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  • valid hamradio license
  • Echolinkconnection or RF Packet Radio


  • Linuxpassword for accessing most services through the internet


  • Connect DB0FHN-9 and run “passwd”

To set a password at DB0FHN you can either use the packet radio infrastructure or the echolinkauthentication as this is the only way to trust you to be a real hamradio operator holding a valid license :)

I setup my password using a PR430 with PC/Flexnet32 and Paxon. I used the local digipeater DB0ZKA to access the packet radio network.

First I got PC/Flexnet32 ( from and unpacked the archive into a new directory in my programdirectory of Windows. Then I started the “flexctl.exe” and chose the new driver PR430 and configured everything to access my local digipeater DB0ZKA. After that I downloaded the packet radio terminal Paxon from and installed the program. You can change the language to english in Menu “Extras → Sprache” and restarting. Then I set my callsign DG8NGN and the device PC/Flexnet in Menu Settings. I connected DB0ZKA and checked the route to DB0FHN. There's a RF-route and I connected to set my password at DB0FHN-9 with “passwd”. Take care to use a secure password. Otherwise you wil be prompt for a better password from the system.


If you have no RF-route to DB0FHN you can try whether you can reach the IGATE or not with “d igate”. If the destination is reachable you can connect to DB0FHN-9 via IGATE with “c db0fhn-9 igate”. If you have no chance to get in touch with the packet radio network you can have a look on the “Packet Radio Access by Echolinkauthentication” site.


radio/db0fhn/passwd.txt · Last modified: 2014/01/12 18:55 by jann