HB TRX: PA 2 x 6P15P , 9W ; IF 500 kHz (Radio-76)
32 UA2DC 30 3 27 RSB-5 (1970) ; R-250 (1972)
33 DJ7RS 29 6 29 Lo40K39 PA: 2xRP12P35 30 W; Lo6K39 (3-V-1)
34 HB9DEO 25 3 22 HB HW-9A
35 DL6RBH 23 0 23 Collins KWM2-A (1965), 80W
35 OE6BWG 23 23 0 Gonset G-76, 60W (1961)
37 DF2MG 21 21 0 HB TRX (FA 5/96, DL2JWN) Type S5940, 7W
38 DK6NC 20 3 17 Drake C-Line (1975)
38 ON5JD 20 0 20 Kenwood TS-515 (1975)
40 DF0AWG 15 15 0 Heathkit SB101
40 RW3AI 15 15 0 HB "UW3DI-1", 30W
42 DK9KR 12 12 0 GRC-9 (TX 5 tbs, 15W ; RX 7 tbs, IF 456 kHz)
43 DM2DIN 6 0 6 HB-TX, PA LS50, 50W; HB SSH9
43 OH2BGX 6 6 0 CO-PA (2xEL83) (~1965) 10W
45 DL4YL 3 0 3 HB TX PA=LS50, 50W ; HB DC-RX
Class B TX OR RX Homebrew or >30 years
1 DF0VK 129 24 105 Heathkit DX-60 + HG10
2 DR5E 51 0 51 Drake R4C (1973)
3 OK2BND 30 0 30 Tesla Lambda 4 (14 tubes, 1952)
4 DJ9IE 27 0 27 Johnson Viking VFO + HB PA (EL508), 7W
Class C QRP-TX resp. -TRX Homebrew or >30 years
1 DK1VD 232 87 145 HW-9
2 DK3UZ 193 83 110 Hallicrafters HA-5 + Drake 2-NT (mfd. fer QRP)
3 OK2FB 175 91 84 HB SW40+ ; M-80 (= M160 mfd.)
4 DL1HTX 121 57 64 OHR 500, DL-QRP-PA
5 DL6NDK 117 21 96 K2, 5W
6 YU7ZB 107 35 72 HB 4 band TRX PA: 2 x BD135
7 DL1AZK 105 33 72 HB ELBC-TRX (SPRAT 94/95) 2SC2078, 3W
7 DL2ANM 105 38 67 HB-TX, PA 2x2SC1969
9 DL1JGA 92 48 44 2x HB Trans./IC-TRX, PA 2xIRF510 resp.KT902
10 DL5KWG 90 39 51 SEG 15D, 5W (1974)
11 DL5JAN 76 0 76 SIERRA, 3W
12 DL1MEB 74 36 38 HB Elecraft K2
13 DL7UWE 71 30 41 40m: TRX IF 4MHz 4W; 80m TRX QRP-Rprt 2002-2
14 PA0CMU 68 30 38 HB 4-band DC RTx (PA = 2N4427)
15 DJ2IA 67 0 67 K2 # 2837
16 DK0SZ 56 18 38 Argonaut 509 (1977)
17 OZ9QM 52 33 19 2x (80&40) HB-TRX PA 3553, 1W
18 DK5RY 51 0 51 MAS-TX (CQ 9/02, DJ1ZB design)
19 HB9AFH 49 24 25 HB ATS3A, 5W
19 ON4ADR 49 0 49 HB 2xbuffer 2N3866, PA: BD131; Kenwood R5000
21 DL1HSI 48 0 48 HB TRX (FA 11/12, 1983), 5W
22 DL7AQT 47 18 29 Elecraft KX1
23 DL5ST 44 44 0 Russ. tank station 10RT + HB PA QQE 03/15, 4W
24 PA3GQF 41 18 23 HB Elecraft K1 # 00529
25 DJ3KK 39 39 0 HB ELBC-TRX (SPRAT 94/95), 3W
25 DL3JPN 39 39 0 Elecraft KX1, 2.5 W
27 OZ9KC 38 15 23 2x (80&40) Trans.-TRX, 1W
28 DL0OG 35 6 29 CO-PA (tbs?)
29 DL8ARJ 35 0 35 TRX Jena 85 (Funkamateur 8/9, 1985)
30 DJ4VP 33 0 33 HB-TRX (CQ-DL 12/85) PA 2x2SC1307
31 DK0VLP 30 30 0 Ramsey QRP-40, 600mW
31 DK3GP 30 30 0 HB SW-40
33 SP6LV 27 0 27 HB ECC82-6AG7, 5W
34 DJ7ST 26 0 26 Hari TX-80/1, 900mW
35 LA1ENA 20 6 14 HB KX-1, 4W
35 OH6DC 20 6 14 HB dual band TRX: 2xVFO-BU-DR-PA 2N553, 2W
37 PA0ATG 18 18 0 HeathKit HW-8, 2W
38 DL9MWE 9 0 9 TenTec 1320, 3W
38 MM0XAU 9 9 0 S5940 (FA 5/96, DL2JWN) , DC-RX
40 DL3LQM 6 6 0 K2, 5W
ch HA7JCA Adjudication:
ch HB9RE DK9KR (e-logs) ; DJ7ST (paper-logs)
ch OF7QR
ch OL4W
Comment: (translation by DK3UZ, mni tks Eddi !)
After last year's "Invitation Service" with reduced functionality, due
to ill health and with distinct results, the 20th HOT-Party was again graced
by much greater number of visitors, which also persevered when shortly after
the opening a growing skip zone obviated information flow on 40m, resulting
in an even more lively continuation on 80m.
Needlessly the hosts' "clean-up" work was made more difficult by those
who submitted e-mail logs without the sender's callsign in the <Subject: >
header, or who used an "exotic" format. Such a log is more prone to land
in the wrong drawer. Please don't just declare "HOT Party" but e.g. "Log
DL9XY HOT-Party 2007", and use a format which can be opened without having
to leave the usual e-mail client.
Have fun studying the results, some are more interested in the equipment
than the score. I'm sure Lutz, DL1RNN will shortly present a more clearly
arranged version on http://www.qrpcc.de than is possible with plain e-mail.
(Thank you in advance.)
73/2 "Hal", Hartmut, DJ7ST
dk3uz@db0hht.ampr.org - dk3uz AT darc DOT de - DK3UZ@DB0HHT.#HH.GER.EU
QTH Hamburg-Bramfeld, FN31a
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