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DG1DAC > TECHNIK  08.04.04 19:06l 245 Lines 10837 Bytes #999 (0) @ DL
BID : 844DB0FBB04K
Subj: RFID technische Verbraucherdisorder
Sent: 040408/1654z @:DB0FBB.#NRW.DEU.EU [Dortmund, JO31RM, OP:DK1DO] BCM1.42
From: DG1DAC @ DB0FBB.#NRW.DEU.EU  (Christoph)

Hallo OM

Hier habe ich ein paar Informationen
der amerikanischen AIM ueber RFID und moechte sie 
gerne zitieren. Ich habe sie im englischen Orginal
gelassen. Der Text ist mit Vorsicht zu genissen
und enthaelt nicht ausschliesslich technische Informationen
ueber das RFID Funksystem. Klaert aber viele Fragen
der Intention. 


Can or will governments implement an RFID tracking system to 
know where each citizen is at any time? 
The infrastructure costs for a government entity to track 
all citizens would be astronomical, not to mention the 
tremendously large data base that would be generated as 
people pass from point to point. The practicality of such 
an application is well beyond any government's capability 
to afford the  infrastructure and data management issues, 
let alone the thought of consumers allowing this type 
of tracking to take place. 
Currently, a court subpoena is required to use 
private information such as cell phone records and credit 
card purchases. This information is strictly for use in 
criminal activities investigations. The data generated from 
the use of RFID should be private and proprietary and 
include the same protections on privacy that are currently 
in place.
(Das ist nur fiktive Behauptung und aller Erfahrungen zum Trotz
Jeder Platz der mit Video-Kamera ausgeruestet werden kann,
kann ebenso mit einer RFID Schranke bestueckt werden.
Wo ueber die Biometrische Erkennung nachgedacht wird,
kann leicht auch mit RFID aufgeruestet werden.
Es reicht einen 5 Cent RFID Chip in den Pass zu drucken.
Und die Datenmenge ist im Vergleich zu allen gespeicherten
Telefonverbingungen der Telekom, Internetproviderzugaengen
usw. locker von einem kleinen Computercluster zu bewerkstelligen.)

What are some of the more established uses? 
Your automobile almost certainly has an immobilizer to prevent 
it from being stolen. It has been ten years since the Ford Motor 
Company first introduced an RFID immobilizer and such systems 
are common in vehicles manufactured by the other major manufacturers. 
RFID has also been used extensively in toll collection, inventory 
control, building security, and library systems.

Could I be tracked by my car keys? 
No. The transponders used in the latest models have a very 
short reading range 
(typically a few inches) and use encryption between the key 
and the reader. During manufacture of the vehicle, the 
engine management computer generates a different random 
number (that is, the secret key for encryption) for each and 
every key. Unless that secret number is known, the vehicle 
key will not respond. In addition, the reader would have to 
be within inches of the key to give the key enough energy to 
even work.

What’s the typical read range for RFID devices? 
The majority of RFID transponders have a read range 
of less than 3 feet. 
Some applications, limit the read range to around 6 to 8 
inches. Some newer technologies (UHF systems) do have a 
longer read range that can be 20 to 25 feet, but these 
systems are intended for pallets and shipping crates.
 (Sorry Leute, gehen nicht auch Autoschluessel? s.o.
  Oder Maut-Stellen?)
Read range depends on many factors, but the size of the 
transponder’s antenna, the size of the reader’s antenna and 
its output power are the main ones. With battery-less 
transponders, long read range and small size are mutually 

Are there any broadcast power restrictions set forth by 
governmental regulations? 
Yes, the FCC in the US and other 
governing bodies worldwide restrict the output power of RFID 
systems. It is illegal to exceed these limits, and in most 
countries it is a condition of sale that the equipment meets 
these requirements. In addition, the frequencies themselves 
at which RFID systems operate are regulated.
(Gibt es diese Regulation auch in EU/DL? Und wer kontrolliert?)

Are there any health concerns/dangers caused by proximity to 
or wearing clothing containing RFID tags? 
Passive RFID tags do not actually radiate RF energy, 
but simply reflects it. It would not add to any RF energy 
already in the environment.
(Ziemlicher Wiederspruch! Warum gibt die FCC dann 
 "Power Regulations" heraus? s.o. Die Lesegaeraete senden 
 doch aktiv. Also wird es auch unter EMVU Regeln fallen?
 Der Text ist schlau nur auf die passiven RFID Tags hin formuliert
 die aktive Sendetechnik wird dabei aussen vor gelassen.
 Wieviel Power darf denn so ein RFID Lesegeraet abstrahlen?)

Is it true that there are safeguards in place that protect 
from "eavesdropping" or intercepting data that is private? 
Efforts are being made to protect consumer privacy by 
securing information at all levels of data exchange. Secure 
computer systems form the foundation of this security, 
leaving RFID to be deployed with similar degrees of 
security. A major difference between RFID and say magnetic 
stripe technology (as is used on bank cards) is operability 
over the air. The risk of eavesdropping or intercepting 
transmitted data is well recognized, as is the risk of 
someone using a concealed reader. Both of these risks are 
greatly reduced through the design of appropriate over-the-
air protocols and data encryption methods. This protocol 
requires the tag to be within range of both the reader and 
the eavesdropper. In addition, the reader changes frequency 
rapidly and the eavesdropping reader must follow the main 
reader exactly. This is very difficult since the hopping 
sequence is random. Then there is the data encryption 
algorithm codes that must be cracked in order to use the 
data. A well designed system will protect consumers by 
implementing the proper protocol to achieve a level of 
security comparable and even beyond more mature 
(Schoen das die Entwickler von vornherein das Gefuehl
haben das die missbraeuchliche RFID Anwendung zum Chaos 
fuehren koennte. Denn nicht der Kunde soll geschuetzt werden
sondern wohl das Erfassungsystem.)

Can RFID Tags be duplicated? 
Yes it is possible, but very unlikely. 
The technological hurdle is intentionally very 
high, making it impractical in virtually all cases. 
Counterfeiting of tags is also detectable by the systems 
used to read tags and verify authenticity through a variety 
of validation procedures. One such validation procedure is 
to check for records of copies having been previously used. 
More elaborate schemes involve secure challenge and response 
protocols involving secret numbers used as encryption keys. 
(kein Kommentar)

What are RFID manufacturers within AIM doing in order to 
clarify the privacy issues? 
Education about the capabilities and the limitations of 
the technology is of the utmost importance to AIM and 
its member companies. AIM is committed 
to providing information that will clarify some of the 
statements and myths that are being propagated by sources 
not familiar with RFID technology. As with any new 
technology, people must become comfortable with RFID and 
understand the many benefits of the technology for 
consumers. It therefore is important to ensure that 
consumers are educated about the technology so that a good 
understanding of the practical use of RFID and how it 
differs from the theoretical use. What’s possible is a far 
cry from what is practical in the use of RFID.
(Auf diese EDUCATION bin ich ja mal gespannt.
Wenn diese EDUCATION so aussieht wie diese Informationen hier,
dann vermute ich eine gross angelege Verbrauchermanipulation.)

What mechanisms can be used to allow consumers to "opt in" 
or "opt out"? 
RFID manufacturers *can*(!) build in a "kill" 
mechanism that would permanently disable the tag at the 
check-out counter should the consumer choose to do so. As 
the adoption of EPC technology moves forward it will be 
important to have these things standardized. In current 
loyalty programs, consumers that opt in enjoy benefits, 
while those who choose not to participate do not enjoy the 
benefits. Today, most loyalty programs use bar codes, which 
most consumers are comfortable with. The important point is 
that the consumer has a choice whether to join or not.
(Bitte beachten, das ein "can" dort steht, nicht "must")

Can RFID tags be read by satellites in orbit? 
No. That is not practical nor possible based on the 
short read ranges and the huge amount of power that 
would be required to broadcast from a satellite in order 
to pick up information on an RFID tag.
(Doch! Genau Diese bietet eine amerikanische Firma fuer
 "medizinische" Kontrollueberwachung an. Dazu wird z.Zt. noch ein 
 zusaetzlicher Transponder in der groesse eines Handfunkgeraetes
 benoetigt. Die RFID Tags koennen dann sogar vom Probanden
 geschluckt werden. Die Internet URL mit der Beschreibung 
 der RFID-Satellit Technologie werde ich bei Gelegenheit 

Is RFID a true threat to consumer privacy? 
AIM is an advocate for responsible use of the RFID technology. 
AIM *believes*(!) that RFID presents no more of a threat to 
individual privacy than the use of cell phones, toll tags, 
credit cards, the use of ATM machines, and access control 
badges. All of these examples allow consumer conveniences or 
provide protection for consumers.
(So, so daran "glaubt" die AIM also, interessanter Glaube dem
ich mich aber nicht anschliessen muss.)

Can other retailers read RFID tags on your clothing as you 
enter or exit a store? 
Since there are no current applications of this nature 
in operation, the answer is "no." 
In the future, retailers that use RFID will build in 
safeguards to prevent this, not only for the protection of 
the consumer's privacy, but for the protection of the 
retailer. Even if a retailer was able to capture another 
retailer's data from an RFID tag, the data would be useless 
because of encryption and other security mechanisms 
retailers would build in to protect consumer privacy and the 
retailer's data.
(Ein Paradies fuer Hacker und Werkspione oder Ladendiebe?)


Das sind bisher typische "Verbraucher" Informationen die man 
zu dem RFID Funksystem aus erster Hand erhaelt. Ich habe 
darauf verzichtet weitere "Beschoenigungen" zu zitieren und
weiterzugeben, weil sie ziemlich irrefuehrend sind
und mit der Technologie hinter dem Berg haelt.
Wenn man oben genanntes genau liest, kann man schlussfolgern
das alles, was zur Zeit mit der RFID Technologie noch nicht 
machbar oder zu teuer ist, gerne gemacht werden wuerde. 

Ich finde die RFID Technologie faszinierend, weil sie
mit einem unheimlich grossen Informationsvorsprung im
heimlich verborgenen arbeiten kann, ohne das jemand etwas 
davon bemerken muss. Clever.

Gruss Christoph


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