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There are 3 different Conversserver available. You can reach the DL/EU-Convers (german speaking) at DB0FHN-11. The WW-Convers (worldwide) is reachable at DB0FHN-12 and finally there's a local convers at DB0FHN-13 just for local meetings. After your connect you can join the converssystem with ”/lo” or ”/lo <channelnumber>”. After your login the help is available with ”/help”.

You can reach the Conversystem over the Internet in IRC-Mode.
IRC-Mode means that the used convers-software offers some IRC-functionality, but not all IRC options. There is a restricted character-set conversion available.

Before you can join the convers by Internet you have to set a password described at “Setting the Converspassword” on the mainpage.

An example for IRC is shown by M-IRC ( First add a new IRC-Server.
Ports: 3610 (choose 3600 for DL/EU-Convers, 3610 for WW-Convers or 6810 for local Convers)
Password: Your Converspassword

Select the new server.

Type in your name and email. Use your callsign as nickname. Uncheck invisible mode and press “connect to server”.

Now you can join any channel like the default channel 275 at DB0FHN.

You can also join the conversystem by SSH. Just login to ssh:// (e.g. with putty) and type “convers”, “wconvers” or “lconvers”.

radio/db0fhn/convers.txt · Last modified: 2014/01/12 19:03 by jann