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ZS6RO  > QNEWS    03.04.04 18:22l 754 Lines 29056 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
Sent: 040403/1517Z @:ZS6RO.SRJ.GAU.ZAF.AF #:49737 [Jo'burg] $:QNEWS0404D


 Wavell Heights Brisbane Harmonic.
 Brisbane QNEWS broadcaster and our stand-out/stand-in
 QNEWS reader VK4AFS John Stevens and XYL Ellen,
 are now proud Parents to a Harmonic
 Earl William Stevens born 25th March and weighing in 
 at 3.3kg.
 Thanks to Ken and Gavin VK4'S ZZ and QZ for advising us!

    QNEWS 24/7 with the following bulletin in Audio Segment One
	 when you visit the QNEWS NEWSROOM on

 In this the WIA Federal AGM Weekends edition of QNEWS we'll spend
 a little more than our usual time looking at VK News. Those taking
 the internet audio feed, make sure you DO download the correct
 Seg1.mp3 which will NOT be available until at LEAST 0900 UTC Saturday.

 Over the past few weeks we've brought you details of the CB Packet group
 operating in VK.

 Today Warren the AUS002 tells us what the group is all about.

 "What we are trying to do is give CB operators a chance to see "hands on" 
 what Radio is really all about in a more relaxed atmosphere, and to try and 
 encourage them to obtain an Amateur License ,we also hope if we had enough 
 Packet Radio operators on CB the ACA might take a different view like their 
 counterparts in Europe and the U.K. and make it legal, that way I am sure a 
 lot more CBers and even SWL listeners would be encouraged to venture into
 The Amateur ranks, and as for the "Ratbag" element on 11 metres, well, they 
 will still be Ratbags down the track while the decent operators will be 
 enjoying this great hobby the way it was intended to be.

 Since we started this activity a couple of our members have actually 
 obtained their Amateur license.

 Just as in Amateur Radio any abuse on the Node and BBS is not
 tolerated, not that we've had any yet, very surprising I must say".

 Remember, by working together with Amateur Radio members, not against
 each other we can make this great hobby even better.

 Best Wishes to you Graham and all the
 Fellows at WIA de AUS002 Warren"

 VK4 know-how improves British lifestyle.
 More than 50 million people in Britain now rely on the technology
 of Queensland company Mincom every day - to ensure there's water
 for their breakfast tea, power for their toasters and trains
 to get them to work, said Queenslands Premier Beattie.

 "Five out of seven water authorities, the two major electricity
 transmission  companies, both gas pipeline operators, two-thirds
 of the London Underground and all of the mainline rail infrastructure
 are managed in some way by Mincom Ellipse and MIMS software.

 "Headquartered in Brisbane Australia, Mincom has more than 
 1,000 employees in 12 offices globally."
 (Media Contact: Premier's Office 3224 4500)

 Intelligent antenna collects more than data
 A revolutionary CSIRO antenna has won a major international award.
 Adrian Clout VK2-BFN reports that the CSIRO MultiBeam antenna
 was awarded the 2004 Industry Innovators Award of the Society of Satellite
 Professionals International (SSPI) for technology developed by the public

 The MultiBeam is a radical breakthrough in antenna design which
 simultaneously communicates with up to 20 satellites - compared with one
 antenna for one satellite in conventional systems.

 As a result, the MultiBeam contributes to greatly reducing the visual
 impact of conventional antenna arrays.

 In accepting the award, Dr Trevor Bird of the CSIRO ICT Centre said that
 The MultiBeam antenna demonstrates how innovative Australian design and
 engineering excellence have been combined to deliver a world-first.

 "The technology has the capacity to be an Earth-based switch between
 satellites and cable in the ground to deliver a broad range of wideband
 and high-speed data applications," said Dr Bird.

 The MultiBeam antenna technology addresses a significant challenge facing
 operators and users of teleports and ground stations. The growth of the
 Internet, two-way data applications and customer requirements for multiple
 bands and operational flexibility are beyond the capacity of many
 conventional teleports.

 MultiBeam antennas will allow teleport operators to significantly reduce
 capital and expansion costs and to connect new services within one hour.
 This greatly increases their ability to take on 'occasional use' traffic
 like major sporting events or breaking news events.

 In South Africa, the SARL has voiced its concern about the introduction
 of Power Line Communications during the program Technologic
 which aired on DSTV Business Channel 55, Summit TV.
 The program was broadcast on Monday and repeated a further 2 times.

 SARL President, Graham Harlett was interviewed at the National Amateur
 Radio Centre and said that the SARL is opposed to Power Line
 Communication because of its inherent interference to
 High Frequency Radio communication.
 The interference is not limited only to frequencies used by
 Radio Amateurs but also the military, Civil Emergency Agencies and
 broadcasting stations.

 "Extensive tests carried out in Europe, the USA and Japan has
 clearly shown this.  A transmission line that carries power at
 50 Hertz will become like an antenna at higher frequencies and
 render the high frequency spectrum unusable."

 "This works both ways: the Utility delivering broadband access to the
 home via power lines will cause major interference to radio amateurs,
 while radio amateurs in close proximity to users of PLC are likely to
 cause interference to them because of the antenna effect of power lines.
 We see this as a potential conflict situation," Graham said.

 Meantime, a story in a recent issue of the Wall Street Journal about
 Amateur Radio's stand against BPL is raising the ire of many in the 
 nations ham radio community.  The item appears to take the position 
 that radio amateurs are alone in opposing BPL.  Also, that their 
 doing do is holding back the flow of progress in technology. 

 And still in the USA, President Bush has called for universal broadband
 by 2007 citing the US should offer more choices for the consumer, but
 doesn't say how, we hope BPL isn't a chosen distribution method!
 (SARL news and ARNewsline(tm))

 Being held over this weekend in Brisbane VK4.



 QNEWS can be accessed on the www in both text and MP3 audio.
 Packet uploads, vk4zz Gavin, vk7ax Tony, zl2bau Peter, zl2tze Phillip


 When communication counts, count on QNEWS.. 

 Wavell Heights Brisbane Harmonic.
 Brisbane QNEWS broadcaster and our stand-out/stand-in
 QNEWS reader VK4AFS John Stevens and XYL Ellen,
 are now proud Parents to a Harmonic
 Earl William Stevens born 25th March and weighing in 
 at 3.3kg.
 Thanks to Ken and Gavin VK4'S ZZ and QZ for advising us!

    QNEWS 24/7 with the following bulletin in Audio Segment One
	 when you visit the QNEWS NEWSROOM on
           QNEWS available in Audio after 1400hrs utc Friday.

 In this the WIA Federal AGM Weekends edition of QNEWS we'll spend
 a little more than our usual time looking at VK News. Those taking
 the internet audio feed, make sure you DO download the correct
 Seg1.mp3 which will NOT be available until at LEAST 0900 UTC Saturday.

 Over the past few weeks we've brought you details of the CB Packet group
 operating in VK.

 Today Warren the AUS002 tells us what the group is all about.

 "What we are trying to do is give CB operators a chance to see "hands on" 
 what Radio is really all about in a more relaxed atmosphere, and to try and 
 encourage them to obtain an Amateur License ,we also hope if we had enough 
 Packet Radio operators on CB the ACA might take a different view like their 
 counterparts in Europe and the U.K. and make it legal, that way I am sure a 
 lot more CBers and even SWL listeners would be encouraged to venture into
 The Amateur ranks, and as for the "Ratbag" element on 11 metres, well, they 
 will still be Ratbags down the track while the decent operators will be 
 enjoying this great hobby the way it was intended to be.

 Since we started this activity a couple of our members have actually 
 obtained their Amateur license.

 Just as in Amateur Radio any abuse on the Node and BBS is not
 tolerated, not that we've had any yet, very surprising I must say".

 Remember, by working together with Amateur Radio members, not against
 each other we can make this great hobby even better.

 Best Wishes to you Graham and all the
 Fellows at WIA de AUS002 Warren"

 VK4 know-how improves British lifestyle.
 More than 50 million people in Britain now rely on the technology
 of Queensland company Mincom every day - to ensure there's water
 for their breakfast tea, power for their toasters and trains
 to get them to work, said Queenslands Premier Beattie.

 "Five out of seven water authorities, the two major electricity
 transmission  companies, both gas pipeline operators, two-thirds
 of the London Underground and all of the mainline rail infrastructure
 are managed in some way by Mincom Ellipse and MIMS software.

 "Headquartered in Brisbane Australia, Mincom has more than 
 1,000 employees in 12 offices globally."
 (Media Contact: Premier's Office 3224 4500)

 Intelligent antenna collects more than data
 A revolutionary CSIRO antenna has won a major international award.
 Adrian Clout VK2-BFN reports that the CSIRO MultiBeam antenna
 was awarded the 2004 Industry Innovators Award of the Society of Satellite
 Professionals International (SSPI) for technology developed by the public

 The MultiBeam is a radical breakthrough in antenna design which
 simultaneously communicates with up to 20 satellites - compared with one
 antenna for one satellite in conventional systems.

 As a result, the MultiBeam contributes to greatly reducing the visual
 impact of conventional antenna arrays.

 In accepting the award, Dr Trevor Bird of the CSIRO ICT Centre said that
 The MultiBeam antenna demonstrates how innovative Australian design and
 engineering excellence have been combined to deliver a world-first.

 "The technology has the capacity to be an Earth-based switch between
 satellites and cable in the ground to deliver a broad range of wideband
 and high-speed data applications," said Dr Bird.

 The MultiBeam antenna technology addresses a significant challenge facing
 operators and users of teleports and ground stations. The growth of the
 Internet, two-way data applications and customer requirements for multiple
 bands and operational flexibility are beyond the capacity of many
 conventional teleports.

 MultiBeam antennas will allow teleport operators to significantly reduce
 capital and expansion costs and to connect new services within one hour.
 This greatly increases their ability to take on 'occasional use' traffic
 like major sporting events or breaking news events.

 In South Africa, the SARL has voiced its concern about the introduction
 of Power Line Communications during the program Technologic
 which aired on DSTV Business Channel 55, Summit TV.
 The program was broadcast on Monday and repeated a further 2 times.

 SARL President, Graham Harlett was interviewed at the National Amateur
 Radio Centre and said that the SARL is opposed to Power Line
 Communication because of its inherent interference to
 High Frequency Radio communication.
 The interference is not limited only to frequencies used by
 Radio Amateurs but also the military, Civil Emergency Agencies and
 broadcasting stations.

 "Extensive tests carried out in Europe, the USA and Japan has
 clearly shown this.  A transmission line that carries power at
 50 Hertz will become like an antenna at higher frequencies and
 render the high frequency spectrum unusable."

 "This works both ways: the Utility delivering broadband access to the
 home via power lines will cause major interference to radio amateurs,
 while radio amateurs in close proximity to users of PLC are likely to
 cause interference to them because of the antenna effect of power lines.
 We see this as a potential conflict situation," Graham said.

 Meantime, a story in a recent issue of the Wall Street Journal about
 Amateur Radio's stand against BPL is raising the ire of many in the 
 nations ham radio community.  The item appears to take the position 
 that radio amateurs are alone in opposing BPL.  Also, that their 
 doing do is holding back the flow of progress in technology. 

 And still in the USA, President Bush has called for universal broadband
 by 2007 citing the US should offer more choices for the consumer, but
 doesn't say how, we hope BPL isn't a chosen distribution method!
 (SARL news and ARNewsline(tm))

 Being held over this weekend in Brisbane VK4.


 The annual general meeting of WIA Federal began Saturday but in informal
 sessions began early Friday morning, the main topic of the afternoon?
 a proposed restructure of the WIA into a single national entity

 Chris Jones spoke to this restructuring, highlighting its necessity if
 We, as the WIA were to tender for any outsourcing of amateur matters such
 as licensing and certification by the ACA. 


 Michael Owen VK3KI said an agreement between a new look Federal WIA... AND
 What we now know as Divisions would need be set.

 The agreements could, among other things, include local advisory committees,
 and in some cases duly appointed technical and repeater coordinators.

 Michael speaking to the proposed "agreed upon agreement" read from what
 he calls the Recital of that agreement....
 " Each of the divisions and the WIA have recognised the threats and
 opportunities presented by social and technical changes and have agreed
 that a single national organisation with all of the members of the 
 Divisions members of that national body would be a more effective 
 Structure to promote and protect the interests of Radio Amateurs, locally,
 Nationally and internationally".


 A ' stumbling block' looks like being property assets. The aim is to not
 disadvantage the current members, maintain existing property and meeting
 obligations such as insurance, licences and expenditures.
 Another stumbling block, only 2 or 3 divisions allow members who are NOT
 Amateurs as yet be full voting members.

 VK2 Membership Officer Terry Davies explains.


 All seven WIA Divisions have unique matters that need to be addressed so as
 to not disadvantage current members.

 VK3 President Jim Linton, on the VK3 Web Page, which incidentally along with
 the Federal page contains much documentation being addressed in Brisbane said
 " An enormous amount of work and effort is needed. Increasingly WIA Divisions
 are appreciating the need for them to consult with their current members on the
 proposed changes. Let alone a myriad of legal and financial issues that need
 attention ".

 So, will a new look WIA ever get of the ground in our life time?
 Several divisions feel the work done so far, much of it, has
 been done "in secret" or without their full knowledge of the plan.

 What of the WIA Strategic Review Committee"?
 This committee, for more than 2 years, had been charged with looking
 into the future of the WIA.
 Brian Clarke delivered a most informative address which included
 How the meeting attended by almost all states and driven forward 
 Thanks to Chris Jones has brought us to today... where a "one nation"
 (sic) WIA operation is on our doorstep.


 One of the VERY important sub groups of our Society is the
 ACA Liaison Committee. They are concerned that these days they
 rely on written contact, they have not had any face-to-face meeting
 with the Customer Services Group of the ACA during the year.

 The key Manager in this Customer Services Group has left the ACA.

 In short the WIA needs to establish a far more formal consultation

 This would overcome the situation where during this WIA year the
 VK4 Area Office of the ACA, without any consultation with the WIA
 wrote directly to certain VK4 licensees of the need to cease operation
 on certain frequencies. The Chair of the WIA Committee quickly raised
 this issue with the ACA Central Office.

 Jack Bramham WIA Federal ARDF Coordinator in his annual report to the
 Brisbane gathering of WIA has announced that the WIA are planning
 to be represented by at least one team in the 12th World Championship
 of fox-hunting to be held in the Czech Republic in just on 5 months
 time. It was also noted that for the 5th region 3 Championships late
 last year they obtained VI3ARDF as a callsign, the first VK 4 letter
 suffix issued under the new rules set out in Geneva that year.
 (OK members of the AirForces group.. not VK's first overall, as you did
 have that VK75RAAF call in the 90's didn't you?).

 Another of our groups, that of AMSAT-AUSTRALIA has asked the WIA
 for $10000 (Ten Thousand) in the way of donations to both
 AMSAT Germany and North America. This for replacements to the
 OSCAR 10, 14 and 40 birds. Graham Ratcliff the National Coordinator
 would like to show the WIA does seriously support the World Wide
 Satellite Service.

 Over the next broadcasts of QNEWS we'll bring you further news resulting
 from this, the 68th AGM of our Wireless Institute of Australia.


 Check with YOUR WICEN coordinator to confirm dates etc

 Additions to and/or

 VK2 April .3-.4 Eden Creek Horse Enduro
 VK2 April ....4 Northern Rivers AGM
 VK3 April .. .4 Navigation Rally Eildon Area
 VK2 April ..-26 Watagan Horse Enduro
 VK7 April ...27 - Until May 2nd  TARGA TASMANIA 

 VK4 May 01-03 TARC Mt Pleasant Horse Endurance Ride - near Collinsville
 VK5 May ...13 WICEN (SA) AGM
 VK2 May 15-16 Eden Creek Horse Enduro

 VK3 June ...6 KENDA Navigation Rally.

 VK2 July .3-.4 Wilderness Rescue Navigation Shield
 VK5 July 31 - Aug 1 ROSA 2004

*VK2 Aug ..-.8 Hawkesbury Bridge to Bridge 
 VK4 Aug ...22 50th Anniversary Maggie Island Swim Brunch
 VK2 Aug 23-27 Shahzada Horse Enduro

 VK2 Oct 30-31 Hawkesbury Canoe Classic

 VK5 Nov 17-21 Classic Adelaide Rally.

 * new to calender

 WICEN can be contacted by phone on 04 0839 7217
 (Mark Cheeseman VK2XGK, is  President, WICEN (NSW) Inc.)

 John Alcorn, VK2JWA, Co-ordinator, Northern Rivers Region WICEN NSW Inc.
 Speaking at their AGM has noted;
 "Participating in community events such as horse enduros,  marathons,
 displays and contests etc show the flag and assist the organisations
 concerned, sometimes essentially. It provides operator practice and tests
 your ability and your equipment readiness to work in the field. They are
 also usually a good time spent as well.
 Numbers are always a problem, as historically Australian Amateurs do not
 take emergency operations as seriously as overseas operators do.
 Our 'Lucky Country' syndrome of 'She'll be right mate' applies.

 WICEN has only about 10% of the estimated Amateur operators on the 
 VK2 North Coast.

 However John did go on to thank those who are members of WICEN
 and especially those who have been able to be active and have been
 able to support training and community events.

 Rumours circulating that the annual Hawkesbury Canoe Classic
 will be called off; this comes as complete news to the organisers, and we
 assure all participants that it is indeed on this year, over the weekend of
 30-31 October.
 (Dave Horsfall, VK2KFU VIA VK2WI)

 Recent Events:
 There were THREE activities over the last weekend in March, the MAD Bike
 rally, OXFAM Trail walker, and The Blue Rock Classic in Gippsland.

 The OXFAM Trail walker from Ferny Creek to Mount Donna Buang has received
 large amounts of local and state wide press activity, and 285 teams of
 walkers entered the event.
 WICEN is pleased to have been part of the overall communications for safety
 and logistics backup for OXFAM.
 Primary WICEN communications utilised the facilities of local VHF repeaters,
 and WICEN thanks the Melbourne amateurs for their patience in allowing the
 WICEN traffic to take precedence.
 The HF links on 80 and 40 metres were also on full standby if required.
 The WICEN net control station was set up at the WESBURN CFA / SES activity
 centre, where the net traffic for the seven check points and the finish were
 Nothing can be left to chance, WICEN prides itself on the integrity and
 experience of its operators, always professional and fully self contained,
 with spare rigs, battery backup, generators, aerials and portable masts,
 food and sleeping gear.

 Not reliant on  services of mains power as in these areas whole
 sections have been known to be blacked out without warning, and it is
 pleasing to note that the WICEN stations are still fully operational. Last
 year the central control station experienced several short power outages
 which was of great concern to the organisers.

 Over 50 WICEN volunteers took part in these events, and the organisers thank
 all those WICEN Amateur Radio operators who gave up their weekend to display
 publicly the activities of Amateur Radio.

 The new WICEN banners and arm band logos are proving popular, as they are
 more easily recognised.

 WICEN Victoria is always looking for more Amateur Radio operators to assist
 with these public activities, if you can help, please contact Bruce Bathols
 VK3UV, QTHR, telephone 9580 6424 or email for WICEN
 membership and general enquiries.

 WICEN state Coordinator Andrew, VK5EX.

 The annual general meeting of WICEN SA Inc will be held on the 13th May at
 a time and place to be advised.
 (John Dawes Hon Sec and Public Officer WICEN SA Inc)

 Amateur Radio represented at National Hurricane Conference in USA:
 The 26th annual National Hurricane Conference this year will again
 feature a training session involving Amateur Radio.
 The National Hurricane Conference is the nation's forum for education and
 professional training in hurricane preparedness, and programs are
 scheduled April 5-9. 
 (sourced to arrl letter)

 Amateur Radio input has helped to ensure complete interoperability for a
 new mobile command post in Northeastern Pennsylvania. The fully decked-out
 communications vehicle based in Wilkes-Barre is the result of a federal
 grant and volunteer assistance from three radio amateurs and several other
 volunteer radio experts, who got keys to the city in return. Armed with a
 $300,000 federal grant, Wilkes-Barre Mayor Tom McGroarty wanted to put
 some of the money toward a mobile command post--or MCP--project. He
 approached Bill Harding, KA3QPQ, of the city's engineering office.
 Harding, in turn, sought advice and assistance from Rich Arland, K7SZ.
 Other team members included Greg Berholtz, N3SFO, David Anthony and Leigh
 (arrl letter)

 QNEWS "States of our Nation."

 President Brian Kelly VK2WBK

 For more info give Arnold VK2ADA  6654 1274 a ring.
 OR just enter Urunga Radio Convention in your search engine. 
 13 Nepean Amateur Radio Group Monthly Meeting
 14 Westlakes Simplex Net Contest
 17 Westlakes Andrew VK2UAI presents a demonstration/lecture on APRS 2.00 pm
 17 Coffs Harbour & District Amateur Radio Club Monthly Meeting
 18 Summerland ARC Monthly Club Meeting
 27 Hornsby and District Amateur Radio Club Inc, Monthly Meeting
 30 Wagga Amateur Radio Club Monthly Meeting

 Apr 11  Fox-Or as part of Easter 4 day Orienteering street/park carnival,
         Jells Park. (Ian Stirling)
 Apr 16  EMDRC Coffee Shop with VK3TZ showing RippleTech Electronics products
 Apr 24  ARDF Vic Foxhunt championships.

 May  7  EMDRC General meeting. Roger Christianz "thermal imaging". 
 May  9  ARDF Combined with MetrO at Christmas Hills (Greg Williams)
 May 21  EMDRC Coffee Shop

 Jun  4  EMDRC General Meeting.
 Jun 12  ARDF Mt Gambier ARDF (Training Event).
 Jun 18  EMDRC Coffee Shop

 July 2  EMDRC General Meeting
 July 16 EMDRC Coffee Shop

 Aug  6  EMDRC General Meeting. Ron Cook VK3AFW 'Meteor Scatter'.
 Aug 20  EMDRC Coffee Shop.

 Sep  3 EMDRC Doug McArthur VK3UN talks on EME.
 Sep 17 EMDRC Coffee Shop.

 Oct  1  EMDRC General Meeting.
 Oct 15  EMDRC Coffee Shop.

 Nov  5  EMDRC General Meeting.
 Nov 19  EMDRC TBA

 Dec  3  EMDRC Christmas Party at Club Rooms.

 The Midland Amateur Radio Club will be holding its annual convention on
 Sunday April the 18th.

 The convention takes the form of a swap meet and will be open to anyone
 with an interest in amateur radio and electronics.

 The convention will be held in Castlemaine, at St Marys hall

 There will be trade displays, components, 2nd hand equipment, and much more

 Admission is $8 adults, $5 concession, and children under 12 free with
 an adult

 The midland amateur radio convention will be held at St Mary's hall
 Castlemaine from 10am to 3pm on Sunday the 18th of April

 Tables can be booked in advance by contacting the club secretary on
 04 27 27 1071    04 27 27 1071
 (audio vk3fff)

 WIAQ AGM is 10AM 18th April at Rockhampton Leagues Club corner
 George & Cambridge Sts Rockhampton.

 The Editor of Ham Radio News is facing criticism over what many
 see as an incorrect map of their country. Sarla Sharma says however,
 " let it be known that the map is correct and I stand by it as
   Editor of HRN".

 Sarla goes on to say "I am a woman born in free India and am over
 5 decades old and a proud mother of 2 kids. I was a girl guide in
 my school days many years ago and so were my children.
 I am treating this issue as closed from my end".

 Sarla, HRN Editor had received a letter from VU2DCT  Mr.Pandit
 to say " We are withdrawing the our membership  from ARSI.
 As the HAL Scouts Amateur  Radio Club (VU2LKO) is dedicated to
 promote the Ham Radio activity among Scouts & Guides.
 Most of club members like to read the Ham Radio News, a journal  of ARSI.

 Inspite of various reminders and assurance received from  yourself
 also,  the printing of  incorrect version of Indian map has not been
 stopped. Our club members are very much excited. This offence is not
 forgettable for them. It was decided in club meeting that the club
 should withdraw its membership from ARSI.

 The club members also want to draw the attention of SURVEYOR GENER in 8 days from anywhere 
 including from Australia and the USA.
 Send them by DHL addressed to-
 Radio Galkayo, Amateur Radio Club, Galkayo, Somalia.
 That is the complete address.
 Send e-mail to me and I will watch for your item.

 3. I will be taking digital photos and typing stories I can E-mail to anyone 
 that wants to use their web site to find further help for Somali hams while 
 I am there.

 4. This is not a QSL expedition and no QSL will be issued. Please wait until 
 the Somali people have their own stations and can QSL.

 5. All my time and effort will go directly to helping the Somali people get 
 on air themselves. This involves finding donated transceivers and people 
 outside Somalia who want to help find and send donated equipment to get 
 Somalia on air. It will also involve training the local people.

 6. I am looking for help from aerial climbers to take down and put up a HF 
 vertical aerial on my 50foot Hills triangular mast at Roseville 6km north of 
 Sydney's famous bridge. Call me anytime if you like climbing.

 7. Donated transceivers, power supplies, Aerial systems, SWR metres and 
 Morse code keys can be dropped in 24hours 7days or couriered or posted to 
 Sam Voron 2 Griffith Ave, Roseville, N.S.W., Australia 2069.

 8. If you want to help while I am in Somalia then E-mail

 Callbacks follow the RF editions, but also for Internet readers you may
 lodge a quick reply to let us know you receive "the Q"
 write a message to


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