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DJ7ST  > QRP      27.03.08 20:09l 254 Lines 9203 Bytes #999 (0) @ EU
BID : DD11917DK3UZ
Subj: 23rd Original QRP Contest: The Operators' Voice
Sent: 080327/1857Z @:DB0HHT.#HH.DEU.EU [TCP/IP,JO43XP] BBSX-2.14L $:DD11917DK3U

QRP-CONTEST-COMMUNITY (qrpcc)        26-Mar-2008
c/o Dr. Hartmut Weber
Schlesierweg 13

         Voices from the 23rd Original QRP Contest (29/30 Dec 2007)

   Been on the move again .... and fortunate in that the mild weather
permitted /p operation from the car. (DF2HL/p)

   Strictly speaking the OQRP Contest is the only one I enter - even though
often only for part-time attendance. (DF2SJ)

   Friendly contest, no strain. And I reached my goal of at least 50 QSOs.

   ... the first hour dragged along, hardly any QSOs. I drew a 27m long
wire just in time for the contest, thus I was QRV on 80m, too. (DH3LK)

   Nice to hear more VLP stns taking part. (DJ3KK)

   Days between xmas & New Year's Day were turbulent here and left no time
to adjust for the party, and for the moments when the higher bands open at
least a little in this "lazy" sun. (DJ7RS)

   It was fun again despite heavy QRM on 40m. (DK6AJ)

   I took some time finding contest activity centering around 3560kHz, but
after that the fun started. Friendly ops, no hectics. When no-one else was
heard on 80m after 0030UTC I left the contest. (DL7BD)

   ... and I hope one or the other op will welcome a DL100DAN QSL.

   No conds on 20m, 40m reasonably. The first DLs on 80m were logged after
2000UTC. Used this fine contest to test a sealed lead acid accumulator ...

   Needed to erect an aerial first, was in DL only for a short holiday...

   ... at least the aerial is home-made: 80cm diameter indoor small twin
loop ... who says it can't be done? (DL2NA)

   House full of visitors. Made 15 QSOs while I looked after my
grandchildren. (DL2NH)

   ... was rather tedious this time. Is it my antenna, or was everyone
having a rest on the sofa? (DL3MBE)

   The contest was again a pleasure. I think conds weren't that bad,
especially both late fore- and early afternoon went well. (DL4LBB)

   Had little time for a contest, a poor aerial, and made only 2 QSOs, but I
submit my log just the same. Being part of it is what counts... (DL4VBN)

   ... had to prick up my ears quite a bit in order to copy those somewhat
weaker QRP signals. (DL6AWJ)

   After a slow start lots of stations were heard. Low-band conds were quite
good. Many VLPs came in with 599! 20m not completely closed but lacked
usage. (DL6NDK)

   ... thank you for invitation to this contest, a pleasure to take part
again.Had wished for better conds, but nothing to be seen yet of solar cycle
   I think it was a nice idea to encourage homebrewing of rigs by giving
bonus points to operators with self constructed devices.  (DL7UWE)

   Tedious, especially on 80m. Here I simply lack a good aerial, hi. (DL8HK)

   A contest without the usual hurry, but demanding just the same. Provided
lots of pleasure. (DL8ULF)

   No 80m due to no antenna. Portable operations in the winter aren't a walk
in the park either. (DL9GWA)

   Poor conds in the evening, heavy QSB, got better after 2000UTC. (DO1UZ)

   Propagation on 20m was again poor down here in southern France. (F5VBT)

   Few QSOs, lots of fun. (F5ZV)

   Poor conditions this year; very few stations on 20m but a lot of fun with
my KX1 at 1 watt   (F6FTB)

   Vy bad propagation!  (F8ALX)

   Any log for this contest!  (F8BBL)

   Poor condx on 20m, deep QSB at times on 80/40m.  (G3VIP)

   Just a short play for a bit of fun. Good contest!  (G3YMC)

   Tough start, in the morning good activity on 40m with good signals, there
was also time to wish each other HNY. A very nice contest. Am looking
forward to the next one in 2008. (HB9DAX)

   Scoring worked fine, tks for the program. (HB9DEO)

   Once more 20m were in very bad condition. However 40 and 80 were a good
meeting point for low power's friends.  (I0UZF)

   First time qrv for O-QRPC. Very good QRP contest. Hope better next time.

   My first attempt at a QRP contest. QRM level over S9 yielded poor result.
Hope better next time. (OE9GWI)

   Searched for my old HW-9 rig in the cupboard, wiped off the dust, and
used it again after many years, which gave me great pleasure.
And the bonus points are a further incentive, hi. (OF7QR)

   Nice to get some QSOs with milliwatts and meet other QRP/QRPp  stations.
Enjoyed the contest. (OH6DC)

   I tried to run all contest with one 2500 mAh Li-Pol battery, which I
recharged during my break-time. But for the final 2 hours the battery didn't
last. Thanks for a very nice opportunity to meet  other friends at the end
of year.  (OK7U)

   Propagation was good only on 80m. Very weak sigs, but vy good contest.

   Nice contest again with a lot of sigs. Difficult copy with a direct
conversion Rx missing the needed selectivity especially on 40m. I really
have to build a more sophisticated rig for next O-QRPC (PA0CMU)

   My homebrew TRX for 7 MHz is still doing great. Power about 500mW.
Enjoyed the contest. (PA1B)

   Did not have time enough this year. Still did worked some stations with
VLP. No luck on 20m this year. (PG2AA)

   Thank you for invitation for the O-QRP Contest. ... Introduced my new QRP
Project called "Libra", which is a homebrewed QRP CW transceiver for single
band of your choice. Details at My suggestion is to
accept electronic logs in Cabrillo format as a main source. (SP5DDJ)

   Once again many thanks for the great "end of the year" QRP Contest
opportunity. (SP7BCA)

   Conds mediocre, no QRN, heavy QSB. Many stations heard but only 3
complete QSOs. But was interesting to listen to. (TF/DL7WB)

   Was QRV on 80m for the first time, exactly on time for the sunspot
minimum! (DL4HG)

   Used solar power only - not so simple in the middle of winter ... (LA0CX)

   Thank you to all ops who also tried to make the best of the
"idiotosphere's" current state. (DL1HTX)

   After a breakdown in the afternoon conditions improved just in time

   Today propagation was reasonable, but made no QSO on 20m. (DK5RY)

   Nice relaxed contest, propagation on 20 and 40m poor on this end (PA0RBO)

   For this contest I reanimated my 35 years old 3-tubes transmitter ... and
wonder - it works ok (OK1ARO)

   Nice activity from outside DL ... but enjoyed the few QSOs (DL4FO)

   ... ere QRL so had only 3 hours. Interference gets stronger all the

   First time, I enjoyed a lot, will join the next OQRPCs !!! Great idea!

   ...continuous S9 noise floor on 80 through 20m, hopefully not from one of
those inhouse PLT nuisances. (DK8SX)

   The date was ideal for concluding the contest year - propagation left
much to be desired. (DM4TJ)

   29/30th December fb date ... (DL2RT)

   Resolved to have more QSOs ... satisfied with VLP just the same. (PA9M)

   ... an outback and an indoor magnetic loop are the only aerials...

   ...hope to have a better antenna next time! (GU3TUX)

   This time the "poor conds" resulted from the many visitors "inbetween the
years" who converted my house into a hotel. (DJ2GL)

   ...lots of qrn and qsb signals...before a qso could be completed, very
frustrating! (G0KRT)

   Thank you for a wonderful QRP contest. (G0JZO)

   ... with self-assembled kit ... enjoyed the handywork and am still
without computer ... age 83 ... (DL9HCW)

   The not present sunspots made themselves felt. Heartwarming the evenings:
3555-3575kHz packed with stations. 40m & 20m in contrast came to almost a
standstill during daylight (DL0VLP/DF6MS)

   Thank you very much for this super contest ... (HB9BQB)

   ... rig homebrew and designed from scratch. Not pretty, but works
flawlessly for already many years. (DL7VPE)

   ... even though conds on 40m & 20m weren't good. This is were QRP
operation is extra fun (DL1UNK)

   The PDF logsheets (on the web-site, 7ST) aren't interactive, everything
needs to be keyed in manually. (DL9KWW)

   Conditions were better than normal for this time of the year. (OZ9KC)

   No more time for contest, family at home visiting me for end of the year.

   Intended only to listen in for a moment, but then it got better and
better with 1w. (DL1JGA)

   Not been too active with my own household & my parents "around the
corner" - but I was there! (PA9RZ)

   Unfortunately conds spoiled the game ... (with 138 QSOs? 7ST) (DJ6NS)

   Hope to hear everybody in the next "OQRP-Contest". (UA4LS)

   Each QSO counts, next year here I come. (DK6JK)

   Sporting challenge, same equipment including straight key, like in the

   My homebrew loop did a nice job! I'm back agn since my last OQRPC in 2002

   Propagation unfavourable for DL stations, but good for DX (DL9FBF)

   Consideration, patience when it comes to repeats, reasonable speed, and
the by and large real reports still dominate. Am already looking forward to
the next OQRPC. (DL6UKL)

                                         . - . - .

mni tks for "blitz translation" to Eddi, DK3UZ !

73/2 Hartmut, DJ7ST
-- - dk3uz AT darc DOT de - DK3UZ@DB0HHT.#HH.GER.EU
                         QTH Hamburg-Bramfeld, FN31a

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