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South African Ham Radio UFO Interest Group. Known as (SAHRUIG).
NEWS Volume 1 News letter No.246
Don't forget to "LOOK UP TO THE SKIES" you may see something exiting.
Your Comments, Sightings or UFO/Paranormal stories will be welcomed and
are needed. When submitting Sighting reports please send as much detail as
Address them via Packet to ZS2ABF @ ZS0ELD.ECP.ZAF.AF
Posted to BBS : 28/02/2009
Are Aliens real? Are we humans of Earth being abducted and genetic experiments
carried out on our bodies?
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"Greys" are the most discussed type, associated with "alien abduction
phenomenon". Sighting accounts have Greys wearing tight neutral colored
uniform-like jumpsuits. Some think that Greys are in fact biogenetically
engineered clones, "androids" a/k/a "biological robots".
Typically, Greys are described as being approximately 1.2m (4ft) tall, with
grey (sometimes blue-grey/green-grey) skin. They have a bulbous, hairless
head, large in proportion to their body, supported by a thin neck. Their face
is dominated by large black eyes. They have two nostrils, slit-like mouths and
small ears lacking earlobes. Their body is thin and lacks muscular definition.
Their legs are shorter and jointed differently than one would expect in a
human. Their arms often reach down to their knees, and accounts give them
three digits and a thumb on each hand.
Others report the following observations:
The abduction phenomenon is a term widely used to describe a number of
assertions stating that alien beings (typically the ones popularly known as
"Greys", but occasionally very tall (2.1m / 7ft) and slim "praying
mantis"-like, and shorter (1m / 3ft) "reptilian" brown-skinned hooded beings
are mentioned) take humans against their will, to an unknown environment (a
UFO), for "medical testing" with a focus on reproductive issues, after which
they are returned to the same place they were taken from, with their memories
clouded or erased (that's their, "missing time"). The history of abduction
reports seems to start in the 1960s. The 1980s brought a major degree of
mainstream attention to the subject, in the USA. Stigma and self-doubt may be
obstacles to more widespread study and/or reporting of the phenomenon,
whatever its origins or explanation. Several abduction reports have been quite
detailed and there is a persistent structure to them. Generally such memories
are recovered under hypnosis. According to T.E.Bullard, PhD folklorist,
"abduction reports bear extensive similarities to one another, no matter who
investigates, how abductees recall the encounter and in what year or country
the story originates" ( MUFON Journal Jun-1998). The mixture of social
patterning, medical effects, the evident post-traumatic stress syndrome and
the remarkable consistency of abduction reports all argue for a complex
phenomenon, which cannot be reduced to simple perceptual contagion or
individual psychopathology.
About +- 2% of the American public have had possible abduction-like
experiences (questionable estimate taken from a 1991 Roper poll of 6,000
people, of which 119 answered "Yes" to 4 out of 5 "key indicator questions",
rather than report actual alien abductions), other estimates put it at 0.3% of
the population. Those who make the case that alien abductions are a physically
real phenomenon, cite as evidence "scoop marks" (see Google-images -- layers
of skin removed, similar to what doctors call "punch biopsy"), unexplained
scars where people remember undergoing operations, missing pregnancies,
leftovers of fluorescent substance found on bodies of claimants, "alien
implants" (though per Prof.D.Prichard's comments, none of the extracted
objects has ever been proven to be of exotic origin) etc. Abduction
researchers report that alien abductions occur within family lines, i.e.
different members of the same families at different stages of their lives.
Water connection: According to John Velez (who considers himself an abductee),
who over a period of 6 years has been in touch with 600-700 people via the
quarterly meeting groups of Hopkins and Jacobs, they bring up "the frequency
of abductees who live near water" and "an awful lot of abductees who have
memories of being taken underwater"
Travis Walton exiting saucer, led outside by a "fine built human, in a
tight-fitting bright blue suit". During his adventure in 1975, the start of
which had six witnesses, Travis describes encounters with both human-looking
("Nordic"?) and short ("non-Greys" i.e. type A.1?) UFO occupants.
Travis writes:
I descended a short, steep ramp seven or eight feet to the floor. I looked
around to discover that, although I was outside that dim, humid craft, I was
not out-of-doors. I was in a huge room. The ceiling was sectioned into
alternating rectangles of dark metal and those that gave off light. The
ceiling itself curved down to form one of the larger walls in the room. The
room was shaped like one-quarter of a cylinder laid on its side.
The outside of the craft we had just left was shaped like the one we had seen
in the woods, but was very much larger, about sixty feet in diameter and
sixteen feet high. It did not emit light; instead it had a surface of shiny
brushed-metal luster. It seemed to radiate a faint heat from its hull. The
craft either sat flat on its bottom or, if it had legs, they were only a few
inches high. It sat nearly in the middle of the large room.
On my left, toward one end of the large room, there were two or three
oval-shaped saucers, reflecting light like highly polished chrome. I could see
two of them very clearly, and a silvery reflection that could have been
another shiny, rounded craft. They were about forty or forty-five feet in
diameter, quite a bit smaller than the angular vehicle I had just come out of.
I saw no projections or breaks in the smooth, shiny, flattened spheres. They
sat on very rounded bottoms and I could not see how they balanced that way."
Travis Walton's story from the book, "Fire in the Sky".
Betty Hill tells her story of being taken on-board a UFO. It was the first
widely publicized "UFO abduction" case. Books were written about it and even a
Documentary "The Unexplained - Alien Abductions" featuring several alleged
abductees, including Travis Walton.
The so-called "alien abduction" phenomenon seems to be virtually defunct
according to many researchers. In Jun-2002 Dr. Mark Rodeghier of CUFOS
remarked that the number of abduction reports have been down and continuously
declining over the last few years (compared to 1980s-1990s), despite much
greater publicity and awareness. This has been stated by others, such as John
Velez and The Mack Institute. However, Dr.D.Jacobs of ICAR in a 2007 interview
suggested that he doesn't see any significant change in numbers and that
"since the change in 2003 any discussion of it is considered non-compliance".
In Biological Evidence Of an Alien Entity and DNA Technique For Assessing
Claims Of Alien Abduction alleged alien biological evidence is analyzed.
Many abduction cases exist where alleged biological evidence has been
reported. Such events lend themselves to an established forensic DNA profiling
technique, which could help establish the credibility of such claims. Since
most abduction cases imply a measure of unwanted assault on the victims of
such experiences, a forensic approach towards verification of the alleged
perpetrators is desirable. Since DNA is the only building block of life that
we know, biological specimens recovered in alleged abduction cases would
provide researchers with a clear point of comparison.
A key claim by many abduction researchers is that abductions involve some form
of genetic agenda. This scenario would require compatibility between aliens
and humans. The claims of sexual encounters are alleged to add further support
to this scenario. This very element amongst the extraordinary range of
fantastic claims made about abductions is one of major stumbling blocks to the
credibility of abduction claims.
Mainstream science argues that if alien life exists it is unlikely to be
compatible with human life. Hence any claims to the contrary, such as alien
abductions, are regarded as absurd. Therefore this limited and focused DNA
profiling technique goes to the very heart of one of key claims behind the
alleged alien abduction agenda. It provides an opportunity for testing the
credibility of such claims.
If such claims are true then there should be some compatibility in the DNA of
alleged alien specimens, but some possible anomalies may be evident that would
perhaps not be readily reconciled with measures of human DNA variability. One
established way of undertaking this is to undertake such analysis with the
goal to establish a precise DNA base sequence of mitochondrial hyper variable
region I, spanning nucleotides 16,000 to 16,400 of mitochondrial DNA.
Such DNA is present in hundreds of copies within each human cell, and
therefore acts as an easily amplified genetic marker for the polymerase chain
reaction (PCR), even in moderately degraded samples, i.e. measuring the DNA
variability beyond the documented "human consensus" of the region of DNA hyper
This technique has been tested in one abduction case to date, in an
investigation undertaken by this writer of a biological sample - a blonde hair
- implicated in the abduction milieu of a Sydney man, Peter Khoury, during
"Strange Evidence", International UFO Reporter (IUR), Spring, 1999
Ufologist, Vol.3, No.3, 3rd, 1999, pgs. 43-56.
The original analysis confirmed the hair came from someone who was
biologically close to normal human genetics, but of an unusual racial type - a
rare Chinese Mongoloid type - one of the rarest human lineages known, that
lies further from the human mainstream than any other except for African
pygmies and aboriginals.
There was the strange anomaly of it being blonde to clear instead of black, as
would be expected from the Asian type mitochondrial DNA. The original DNA work
was done on the shaft of the hair. Fascinating further anomalies were found in
the root of the hair. Two types of DNA were found depending on where the
mitochondrial DNA testing occurs, namely confirming the rare Chinese type DNA
in the hair shaft and indicating a rare possible Basque/Gaelic type DNA in the
root section.
This case confirms the utility of the DNA forensic approach, however the real
challenge ahead for researchers is to determine if these anomalies are both
valid and significant. To do this, researchers in the controversial area of
abductions should cooperate with a testing program focused on this specific
area of DNA profiling. Testing of a significant number of legitimate samples
would provide an opportunity for validation of the unusual anomalies found to
date. The further results would add to the database of biological evidence of
alleged alien specimens.
Such a strategy could help to determine if aliens are a biological reality and
if indeed any are visiting our planet and abducting humans. Perhaps such
information could also provide for an interesting perspective on the many
stories of Nordic type beings implicated in UFO abduction and contact cases.
The Anomaly Physical Evidence Group (APEG) has been formed to focus attention
on biological strategies in abduction investigations. Preliminary funding has
facilitated a small laboratory presence addressing this exciting area.
Anyone who believes they have legitimate biological evidence implicated in UFO
and abduction experiences are encouraged to contact the APEG through Bill
Chalker. Any such evidence will need to be assessed for its potential as
credible evidence warranting the cost, resources and time involved in this DNA
focused study.
The APEG can be contacted through this writer at P.O. Box 42, West Pennant
Hills, NSW, 2125, Australia or via bill_c@bigpond.com http://www.theozfiles.com
In 1992, a 5-day conference was held at M.I.T. to examine "the findings of
various investigators studying people who report experiences of abductions by
aliens, and the related issues of the phenomenon." The conference was chaired
by M.I.T.'s Professor of Physics David Pritchard and late Harvard Med.Sch.
Professor of Psychiatry John Mack.
The conference was covered by a well-regarded journalist, C. D. B. Bryan, who
avowed non-belief in alien abduction. After the Abduction Study Conference,
Bryan conducted extensive interviews. The work was published in the book
"Close Encounters of the Fourth Kind: A Reporter's Notebook on Alien
Abduction, UFOs, and the Conference at M.I.T." (also audio cassette). At the
end of a chapter reporting his interviews with two of the most credible
"experience’s," Bryan stated:
During the days immediately following the conference, I am struck by how my
perception of the abduction phenomenon has changed: I no longer think it a
joke. This is not to say I now believe UFOs and alien abduction are "real" in
the sense of a reality subject to the physical laws of the universe as we know
them -- but rather that I feel something very mysterious is going on. And
based as much on what has been presented at the conference as on the
intelligence, dedication, and sanity of the majority of the presenters, I
cannot reject out-of-hand the possibility that what is taking place isn't
exactly what the abductees are saying is happening to them. And if that is so,
the fact that no one has been able to pick up a tailpipe from a UFO does not
mean UFOs do not exist. It means only that UFOs might not have tailpipes. As
Boston University astronomer Michael Papagiannis insisted, "The absence of
evidence is not evidence of absence." (Bryan 1995, 230)
I hope you found that more interesting that the normal list of sightings.
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This document is shared information that is intended to assist anyone and
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73's and Bye from Peter ZS2ABF - East London, South Africa.
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