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GM7HUD > LOST     03.10.04 11:40l 57 Lines 2111 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 021721GM7HUD
Subj: Re: How do ?? get out of Iraq
Sent: 041003/0826z 84018@GB7ESX.#31.GBR.EU $:021721GM7HUD [Witham, Esx]NNA V3.1

> It  is fine sounding to make an argument using semantics and neologisms
> but
> in  the final analysis, when you have a religious book which tells you
> that
> you  own  the  "land of the stranger", that you should kill all
> unbelievers
> because they are "not your friends."Then the people who believe inthat
> book
> are dangerous.

The shame is that whilst Saddam Hussein was despicable, he had a reasonably
secular society in Iraq. Removal of him has allowed people with extreme
religeous beliefs to "take over".

The facts are quite simple.

Blair told the UK that as Hussein had WMDs which could be made ready for
use in 45minsutes, he was a threat to the UK.

Hussein didnt have WMDs and the threat refered to was to battlefield
weapons. So there was no immediate threat to the UK.

Bliar now says that Hussein was bad and had links to Al-Qaeda. Yet the
evidence on the field suggests that the terrorists have arrived in Iraq
since Hussein's removal.

Finally Blair says that it was right to force a regime change in Iraq.
Fine, but forcing a regime change on another country by military means just
because you dont like the regime is against UN resolutions. Blair is
therefore in support of illegal actions and by definition is a war
criminal. Please take yourself along to The Hague Tony and get in line
behind Milosovic.

Some of you have short memories. It was only September 2002 that the US
position on Iraq was stated publically as 

"The United States is prepared to put its demand for regime change in Iraq
"in the refrigerator" provided Iraq disarms" - Jeremy Greenstock, UK
ambasador to the UN.

Of course, Iraq couldn't disarm its WMDs as it didn't have any and the rest
as they say is history.

It's funny (well no, it's not funny, but really sad) but listening to the
news last night there was talk of the US military action taking place in
Samara(?) and lots of figures of how many insurgents had been killed. I got
the strangest feeling of deja-vu and one word floated into my mind.


73 de Andy GM7HUD

Sent as remarks of a personal character under the terms of BR68. 

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