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G8MNY  > TECH     07.08.04 01:20l 117 Lines 4905 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 4521_GB7CIP
Subj: Kenpro KR400rc Rotator info
Sent: 040806/2218Z @:GB7CIP.#32.GBR.EU #:4521 [Caterham] $:4521_GB7CIP

I was asked about the KR400 rotator having a sticking dial problem....
A common fault with these that I have seen, is a split in the plastic pinion on
the DC dial motor. This causes the dial hunting as the display servo can't find
the matching dial pot balance. The cure is to remove the motor carefully slide
the pinion off. Roughen up the D shaped shaft, & using a resin glue, glue back
on the pinion, maintaining pressure across the crack until the glue has
hardened, then reassemble & test.

If that is not the problem, here is the KR400 diagram.

             oÄÄ(Dial Motor)Äo1   Dial
            ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´  Motor
        2   ³  D1     C1      ³  Drivers
       ³    ³ ³    ³ ===  ³   ³  ³    R3    _³_   ===C5
       ³    ³ ³    ³  ³C4 ³   ³   \³  ³   D7\_/,  _³_              SERVO
       ³    ³ À´<ÃÄ)ÄÄ´   ³   ³    ÃÄÄ´  13v_³_  ////              LOOP
       ³    ³  D2  ³  ³   ³   ³  e/³  ³    ////       «Q4          GAINÚÄÄÄ>
       ³    ³      ³  ³   ³   ³  ³   _³_D5             /3ÃÄÄÄÄÂÄL1ÄÄÄ>VR1
       ³    ³      ³  ³   ³   ³  R1  \_/  ÚÄR7ÄÂÄR9ÄÂ<1  ³   ===       ÃÄÄÄ>
    14v³    ³      ³  ³  ===  ³  ³    ³   ³    ³    ³  \2ÿ  _³_C7     ³
     ||(    ³Brigde³  ³   ³C2 ³  ³    ³   ³ /2ÃÙ    ÀÄR11Ä´ ////       ³
     ||(    ³ Rec  ³  ³   ³   ÀÄÄ´    ÃÄÄÄÁ<6 ³Q3        R13  Balanced ³
     ||(____o___   ³  ³   ³      ³    ³     \3ÿ    ÚÄR12Ä´ Comparitor ³
     ||(   ³   _³_ ³  ³   ÃÄÄÄ¿  ³   _³_       ³    ³  /6ÃÙ            ³
Power||(   ³  //// ³  ³   ³  _³_ R2  \_/D6     ÃÄR10Á<7  ³             ³
o/ o¿||(  (B1)     ³  ³   ³ //// ³e   ³        ³       \5ÃÄÄÄÂÄÄL2ÄÄÄÄÄÙ
    )|| ³  ³    D3 ³  ³   ³       \³  ³       R8     «Q4    ===  RFI
    )|| ³  ³ ÚÄ´>ÃÄÙ  ³  ===C3     ÃÄÄ´       _³_         C8_³_ filter
    )|| ³  ³ ³    D4  ³   ³       /³  R4     ////          ////
ÄoÄoÙ||    3                                _³_   ===C6
Fuse ||                                  D8 \_/,  _³_
     ||                                  13v_³_  ////
     ||                                    ////                5ê
     || _______________________o\ o___________________* 5 *___())))___
     ||(                      ____o RIGHT   ³                 MOTOR   ³
     ||(                     ³             === C12          WINDINGS  ³
     ||( 26v                 ³_o\ o_________³_________* 4 *___())))___³
     ||( 2A                       o LEFT                       5ê     ³
     ||(______________________________________________* 6 *___________³
                                          Motor Common

      ³                           ³     8
      ³                        ÚÄÄ)ÄÄÄÂÄÄoÄÄÄÄ¿
 <ÄÄÄÄ)ÄR15ÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿       ³  ³  R23 ÚÄÄ>RV3
VR1   ³     ³          ³       ³  ³   ³  ³    ³CAL
      ³     ³          ³       ³  ³   ³       ³       RESISTANCE
      ³     ³          ³   ÚÄÄÄ´  ³   ÃÄÄÄoÄÄÄÙ         BRIDGE
      ³     ³          ³  R21 VR2 ³  R24   9   DIAL
      ³     ³    ³     ³       ³          7    ³500ê
      ³    R16   ³     ³       ³      10       ³
      ³     ³   R18    ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ)ÄÄÄÄÂÄÄoÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ
     ===     \³  ³ Current     ³   R25                     ROTATOR
    C9³    Q5 ÃÄÄ´ Limiter    R22   ÀÄÄÄoÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÂ* 2 *ÄÄÄ>VR5
      ³     e/³   \³  C10      ³         6           ³         ³500ê
      ³     ³   Q6 ÃÄÄÂÄR19Ä¿  ³                 C11===        ³
      ³     ³    e/³ ===    ³  ³     5               ³         ³

     o = Internal PCB wiring points          * = External Terminals

No   R     C      D        Q      VR    L       B
 1  220   10n  1N4002  2SC1815   20K  220uH  14V Bulb
 2  220  100u  1N4002  2SA1015   20K  220uH
 3  10K  100u  1N4002  LM 741    10K
 4  10K   10n  1N4002  NMJ4558   500
 5  150   10n  1S1588  2SC1815   500
 6  150   10n  1S1588  2SC1815
 7 560K   10n   WZ130
 8 560K   10n   WZ130
 9  10K  100u
10  10K   10n
11 150K   10n
12 150K  100u AC
13  10K
14   1K
15   1K
16  390
17  820
18  47K
19  33K
20  330
21  10K
22   1K
23  820
24  5K6
25   2

I use mine for /P work & have done some mods...

1/ Add a 22R in series with the lamp, to improve lamp lifetime.

2/ Add an 8R 10W in series with motor common (*6*), to reduce super saturation
   of the motor. It can work ok with 18V & for much longer before catching
3/ Add a 0.47uF 300V AC across the 240V mains I/P to Power Factor correct the
   transformer load.

4/ Keep the pointer screw just loose enough for manual direction adjustment.

Why don't U send an interesting bul?
73 de John G8MNY @ GB7CIP

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