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[JN59NK Nuernberg]

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ON4IVU > PK232    15.12.03 20:55l 600 Lines 24226 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 62483_ON0AR
Subj: PK232CMD.LST-1
Sent: 031215/1902Z @:ON0AR.#RF.AN.BEL.EU #:62483 [Antwerpen] FBB7.00g $:62483_O
To  : PK232@WW


                               PK232 COMMAND SUMMARY
                               (Version 1.0  4-30-91)

        ========================= MULTIMODE COMMANDS ==========================

        AAB  text       Default: empty
                Modes: Baudot, Ascii, Amtor
                text = any ascii text up to 17 characters.
                AAB sends "text" automatically in response to a "WRU" command
                from the distant station.

        ACRDISP  'n'    DEFAULT: 80
                 MODES: ALL
                 'n' = 0 to 255
                 'n' specifies the screen or printer width (in columns).
                 '0' disables this function.
                 After 'n' characters have been printed, the PK232 sends
                 a <CR><LF> sequence to the computer or terminal.
                 For MORSE Mode: Received data will be broken up into
                 word boundries if possible. PK232 generates a <CR> when
                 the first space is received after column X. If ALFDISP is
                 also on, PK232 also generates a <LF>.
                 Column X is 12 less than the ACRDISP value. If ACRDISP
                 is set to 0, then column X = 60.

        ACRRTTY  'n'    DEFAULT: 71 (69 in AMTOR)
                  MODES: Baudot, Ascii Rtty
                 'n' = 0 to 255
                 'n' specifies the number of characters on a line, after
                     which, a <CR> is automatically inserted in the
                     transmitted text.
                 '0' disables this function

        AFILTER (ON/OFF)        DEFAULT: OFF
                MODES: ALL
                ON - The ASCII characters specified by MFILTER are filtered
                     out and never sent to the terminal or computer.
                OFF - Characters specified by MFILTER are only filtered
                      from monitored packets.
                If ECHO is ON, and the terminal or computer sends a filtered
                character, the PK232 WILL echo it back to the computer or
                CAUTION: AFILTER must be OFF for binary file transfers.

        ALFDISP (ON/OFF)        DEFAULT: ON
                MODES: All
                ON - A line feed <LF> character is sent to the terminal
                     after each carrage return <CR> character. Each
                     line feed received is ignored.
                OFF - A <LF> is not sent to the terminal after each <CR>
                Affects the local display only, and does not affect the
                data transmitted in any mode. Affects received packets as
                well as text typed in.

        ALFRTTY (ON/OFF)        DEFAULT: ON
                MODES: Baudot, Ascii Rtty
                ON - A <LF> character is sent after each <CR> character.
                OFF - A <LF> is not sent after each <CR>

        AWLEN 'n'       DEFAULT: 7
                MODES: All
                'n' = 7 or 8
                'n' = number of data bits per word
                The 'RESTART' command must be issued before a change in
                word length will take effect.

        BKONDEL (ON/OFF)        DEFAULT: ON
                MODES: All
                Determines how character deletion is displayed in command
                or Converse modes.
                ON - The sequence <BACKSPACE><SPACE><BACKSPACE> is echoed
                     when a character is deleted from the input line.
                OFF - The <BACKSLASH> <\> character is echoed when a
                     character is deleted from the input line.
                Set to 'ON' for video terminals or computers.
                Set to 'OFF' for printers.

                Starts the modem calibration routine.
                PK232 shows on screen display of AFSK generator tone
                frequencies (in Hz). The frequency and calibration pot
                number associated with that tone are displayed.
                          K - Toggles transmitter PTT line on and off.
                          Q - Quits the calibration routine.
                          H - Toggles the transmitted audio tones between
                              wide shift (1000 hz), and narrow shift (200 hz).
                     SPACE> - Toggles the transmitted audio tone between
                              MARK (low tone), and SPACE (high tone).
                          D - Alternates the transmitted mark and space tones
                              at a rate set by the radio (HB) baud rate.
                          'D OFF' transmits a continuous mark or space tone.

        CANLINE 'n'     DEFAULT: $18 <CTRL-X>
                MODE: All
                'n' = $00 to $7F (0 to 127 decimal)
                'n' specifies an ASCII character code.
                Sets the CANCEL-LINE input editing command character.
                When CANLINE is used, the current line is terminated with a
                <\>, and a new command prompt appears.

        CCITT   (ON/OFF)        DEFAULT: ON
                MODE: Baudot Rtty.
                ON - Characters typed or loaded from disk are translated into
                     CCITT International Telegraph Alphabet #2 before being
                OFF - Characters sent to PK232 are not translated, but remain
                      in the American standard Baudot format (Typically
                      Western Union).

        CODE n          DEFAULT: 0
                MODES: Baudot, AMTOR, MORSE
                n = 0 to 5 specifies a code to use.
                CODE     Meaning             MORSE    BAUDOT    AMTOR
                0        International       RX/TX     RX/TX    RX/TX
                1        U.S Teleprinter       -       RX/TX      -
                2        Cyrillic            RX        RX       RX
                3        Transliterated
                         Cyrillic            RX        RX       RX
                4        Katakana            RX/TX       -         -
                5        Transliterated
                         Katakana            RX          -          -
                (See pages N-4 - N-7 for more details concerning codes)

        COMMAND 'n'     DEFAULT: $03 <CTRL-C>
                MODES: All
                Used to change the command mode entry character.
                'n' = $00 to $7F  (0 to 127 decimal)
                'n' specifies an ASCII character code.

                MODES: All
                Causes the PK232 to switch from command mode to converse
                Link connections in packet and AMTOR are not affected.

                MODES: Baudot Rtty
                Permits you to setup the PK232's newline sequence so that
                an additional carrage return as added automatically at
                the end of each typed line.
                ON - Send <CR CR LF> in Baudot Rtty
                OFF - Send <CR LF> in Baudot Rtty
                The double CR is required in some rtty services such as
                in MARS operation.

        CWID  'n'       DEFAULT: $06  <CTRL-F>
                MODES: Baudot/ASCII Rtty/AMTOR
                Lets you change the 'send cwid' control character, typed
                at the end of a Baudot or ASCII Rtty or AMTOR keyboard
                diaglog, or text file stored on disk.
                When character 'n' is seen by the PK232, it switches to CW
                mode, and sends your call sign at the speed set by MSPEED.
                After call sign has been sent, PK232 returns to Baudot
                or ASCII Rtty receive, in command mode.
                CWID ON Activates this function.
                CWID OFF deactivates the function.

        DAYTIME  date&time      DEFAULT: Not set
                MODES: All
                Sets the PK232 internal clock to the current date and
                Format for entering date and time:
                               DAYTIME YYMMDDhhmm
                               (year, month, day, hour, minute)
                All codes must have 2 digits. For numbers 0-9 add leading
                If DAYTIME has not been set, and a <CTRL-T> is pressed,
                PK232 sends an <*>.

                MODES: All
                Activates the date in CONSTAMP and MSTAMP.
                ON - The date is included in CONSTAMP AND MSTAMP
                OFF - Only the time is includes in CONSTAMP and MSTAMP

                MODES: Packet and AMTOR
                Defines how the DCD (Data Carrier Detect) signal affects
                pin 8 of the RS-232 interface.
                ON - RS-232 cable pin 8 follows the state of the CON LED.
                OFF - RS-232 cable pin 8 is permanently set high (active)

        DELETE  (ON/OFF)        DEFAULT: OFF
                MODES: All
                Selects the key to use for deleting while editing.
                ON - <DELETE> ($7F) key is used for deleting text.
                OFF - <BACKSPACE> ($08) is used for deleting text.
                BKONDEL command controls how the PK232 indicates deletion.
                You cannot use the DEL key to delete text before the beginning
                of a line.
                Use the PASS character to delete <CR> characters that have
                been typed into the text.
                To see a corrected display of the edited line, use the
                redisplay-line character which is set by the REDISPLAY

                MODES: Baudot, ASCII
                ON - In Baudot, PK232 sends LTRS character while idling.
                     In ASCII, PK232 sends NULL ($00) while idling.
                OFF - No characters are sent while idling in transmit.

        DISPLAY [class]
                MODES: Command Mode
                'class' can be one of the following:

                (A)sync  Display asynchronous port parameters.
                (C)character  Display special characters.
                (F)ax    Display Facsimile parameters.
                (I)d     Display ID parameters.
                (L)ink   Display Link parameters.
                (M)onitor  Display monitor parameters.
                (R)tty     Display Baudot/ASCII/RTTY, AMTOR and MORSE
                (T)iming   Display timing parameters.
                (Z)        Display the entire command parameter list.

        EAS (ON/OFF)    DEFAULT: OFF
                MODES: Baudot, ASCII Rtty, AMTOR and MORSE
                ECHO AS SENT functions in all modes except PACKET.
                ON - Display characters as actually sent on the air by PK232.
                OFF - Display characters as sent to the PK232 by the computer.

                If EAS is ON, only upper case characters will be displayed,
                              representing the actual data sent to the
                              distant station.
                For AMTOR Mode A (ARQ) - If EAS is ON, characters are displayed
                on the screen ONLY after they are Ack'd by the distant station,
                no matter how fast you type, (3 at a time).
                Nulls ($00) are not echoed.

                MODES: All
                Controls local echoing by the PK232 when it is in command or
                converse mode. Local echoing is disabled in TRANSPARENT mode.
                ON - Characters received from the computer ARE echoed by the
                OFF - Characters are not echoed.

        ESCAPE (ON/OFF)         DEFAULT: OFF
                MODES: ALL
                Selects the character to be output when an <ESCAPE> character
                is to be sent to the terminal.
                ON - The <ESCAPE> character, ($1B) is output as "$" ($24)
                OFF - The <ESCAPE> character is output as <ESCAPE> ($1B)

        FLOW  (ON/OFF)          DEFAULT: ON
                MODES: All
                ON - Flow control is active. Any character typed on the
                     keyboard causes output from the PK232 to the terminal
                     to stop until any of the following conditions exist:
                           1. A packet is forced in CONVERSE mode.
                           2. A line is completed in COMMAND mode.
                           3. The packet length (PACLEN) is exceeded.
                           4. The terminal output buffer fills up.

                OFF - Type in flow control is NOT active.

        FULLDUP (ON/OFF)        DEFAULT: OFF
                MODES: ALL
                ON - Full Duplex mode is ENABLED.
                OFF - Full Duplex mode is DISABLED.
                When full duplex is DISABLED, the PK232 uses the DCD
                (data carrier detect) signal from it's modem to avoid
                collisions. PK232 acknowledges multiple packets in a single
                transmission with a single acknowledgment.
                When full duplex is ENABLED, PK232 ignores the DCD signal,
                and acknowledges packets individually.

                MODES: ALL
                Displays the more important PK232 commands.

        HEREIS 'n'           DEFAULT: $02 (CTRL-B)
                MODES: BAUDOT, ASCII, AMTOR
                n = hexidecimal representation ($01-$7F) that causes the
                    AAB string to be sent in the middle of transmitted

        HOST  (ON/OFF)          DEFAULT: OFF
                MODES: ALL
                Puts PK232 in 'host mode'.
                ON - PK232 goes into HOST mode.
                OFF - PK232 operates as a normal TNC.
                To exit host mode, send:  3 <CTRL-C> characters or type
                <CTRL-A> O H O N <CTRL-W>
                Sending a BRK signal will not exit PK232 from host mode.
                Turning the PK232 on or doing a RESTART command while in
                HOST mode causes the TNC to issue a RESTART response
                ($01 $4F R T $00 $17)

                MODES: MORSE/Baudot/AMTOR/FAX
                Instructs the PK232 to measure the speed of the received
                MORSE code signals, and lock it's timing to the speed of
                the incoming signals. LOCK also forces LETTERS shift in
                Baudot and AMTOR modes.

        MFILTER n1 [,n2 [,n3 [,n4 ]]]]          DEFAULT: $80
                MODES: MORSE/Baudot/ASCII/AMTOR/PACKET
                n = $00 to $80 (0 to 128 decimal)
                n  specifies an ASCII character code.
                Up to 4 characters may be specified.
                n = $80 (Special Value) - All characters in the range $80
                    to $FF, as well as control characters , except for
                    <CR> ($0D), Linefeed <LF> ($0A), and TAB ($09), are
                    filtered out and not sent to the terminal or computer.

                MODES: Baudot and AMTOR RTTY.
                Permits the operator to detect and display every character,
                including LTRS and FIGS codes sent by the other station.
                ACRDISP and ALFDISP can be turned off to prevent carrage
                returns and line-feeds from being sent to the RS-232 port.
                ON - PK232 translates LTRS character to a <CNTRL-O> and
                FIGS character to a <CTRL-N> and sends these to the terminal.
                OFF - PK232 does not display LTRS and FIGS codes.

        MWEIGHT 'n'        (DEFAULT: 10)
                MODES: ALL except PACKET
                n = 5 to 15    Specifies the ratio of dot length to inter-
                               element space length.
                               n = 10 results in a 1:1 dot space ratio.
                               n = 5 results in a .5:1 dot space ratio.
                               n = 15 results in a 1.5:1 dot space ratio.
                MWEIGHT applies to MORSE mode, and to the CW id's of all
                other modes EXCEPT PACKET.


        NEWMODE (ON/OFF)        DEFAULT: ON
                MODES: ALL
                Determines how the Pk232 behaves when the link is broken.
                ON - PK232 returns to command mode upon disconnect.
                OFF - PK232 does not return to command mode upon disconnect.

        NOMODE (ON/OFF)         DEFAULT: OFF
                MODES: ALL
                ON - NEWMODE function is ignored, OK232 switch mode commands
                     work only upon explicit command.
                OFF - PK232 changes mode according to NEWMODE.

        NUCR (ON/OFF)           DEFAULT: OFF
                MODES: All
                Causes the PK232 to send <NULL> characters  ASCII ($00), to
                the computer or terminal. This function permits the PK232
                to be used with a Teletype machine or other mechanical type
                of terminal that requires a time delay after a <CR> is sent
                from the PK232. The time delay gives the mechanical carrage
                time to return to the home position.
                ON - <NULL> characters are sent to the terminal following
                     a <CR> character.
                OFF - <NULL> characters are not sent to the terminal following
                       a <CR> character
                The NULLS command sets the number of individual nulls to
                be sent for the NUCR command.

        NULF            DEFAULT: OFF
                MODES: ALL
                ON - <NULL> characters are sent to the terminal following
                     a <LF> character.
                OFF - <NULL> characters are NOT sent to the terminal
                      following a <LF> character.
                This command sends the <NULL> character ($00) to the terminal
                or computer after every <LF> character.
                This function permits the PK232
                to be used with a Teletype machine or other mechanical type
                of terminal that requires a time delay after a <LF> is sent
                from the PK232. The time delay gives the mechanical carrage
                time to perform a line feed.
                The NULLS command sets the number of null character that
                will be sent after each <LF> character.

        NULLS  'n'      DEFAULT: 0 (zero)
                MODES: All
                Specifies the number of <NULL> characters ($00) that will
                be sent to the terminal after a <CR> or <LF> is sent.
                'n' = 0 to 30  number of nulls to be sent.
                Nulls are sent from the PK232 to the terminal only
                during converse and command modes.

                MODES: Baudot, AMTOR
                Forces PK232 into Figures case in Baudot and AMTOR receive.

                MODES: ALL
                Shows the current PK232 mode of operation and system status.

        PARITY  'n'             DEFAULT: 3 (even)
                MODES: ALL
                'n' = 0 to 3  selects a parity option.
                0 = no parity
                1 = odd parity
                2 = no parity
                3 = even parity

                The parity bit is stripped automatically on input and is not
                checked in command and converse modes.
                In TRANSPARENT mode, all 8 bits, including parity, are
                transmitted in packets. When no parity is selected, and
                AWLEN is 7, the 8th bit is sent as a "0".

        PROUT (ON/OFF)          DEFAULT: OFF
                ON - All text characters, including terminal echoes, are sent
                     to the parallel printer if PRCON is also ON.
                     Keyboard input is still accepted.
                OFF - All text and data is sent to the terminal through
                      the serial port.
                      This command is useful when using a dumb terminal
                      with the PK232 for getting a hard printed copy of what
                      is being received by the PK232.


                MODES: Baudot and ASCII Rtty
                Switches PK232 from transmit to receive, when used in the
                command mode.
                (CTRL-C enters the command mode)

        RECEIVE 'n'     DEFAULT: $04 <CTRL-D>
                MODES: Baudot/ASCII/MORSE/AMTOR
                'n' = 0 to $7F (0 to 127 decimal)
                'n' specifies an ASCII character code
                The RECEIVE command let's you specify a character that can
                be inserted in your typed text or disk file. When this
                character is read by the PK232, PK232 switches from
                transmit to receive, and returns to command mode.

        REDISPLA 'n'            DEFAULT: $12 <CTRL-R>
                MODES: All
                'n' = $00 to $7F  (0 to 127 decimal)
                'n' is the ASCII code for the character you'll use to
                    re-display the current input line.
                    REDISPLA causes the line you just typed to be re-displayed.

                MODES: ALL
                Resets all parameters in the PK232 to default prom settings.
                All personalized parameters are LOST.
                RESTART will reinitialize the PK232 from battery backed up
                ram, keeping all the user personalized parameters.

                MODES: ALL
                Reinitializes the PK232 using the defaults stored in the
                battery backed up ram. RESTART has the same effect as
                turning the PK232 off then back on.

        RXREV (ON/OFF)          DEFAULT: OFF
                MODES: Baudot/ASCII/AMTOR
                ON - Received data polarity is reversed (mark-space reversal).
                OFF - Received data polarity is normal.
                Type "RXREV TOG" to toggle the polarity of the received
                signal when trying to decode an unknown Baudot signal.

                Causes Pk232 to enter the SIAM Signal Analysis mode.
                After about 10 seconds, the screen will display the predicted
                signal type and confidance factor.
                The signal type can be ASCII, AMTOR, ALIST, Baudot,
                synchronous, noise, 6-bit.
                The confidance factor ranges from 0.1 to 0.99.

        START 'n'               DEFAULT: $11 <CTRL-Q>
                MODES: ALL
                'n' = $00 to $7F (0 to 127 decimal)
                'n' specifies an ASCII code  for the User Start character
                    that you want to use to restart the output from the
                    PK232 to the terminal, after it has been halted by
                    the User Stop character.
                    STOP sets the User Stop character.
                    If User START or User STOP characters are $00, then
                    software flow control to the PK232 is disabled.
                    PK232 will then respond only to hardware flow control,
                    (CTS). If the same character is used for both START and
                    STOP character, then the PK232 toggles between start
                    and stop when the character is read.

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