ON4IVU > PK232 15.12.03 20:51l 522 Lines 26481 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 62489_ON0AR
Subj: PK232CMD.LST-3
Sent: 031215/1909Z @:ON0AR.#RF.AN.BEL.EU #:62489 [Antwerpen] FBB7.00g $:62489_O
To : PK232@WW
Source: http://www.vectorbd.com/bfd/packet/pk232.lst
KISS protocol eliminates most of the PK232 software, and
sends raw HDLC frames up to the host computer.
The bulk of AX.25 (or other protocol) must be done on the
host computer.
ON - PK232 operates as a KISS TNC.
Forces HPOLL OFF (temporarily), PPERSIST ON, RAWHDLC ON,
and HOST ON. RAWHDLC ON temporarily forces CONMODE TRANS,
TRACE OFF, HID OFF, and NO Beacon. HOST ON temporarily
forces 8BITCONV ON, AWLEN 8, PARITY 0, and no software
flow control.
To exit KISS mode, type (3) <CTRL-C> all within 1 second.
HOST OFF (3 Ctrl-C's) forces KISS OFF.
PK232 CMD and PKT LED's will be lit confirming exit
from KISS mode.
"Temporarily" means that PK232 will behave as if the
function is set that way, even though the function
setting does not change.
OFF - PK232 operates as a normal AX.25 level 2 TNC.
In KISS and Raw HDLC modes, communication activity on the
RS-232 link is shown by the illumination of the STA and
CON led's as follows:
STA led lit: Host to TNC communication.
CON led lit: TNC to host communication.
KISS mode is used to run TCP/IP.
To run TCP/IP, the following parameters must be set:
PARITY 0 Enter if terminal word length and parity
RESTART is something other than 8 bits
TRACE OFF Enter if commands have been
HID OFF changed from default settings.
CONMODE TRANS Enter these commands with HOST ON
PPERSIST ON command entered last.
HOST ON (must be entered last)
ON - PK232 operates as a personal packet BBS.
OFF - PK232 operates as normal AX.25 Level 2 TNC.
8000 bytes of ram are available for the mailbox. The ram
can be used for a single message or up to 15 messages.
Power on/off, RESTART or RESET clears all messages in ram.
Mailbox commands:
B - BYE Log off the Mailbox
K - Kill or delete messages.
L - List the message directory
R - Read a specific message
S - Send a message
'n' = 1 to 7
Sets the upper limit on unacknowledged packets the PK232
permits on the radio link at any one time. Also sets the
maximum number of packets the PK232 will send during any
given transmission.
ON - Will send 3 bell characters to the terminal when the
call signs of the station monitored match the MFROM and
MTO lists.
OFF - PK232 will NOT send any bell characters to the terminal
as a result of monitored packets.
MBX call1 [,call2] [ -'n'] DEFAULT: empty
MBX overrides normal monitor functions so that you can
monitor one or both sides of a conversation.
MBX filters the received packet stream so that only packets
from the selected stations are shown, without headers, codes,
or repeated frames. Permits you to read and record data
without having to log on or connect to the source station.
Use this command if someone is dumping a file on a PBBS,
any you would like a clean copy of it.
The resulting information is free of all headers, frame
identifier codes, repeats and improperly sequenced lines.
"ALL" permitts MBX to monitor packets from any station.
MBX is cleared with %, &, N, or NO.
MCON 'n' DEFAULT: 0 (zero)
Allows selective monitoring of a other traffic while
connected to a distant station. Affects the display only
in the connected state.
'n' = 0 to 6 signifying various levels of monitoring
0 = Disable monitoring while connected.
1 = Show only unnumbered (UI) frames resulting from an
unconnected transmission. Also displays beacons.
2 = Numbered (I) frames are also displayed. These result
from a connected transmission. Monitors connected
conversations in progress.
3 = Connect requests (SABM or 'C') frames and (DISC or 'D')
frames are also displayed with headers.
4 = Unnumbered acknowledgment frames (UA) of connect and
disconnect state frames are also displayed with either
the character (UA) or (DM) and a header.
5 = Receive Ready (RR), Receive Not Ready (RNR), Reject (RJ)
Frame Reject (FRMR) and (I)- frames are also displayed.
6 - Poll/Final bit and sequence numbers are also displayed.
Logs you on to your own mailbox to check for messages.
While you are logged onto the mailbox, any connect
request from a distant station will be answered with a "BUSY"
(DM) frame to the distant station.
If MAILDROP is OFF, you cannot issue mailbox commands.
You must use the MDCHECK command .
A blinking STA LED indicates that a message has been left
for the mailbox owner. MDCHECK turns off the STA LED.
You cannot log onto your mailbox while a connect with
another station is in progress.
Permits you to display packet frames that your monitor would
normally not show when another station uses your station
as a digipeater.
ON - I and UI frames having your call sign (MYCALL or MYALIAS)
as the next digipeater in the digipeater field are
OFF - Normal monitoring as determined by the monitoring mode
ON - Monitors a calling station's activity on your mailbox.
OFF - Normal monitoring as determined by the monitoring
mode commands.
text = any combination of characters and spaces up to a
maximum of 80 bytes.
MDPROMPT is the command line sent to a calling station by
your mailbox in response to a send command issued by the
DEFAULT: "Enter message, ^Z (CTRL-Z) to end".
MFILTER n1 ['n2 [,n3 [,n4 ]]] DEFAULT: $80
Selects characters fo be filtered or excluded from the
monitored packets.
'n' = $00 to $80 (0 to 128 decimal) specifies an ASCII
character code. Up to 4 characters can be specified.
MFROM ALL/NONE or YES/NO call1 [,call2..] DEFAULT: ALL
Determines how the PK232 monitors the packet channels,
and displays the information. Determines which station's
packets will be displayed, and which station's packets will
be hidden.
MFROM NONE Stops any packets from being displayed.
MFROM YES [call list] displays packets only from stations
whose call is in list.
MFOM NO [call list] Hides or masks packets from one or more
specific stations.
Clear MFROM with %, & or OFF.
Displays a list of stations heard since the last time the
MHEARD buffer was cleared.
To clear MHEARD buffer use MHEARD &, N, NO, NONE, or OFF.
The maximum number of stations that can be logged is 18.
As more stations are heard, earlier entrys are discarded.
MID 'n'
n = 0 to 250 Specifies the Morse ID timing in 10 second
intervals. PK232 issues a 20 WPM Morse ID.
n = 0 Disables Morse ID (DEFAULT)
If HID is ON, ID will cause HDLC ID to be transmitted
immediately (same as before).
If MID is set to a value other than 0, ID will force a MORSE
ID immediately. If both HID and MID are active, the MORSE
ID will be sent first.
'n' = 0 to 6 determines various levels on monitor indications.
0 = Disable monitoring while connected.
1 = Show only unnumbered (UI) frames resulting from an
unconnected transmission. Also displays beacons.
2 = Numbered (I) frames are also displayed. These result
from a connected transmission. Monitors connected
conversations in progress.
3 = Connect requests (SABM or 'C') frames and (DISC or 'D')
frames are also displayed with headers.
4 = Unnumbered acknowledgment frames (UA) of connect and
disconnect state frames are also displayed with either
the character (UA) or (DM) and a header.
5 = Receive Ready (RR), Receive Not Ready (RNR), Reject (RJ)
Frame Reject (FRMR) and (I)- frames are also displayed.
6 - Poll/Final bit and sequence numbers are also displayed.
ON - Monitors all I and UI frames as before.
OFF - Monitors only those I and UI frames with PID byte of $F0.
Used with NET/ROM that sends frames that have a PID of $CF.
Allows monitoring of frames used by NET/ROM.
Affects the way monitored packets are displayed.
ON - Show digipeaters in the header. Stations heard directly
are marked with an "*" asterisk.
OFF - Show packets only from originating and destination
Activates or disables time stamping of monitored packets.
ON - Monitored frames are time stamped.
OFF - Monitored frames are not time stamped.
MTO ALL/NONE or YES/NO call1 [,call2...] DEFAULT:none
MTO determines how the PK232 monitors the packet channel.
It determines which station's packets will be displayed,
and which station's packets will be masked off or hidden.
MTO ALL Stops all packets to all stations from being displayed
MTO YES <call list> will display packets to the stations,
whose calls are included in list.
MTO NO <call list> Packets to stations whose calls are included
in list, will not be displayed.
Clear MTO with %, &, or OFF
MYALIAS call [-n] DEFAULT: Empty
Specifies an alternate callsign or alias for use as a
digipeater only.
n = 0 to 15 optional substation ID.
MYCALL call [-n] DEFAULT: PK232
Loads your call sign into PK232 memory.
n indicates an optional substation id (SSID).
If MYCALL has not been changed from the default value of
"PK232", PK232 will not transmit or acknowledge any
packets. This prevents "PK232" from being transmitted.
Causes the PK232 to enter the packet radio mode.
Sets the maximum number of user data bytes to be carried in
each packet's information field.
'n' = 0 to 255 data bytes or characters.
0 = is equivalent to 256
NOTE: it is not necessary that two TNC's be set to the
same packet length to exchange data. Some TNC's may
not be compatible with frames containing more than
128 data bytes.
PACTIME EVERY|AFTER 'n' DEFAULT: After 10 (1000 ms)
A PACTIME parameter is ALWAYS used in TRANSPARENT mode.
PACTIME is also used in converse mode if CPACTIME is ON.
'n' = 0 to 250 specifies number of 100 millisecond intervals.
EVERY - packet timeout occurs every 'n' * milliseconds.
AFTER - packet timeout occurs when 'n' * 100 milliseconds
elapse without input from the computer or terminal.
A zero length packet will never be produced. The timer
is not started until the first character or byte is entered.
A value of 0 for 'n' is not allowed. Zero means packets are
sent with no wait time.
Selects the ASCII character code to be used for the pass
input editing command.
'n' = $00 to $7F (0 to 127 decimal) ASCII code.
'n' is the numeric ASCII code for the character you'll use
to signal that the character immediately following it
is to be included in the packet or text string.
Use the PASS character (DEFAULT: <CTRL-V)) to send
characters that usually have special functions.
ON - PK232 will accept packets with invalid CRC's.
OFF - PK232 will accept packets with valid CRC's ONLY.
PASSALL shuts off the error detecting mechanism in packet
When PASSALL is ON, MHEARD logging is disabled since the
call signs detected may be incorrect.
PERSIST 'n' DEFAULT: 127 (middle between 0 and 255)
'n' = 0 to 255 specifies the threshold value for a random
number attempt to transmit.
'n' = 0 Signifies a 1/256th chance of transmitting erery
'n' = 255 Signifies 'transmit right away without delay'
When PK232 has data ready for transmission, the PK232
watches the DCD signal from it's internal modem.
The PK232 waits forever for the DCD signal to go
to the inactive state. When DCD goes inactive, meaning
that the channel is clear, the PK232 generates a random
number between 0 and 255. If the random number is equal
to or less than PERSIST, PK232 keys the PTT line,
waits .01 * TXDELAY seconds, and then transmits all
frames in it's queue.
If the random number generated is greater than PERSIST,
the PK232 waits .01 * SLOTTIME seconds and repeats the
procedure. If DCD has gone active in the meantime, the
PK232 again waits for DCD to go inactive before it
ON - PK232 uses the PERSIST and SLOTTIME parameters in
executing p-persistent CSMA (Carrier Sense Multiple
OFF - PK232 uses DWAIT for TAPR-type 1-persistent CSMA.
ON - PK232 will automatically try to reconnect the distant
station after the link has timed out on retries.
OFF - PK232 will not attempt to re-establish the failed link.
Set RELINK to OFF when using the PK232 with host computer
RESPTIME 'n' DEFAULT: 10 (1000 ms)
'n' = 0 to 250 100 ms intervals.
Adds a minimum delay before the PK232 sends acknowledgement
'n' = 0 to 15 specifies the maximum number of packet retrys.
'n' = 0 specifies an infinite number of retrys.
FRACK specifies the time between retrys.
'n' = $00 to $7F ( 0 to 127 decimal) ASCII character code.
Selects the character used to force a packet to be sent
in converse mode.
Use SENDPAC $0D with CR ON to send packets with <CR> included
in the packet.
If CAPTIME ON, set SENDPAC to a value not ordinarily used,
(for example <CTRL-A> with CR OFF). This setting forces
packets to be sent without extra <CR> characters in the text.
SLOTTIME 'n' DEFAULT: 10 (100 seconds)
'n' = 0 to 250 specifies the time interval during which
the PK232 waits between generating random
numbers, to see if it can transmit.
ON - PK232 responds to positive going squelch voltage.
OFF - PK232 responds to negative going squelch voltage.
PK232 normally senses audio mark and space tones from
the receiver as an indication that the channel is busy.
If there are voice signals on the channel, the PK232 may
not accept them as an indication that the channel is
busy, and double with them. In this case, the squelch
voltage from the radio can be fed into the PK232 to provide
a positive means of determining if the channel is busy or
not. SQUELCH permits either polarity of radio squelch
voltage to be used.
Switches PK232 from command mode to TRANSPARENT mode.
The current state of the radio link is not affected.
TRANSPARENT mode is used to transfer binary or other
non-text files.
'n' = 0 to 15 specifies the current RETRY level on the
selected input channel.
TRIES retrieves (or forces) the count of tries on the data
channel presently selected.
TRIES <with no argument> returns the current number of tries
if an outstanding unacknowledged
frame exists. If no outstanding
unacknowledged frame exists, PK232
returns the number of tries required
to get an ACK for the previous frame.
TRIES is used to gather statistics on a given path or
TRIES 'n' forces the tries counter to the entered value.
(This method is not recommended to force a new
count into the TRIES counter).
TXDELAY 'n' DEFAULT: 30 (300 ms)
'n' = 0 to 120 ten millisecond intervals.
Tells PK232 how long to wait before sending packet frame data
after keying your transmitter's PTT line.
ON - Software flow control for Pk232 can be activated in the
Transparent mode.
OFF - Software flow control for PK232 is disabled in
Transparent mode.
If TXFLOW is ON, the settings of XFLOW determine the type
of flow control used in Transparent mode.
If TXFLOW is OFF, PK232 uses only hardware flow control; all
data sent to the terminal remains fully transparent.
If TXFLOW and XFLOW are ON, PK232 uses the START and STOP
characters (set by XON and XOFF) to control the input from
the terminal.
Unless TRFLOW is also on, only hardware flow control is
available to the computer or terminal to control output
from the PK232.
If START and STOP characters are set to $00, hardware
flow control is always selected, regardless of the setting
UNPROTO call1 [via call2 [,call3....,call9]] DEFAULT:CQ
Sets the digipeat and destination address fields of packets
sent in the unconnected (unprotocol) mode.
call1 - call sign to be placed in the TO address field.
call2-9 - Optional digipeater call list ( up to 8 calls).
Unconnected packets are sent as unsequenced I frames with
the destination and digipeat fields taken from call1 through
call9 options.
'n' = 0 to 10 specifies the number of active simultaneous
connections that can be established with
your pk232.
USERS only affects the way INCOMING connect requests are
handled. It does not affect the number of connections
that you initiate.
ON - Packet modem tones are shifted 1000 Hz.
OFF - Packet tones are shifted 200 Hz.
ON is for VHF Packet operation.
OFF is for HF Packet operation.
ON - PK232 will generate a reason why a received packet
was not displayed on the screen.
OFF - This function is disabled.
----------- Reasons for Bad Packets ----------------
Bit Residue - Frame ended in the middle of a byte.
Passall - Received packet frame had errors and
PASSALL was set to off preventing the
packet from being displayed.
DCD Threshold - The Threshold control was set to
far CCW. The DCD LED was off when the
packet was received.
MONITOR - The MONITOR value was set too low to
receive this type of frame.
MCON - MCON was set too low to receive this
type of frame.
MPROTO - MPROTO was set to OFF and the received
packet was probably a NET/ROM or TCP/IP
MFROM/MTO - The frame was blocked by the setting
of either MFROM or MTO commands.
MBX - The call sign of the sending station
does not match the callsign setting
in the MBX command.
MBX SEQUENCE - The packet frame has been received out
of sequence indicating that it is
probably a "retry".
FRAME TOO LONG - Incoming packet frame is longer than
330 bytes. Probably a non-AX.25
FRAME TOO SHORT - Incoming packet frame is shorter
than 15 bytes. Only seen if PASSALL
is set to ON. Probably a non-AX.25
RX OVERRUN - Another HDLC byte was received before
the previous one could be read from
the HDLC chip (8530).
ON - Transmit functions (PTT Line) are active.
OFF - Transmit functions (PTT Line) are disabled.
If XMITOK is OFF, the PTT line to the transmitter is disabled.
All other pk232 functions remain the same.
XMITOK is set to OFF when you want to monitor channel
activity without ever transmitting.
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