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[JN59NK Nuernberg]

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VK6BE  > LOST     10.10.04 19:45l 29 Lines 1189 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : B40597VK6BE
Subj: Re: Getting out of Iraq, 3 of 2.
Sent: 041009/0247Z @:VK6JY.#ALY.#WA.AUS.OC #:44989  [Albany] wFBB7 $:B40597VK6B

Why ram your ideas down our neck Ian? Not all of us agree with you. Get a
soap box and go down to the park where you might find some kindred souls.
You are doing amateur radio NO favours by ranting on on this politically
sensitive line. 

Get onto a subject where you make sense and know what you are talking
about. We don't regard the US as "evil". If it had not been for their help
in 1941-45 we would all be speaking another language today. We risked
everything to help Britain then.Now we are helping to rid the world of
another risk to security. You don't agree? Then it is OK for madmen to set
of car bombs in supermarkets and kill innocent women and children of their
own race frequently?

It seems to me that attacks on the UK are never likely to be of the
horrific scale suffered by the US a couple of years ago.

By the way "escalation" has only one "l"
Bob VK6BE.

>  An escallation of attacks on the EU, mainly the UK, because we are hand
> in  hand  with  the evil US. Some attacks on the USA but it's harder to get 
into.  Then,  we will
get britain under Sharia law as Tony Blair resigns in > favour of a
'Minority' Party.

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