KB2VXA > POWER 27.02.04 11:52l 94 Lines 4139 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 20804_WT3V
Subj: Re: G4XNH > atomic frogs
Sent: 040227/0519 20804@WT3V.#CNJ.NJ.USA.NOAM $:20804_WT3V
Hi Jeff and readers,
Of course some of my writing is tongue-in-cheek humor, the subject itself
is. Sorry you don't appreciate it but that happens when you actually take
such things seriously, too seriously and actually believe in what you
don't understand.
"Health problems... More so than average...near to power lines."
Now that's an interesting study in statistical probability. Now if you
understood how a study is conducted and what the term "average" means in
this context you would see how one can predict the outcome by
manipulating figures. Just where was this "average" taken? I'll bet
"they" never told you that. Maybe you should learn the difference between
an average and a control group.
As for the confusion between ionizing radiation and EM, it was you all
along who has been posting your comments to NUKE with the subject being
atomic bombs and heavy water. If you want to keep it straight, set it
"Why do you think the Electricity board had a policy of not building
power lines above housing estates. (?)"
Well, that's simple, they would have to buy the right of way which would
cut quite a swath through the estate and it's highly unlikely it would
pass the vote since nobody would want to sell thier property or have the
value seriously degraded by a big ugly scar nearby. I don't think the
issue of imminent domain would go over too well, a huge public outcry and
political upheval would undoubtedly be the result.
FYI, builder's scruples have nothing to do with building homes under
power lines for that very same reason. The right of way is company
property and must be maintaned, it would never be sold to anyone, builder
or any other. How could the power company keep it clear and operate MoW
equipment in a housing tract?
This is getting really... DUH.
"Studies off the coast of Sellafield..."
Having been to school and conducting "studies" I'm familiar with the
methods, you're not. The outcome of a study is predetermined by the
objective, plain and simple. Conduct one using appropriate methods and
juggling figures and you can "prove" the moon is made out of green cheese
if you want to.
BTW, The Simpsons is a parody watched by more adults than children, they
don't understand such dark humor. Maybe if you watched it you would know
what you're talking about.
Now quite frankly Jeff, there is no point in continuing this. You write
out of ignorance and speculation, blind faith in everything yo're told by
those equally ignorant. Try getting an education, do a bit of research
and THINK rather than taking it all in blind faith. "Well, it has to be
true, it's on TV." is surely the wrong approach which gave inspiration to
Frank Zappa who wrote and performed The Slime, a musical commentary on
"the slime oozin' out of your TV set". No shame in being ignorant OM, the
cure is education. Education is knowledge and coupled with rational
thought produces wisdom.
Last but not least is the childrens' story you seem to have missed. Since
you did or at least learned nothing from it, go back and read the story
of Chicken Little. You'll see how silly he was when the other barnyard
animals pulled a trick on him and he ran around warning them "The sky is
Notice the lack of humor this time, I'm seriously telling you that you're
being misled, deceived by the Green agenda which would have us living in
the pre Industrial Revolution era with thier backward logic. Stop and
think about how general health and longevity has improved rather than
been degraded by modern invention with electricity being the driving
force. Electricity is GOOD for you, swallow a battery every day, it's
chock full of vitamins.
OK, there's your dose of humor, just couldn't resist. (resistor)
73 de Warren, KB2VXA@WT3V.#CNJ.NJ.USA.NOAM
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