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Packet Radio Mailbox


[JN59NK Nuernberg]

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ON4IVU > PK232    15.12.03 21:43l 559 Lines 25287 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 62487_ON0AR
Subj: PK232CMD.LST-2
Sent: 031215/1906Z @:ON0AR.#RF.AN.BEL.EU #:62487 [Antwerpen] FBB7.00g $:62487_O
To  : PK232@WW

PK232CMD.LST   (PART 2 OF 4)

        STOP 'n'                DEFAULT: $13 <CTRL-S>
                MODES: ALL
                'n' = $00 to $7F  (0 to 127 decimal)
                "n" specifies an ASCII character code for the User STOP
                    character. (See explination for START).

        TBAUD 'n'               DEFAULT: 1200 bauds
                MODES: ALL
                'n' specifies the PK232 to Computer baud rate.
                The baud rate set by TBAUD will take effect upon the next
                power-on or RESTART command.
                Baud Rates: 45, 50, 57, 75, 100, 110, 150, 200, 300, 400,
                            600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600.

                MODES: ALL
                For Baudot/ASCII/AMTOR/MORSE - TCLEAR clears the PK232
                            transmit buffer and cancels any further
                            transmission of data.
                For PACKET mode - All data is cleared except for a few
                             remaining packets.
                TCLEAR must be used from COMMAND MODE.

        TIME 'n'        DEFAULT: $14 <CTRL-T>
                MODES: ALL
                'n' = $00 to $7F ( 0 to 127 decimal)
                'n' specifies the control character for embedding the
                TIME command into your message text or file.
                At transmit time, the PK232 reads the embedded control
                code (default = CTRL-T), reads the time from the PK232
                internal clock, and then sends the time to the radio
                in the data transmission code currently in use at the time.
                If DAYSTAMP is ON, the date is transmitted with the time.

        TRACE (ON/OFF)          DEFAULT: OFF
                MODES: PACKET/FAX
                ON - Trace function is activated.
                OFF - Trace function is disabled.
                Activates AX.25 protocol display. When TRACE is ON, all
                received frames are displayed in their entirety, including
                all header information. (See pg 6-101 of manual for more
                If TRACE is ON, PRFAX is OFF and the mode is FAX, the graphics
                escape sequences and dot data are sent to the terminal with
                each byte expanded to 2 hexadecimal characters (ascii hex
                dump). This gets around the limitation of many terminal
                programs, that do not allow 8-bit data to be saved to disk as
                an ASCII file. A small program could be used to re-translate
                the ascii hex back into a binary file. (pg M-29 of Pk232
                manual has small IBM Basic program to do this.)

        TRFLOW (ON/OFF)         DEFAULT: OFF
                MODES: ALL
                ON - Software flow control for the computer or terminal
                     can be activated in Transparent mode.
                OFF - Software flow control for the computer or terminal
                      is disabled in Transparent mode.
                If TRFLOW is ON, START and STOP determine the flow control
                characters to use for software flow control in Transparent
                If TRFLOW is OFF, Only hardware flow control is available
                to the computer, (RTS, CTS). All characters received by
                the PK232 are transmitted as data.

        TXDELAY n       DEFAULT: 30
                MODES: Packet, Baudot, and ASCII.
                n = 0 to 120 ten millisecond intervals.
                TXDELAY sets the delay between PTT and and the start of
                transmitted data. ARQ still uses ADELAY.

        TXREV (ON/OFF)          DEFAULT: OFF
                MODES: Baudot/ASCII/AMTOR
                ON - Transmit data polarity is reversed. (mark-space reversal).
                OFF - Transmit data polarity is normal.
                If TXREV is ON, mark and space are reversed in the AFSK and
                FSK transmitted signals.

                MODES: Baudot/ ASCII Rtty
                ON - RTTY tones are shifted 1000 Hz.
                OFF - RTTY tones are shifted 200 Hz (emulates 170 Hz shift).

        WORDOUT (ON/OFF)        DEFAULT: OFF
                MODES: All modes except PACKET.
                Determines whether or not you can edit while entering text
                for transmission.
                ON - Typed characters are held in the transmit buffer until
                     a space character or punctuation is typed.
                OFF - Typed characters are sent directly to the transmitter.
                The ENQ character ($05) <CTRL-E> will also cause the
                release of a word, as will space, CR, LF, tab, RECEIVE or
                CWID character.

        WRU (ON/OFF)    DEFAULT: OFF
                MODES: Baudot/ASCII/AMTOR ARQ
                ON - Your answerback is sent after a distant station's WRU?
                OFF - Your answerback is not sent after a distant station's
                If WRU is ON, PK232 sends the text in AAB text field.
                In AMTOR ARQ, your answerback will automatically send
                "+?", the changeover command, to the distant station
                to maintain the link.
                NOTE: In AMTOR, WRU is ALWAYS ON.

        XFLOW (ON/OFF)          DEFAULT: ON
                MODES: ALL
                ON - XON/XOFF software flow control is activated.
                OFF - XON/XOFF flow control is disabled. Hardware flow
                      control is enabled.
                If XFLOW is ON, the terminal or computer is expected to
                respond to the PK232  START and STOP characters defined by
                the XON and XOFF commands.
                If XFLOW is OFF, the PK232 sends hardware flow commands
                via the RTS hardware line.
                For full hardware control in BOTH directions, set START,
                STOP, XON, and XOFF to $00.

        XOFF 'n'        DEFAULT: $13 <CTRL-S>
                MODES: ALL
                'n' = $00 to $7F  (0 to 127 decimal)
                Selects the STOP character to be used to stop input from the
                computer or terminal.

        XON 'n'         DEFAULT: $11  <CTRL-Q>
                MODES: ALL
                'n' = $00 to $7F  (0 to 127 decimal)
                Selects the PK232 START character that is sent to the
                computer or terminal to restart input from that device.

        ========================= PACKET COMMANDS =============================

                ON - The Mailbox BBS will handle 3rd party traffic.
                OFF - This feature is disabled.

        8BITCONV (ON/OFF)       DEFAULT: OFF
                Permits packet transmission of 8 bit data in Converse Mode.
                ON - The high order bit is not stripped in Converse Mode.
                Off - The high order bit is stripped in Converse Mode

                ON - Priority acknowledgement is enabled.
                     When a busy channel condition clears (DCD LED OFF),
                     DATA Acknowledgements will be sent immediately, while
                     data and poll bits are held off long enough to prevent
                     collision with the data acks. ACKS are given priority
                     so that fewer acks will collide with data from other
                     stations preventing useless retries.
                     Digi-peated frames are still sent immediately.
                OFF - This feature is disabled.

        ACRPACK (ON/OFF)        DEFAULT: ON
                ON -  The send packet character (normally <CR>, is added
                      to all packets sent in Converse Mode.
                OFF - The send packet character is not added to packets.

        ALFPACK (ON/OFF)        DEFAULT: OFF
                ON - A <LF> character is added to outgoing packets following
                     each <CR> transmitted in the packet.
                OFF - A <LF> is not added to outgoing packets.
                Affects outgoing packets only, does not affect the local

        AUDELAY 'n'
                Sets delay between PTT going active, and the start of
                transmit AFSK audio tones.
                n = 0 to 120 (10 ms intervals).
                AUDELAY must always be less than TXDELAY by a setting of 10.

        AX25L2V2 (ON/OFF)       DEFAULT: ON
                ON - PK232 uses AX.25 Level 2 Version 2.0 protocol
                OFF - PK232 uses AX.25 Level 2 Version 1.0 protocol

        AXDELAY 'n'     DEFAULT: 0
                'n' = 0 to 180
                'n' = specifies a keyup delay for voice repeater operation
                      in ten-millisecond intervals.
                      Causes PK232 to wait for a delay period (in addition
                      to TXDELAY), after keying the transmitter, and before
                      data is sent.

        AXHANG 'n'      DEFAULT: 0
                'n' = 0 to 20
                'n' specifies a voice repeater hang time in 100 mili-second

        BBSMSGS (ON/OFF)        DEFAULT: OFF
                ON - Makes the PK232 status messages look like the TAPR
                     style output.
                OFF - The PK232 status messages work as before.

                Sets the condition under which the packet beacon will be
                EVERY - Send the beacon at regular intervals.
                AFTER - Send the beacon once after that specified time
                        interval without packet activity.
                'n' = 0 to 250
                'n' sets beacon timing in ten second intervals.
                '0' Turns off the beacon completely.
                A beacon frame includes the text you enter with the
                'BTEXT' command. The Beacon packet is addressed to
                'CQ' or other address specified by 'UNPROTO'.

        BTEXT  text     DEFAULT: Empty
                Sets the text portion of the beacon packet.
                text = up to 120 characters and spaces.
                A multiple line message can be sent by including a <CR>
                character in the text. <CR> is inserted by typing the
                PASS character before the <CR>.
                The PASS character is sent by the PASS command.
                '%', '&', 'N', 'NO', 'NONE', or 'OFF' will clear the
                BTEXT text.

        CANPAC  'n'     DEFAULT: $19 <CTRL-Y>
                Sets the CANCEL-PACKET input editing command character.
                'n' = $00 to $7F (0 to 127 decimal)
                'n' specifies an ASCII character code.
                Only a packet that is currently being entered can be
                canceled. When a packet is cancelled, the line is
                terminated by a <\> and a <NEWLINE>.
                The CANCEL-PACKET character also cancels the display
                output in Command Mode. Type CANCEL-PACKET again to
                restore the display output.

        CASEDISP 'n'    DEFAULT: 0 (as is)
                Sets the case of the characters that the PK232 sends to the
                'n' = 0  'As is' characters are not changed.
                'n' = 1  'lower' characters are displayed in lower case only.
                'n' = 2  'UPPER' characters are displayed in upper case only.

        CBELL   (ON/OFF)        DEFAULT: OFF
                ON - Three bell characters ($07 CTRL-G) are sent to the
                     terminal with the **** CONNECTED TO, or ****DSCONNECTED
                     FROM messages, when a connection is established, or
                OFF - Bell characters are not sent with the connect
                CBELL sends bell characters on disconnect as well as connect.

        CFROM   all, none, yes/no, call1 [call2..]    DEFAULT: All
                Determines how PK232 responds to connect requests.
                call all, none, YES list, NO list
                       (list up to 8 callsigns seperated by comma's)
                CFROM NONE - rejects all connect requests.
                CFROM ALL  - Accepts all connect requests.
                CFROM NO call1, call2, call3 ......
                CFROM YES call1, call2, call3 .....
                CFROM <%> or <&> or OFF clears the CFROM arguments.

        CHCALL  (ON/OFF)        DEFAULT: OFF
                Displays the callsign of the connected-to station after
                the channel identifier.
                ON - Call sign of distant station is displayed in multiple
                     connection operation.
                OFF - Call sign of the distant station is not displayed.

                Displays received CHSWITCH characters as double characters.
                ON - Received CHSWITCH haracters appear twice.
                OFF - CHSWITCH characters only appear once.
                NOTES: Set CHDOUBLE ON when operating with multiple
                       connections, to tell the difference between CHSWITCH
                       characters received from other stations, and those
                       generated by your PK232.
                       CHSWITCH character must not be one of the channel
                       numbers (0-9).

        CHECK 'n'      DEFAULT: 30
                Sets a timeout value for a packet connection, and depends on
                the setting of AX25L2V2.
                'n' = 0 to 250 (check time in ten second intervals)
                0 = Zero disables this feature.

        CHSWITCH  'n'   DEFAULT: $00
                Selects the characters used by both the PK232 and the user
                to show that a new connection channel is being addressed.
                'n' = $00 to $FF (0-255 decimal)
                'n' = ASCII character code.

        CMDTIME  'n'    DEFAULT: 10 (1000 ms)
                Sets the timeout value in TRANSPARENT mode.
                A guard time of 'n' seconds is allowed to escape from
                transparent mode to command mode, while permitting any
                character to be sent as data.
                'n' = 0 to 250 (timeout value in 100 ms intervals)
                'n' = 0  Exit from transparent mode requires sending the
                         BREAK signal, or interruption of power to PK232.

                Enables or disables automatic transmission of the CTEXT
                message when your PK232 accepts a connect request from
                another station.
                ON = CTEXT message is sent as the first packet after a
                     connection is established, by a connect request from
                     a distant station.
                OFF = The CTEXT message is not sent at all.

                Selects the mode that the PK232 uses after entering the
                connected state.
                "CONVERS" = PK232 automatically enters CONVERSE mode after
                            a connection is established.
                "TRANS" = PK232 automatically enters TRANSPARENT mode
                          when a connection is established.

        CONNECT call1 [VIA call2 [,call3, ....call9]]
                Sends a connect request to station at call1, directly, or
                via one or more digipeaters.
                Each call can include an optional SSID 'n' immediately
                after the callsign.

                An old command related to the TAPR tnc's.
                Use CFROM instead of CONOK.
                ON - Connect requests from other stations will be accepted
                    if CFROM is set to all.
                OFF - Connect requests from other stations will NOT be
                      accepted if CFROM is set to ALL or NONE.

        CONPERM (ON/OFF)        DEFAULT: OFF
                Connect permanantly.
                ON - The current connection on the current channel is not
                     allowed to enter the disconnected state.
                OFF - The current channel can be connected to and
                      disconnected from other stations.

                Activates time stamping of ****CONNECTED status messages.
                ON - Connect status messages are time stamped.
                OFF - Connect status messages are NOT time stamped.

                Activates automatic, periodic transmission of packets while
                in converse mode.
                ON - Packet transmit timer is used in converse mode.
                OFF - Packet timer is NOT used in converse mode.
                When set to on, characters are transmitted periodically,
                as they are in transparent mode.
                Set ACRPACK OFF for this mode.
                CPACTIME ON is a mode similar to full break in CW.
                CPATIME ON transmits text soon after it's typed, in short
                bursts of a few characters. The other station may break in
                at will.

                Displays the following information:
                       The number of each logical channel
                       The link state of all 10 logical channels
                       The current input/output channel
                       Whether or not each connection is permanent.
        CSTATUS S      CSTATUS short. Displays only those channels
                       which are connected or which are the current
                       input/output channels.

        CTEXT "text"
                The text message that is sent to another station, as soon
                as he connect to you.
                To type a multiple line CTEXT message, and include a <CR>
                in the text, use the PASS character <CTRL-V> immediately
                before the <CR>.
                The CTEXT message can be up to 120 characters in length.

        CUSTOM 'nnnn'
                Specifies a 4 digit hex number, where each bit controlls
                a different function.
                'n' = $00 to $40  (0 to 64).
                ---------------- Bit Descriptions ------------------------
                Bit 0 ($0001)  1 = PK232 discards a received packet if
                                   signal is too weak to cause DCD LED to
                                   light. (DEFAULT)
                               0 =  Packets will be received regardless of
                                    the setting of the threshold control.

                Bit 1 ($0002)  0 = (DEFAULT) Setting MONITOR command to
                                   a value of "YES" or "ON" results in a
                                   MONITOR value of 4.
                               1 = MONITOR value of "ON" or "YES" forces
                                   MONITOR value to 6.

                BIT 2 ($0004)  1 = (DEFAULT) A BREAK on the rs232 line puts
                                   PK232 into COMMAND Mode.
                               0 = BREAK on rs232 line does not affect PK232.

                BIT 3 ($0008)  0 = (DEFAULT) Packet channel numbers are
                                   numbered 0-9.
                               1 = Packet channel numbers are labeled A-J
                                   (lowercase a-j also accepted).

                BIT 4 ($0010)  1 = (DEFAULT) PK232 inserts figures shift
                                   character after a space prior to sending
                                   any figures. <space><FIGS><number>.
                               0 = PK232 will not insert FIGS character after
                                   each space. (Recommended for MARS).

                BIT 5 ($0020)  1 = When powered on, PK232 stays in last mode
                                   it was in (converse, command or transparent)
                               0 = (DEFAULT) PK232 always powers up in
                                   COMMAND mode.

                BIT 6 ($0040)  1 = Monitoring is active in the transparent
                               0 = (DEFAULT) Monitoring is disabled in the
                                   transparent mode.

                BITS 7-15      Unused at present time.

                CUSTOM "Y" or CUSTOM "ON" returns CUSTOM command to
                                default settings.

        DFROM (all, none,yes/no, call1, call1...)   DEFAULT: ALL
                Determines how the PK232 will be used as a digipeter.
                It determines which stations will be repeated and which
                will not be repeated.
                NONE - No stations are digipeated
                YES (call list) - Packets are digipeated only for those
                                  stations whose calls are listed.
                NO (call list) - Packets are not digipeated only for those
                                 stations whose calls are listed.
                %, & or OFF  - Clears DFROM.

                Included for compatibality with TAPR TNC's.
                ON - PK232 digipeats packets from all other stations
                     if DFROM is set to ALL.
                OFF - PK232 will not digipeat packets if DFROM is set to
                      ALL or NONE.

                Initiates a disconnect command to the distant station to
                which you are connected. If successfull, the following
                message appears:  **** DISCONNECTED (callsign)

        DWAIT 'n'       DEFAULT: 16 (160 ms)
                Helps to avoid collisions with digipeated packets.
                'n' = 0 to 250  ten millisecond intervals.
                PK232 pauses after last hearing data on the channel for
                the duration of the DWAIT time, before it begins it's
                transmitter key-up sequence.
                Recommended Values:
                                   Digipeaters: 0
                                   Local Stations : 160 (default)
                                   PBBS's and HOSTS: 320
                                   File Transfers: 480

        FRACK 'n'       DEFAULT: 3 (3 seconds)
                Frame ACKnowledgement time in seconds, that the PK232 will
                wait for acknowledgement of the last sent protocol frame
                before resending or retrying that frame again.
                'n' = 1 to 15 (seconds)

        HBAUD 'n'       DEFAULT: 1200 Bauds
                Sets the PK232 to radio baud rate.
                'n' can be:  45, 50, 75, 100, 110, 150, 200, 300, 400,
                600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600.
                HBAUD sets the "on the air" baud rate ONLY in the packet mode.

                ON - The header for a monitored packet is printed on a
                     separate line from the packet text.
                OFF - The header and packet text of monitored packets are
                      printed on the same line.
                Only affects the DISPLAY of monitored packets.

        HID  (ON/OFF)           DEFAULT: OFF
                Activates or disables the automatic periodic transmission
                of identification packets when operating as a digipeater.
                ON - PK232 sends HDLC identification as a digipeater.
                OFF - PK232 does not send HDLC identification.
                The timing for the identification is every 9.5 minutes, and
                cannot be changed.

                Sends a special identification packet. (HID must be set ON).
                Sends a final identification packet when you're taking
                your station off the air. The identification consists of
                an un-numbered I frame with it's data field containing
                your MYALIAS and your MYCALL and the word "digipeater".

        ILFPACK (ON/OFF)                DEFAULT: ON
                Permits you to control the way the PK232 handles line
                feed characters received from your computer.
                ON - PK232 ignores all line-feed characters received from
                     the computer terminal.
                OFF - PK232 transmits all line-feed characters received from
                      the computer or terminal.

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