ZS2ABF > UFO 02.04.09 16:40l 451 Lines 20539 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
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South African Ham Radio UFO Interest Group. Known as (SAHRUIG).
NEWS Volume 1 News letter No.251
Don't forget to "LOOK UP TO THE SKIES" you may see something exiting.
Your Comments, Sightings or UFO/Paranormal stories will be welcomed and
are needed. When submitting Sighting reports please send as much detail as
Address them via Packet to ZS2ABF @ ZS0ELD.ECP.ZAF.AF
Posted to BBS : 02/04/2009
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Missing Time In New York
Date: June 15, 1956
Time: 2:00 p.m.
Weather Conditions: Warm - sunny
Description: I was 12 and I lived in the country. I always went out in the
woods with my loyal dog, who stood by me always. We were enjoying nature there
was a creek in the pasture behind the house. I tried to catch salamanders and
crayfish. One of these days we were at the creek and for no reason I appeared
in another part of the woods and my dog was nowhere by me. It was getting dark
(I always stayed close to the house.) I hollered for my dog and eventually he
came running to me. I didn't know where I was - the woods smelled different. I
followed the sun so I could get a direction home - what a surprise- I had to
cross a road and climb a barbed wire fence to get back - I was terrified! I
had always stayed close to home and had no explanation of being in a place I'd
never seen or been before and to have my dog away from me. Of course I was
young and didn't think anything of it.
Then six years later I was driving home on a dark lonely road, coming from the
city, and I never drank of smoked!- anyhow, when I got close to home ( it was
almost 11 pm) and living in the country you only have a few roads to travel
on, it was very dark and I was anxious to get home. I remember passing a road
that was only a little way from my turn off.
The next thing I see is me in my car at a stop sign and it is very foggy, I
didn't recognize the name on the sign. I turned right and tried to recognize
something, I estimate that I was 35 miles from my home and it was so late - I
found a main road and headed back home.
You know, I have a message - if you are going to take us, at least put us back
where you found us!
So, do you think I should explore this further?
I moved from NY to AZ so I wouldn't be afraid anymore - and so far it has
Military Man Observes UFO At Phuoc Vinh, Vietnam
Date: 1969
Time: 21:00 hrs - 23:00 hrs
Location of Sighting: Phuoc Vinh, Vietnam.
Number of witnesses: Just me, as far as I know.
Number of Objects: 1
Shape of Objects: Couldn't be sure, far away.
Full Description of Event/Sighting: I was pulling Green-line duty with 3 other
1st Cav. soldiers who were sleeping. I had a star light scope, a radio and all
the stuff you would expect in/on a bunker. This bunker was a big well
fortified bunker. We were all on top of this bunker from my best recollection.
I was pulling my stint, let the others sleep. This bunker was on the western
facing perimeter. This night was a beautiful night with no overcast. Many
small brilliant stars were in the night sky. No moon, as far as I remember
especially facing out west. The starlight scope was working very well. I'm
going into a little detail to set the stage leading up to my sighting. I know
it's not to the point Please bear with me.
As I was scanning the western night sky, and all of a sudden something to the
Northwest caught my eye. It was a very brilliant whitish, silver and with a
hint of blue more of a rounded shape. It was fairly far away. The main thing
about this object was it would move to my left, or South in jerky movements,
hover, do it again and again. It never lost the same brilliance or colors the
entire time. Additionally it left an amber or reddish trail (like a tracer) as
it moved only to suddenly stop on a dime. I watched this thing for several
By this time it was in the Southern Horizon. Then, all of a sudden it shot up
skyward on a 45 degree angle towards the North. It was totally out of sight in
seconds. I was thinking should I report this? I decided not. I would wait to
see if anyone else would, then I would to. I didn't have the presence of mine
to wake the other guys. Mainly, I couldn't believe what I was seeing. I have
reported this to Mufon about 1-2 years ago. I keep my eyes skyward quite a bit
now. I've had 2 other sightings. One, in Poerta Vallarta Mexico. last year
It was a fast mover across Banderos Bay 20-30 miles in only several seconds.
It was very dim, in a very dark night sky. The other was a very unusual huge
transparent round ball shaped thing. It had either port holes or crater like
figures within it. We were driving North in Lockport, Illinois when I looked
up about 60 degrees high in the sky. It was moving pretty fast, May be a
thousand MPH. It was in the clouds, but I could easily make out the outline of
this, whatever it was. That about sums up stuff I've seen. There is no doubt
in my mine about my 1969 R.V.N. sighting. That was not from this world.
Metairie, Louisiana 20 Dancing Blue Lights - UFOs
Date: December 7, 2005
Time: 7:30 p.m.
Number of witnesses: 1
Number of objects: 20
Shape of objects: Circular
Weather Conditions: Cloudy
Description: I also saw the "dancing" blue lights along I-10 while I was
travelling east from Metairie toward downtown New Orleans. I was on the phone
with my daughter at the time, who was stationed in Korea. The lights danced
above the clouds. There was a J.P. (Jefferson Parish police) car pulled off to
the side of the interstate. Once entering Orleans Parish, there was a second
set of "dancing" lights. These blue lights seemed to parallel the interstate.
There were a couple of dozen lights in each group. They were above the clouds.
I couldn't trace a light source from the ground.
Mesa, Arizona Huge UFO Passes Overhead
Date: February 2008
Time: Approx 9:30 - 10:00 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Mesa Arizona.
Number of witnesses: 2
Number of Objects: 1
Shape of Objects: Undefined edges.
Full Description of Event/Sighting: Approx 9:30 - 10:00 pm on a Sunday night.
I was sitting in my back yard relaxing having a cigarette and my wife was
sitting just inside the glass doors behind me watching TV.
My back patio faces my back yard, a stucco (property dividing) brick wall, and
a view of my neighbors roof.
The first thing to catch my immediate attention was what seemed to be football
stadium type lights being raised over the roof over my neighbours house. The
spread was slightly wider than the width of his roof and intensely bright. The
lights appeared to be rising higher over his roof and I thought my neighbour
was hoisting some kind of stadium lights up over his roof until I realized
they weren't being raised they were coming over the top of his roof at a very
low altitude and right at me.
There was no sound at this point as this array of lights (approx 8 to 10
separate lights across - evenly spaced and a good 30 to 40 feet in width) came
toward me over the roof of my neighbours home and now was coming over my back
That is when I heard a very loud and bass sounding rumble combined with what
sounded like air hissing.
It was moving so slow it had to have taken 45 seconds to move to this point
from the first point of observation.
I got out of my chair and yelled for my wife to come out back. Oddly she
ignored me and continued watching TV. Even with all the noise.
Now it was directly over me as I was standing in the back yard. The only thing
discernable was a large round red light with what looked like golf ball
dimpling approx 6 feet in diameter. I could not see any shape other than a
total blackness and the array of front lights which led me to believe the
front of the thing was actually square. It was no more than 10 to 15 feet over
the height of my house and now barely moving or slowing down.
That freaked me out and now I demanded my wife get off the couch by taking 3
or 4 steps to the sliding glass doors and banging on them.
She heard me and came out. As we both looked up it was now moving over our
roof heading North in a South to North direction. As it got just past our roof
we moved to the side yard and noticed first that now there was no sound and
second the thing was not moving just seemingly sitting in the air just over
our front yard.
Still no shape I could see other than knowing there was a shape because of the
front lights and red glow now underneath. The thing now was completely quiet
and stationary.
After about 2 minutes it headed south again slowly and disappeared out towards
the Superstition Mountain foothills.
Weirdest thing is me and my wife barely even discussed it afterwards.
Thessaloniki, Greece A Elliptic Disc Shaped UFO
Date: February 19, 2009
Time: Around 8:00 pm
Number of witnesses: 1
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Slightly elliptic disc
Weather Conditions: Broken (fair weather few clouds)
Description: I am writing this on behalf of my friend (aka Stella) who is the
actual witness. She is a normal mentally healthy 28 year young woman, never
used any drugs, or any kind of substances, drinks moderately on occasion. No
hallucinations history or other mental issues. We both never were interested
in UFO related culture before this incident. I myself am a very skeptic and
analytic person. I also happen to be extensively involved in aviation and
military technology as a hobby since kid and the specific occurrence doesn't
fit any published vehicle features, manned or unmanned (UAV / UCAV) that I am
aware of.
She was in a taxi on her way home from work. 8 pm last Thursday. This is a
one-way main avenue near the sea. 8 pm here in February is night. There was
very little traffic on the avenue due to other main streets leading to it
being closed for some carnival parade or something. Cars were sparse. From a
distance Stells saw some lights above the avenue that she just took for a
plane inbound to Thessaloniki airport ("Macedonia").
That's very usual as a landing route is indeed almost above and along this
avenue. What caught her attention though was that the lights were not heading
away, but stood still as the taxi was approaching. Also they were more like
three whitish-pale yellowish lights circulating. Then thought could be some
helicopter maybe hovering maybe.
The sight was becoming unusual as the taxi was approaching, When close enough
it was so peculiar that she couldn't resist her curiosity, At some point she
asked the driver to open her window so she could have a better view. She
didn't mention it though, (feared of embarrassment, as she wasn't sure, just
curious, and because the driver seemed clearly like the kind of person not
flexible enough to cooperate, and because they were passing by already, she
made en excuse it was too hot in the taxi and needed some air).
And it was then when she slightly stuck her head out the window and looked up,
they were directly beneath it, and she saw the underside of the thing. A
somehow elliptic disc looking roughly like the drawings she did that I am
sending. It was about the size of two or three average helicopters, looking
like dark grey matt metallic, hovering a little higher than the buildings
close to a landmark hotel we have here called "Macedonia Palace" and three
pale yellowish lights were circulating around it. All totally silent. A small
red light right in the centre of lighting for a while was the last detail she
saw before she had to turn her head back to the taxi to tell the driver to let
her off there.
She got shocked that she asked the taxi driver she wanted to get off right
there, no (time or conditions for) other explanations. By the time the taxi
had to pull aside, get paid and Stella getting off, the thing just vanished.
She stayed there for about a quarter and there wasn't any kind of trace of it.
No other pedestrians and just few other passing cars, nobody else seemed to
have noticed something. She then went right away home on foot and drae the
thing as the details were still very vivid in her head.
Worksop Notts, UK A Wheel Shaped UFO With Lights
Date: February 20, 2009
Time: 10:00 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Worksop Notts.
Number of witnesses: 6
Number of Objects: 2
Shape of Objects: Wheels.
Full Description of Event/Sighting: We had friends over and they were leaving
at approx.10.pm . We went outside to say bye, when we all saw in the sky a
huge wheel shaped light/object with what appeared to be lights on it that
pulsated in and out getting brighter then dimmer the light given off was I
would say white. It stayed in a fixed position. So there was 6 of us that saw
it. Myself, my husband, my 2 sons and 2 of my friends. My husband went to
check the cows as he does in an evening. I could then see a fainter object
exactly the same over the houses of Worksop, we live on a farm in quite a
rural area. We can see a wind turbine from our house and I did wonder whether
it could have been some how a reflection off this as it was a bright moonlit
night with strange low lying cloud. I have never seen it again or before this
UFO Sighting Over Princeton, New Jersey
Date: March 8, 2009
Time: 7:30 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Princeton, NJ.
Number of witnesses: 2
Number of Objects: 1
Shape of Objects: Triangular.
Full Description of Event/Sighting: On this evening, my husband and I were
returning his 90 yr old mother to her home. It was mostly dark outside at the
time we were around the Snowden St and Hamilton St area. I looked up and saw
this UFO, thinking it was a plane. It was odd for a plane and I stared at it.
Just then my mother-in-law asked, what was the thing up in the sky?, to which
I said, "A plane". She stated it couldn't be as it didn't move, which I had to
agree to. It just sat still in the air. My husband was too busy driving to pay
This UFO looked to be around 500 feet up in the air. It had three large lights
shining down which formed the triangular shape. On two of the sides (one which
also faced us) there were red flashing lights. The UFO did not move. It
hovered in one spot.
I have never seen a UFO like this before, however, my husband and I did, some
weeks before in January, on a very cold night, observe a single light far into
the evening horizon which moved continuously in an erratic way. It was too far
away to identify a shape or anything other than what I have just said. Don't
remember the date of that sighting. Prior to this, neither of us had seen any
such thing.
Sanctury Cove, Goldcoast, Queensland 30 To 40 Lights In A Circular Formation
Date: March 13, 2009
Time: 7:15 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Sanctury Cove, Goldcoast, Queensland.
Number of witnesses: 2
Number of Objects: 30-40
Shape of Objects: Bright circle lights.
Full Description of Event/Sighting: Me and my dad just dropped my girlfriend
off home, and we were driving down Santa Barbra road. The sky was cloudy and
had an orange ting in the clouds and me and my dad thought we saw some bats
fly over street light, we both said they looked far too big to be bats and
then we saw these lights just appear in the sky, spiraling around in a
circular formation like a light show, a really big light show. My dad drove
really slow around the roundabuts just to see them. The area they were
covering was far too big to be the Friday night football, and the football was
in Brisbane that night. Then, in 3 seconds, all the clouds were vacuumed away,
into the distance heading west with the lights, it was amazing, it was like a
vacuum cleaner sucking a fog like substance out of a jar, and then they were
still in the distance for around another 10 minutes as me and my dad were
driving down Helensvale drive to go home, me and my dad were so freaked out,
but yet amazed by that. No sound was heard.
Montreal, Quebec Three Pearl White UFOs And Jet Fighters
Date: March 22, 2009
Time: 12:53 a.m.
Hello, I would like to report a possible UFO sighting which is a bit out of
the ordinary in a way. So I was driving in Montreal, parallel to Sherbrooke
street, in an open area, the weather was coldish, yet no clouds and sunny. At
exactly 12:53 my friend who was sitting next to me pointed to the sky, at 12
o'clock, there was three orb-like, (like ping-pong balls from distance) pearl
white objects in the air at approx 1000ft above the ground and about 2km away
from our vehicle.
All three were in a line next to each other with small spaces in-between. The
one in the middle looked less white than others and like if there was light
coming out of it, but very weak light. He, right away said it might have been
an UFO, but me, being skeptical I gave it an explanation. Something stuck on
the wires and it just looks like a UFO. We kept an eye on it up until I had to
turn on Sherbrooke and lost the sight on it. We then went to our penthouse
floor swimming pool, which has a wide view on the city, and I wanted to show
my friend that was just some junk on the wires, but there was no wires nowhere
in that spot, suddenly, a CF-188 (Canadian Air Force jet fighter) passed at a
low altitude 1500-2000ft right around that spot and went straight to the
Westmount area, where it turned left and turned around, then a couple of
moments later, it passed by the same spot again but much slower. I am
knowledgeable in aviation and I know for sure that no planes are allowed to
fly that low and that close to the city, especially above a tight neighborhood
like the Lasalle - Westmount area. It passed to close to the buildings that we
felt the windows vibrating. I had to admit that it might have been more than
wire-junk, because the CF-188's would have not passed by the city without a
reason, and especially knowing how much it cost just to lift one of those up
in the air. The fighter jets passed by the area some 15 minutes after we saw
the initial objects.
Virginia Beach, Virginia A Miles Long Luminescent Light
Date: March 29, 2009
Time: Approx: 9:30 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Virginia Beach.
Number of witnesses: 3
Number of Objects: Don't know.
Shape of Objects: Don't know.
Full Description of Event/Sighting: During a drive to my aunts house we notice
a very strong huge, miles long luminescent light. This light filled up a large
portion of the sky and it was all in the clouds, then dimmed out. I thought it
was the beginning of a lightning storm, locals are saying it was part of the
Russian Soyuz. I now this for sure, space junk does not fill up the night sky
then disappear. I have noticed more military drills since then. I.E, more jets
flying in the sky.
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This document is shared information that is intended to assist anyone and
everyone with a further understanding of UFO information from around the
Our usual thanks go to Brian Vike for his Canadian contribution.
73's and Bye from Peter ZS2ABF - East London, South Africa.
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