VE3WBZ > CB 29.03.11 01:07l 136 Lines 5552 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 23587_VA3BAL
Subj: RE:Comments of Bill G0MFW
Sent: 110328/2341Z @:VA3BAL.#SCON.ON.CAN.NOAM #:23587 [Ballantrae] $:23587_VA3B
To : CB@WW
DT: Sunday,March 27th.,2011 @1315hrs EST
<< Quoting G0MFW to CB @WW >>
> Hello to all interested peeps...
Hello Back Bill G0MFW, and excuse me ...but what is a "peeps" ?
> Ian G0TEZ in his wisdom wrote:
>> If you can remember Valentine Dyall, Boy! you ARE old!
Well I admit, that I don't know the name, but never ruled out I
never heard him here in Canada.
> Hey you, less of the old.... I can well remember Valentine Dyall
> and sitting listening to him when he was on the steam radio, and
> being scared stiff as well.
"Steam Radio" ?
> My word but it was a long time ago now. He was also known as
> the Man in Black. He made his radio debut in 1936,
> the year of my birth.
Hmmmmm ...for some reason , that sounds familar, but well my
parents might have heard him on-air.
> He had not got a 'brown' voice as Ian described it but more
> of a 'Sepulchral' one and for some years he narrated the BBC
> Radio horror series Appointment with Fear. Look him up on Google...
Hmm that sounds interesting, as I have heard something like him
in the "Shadow" and that laugh.
> I, too, used to be on CB with a Grandstand legal base station rig
> and a 'naughty' mobile all mode rig, the Superstar 2000 and I
> wish I'd had it converted to the Ham bands instead of selling it.
> I would never go back to CB any more.
I was too close to our FCC for anything but legal, and my parents
made sure, but then I had fun with them...just getting them to
think the opposite. What I did have was the apartment building
middle of this city...and a homebrew 8 or 10 element yagi .
Started with 4 ... as I wanted to prove the point of we only needed
4 elements for our needs. Also developed a way to need no boom
support by having a tappered boom.
As for going back ... well not the extent I had before, but only
interested in mobile, as it is great on the road...and REACT is
still out there...big time up here.
> As an aside I cut my teeth on the 38, 62 and 19 sets when in
> the army in the mid 1950's. Hence I took the 'handle' Signalman
> during my time as a breaker. I left CB because I couldn't stand
> all the in-fighting and foul language.
I left it Bill, when skip and idiots were a bit too much, and well
I wanted a better service, as the cell was coming into it's own
and better for my sailing, then trying to work on our agreed marine
You were a breaker? Interesting term. I used my callsign, and
answered everyone who called me....from anywhere. We even had
a Toronto callbook, and well unfortunately due to conditions of
late 1970s I had had enough. NO more radio for me... until the
techs at the local station here dared me to try their ham radio
which is like CB...only super CB...more likely to be jammed
as repeaters are useless here...duh.
HF was no better. They match there the fishing boats of the gulf
I heard on the CB. And now it is FREE... no licence....same
baot as the CB'ers ...yet their band < ISM> is quiet...save only
REACT and some familys here and there, around my lake using it
and a treat to listen too ... The only questionable stuff comes
from the teens these days, in their pickups etc....
Sorry no "handle" ... stupid people before I left...insisted I
have a "handle" .... sorry only callsigns.
> 10-10 Y'All. Regards and....
My use of the 10 code, was also something not encouraged by DOT
then DOC now IC ... in 1967 we got via our lobby group, a
yellow operators mannaul to help people use our GRS <CB> sets
and all 10 codes etc were discouraged as they might lead to
confusion....Plain language....thus in Ham Radio...the Q codes
went out the window with me...and that led to confrontations
'with the local Hammie club. To this day...still consider
them SNOBs.
> \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
> [ : ....73, de Bill : [
> [ : G0MFW @ GB7NND.#19.GBR.EU : [
> [ : Winpack6.8 [Registered] : [
> _____________________________________
> [End of Message #88910 from G0MFW]
"Thanks" for the memorys. Sorry in your neck of the world
if it was rotten. My problem is I tried to bring it back to
the early 1960s, and I enjoyed my lobby time in Ottawa, and
with other like minded GRS operators from across CANADA.
I also wrote in GRS magazines..S9 in the USA, and even a magazine
in CANADA which was for GRS and HAMS in CANADA ...and well I made
a warning to my fellow CB'ers on FREE licences, and told HAMS not
to go this route... I also made some comments on the 220 band
and well that all came true...but then look at the resources
that dired up after I left the magazines and CB and well HAM
was out... Satisfied.
I told my wife, as I drift more and more away from it and trying
to be a part... I alway wonder who this SUPER CB"er that hams
hate so much? Who is he that took their 11 meters away for this
service? He must be the greatest of us all... I have yet to
find him or her... but well most clubs here have this distain
for our CB community...which I don't share...and they really
shed no light on his or her Identity... pathetic.
Have to go ... thanks again Bill ... given the circumstances you
have...I had...so thee best move...forget the radios...buy new
and be happy.
73 Pete VE3WBZ
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