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[JN59NK Nuernberg]

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ON4IVU > PK232    15.12.03 20:28l 518 Lines 23020 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 62490_ON0AR
Subj: PK232CMD.LS-4
Sent: 031215/1912Z @:ON0AR.#RF.AN.BEL.EU #:62490 [Antwerpen] FBB7.00g $:62490_O
To  : PK232@WW


        ========================= MORSE COMMANDS ==============================
                PK232 is switched into Morse code mode.

        MSPEED 'n'      DEFAULT: 20 WPM
                Sets the MORSE code keying speed for the PK232.
                'n' = 5 to 99 WPM
                For speeds between 5 and 14 WPM, code is sent with Farnsworth
                spacing - the characters are actually sent at 15 WPM.

        ========================= BAUDOT COMMANDS =============================

                 Switches PK232 into Baudot Rtty mode.

        BITINV n        DEFAULT: $00
                MODE: Baudot RTTY
                n = $00 to $1F (0 to 31 decimal)  specifies a number to be
                               exclusive ORed with every received Baudot
                $00 = no bit imversion, print plain text.

        CCITT (ON/OFF)          DEFAULT: ON
                MODE: Baudot RTTY
                ON - If code is 0, PK232 uses the CCITT ITA #2 code in Baudot.
                OFF - If code is 0, PK232 uses the U.S. Teleprinter code
                      in Baudot.
                CCITT has been replaced with the CODE command, but is
                retained for compatibility reasons.

        RBAUD 'n'       DEFAULT: 45 bauds (60 WPM)
                'n' specifies the RADIO baud rate for Baudot RTTY.
                'n' can be 45, 50, 57, 75, 100, 110, 150, 200, 300 bauds.

        USOS (ON/OFF)           DEFAULT: OFF
                ON - Letters (LTRS) case is forced after a space character.
                OFF - Letters (LTRS) case is NOT forced after a space.

        ========================= AMTOR/FEC COMMANDS ==========================

                Forces a changeover from receive to transmit in the AMTOR

        ADELAY  'n'     DEFAULT: 4
                'n' = 1 to 9
                'n' specifies transmitter key up delay in ten millisecond
                ADELAY is the time between the instant the PTT line is
                activated for xmit, and the instant when ARQ data actually
                begins to flow to the transmitter.

                Switches PK232 into ARQ listen mode. (Mode L).

                Switches PK232 into ARQ standby/receive mode.
                Any FEC (Mode B) transmissions will be displayed.

        ARQ aaaa
                Starts a Mode A SELCAL to a distant station.
                aaaa = the distant station's selective calling code.

        ARQTMO 'n'      DEFAULT: 60
                'n' = 0 to 250
                'n' = number of seconds to send an ARQ selcal before
                      automatic transmitter shutdown.

        FEC     Puts PK232 in AMTOR Mode B.
                Use this mode to send an AMTOR CQ.
                Include your SELCAL in your transmitted FEC message so that
                other stations can call you in Mode A (ARQ).

        MYALTCAL aaaa           DEFAULT: Empty
                aaaa specifies an Alternate SELCAL code.
                aaaa can be any 4 alphabetical characters or numeric strings
                     of either 4 or 5 characters.

        MYSELCAL aaaa           DEFAULT: empty
                Specifies your selective calling code (SELCAL)
                SELCAL must be specified before you can use AMTOR mode.
                Rules for determining your SELCAL:
                Group     Call    Selcal
                1 by 2    W1XX     WWXX
                1 by 3    W1XXX    WXXX
                2 by 1    AB1X     AABX
                2 by 2    AB1XX    ABXX
                2 by 3    KA1XXX   KXXX

        MYIDENT aaaaaaa     DEFAULT: empty
                aaaaaaa specifies the user's seven character SELCAL as
                described in CCIR Rec. 625.
                The PK232 now supports 7 character selcal's in AMTOR mode.

        RFEC (ON/OFF)           DEFAULT: ON
                Prevents the reception of all FEC signals while in AMTOR
                standby mode.
                ON - Mode B FEC signals are displayed while in AMTOR standby.
                OFF - Mode B FEC signals are not displayed.

        SELFEC aaaa             DEFAULT: empty
                aaaa specifies a distant station's selective calling code
                SELFEC starts a selective FEC (mode Bs) transmission to
                the specified distant station, when you enter that station's
                SELCAL code.

        SRXALL (ON/OFF)         DEFAULT: OFF
                Permits the reception of selectively coded inverse FEC signals
                normally not available for decoding.
                ON - Receive all selective (SELFEC) transmissions.
                OFF - Receive only SELCAL addressed SELFEC transmissions.

        ========================= TDM COMMANDS ================================

        TDBAUD n            DEFAULT: 96
                n specifies the data rate (speed in bauds) of the TDM signal
                  you are receiving.
                  n = 0 to 200 but only some of these are legal values.
                  1-channel: 48, 72, 96  are legal.
                  2-channel: 86, 96, 100 are legal.
                  4-channel: 171, 192, 200 are legal.

        TDCHAN n      DEFAULT: 0
                n specifies the TDM channel number.
                n selects the data channel to seperate out from the multiplexed
                TDM signal. n can be 0-3.
                1-channel: No effect.
                2-channel: 0 and 2 show channel A.
                           1 and 3 show channel B.
                4-channel: 0 shows channel A.
                           1 shows channel B.
                           2 shows channel C.
                           3 shows channel D.

                Selects TDM mode (Moore Code).
                Use SIGNAL to check that received signal is really TDM.
                If TDM is detected, type "OK".
                AMTOR STATUS LED's are as follows:
                STBY: Trying to establish bit phasing.
                PHASE: Bit phasing established, trying to synchronize on
                OVER: Character synchronization established.
                TFC: Printable character received.
                IDLE: Idling signals received.
                RQ: Error character of $00 or $7F received.
                ERROR: Other bad character received.

                The PHASE LED stays lit if the signal is too weak to
                achieve synchronization. Use the "R" command to force
                manual sync. Repeated use of the "R" command causes the
                bit synchronization to move along by one bit for each "R"
                "L" forces letters shift as in Baudot mode..
                "N" forces figsures shift as in baudot mode.
                TRACE ON displays these characters:
                                           | = NULL
                                           * = LTRS
                                           % = FIGS
                                           a = Alpha Idle
                                           b = Beta Idle
                                           r = Signal Repetition

                Some TDM Frequencies: 19,101.9 LSB
                                      18,983.6 USB
                                      14.956.7 USB

                TDM stations idle most of the time. You may have to
                monitor a TDM station for an hour or more before any data
                is received.

        ========================= FAXCIMILE COMMANDS ==========================

        ASPECT n        DEFAULT: 2
                Controls the aspect ratio (length to width) of a FAX image.
                n = 1 to 6  specifies the number of FAX scan lines that the
                            PK232 prints out, for every 6 lines received.
                For most weather charts ASPECT 2 works well.
                To stretch the image down the page, use a higher setting
                for ASPECT such as 4.
                The Index Of Cooperation is an International measure of
                aspec ratio.
                The CCITT IOC is:
                IOC = (Vertical scan line density) * (horizontal width) / pi
                The IEEE ICO is:
                IOC = (Vertical scan line density) * (horizontal width)
                ASPECT   CCITT IOC (Narrow)         CCITT IOC (WIDE)
                1        1100                        1788
                2         550 (Weather charts 576)    894
                3         367 (Wirephotos 352)        596 (Weather charts 576)
                4         275 (WEFAX Satellite 288)   447
                5         220                         358 (Wirephotos 352)
                6         183                         298 (WEFAX Satellite)
                In receive, ASPECT 2 causes the PK232 to sample 2 out of
                every 6 lines received. ASPECT 4 causes PK232 to sample 4
                out of every 6 lines received.
                In transmit, ASPECT 2 causes PK232 to send every line 3 times.
                ASPECT 4 causes PK232 to send even lines twice and odd lines
                once. When sending from one PK232 to another, it's best to
                run the same aspect ratio on both pk232's.

        DISPLAY (F)ax    Displays all FAX related parameters.

                Switches PK232 into Facsimile mode. PK232 starts in FAX
                standby, waiting to detect sync pulses that start a frame.

        FAXNEG (ON/OFF)         DEFAULT: OFF
                ON - The white and black senses are reversed.
                OFF - The white and black senses are normal.
                FAXNEG is not the same as RXREV. RXREV inverts the entire
                signal, including the sync pulses. FAXNEG keeps the sync
                pulses upright, but inverts the image data only.

        FSPEED 'n'      DEFAULT: 2  (2 lines/second)
                'n' = 0 to 4    selects the FAX horizontal scan rate, in
                                lines per minute.
            FSPEED  (Highest print density Usable) narrow carrage  wide carrage
              1     1 line/sec    60 lines/min        275 dpi        169 dpi
              2     2 lines/sec   120 lines/min       138 dpi         85 dpi
              3     3 lines/sec   180 lines/min       92 dpi          56 dpi
              4     4 lines/sec   240 lines/min       69 dpi          42 dpi
              0     1.5 lines/sec 90 lines/min        183 dpi        113 dpi

        GRAPHICS 'n'            DEFAULT: 1  (960 dots)
                'n' = 0 to 6    selects the FAX horizontal graphics dot
                                density printed on the printer.
                (See dot density Tables on pages M14 and M15 in PK232 manual)

        JUSTIFY 'n'
                Moves FAX image closer to the edge of the paper.
                'n' = 0 to 25   number of 1/2 inches that the FAX image is
                                to be moved closer to the edge of the paper.
                If LEFTRITE is ON, JUSTIFY 1 will move the image 1/2 inch
                to the left.
                If LEFTRITE is OFF, JUSTIFY will move the image 'n' half
                inches to the right.
                If the PK232 is allowed to synchronize by itself, JUSTIFY
                should not be needed.

                ON - The signal is scanned from left to right.
                OFF - The signal is scanned from right to left.
                LEFTRITE reverses the horizontal scanning direction.
                LEFTRITE is useful for printing wirephotos.

                Tells the PK232 to start printing regardless of whether or
                not the facsimile sync pulses have been detected.
                LOCK is a manual start command for FAX.
                Sync pulses consist of of lines of 5% white and 95% black,
                with the beginning of the white pulse signifying the left
                edge of the following image.
                If you issue a LOCK command to start FAX printing, you will
                probably need to use JUSTIFY to properly allign the image.

        OPMODE FAX STBY RCVE   PK232 is searching for sync pulses to start
                               printing the next image.
        OPMODE FAX SYNC RCVE   PK232 has detected the sync pulses, or
                               synchronization has been forced with the LOCK
                               command, and PK232 should be starting to
                               print the next image.
        OPMODE FAX STBY SEND   PK232 is idling or sending the 300 Hz motor
                               start tone, before it sends the sync pulses,
                               or that it is sending the 450 Hz stop tone.
        OPMODE FAX SYNC SEND   PK232 is sending either sync pulses or image
                               dots. If the computer has not yet sent the
                               image data to the PK232, PK232 will transmit
                               a white tone continuously.

        PRCON (ON/OFF)          DEFAULT: OFF
                Tells the PK232 whether or not a parallel printer is
                connected via the special "Y" facsimile cable.
                ON - A paralle printer is connected to the PK232 via the
                     special FAX "Y" cable. The mode led's are disabled,
                     and may stay lit or flash randomly.
                OFF - There is no paralle printer connected, or it is not
                      currently in use. The mode led's are enabled, and
                      correctly show operating mode and status.

        PRFAX (ON/OFF)          DEFAULT: ON
                ON - FAX bit graphics are sent to the parallel printer for
                     immediate printing if PRCON is also ON.
                OFF - FAX bit graphics are sent to the terminal via the serial
                      port, using the printer escape codes, as set by PRTYPE
                      and GRAPHICS.
                PRFAX should be sent to on if a parallel printer is connected
                and in use for printing FAX pictures.
                If you wish to save the FAX graphics data to disk, set PRFAX
                OFF and make sure AWLEN is set to 8 to allow 8-bit data
                to be sent to the serial port.

        PRTYPE 'n'      DEFAULT: 2 (Epson)
                'n' = 0 to 255 specifies a code for the type of dot
                               graphics sequences used by your printer.
                (See pg M-19 of PK232 manual for list of PRTYPE codes.)

                Keys the radio PTT line and prepares the radio to receive
                outbound FAX data. PRFAX must be OFF, AWLEN must be 8, and
                PARITY must be 0.
        ========================= ASCII COMMANDS ==============================

        ABAUD 'n'     DEFAULT: 110 Baud
                Specifies data rate from PK232 to radio.
                'n' = Baud Rate (45, 50, 57, 100,110, 150, 200, 300, 400,
                      600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600)

        ASCII   Switches PK232 into Ascii Rtty Mode.

        ======================= SIGNAL (SIAM) COMMANDS =======================

        BITINV n        DEFAULT: $00
                MODE: Baudot RTTY
                n = $00 to $1F (0 to 31 decimal)  specifies a number to be
                               exclusive ORed with every received Baudot
                $00 = no bit imversion, print plain text.

        CCITT (ON/OFF)          DEFAULT: ON
                MODE: Baudot RTTY
                ON - If code is 0, PK232 uses the CCITT ITA #2 code in Baudot.
                OFF - If code is 0, PK232 uses the U.S. Teleprinter code
                      in Baudot.
                CCITT has been replaced with the CODE command, but is
                retained for compatibility reasons.

                Accepts a set of parameters found using the SIGNAL command.
                Changes (or can change) RXREV, RBAUD, ABAUD, and OPMODE
                to the values found in using the SIGNAL command.

        ======================= NAVTEX MODE =================================

        NAVMSG all, none, Yes/No (letters)      DEFAULT: All
                Determines which type of NAVTEX messages your PK232 will
                all - print all types of NAVTEX messages.
                none - PK232 prints no NAVTEX messages.
                Yes (list) - PK232 prints only those types of NAVTEX
                             messages specified by "list".
                NO (list) - PK232 prints all NAVTEX messages EXCEPT those
                            specified by "list".
                A. Navigational Warnings
                B. Meteorological Warnings (Storm Warnings).
                C. Ice Reports.
                D. Search and Rescue Information.
                E. Weather Forecasts.
                F. Pilot Service Messages.
                G. DECCA System Information.
                H. Loran-C System Information.
                I. OMEGA Systems Messages.
                J. SATNAV System Messages.
                K-Z Reserved for future use.
                (up to 13 letter types can be monitored or rejected, and
                letters can be seperated by spaces commas or TABS)
                Types A,B and D cannot be excluded, and will always be
                NAVMSG is cleared by %, & or OFF

        NAVSTN  all, none, Yes/No (letters)     DEFAULT: All
                NAVTEX stations are identified by the first letter in the
                preamble. NAVSTN allows ALL, NONE, or up to 13 letters
                representing NAVTEX transmitting stations to be monitored
                or rejected.
                Letters in the list can be seperated by spaces, commas or
                NAVSTN is cleared by %, &, or OFF as arguments.

                Switches PK232 into NAVTEX receive mode.
                NAVTEX stations are found on 518 Khz.
                NAVTEX is a special for of mode B FEC, that does not
                output data to the computer or printer until "ZCZC" and
                a preamble are received intact. The preamble consists of 2
                letters and 2 numerals. The PK232 will print until the
                end-of-message indicator "NNNN" is received.
                The first 2 letters define the transmitting station and the
                message class respectively.
                The following 2 numerals form a serial number that is
                remembered by the PK232, when a message is copied intact.
                The PK232 remembers the preambles of the last 200 printed
                messages, and will not re-print a message with the same
                preamble with the following exceptions:
                      Any message with the preamble 00 is considered an
                      emergency message, and will always be printed.
                      Any message with more than 1/8 of it's characters
                      received in error will not be saved, so that it
                      may be re-printed.
                      To clear preamble memory, exit, then re-enter NAVTEX
                      NAVTEX mode uses the setting of DAYTIME to print the
                      date/time in front of the preamble, if MSTAMP and or
                      DAYSTAMP are ON.

                NAVTEX NOTES: Navtex is broadcast in Mode-B AMTOR (SITOR)
                              on 518 khz.

        ======================== ASYNC PORT PARAMETERS ========================
        SYNCING PC to PK232

        If PK232 has batteries installed, and a TBAUD baud rate has already
        been set, the AUTObaud routine will never come up.
        You must match the TBAUD baud rate with the COM port UART baud rate
        to communicate with the PK232.

        If PK232 does NOT have batteries installed, upon power up, it will
        transmit "Please Type * For Autobaud Routine"  (at 1200 baud- default).
        At this point, you must send ONLY a "*", with no <CR> to sync the
        Pk232 with your baud rate. (several *'s may be required).

        The PK232 defaults to 1200 baud when TBAUD has never been set, or
        at power on, with no batteries installed.

        Connection for IBM PC Serial COM Port to PK232

               PK232               IBM PC
                 2 <---------------- 2     PC Transmit Data
                 3 ----------------> 3     PK232 Transmit Data
                 4 <---------------- 4     RTS
                 5 ----------------> 5     CTS
                 20 <--------------  20    DTR
                 8 ----------------> 8     DCD
               - 6 ----------------> 6     DSR
               \   Pull-Up Resistor
               + 10 Volts

        ======================== SPECIAL CHARACTERS ===========================

        Hardware Handshake is enabled if XFLOW = OFF.
                 Other parameters that should be set are:
                     START = $00
                     STOP = $00
                     XON = $00
                     XOFF = $00

        pin   SIGNAL   DIRECTION       SPACE                  MARK
                                    ("0" level/+12V)       ("1" level/-12V)
         4     RTS     to PK232     PK232 XMITS DATA       NO DATA TRANSMITTED
         20    DTR     to PK232     PK232 XMITS DATA       NO DATA TRANSMITTED
         5     CTS     to PC        PC XMITS DATA          NO DATA TRANSMITTED
         8     DCD     to PC        ALWAYS +12 VOLTS
         6     DSR     to PC        ALWAYS +12 VOLTS

        NOTE: If DCDCONN is ON, then pin 8 of the RS-232 port "follows"
              the PK232 CONNECT led.

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