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G0FTD  > LOST     29.09.04 22:42l 30 Lines 844 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : D87168G0FTD
Subj: Re: How do we get out of Iraq
Sent: 040928/2245Z @:GB7SXE.#38.GBR.EU #:6931 [Hastings] FBB7.00i $:D87168G0FTD

G0TEZ wrote:-
> As for getting out. I suppose someone could have a quiet word with the
> Jews and tell them to go ahead with what they paid them not to do in 1991.
> Make sure all the infidels get out first,Hi!

Pollyticks is a wafty subject.

Some say Milosovich wanted to keep the seperatist states communist.

Others say that keeping the ex-yugoslav states that are between 60-90%
Muslim into Christian dominated states is a good thing (is this because
the war was un-re-acted upon ? was a contrived thing ?

Nostradamus predicts that Islam will re-dominate europe about now.

And a 27 year war will follow.

It may well be cobblers, but then with our short life spans who are we to
judge ?

I'm a humanist, an infidel and a non believer, prepared to die for MY 
"non" ? beliefs !

- Andy -

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