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ZS2ABF > UFO      21.03.09 13:25l 582 Lines 22413 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
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Sent: 090320/1401Z @:ZS0ELD.ELD.ZAF.AF #:2300 [2301] FBB7.01.35 alpha
To  : UFO@WW

South African Ham Radio UFO Interest Group. Known as (SAHRUIG).
NEWS Volume 1 News letter No.249
Don't forget to "LOOK UP TO THE SKIES" you may see something exiting.
Your Comments, Sightings or UFO/Paranormal stories will be welcomed and
are  needed. When submitting Sighting reports please send as much detail as
Address them via Packet to ZS2ABF @ ZS0ELD.ECP.ZAF.AF
 Posted to BBS : 20/03/2009

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Marcy New York Cigar Shaped UFO As Large As A Football Field
Date:  N/A
Time:  N/A
I too have seen a cigar shaped object in the sky over Marcy NY, this object
was about 1/2 mile 
high in the sky and did not have any lights on it. It was the size of a
football field and made not 
a noise. I thought I heard a humming, but if pushed for an answer, I would
have to say it made 
no noise. I was traveling west as the sun was setting and I seen out my
drivers side window, a 
large cigar shaped something that moved slowly to my right, north, towards I
thought was the 
direction of Griffis Air  base. Anyways as it passed over, I had to pull over
to get out and see. I 
did notice that another vehicle also had stopped, it was headed in the
opposite direction than me. 
I want to say that it had a shadowy grey appearance to it. It's center edge
stuck out a little, 
almost like looking at a submarine sandwich and it hovered over for no longer
then a minute and 
in an instant it darted to the north, you could see it move out of sight at
it's same elevation, but it 
moved and I mean moved. I never seen something that size move from a
standstill to super speed 
in my life, I got in my truck and raced over to a friend in Whitesboro and
told him what I had 
seen, he seemingly believed me. I had a feeling that I had better not make a
big deal about this, 
what I had seen changed me a little in what I would believe, but I knew that
when you harp on 
something people get spooked away from you. 
I bring this story up now because the night of the shuttle launch, or the very
next morning I had 
noticed a very bright light in the sky, almost like a star. It trailed from
west to east and sped fast 
across the sky. I know it wasn't a jet and I am guessing it was not the
shuttle, it may have been, 
but I am not sure. Well anyways that sighting brought back my cigar shaped
sighting. I wish I 
could remember the year I saw it, I know it was at least 15 years or so, give
or take another 5 
years, this is the first time I am telling this to an outfit that tracts this
research. I am 52 and its too 
late to accuse me of being a crack pot now. I have my time in at work and this
info seems to be 
out there more often. I should say that before this sighting I was a believer
in God and His Son, 
and still today I am still a believer. I always look up.
Yuma, Arizona, Marine Corps Air Station Yuma, Rifle Range Landing Pad Imprints

Date:  March, Wednesday 1984 
Time: 6:00 a.m. 
Number of witnesses: 5 
Number of objects: 3 
Shape of objects: 3 Hexagonal shaped landing pad imprints in sand about 3-4
feet in diameter 
with small hexagon shapes filling inside of larger hexagon. Each pad was about
3 feet wide and 
the three formed a triangle. Each pad was about 8-10 feet apart. 
Weather Conditions: clear, sun just coming up, no wind, no clouds. 
Description: Four Marines and myself observed 3 Hexagonal shaped landing pad
imprints in sand 
about 3-4 feet in diameter with small hexagon shapes filling inside of larger
hexagon (looked like 
a honeycomb) just over the side barriers of the rifle range. There was no
craft, but the imprints 
formed a perfect triangle and were about 3 inches deep. The circumference of
the three pad 
impressions was about 8-10 feet from each other and in the middle was some
charred remains, which I picked up (pebble size, black and rocky) then put
back down. No foot 
prints or residual blast area was obvious. Whatever landed and took off, did
so with no blast 
Otherwise the site would have been obliterated. I know of no propulsion system
we have that 
can land and take off without a blast from engines. We were soon told by
Sergeant to get away 
from there. Soon afterwards, the Naval Investigative Service (NIS) showed up
and took Polaroid 
Bohola, Ireland Lights Cluster Around UFO 
Date:  July (?) 2002 
Time:  Approx: 2:00 a.m. 
Number of witnesses: 2 
Number of objects: 1 
Shape of objects: Best described as a spinning top shape. 
Weather Conditions: Fine clear night. No cloud. 
Description: My partner and I have not reported this before as we did not
think we would be 
believed. I still recall the event vividly. 
We were out stargazing when we spotted a light in the southern quadrant of the
sky. The light 
was low in the sky and we judged it to be around 2 miles distant. It did not
have strobe lights 
but was lit. Through the binoculars I could just make out the outline, but
what really caught my 
attention was the huge number of lights clustered around the central portion
of the object. They 
were mainly orange and blue, with a few yellow and red. 
The object moved slowly westwards towards the Atlantic and seemed to be
Castlebar when it turned 90 degrees to the right and started moving across in
front of us. It 
carried on in that direction and when past our line of sight with Newport
turned 90 degrees left 
and carried on outwards Achill Island and the sea. It was visible to us for
around 15 minutes in 
all. The turns were sharp immediate turns, not sweeping curves. It was at the
same height all the 
time it was visible. 
We are about 400 ft up a hill and I would judge it to have been no more than
15 degrees above a 
level plane from us. When we were discussing it afterwards we both realized
that we had heard 
absolutely no sound, and the dogs had not barked which normally they would if
an aircraft came 
so low. 
Castlebar is 12 miles from us so whilst it is very difficult to estimate, I
would have said the 
object was about 100ft high, maybe more. Certainly comparable to the radio
mast in Castlebar. 
We hear aircraft flying at 30,000+ feet as they go over from West to East
around 4am but this 
was totally silent.
Southeast Manitoba Canada Two Horizontally Oriented Rectangles
Date:  May 10, 2008
Time:  10:40 p.m.
Location of Sighting: SE Manitoba. 
Number of witnesses: 1 
Number of Objects: 2 
Shape of Objects: Rectangular.
Full Description of Event/Sighting: I was in a campground in southeast
Manitoba between the 
villages of Sundown and Piney, roughly 10 km. from the US border (Minnesota)
when I looked 
to the southeast and saw 2 horizontally oriented rectangles fairly close
together, one above the 
other. They were a bright white with no other colours evident. They appeared
to move in unison 
in a roughly circular fashion; that is, not in a continuous circle, but moving
haphazardly in a space 
in the sky that occupied roughly the size of my outstretched fist. This
continued for several 
minutes. At that time the objects merged and became one. There were no
obstructions to my 
view such as tree branches or leaves...they clearly merged in a split second
and became simply 
one rectangle. After several minutes they split and became 2 again. There was
no sound at all and 
it's impossible to guess their distance from my location, but I'd guess it was
more than a few 
miles at minimum. After 10 to 15 minutes of watching I turned in for the
night, but it's 
something I'll never forget. I've since become a member of MUFON, and posted
the sighting on 
one of their talk forums. I've yet to hear of a similar sighting at any time
or any place. 
I contacted Chris Rutkowski, Manitoba's go-to guy with regards to UFOs and
said a friend had 
suggested possibly the US government was deploying silent drones near the
Canada-US border. 
Chris said the only drones at that time might have been near the US-Mexico
I've been following the subject of UFOs for years, read many a book on the
subject and believe I 
know the difference between what I saw and objects in everyday life. It was
NOT the moon, any 
aircraft known to man nor any star or planet. I don't believe shooting stars,
meteors or meteorites 
exhibit this kind of behavior, nor would any space station or satellite. 
Tucson, Arizona Object Explodes
Date:  February 11, 2009
Time:  9:20 p.m.
Duration of event: 3-4 seconds. 
Number of witnesses: 3 
Shape of object: Oval.
On the above date and time I was sitting with my Husband and daughter in the
living room area, 
and watching a movie. I was seated in a chair that faces South-West, while my
husband and 
daughter were seated in chairs facing approx. North. Within the living room is
a large sliding 
glass door that allows exit to the backyard area. The door also faces
South-West and overlooks 
the Tucson mountains with an unimpeded view since there are no homes in that
area adjacent our 
I turned away from the Television and glanced out through the sliding glass
door. My attention 
was immediately drawn to an object approx 200 to 300 feet Southwest of our
Although I don’t remember seeing the object moving at that point, I got the
impression that it 
was moving South to North.  
The object was complete with two (2) red lights, (non-strobing) one in the
front and one in the 
rear. Although it was dark out I got the impression that the shape of the
object was oval. I 
estimate its altitude at approx. 150-200 feet. 
Holding my hand stretched out in front of me, with fingers pointing up, I
estimate that from light 
to light, the distance between these two lights would have spanned my hand
from little finger to 
thumb. As I watched and only a second or two later the object appeared to
“explodeö with a 
blinding white light, (the size of the explosion would be about the size of a
pie plate held at arms 
length) the object then accelerated at an unbelievable rate of speed and
departed, parallel to the 
ground, in a Northerly direction. 
There was no noise at any time emitted from this object, nor when it
"exploded". Because neither 
my husband nor daughter was looking in that direction, neither saw the object.
I alerted them to 
the object and we all ran outside looking for any sign of it. After about 10
minutes of looking, 
we all three gave up and returned to the living room. Just as we began to sit
down once again, my 
husband stated that he heard the sounds of helicopters coming in. All of us
went to the back yard 
once again and watched as two helicopters, moving from the North-west and
proceeding in a 
South-east direction. 
My husband who is former Air Force identified these helicopters as military
types. Although it 
was dark and the outlines of the choppers were indistinct they were both about
the size of 
Blackhawks, maybe larger. 
We could see that as the Helicopters approached in tandem, they flew directly
over the area 
where I witnessed the object  “explodeö The helicopters were moving very
slowly (estimated 
speed of perhaps 50 miles per hour) and I would estimate their altitude at
200-300 feet. They 
proceeded to pass our house just to the South and continued flying South-east.
Although there is 
much military air-traffic in this area, and we have witnessed many helicopters
in flight, we have 
never seen them fly this route, nor at this slow of speed, especially during
the night.
Fort Collins, Colorado A Cylinder Shaped UFO And Four Ball Of Light
Date:  March 14, 2009
Time:  4:30 pm-6:30 pm
Location of Sighting: Ft Collins, CO, USA. 
Number of witnesses: 4, 1 Several sightings 
Number of Objects: 5 
Shape of Objects: 4 balls of light 1 cylinder.
Full Description of Event/Sighting: #1 My friends and I were sitting at Avos
patio at 4:30pm. I looked up and saw a shiny object high up in the sky,
approx. 70 degrees above 
us. Clear sky. No wind. It flickered and jerked to the left then back again. I
became excited and 
made everybody look. They were 7 of us, 4 for sure saw it. Everybody else
could've cared less 
but I knew what I was looking at. I watched for 5 minutes as it moved
erratically, staying in one 
central area. Nobody had a camera with them. I ran inside to see if anyone
else had a camera, no 
one did. Came back outside and object was gone.
#2 (same time location)Still looking in the same area when this cylinder comes
cruising by! My 
jaw dropped. It was going fast and flipped end-over-end several times before
going out view in a 
westward direction.Very cool. Had a dull white color and was clearly a
3/4 Same day approx. 6pm filed a report with MUFON on sighting, went out on my
deck to have 
a beer. Looked to NE and saw 2 balls of light side by side moving fast to the
NE. Ran inside to 
get video camera, came back out, object were gone.
5 Still standing on deck about 10 minutes later and saw a bright light like
the first one I saw in 
the NE direction. Had my video camera with me and managed to get it for about
1 minute! I was 
using a neighbors tree as my reference point. This light was still then moves
to the right and then 
swoops down. At one point you can see it dart back to the left then to the
right. Cool! I could 
not see it in the view finder as I was looking into a clear blue sky but like
I said I used the 
branches to locate it. The camera focused on the branches but you can still
see this object which 
moved to the SE before I lost view of it.
Very exciting afternoon for me! I have another video of a bright orb from
several years ago. I 
don't know how to put these onto a computer (pathetic I know) but if you're
interested I'll figure 
it out. I've had many sightings since living in Ft Collins, Colorado and they
are all daytime. 
Something's going on around here.  
Strathroy, Ontario, Canada Seven Triangular Shaped UFOs
Date:  March 15, 2009 
Time:  9:45 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Strathroy, Ontario, Canada. 
Number of witnesses: 1 
Number of Objects: 7 
Shape of Objects: Triangle.
Full Description of Event/Sighting: I was taking my dog outside and was in my
backyard. It was 
a clear night and I had been out for a few minutes when something caught the
corner of eye in 
the sky. I looked up and saw 7 triangle shaped lights. They were bigger and
brighter than the 
stars. 3 of the 7 triangle lights actually formed a triangle shape and the 4
remaining were formed 
in a straight line horizontal to the triangle shape the other 3 had formed but
below it a bit. There 
was no noise and they glided across the sky and then suddenly faded. Just
before they faded I 
noticed that the 4 lights that had been horizontal to the 3 that formed the
triangle moved up 
closer to the same level as the triangle shape. It lasted approximately 10-15
seconds. It was 
nothing I had ever seen before and the shapes of the lights were distinctly
triangle and bright.
UFOs Over Long Beach, California 
Date:  March 17, 2009
Time:  7:59 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Long Beach, CA, USA. 
Number of witnesses: 9, actually! 
Number of Objects: 1 or more 
Shape of Objects: Shape-shifted.
Full Description of Event/Sighting: From 7:59 to 8:25pm  on March 17th, 2009
(forgot DST on 
the camera, so time shows an hour earlier), my sons and I saw another UFO in
the skies over 
Long Beach, California. We were in the backyard of our home taking pictures of
whatever might 
look interesting, as sky-watching is our hobby. We do it at least 5 days a
week to relax after a 
long day and I've been teaching them the constellations. I then noticed
something that didn't fit 
what we've come to know as a terrestrial craft, whether a jet, prop or
experimental aircraft. There 
was an object that was going from the west to the east and there was no red
light visible (FAA 
REG) as with all other aircraft taking off from the airport. Then it started
to hover and 
immediately changed direction and again did not have the FAA green light on
its opposite side.
I have almost 60 photos of this sighting and you really must see them all to
be able to appreciate 
what is going on here. From my vantage point of about a mile off of the
Pacific coast, this craft 
was hovering on the southern horizon, probably above the electric company at
the corner of 
Studebaker and 2nd Street/Westminster. After hovering, the craft would then
make 160-180 
degree turns going east, then west, then repeating while slowly drifting
further south - over the 
Pacific Ocean - towards the famed "Redondo Trench". This went on, as can be
seen in the 
properties of my photos, for 26 full minutes.
At the time of our sighting this time, it was not clear what shape the object
actually was until the 
photos were analyzed upon download to my computer and even then, it seemed
only the lights 
were visible. As far as structure and the apparent "shape-shifting abilities",
this was one 
spectacular sighting! However it didn't beat the Triangle "Mothership" we all
saw last November 
12th, and I don't think anything else could! That was reported the same day on
UFO Northwest, 
if you are interested.
Anyway, I took a few "real-time" photos of the craft, but didn't want to
"waste" the pictures and 
knew the only way to be sure to "get proof" was to take timed shots, so - as a
result - most of the 
almost 60 photos I shot were 8 second exposures at a F 2.5 setting with an
exposure value at 
+2.00 (the highest my camera goes) and certainly showing the true colors of
the crafts lights and 
its flight pattern/path. I used a high-pixel, Sony Cybershot digital camera
and did not alter the 
originals at all! I have kept their integrity to help you to prove or disprove
whatever it was that 
caused more than ten helicopters to be in the air after it disappeared, and
caused them to refuel 
and return to the search for the next 2 hours or so. The light appeared to be
of whitish/yellow 
color with a bit of red from time to time, and what got my attention was that
the lights and 
colors did not match the FAA regulations with regards to Red on the left and
green on the right 
and white lights that blink 40x per minute. This thing pulsed and then stayed
Then it blinked white lights fast and then went back to pulsing again only to
follow it with 
another blast of bright, solid light for another thirty to sixty seconds. From
where I was, it looked 
like a saucer, then looked like 2 doing maneuvers together. Then it looked
like two orbs that were 
connected somehow, then "shape-shifting" into something else... more
I would also like to mention that based on the photos I have taken, I have
reason to believe their 
may have been more than one craft in the sky last night, too. Several shots
seem to show what 
could be mistaken for stars, but upon closer inspection, can be seen to have
the same color 
coding/ shading as the initial craft and in two of my photos, it looks as if
their are 2 saucers of 
another shape that might even be a couple of boomerangs, but on a timed photo,
it is hard to tell. 
You are the experts and I do hope that my final disclosure to you will help
figure out what is 
happening on our planet.
Well, this was absolutely incredible, but did not come close to others I and
my family have had 
and would like to talk with an investigator about. Last night, there were a
total of 7 of us and an 
8th joined in at the last minute, that witnessed this sighting and the
after-effects. Only three of 
us saw it for the first 20 minutes or so, because I was getting pictures while
the boys watched 
and tried to get neighbors out to see it, too.
What else is interesting is that on March 11th, 2009, there was little to no
usual traffic going into 
or out of Long Beach Airport and around 8:18pm, seven military and
police/civilian helicopters 
flew over our house, seeming to be looking for something on the ground. They
flew rather 
slowly, from west to east and then took a more southerly direction when above
Seal Beach, 
moving towards the Huntington Beach Area.
Scary thing? I took photos of them, too as soon as I heard them coming and
watched them go 
and the first shot set off the flash which seemingly caused one of the
helicopters to turn on and 
shine a searchlight on us! I had the kids shut off the lights in and outside
of the house, got to my 
computer and downloaded them as soon as I could - just in case I got something
I wasn't supposed to have.
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FAIR USE NOTICE:If This page contains copyrighted material the use of which
has not been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. SAHRUIG 
distributes this material without profit to those who have expressed a prior
interest in receiving the included information for research and educational
purposes. We believe this constitutes a fair use of any such copyrighted
material as provided for in 17 U.S.C § 107.
This document is shared information that is intended to assist anyone and
everyone with a further understanding of UFO information from around the
Our usual thanks go to Brian Vike for his Canadian contribution. 

73's and Bye from Peter ZS2ABF - East London, South Africa.

                          \ZS2 ABF/


                          \ZS2 ABF/


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