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ZS2ABF > UFO      06.03.09 22:03l 291 Lines 11236 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : D60576ZS2ABF
Sent: 090302/1724Z @:ZS0ELD.ELD.ZAF.AF #:1391 [1392] FBB7.01.35 alpha
To  : UFO@WW

South African Ham Radio UFO Interest Group. Known as (SAHRUIG).
NEWS Volume 1 News letter No.247
Don't forget to "LOOK UP TO THE SKIES" you may see something exiting.
Your Comments, Sightings or UFO/Paranormal stories will be welcomed and
are  needed. When submitting Sighting reports please send as much detail as
Address them via Packet to ZS2ABF @ ZS0ELD.ECP.ZAF.AF
 Posted to BBS :02/03/2009

The last four News letters were quiet large. Today's is a short one for the
readers that do not like reading long bulls.
It's the usual report of sightings around the world. Many sightings that I
have received I have not listed, as they are the usual White or Orange orbs. 
UK is still the location of most of the Orange balls/orb sightings.

How did you like the Crop Circles Bull?

     ***********	    **************           ************
Miamisburg, Dayton Ohio Lights Running Around UFO
Date:  July, August? ? 1976,77 
Time:  Approx 10:30 or 11:00 pm 
Number of witnesses: More than 100,People were out of their cars looking back
at object. Horns 
and lights from their cars going off. The object was almost on top of
Interstate 75. The Dayton 
Mall is across the road. Personally I had 3 witnesses with me. Literally
hundreds had to see the 
Number of objects: 1 
Shape of objects: Seemed to be round. It had double row of lights which seemed
to go around 
the object. 
Weather Conditions: Clear. Warm summer night. Stars were very visible. 
Description: We were watching a movie at the Drive in. Suddenly car lights and
horns were 
going off making it almost impossible to watch the movie. I seen several
people out of their cars 
looking and pointing back away from the movie screen. I looked back and seen
this incredibly 
large object that was dark except for row of lights. I couldn't believe it! It
made no noise. It did 
not hover. It was still! It seemed to be 75 to 100yds away. It was close and
very big. It seemed 
like the size of half of a Wal-Mart store! 
The object sat there for about 20 or so minutes. Then it took off towards
Centerville OH and 
arched right to Montgomery County Airport. It sat close if not over that
airport for maybe 4 or 5 
minutes. It then came back to what seemed to be the exact spot at the Drive
in. It sat there for 4 
or 5 more minutes then took off into the lights of Dayton. The speed that this
craft had is not in 
my understanding. No noise. No to and fro movement. My friends and I thought
that it would 
be all over the news. Nothing! Wright Patterson Air Base had to see it.
Montgomery County 
Airport had to see it. Folks traveling on I 75 had to see it. 
All the traffic around the Dayton Mall Someone had to see it! I have seen many
aircraft. I have 
lived around Dayton most of my life. To see something that big that makes no
noise and fly 
(move) that quick is Astounding. I know others seen this thing. Why is no one
saying anything? I 
know how people react, I know that look they give, How can something be over
such an area as 
WPAB and no one says a thing? 
I know it has been many years since. I truly figured someone would have at
least claimed swamp 
gas!! I just know it was real and I have witnesses! Just the people at the
Drive In would number 
over 75 or 100. I don't understand why no one has said a thing. Thanks for the
opportunity to 
post this.
UFO With Rows Of Lights North Of Plano, Illinois 
Date:  June 12, 2008
Time:  Approx: 5:30 p.m.  
On June 12, 2008 around 5:30 in afternoon, my son who was 16 at the time was
on the 
computer. He came down stairs and said the signal had went out. I thought that
was odd as it 
was a crystal clear night. Maybe the wasps had built another nest in the
computer dish again. So 
we went out to check it out and didn't see anything wrong. My son said look at
that. I thought 
the wasps were coming out again. No he said, look up higher. Whatever it was,
it was a square 
shape with rounded corners. It had three or four rolls of lights. They were
dull, but they were 
bright, it's hard to explain it. It did not make a sound as it was coming from
the west going east. 
We live north of Plano, Illinois. There were planes in the air flying into
Chicago, that's an 
approach for O'Hare airport. It kept flying east and about a half mile east,
it rotated one way, 
then rotated back the way it was. It was not a plane or balloon, but it was
something I never seen 
before. I should of reported it, but didn't think anyone would believe me and
not to many do, 
but my son and I saw it.  
Hazel Grove, Cheshire, England Flaming Red Balls/Lights
Date:  December 26, 2008
Time:  6:30 p.m. 
Number of witnesses: 3 
Number of objects: 5 
Shape of objects: Flame red balls (circles) 
Weather Conditions: Clear & no wind. 
Description: I saw 5 red lights in the shape of balls, the formation they were
in was the same as 
the five on a dice. These objects did not move for about 2mins, but then two
of the objects 
moved at some speed west and disappeared, then the centre object from the
formation maybe 
30secs later moved north at speed and disappeared. The other two lights just
seemed to go out. 
At a guess all this looked to be at about 1000ft. This was not fireworks! they
don't move like 
Ongley Park, Palmerston North, New Zealand A Rectangular UFO
Date:  January 23, 2009
Time:  0500 
Number of witnesses: 2 
Number of objects: 2 
Shape of objects: Rectangle. 
Weather Conditions: Clear, 1st Quarter moon (I believe). 
Description: First I would like everyone to know I am not claiming to have
seen aliens, merely 
exactly what UFO stands for, objects I cannot identify. It was a hot night, a
friend and I 
decided to go for a walk as we couldn't sleep. As we walked across Ongley Park
looking into the 
sky we both noticed a rectangle shape much larger than any star in the sky,
with the source of 
white light being to two longer sides, sitting stationery in the sky. After
about 30 seconds it 
started to move away darting side to side to the east and getting further away
very fast 
considering the distance required to travel to have that affect on the eye.
After approx 1 min the 
object faded out of eyesight in the east of the sky. To the best of my
knowledge it was too high 
and sporadic for a plane, too fast and again sporadic for a satellite and
heading away from earth 
so clearly not a typical meteor. We caught the second object in the later
phases of exactly what I 
just described except from nor-west to disappear in the north. I am by no
reach of the 
imagination a conspiracy theorist in fact I'm rather the opposite, but I
cannot explain this. If 
someone can please do so as I have looked at every site I can about balloons,
satellites, and the 
International Space Station.
Prince Rupert. British Columbia Bright Light Hovers Then Moves Off
Date:  February 20, 2009
Time:  Evening.
Last night, February 20, 2009 there appeared to be the same bright light off
the west coast of 
Prince Rupert, B.C. I first noticed it on Sunday eve passed. I thought it was
a bit bright and 
strange. But last night it does the same thing as the other nights. It goes
really bright and then it 
fades. I was discussing this with my husband who is a fisherman and he said
they saw the same 
light out fishing the other night. But this light had moved when they were
fishing and it hovered 
down low then took off. We believe it is the same light, because it is in the
same spot as before. 
We are not sure what it is, but it is definitely not normal. We live right on
the harbor side of 
Prince Rupert and it is very bright at times. Well not sure what it is, but it
is not a normal star. 
Maybe it's a UFO. 
A radio Ham from Texas USA sent me this story (Call sign and name removed).

In 1974, Southeast of Nurnberg, Germany, I was involved in a UFO sighting
involving about 100 people, whereby an elliptical shaped object hovered at
night over our work area.  It wasn't the planet Venus, because we tracked it's
slow movements with survey instruments; sighting from 2 locations, we could
track it by turning angles as it moved.  An aircraft attempted to get near it,
but the UFO craft ascended too high and moved off toward the Southwest, toward
Schawabach and Ansbach.  The UFO returned the same time on several following
nights. Nurnberg ATC was notified, but I have no idea what their disposition
of the incident was. We took photographs, but they were not useful.  The craft
was directly over our work site, and yeah it was real, and no it wasn't an
aircraft; it had lights moving horizontally right to left; not even close to
being aircraft markings.  I happen to be a pilot and I know the difference.
Well, that was a long time ago, and there was an investigation, but I'll never
know the results.

Let's see, what else.  My brother is an airline pilot.  He told me, years ago,
that there's an un-written rule of most US airlines - any crew member who
reports sighting a UFO will be grounded and fired.  I think that determination
was made by attorneys, that any pilot who sights UFOs must be crazy.
(Editor: An ex SAA (South African Airways)pilot). told me that reporting UFO
sightings was also Taboo over here). 

Mexican pilots, on the other hand, are permitted to report UFO sightings, and
they see 'em all the time around Mexico City.

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FAIR USE NOTICE:If This page contains copyrighted material the use of which
has not been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. SAHRUIG 
distributes this material without profit to those who have expressed a prior
interest in receiving the included information for research and educational
purposes. We believe this constitutes a fair use of any such copyrighted
material as provided for in 17 U.S.C § 107.
This document is shared information that is intended to assist anyone and
everyone with a further understanding of UFO information from around the
Our usual thanks go to Brian Vike for his Canadian contribution. 

73's and Bye from Peter ZS2ABF - East London, South Africa.

                          \ZS2 ABF/


                          \ZS2 ABF/


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