ZL3AI > APRDIG 16.06.04 11:29l 741 Lines 30630 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 3471-ZL3AI
Subj: TAPR Digest, Jun 10, 1/8
Sent: 040616/0732Z @:ZL3VML.#80.NZL.OC #:25934 [Chch-NZ] FBB7.00i $:3471-ZL3AI
TAPR APRS Special Interest Group Digest for Thursday, June 10, 2004.
1. Re: Tetroon collateral damage report, revision1
2. Re: Tetroon collateral damage report, revision1
3. Re: [ Robert Bruninga ] Re: [ Robert Bruninga ] Re: D700 - Yes mine has
FLASH and In-Circuit Programming.
4. Re: Tetroon collateral damage report, revision1
5. Re: Kenwood APRS radio...
6. Re: I AM OUTTA HERE! (38% is good enough for me!)
7. Re: [ Robert Bruninga ] Re: [ Robert Bruninga ] Re: D700 - Yes mine has
FLASH and In-Circuit Programming.
8. RE: Thoughts on a proposed replacement for D700
9. Re: Kenwood APRS radio...
10. Re: Kenwood APRS radio...
11. Re: Kenwood APRS radio...
12. New SMT OpenTracker
13. Not all of us use Kenwoods in the field -was- Re: Re: Tetroon collateral
damage report, revision1
14. Compressed Positions -was- Re: Tetroon collateral damage report, revision1
15. Re: two questions
16. Re: [ Robert Bruninga ] Re: D700 - Yes mine has FL A SH and In-Circuit
17. RE: Compressed Positions
18. RE: Thoughts on a proposed replacement for D700
19. RE: Thoughts on a proposed replacement for D700
20. Re: How to Run ZTerm on Mac OS X?
21. Re: Kenwood APRS radio...
22. Re: Kenwood APRS radio...
23. Re: Kenwood APRS radio...
24. Re: Kenwood APRS radio...
25. Re: APRS TT
26. APRS capable Satellite Ready for launch
27. Re: Kenwood APRS radio...
28. Re: Not all of us use Kenwoods in the field -was- Re: Tetroon collateral
damage report, revision1
29. Repeaters in N. Georgia Mountains
30. RE: Thoughts on a proposed replacement for D700
31. Compressed Positions -was- Re: Tetrooncollateral damage report, revision1
32. RE: Compressed Positions -was- Re: Tetrooncollateral da mage report,
33. RE: Compressed Positions -was- Re: Tetrooncollateral damage report,
revision134. Re: Repeaters in N. Georgia Mountains
35. Re: Kenwood APRS radio...
36. Re: Kenwood APRS radio...
37. Re: Kenwood APRS radio...
38. Re: [ Robert Bruninga ] Re: [ Robert Bruninga ] Re: D700 - Yes mine has
FLASH and In-Circuit Programming.
39. Re: APRS capable Satellite Ready for launch
40. RE: Compressed Positions -was- Re: Tetrooncollateral damage report,
revision141. Re: [ Robert Bruninga ] Re: [ Robert Bruninga ] Re: D700 - Yes
mine has FLASH and In-Circ
42. RE: Compressed Positions -was- Re: Tetrooncollateral damage report,
revision143. Re: APRS capable Satellite Ready for launch
44. RE: Compressed Positions
45. RE: Compressed Positions -was- Re: Tetrooncollateral damage report,
revision146. Re: Kenwood APRS radio...
47. RE: Compressed Positions -was-Re: Tetrooncollateral damage report, revision1
48. Re: Not all of us use Kenwoods in the field -was- Re: Tetroon collateral
damage report, revision1
49. Re: [ Robert Bruninga ] Re: [ Robert Bruninga ] Re: D700 - Yes mine has
FLASH and In-Circ
50. Re: [ Robert Bruninga ] Re: [ Robert Bruninga ] Re: D700 - Yes mine has
FLASH and In-Circuit Programming.
51. Re: Kenwood APRS radio...
52. Re: How to Run ZTerm on Mac OS X?
53. Re: Kenwood APRS radio...
54. Re: Kenwood APRS radio...
55. Re: [ Robert Bruninga ] Re: [ Robert Bruninga ] Re: D700 - Yes mine has
FLASH and In-Circuit Programming.
56. Re: Compressed Positions
57. Re: Kenwood APRS radio...
58. RE: Thoughts on a proposed replacement for D700
59. RE: Compressed Positions -was- Re: Tetrooncollateral damage report,
revision160. Re: Kenwood APRS radio...
61. Re: [ Robert Bruninga ] Re: [ Robert Bruninga ] Re: D700 - Yes mine has
FLASH and In-Circuit Programming.
62. Re: Compressed Positions -was- Re: Tetrooncollateral damage report,
revision163. RE: Compressed Positions -was- Re: Tetrooncollateral damage
report, revision1
64. Re: Compressed Positions
65. Re: Compressed Positions
66. RE: Thoughts on a proposed replacement for D700
67. Re: Compressed Positions
68. Re: Compressed Positions -was- Re: Tetrooncollateral damage report,
revision169. Re: Compressed Positions
70. RE: Compressed Positions -was- Re: Tetrooncollateral damage report,
revision171. Re: Compressed Positions
72. Re: Compressed Positions
73. Re: Compressed Positions
74. Trains, planes and APRS automobiles. was: Kenwood APRS radio
75. Re: Kenwood APRS radio...
76. Re: Kenwood APRS radio...
77. Re: APRS Protocol - A Modest Proposal
78. Re: Kenwood APRS radio...
79. Re: Kenwood APRS radio...
80. Re: Compressed Positions
81. Re: Kenwood APRS radio...
82. APRS v. OT argument
83. Re: Kenwood APRS radio...
84. Re: I AM OUTTA HERE! (38% is good enough for me!)
85. Re: Compressed Positions
86. Re: Trains, planes and APRS automobiles. was: Kenwood APRS radio
87. Re: APRS Protocol - A Modest Proposal
88. Re: Compressed Positions
89. Re: APRS Protocol - A Modest Proposal
90. APRS and Weather Spotting
91. question about possession of an object.
92. Re: APRS Protocol - A Modest Proposal
93. Re: Compressed Positions
94. Re: Trains, planes and APRS automobiles. was: Kenwood APRS radio
95. Re: Compressed Positions
96. Re: Compressed Positions
97. Re: Trains, planes and APRS automobiles. was: Kenwood APRS radio
98. Limiting the future of Mobile Computing!
99. RE: Compressed Positions -was- Re: Tetrooncollateral damage report,
revision1100. Re: APRS Protocol - A Modest Proposal
101. RE: Compressed Positions
102. Re: APRS Protocol - A Modest Proposal
103. Re: APRS Protocol - A Modest Proposal
104. Re: Trains, planes and APRS automobiles. was: Kenwood APRS radio
105. Re: question about possession of an object.
106. Re: Compressed Positions -was- Re: Tetrooncollateral damage report,
107. Re: APRS Protocol - A Modest Proposal
108. Re: Trains, planes and APRS automobiles. was: Kenwood APRS radio
109. Re: Trains, planes and APRS automobiles. was: Kenwood APRS radio
110. Re: Compressed Positions
111. Re: APRS Protocol - A Modest Proposal
112. Re: APRS Protocol - A Modest Proposal
113. Re: Limiting the future of Mobile Computing!
114. Re: APRS Protocol - A Modest Proposal
115. Re: Limiting the future of Mobile Computing!
116. Re: APRS Protocol - A Modest Proposal
117. Re: Trains, planes and APRS automobiles. was: Kenwood APRS radio
118. RE: Thoughts on a proposed replacement for D700
119. APRStt is it set in stone yet?
120. Re: Trains, planes and APRS automobiles. was: Kenwood APRS radio
121. Re: Compressed Positions
122. Re: Compressed Positions
123. Re: Compressed Positions
124. Re: [Possible Spam]Re: Compressed Positions
125. MIM Module source code released.
126. Re: Limiting the future of Mobile Computing!
127. Re: APRS Protocol - A Modest Proposal
128. compressed posits on APRS
129. Re: APRStt is it set in stone yet?
130. Re: Limiting the future of Mobile Computing!
131. RE: compressed posits on APRS
132. Re: Compressed Positions
133. Re: Trains, planes and APRS automobiles. was: Kenwood APRS radio
134. Re: question about possession of an object.
135. I QUIT. I tried.
136. Re: APRStt is it set in stone yet?
137. Re: Trains, planes and APRS automobiles. was: Kenwood APRS radio
138. Re: compressed posits on APRS
139. Need help with installing APRS on XP machine
140. A thought experiment...
141. XASTIR - Mac OSX - Serial Ports ?????
142. Re: I QUIT. I tried.
143. Re: XASTIR - Mac OSX - Serial Ports ?????
144. Re: Need help with installing APRS on XP machine
145. Multiple RX at digi site (was A Modest Proposal)
146. Opentrack or whatever
147. Re: APRS Protocol - A Modest Proposal
148. Re: I QUIT. I tried.
149. What do those packets mean?
150. Re: Trains, planes and APRS automobiles. was: Kenwood APRS radio
151. Re: XASTIR - Mac OSX - Serial Ports ?????
152. Traffic and Weather Together on the Eights
153. Re: Opentrack or whatever
154. Re: Opentrack or whatever
155. RE: Opentrack or whatever
156. Re: Compressed Positions
Subject: Re: Tetroon collateral damage report, revision1
From: "Curt, WE7U" <archer@eskimo.com>
Date: Wed, 9 Jun 2004 14:06:37 -0700 (PDT)
X-Message-Number: 1
On Wed, 9 Jun 2004, Doug Bade wrote:
>I had written a reply which was running on 2 pages, but decided to
>get short, as it seems those of us who like to elaborate, get torn up the
>most... really bizarre..
Seriously? From what I wrote below? That was the only point I wanted to
respond to as I had no personal interest in the rest of it. Don't take
that as a commentary on the rest of what you wrote, as it wasn't.
I don't care a whit what people think one way or the other about a kenwood.
I own a kenwood or two (although not a D7A or D700A), some icoms, some
yaesu, some heathkit, probably a few others. I don't want to get involved
in any my-radio-is-better-than-yours discussions. It's not important to
me! I think I've so far avoided the personal attacks to this point, but
they've been frequent, and so has the labeling. Some of the side QSO's
have been most entertaining though. Humor abounds!
This opentrac-will-obsolete-my-kenwood-radio-that-I-love-so-very-much stuff
is getting SO ridiculous!
In case nobody's figured it out by now, I've pledged my support to
OpenTrac. I've also pledged my support for APRS. So what! They both
work. I've owned Chevy's, Ford's, and Jeep's too. They all work. Mostly.
Attempting to head off a separate issue: I'm certainly _not_ saying that
the OpenTrac packets should head across the APRS-IS. They _should_ head
across the internet though, and will. Those issues are being worked.
You'll most certainly be seeing more OpenTrac packets on local RF in the
coming days. It ain't going to be going away. Remember: Change is a
_good_ thing. We're supposed to be the innovators, not the
sit-on-our-laurel(ators). Do I need to post the four emotional stages of
change? Ah the heck with it, here's one:
Recognize anything in there?
Curt, WE7U http://www.eskimo.com/~archer
"Lotto: A tax on people who are bad at math." -- unknown
"Windows: Microsoft's tax on computer illiterates." -- WE7U
"The world DOES revolve around me: I picked the coordinate system!"
Subject: Re: Tetroon collateral damage report, revision1
From: Jeff King <jeff@aerodata.net>
Date: Wed, 9 Jun 2004 23:51:42 -0400
X-Message-Number: 2
On Wed, 9 Jun 2004 21:47:00 -0500, Mark A. Lewis wrote:
>I fail to see why Opentrack insists on willfully interfering with APRS.
Please document one case of this happening. Understand, "interference" is a
layer one issue, both APRS and OpenTrak reside at layer 3, and can completely
co-exist on a channel with no problems to either protocol.
The >ONLY< difference between "APRS" and "OpenTrak" is OpenTrak is not in the
APRS spec, and apparently never will be, since there appears to be some
ethical problems occurring on the 'ARPS-WG'. OpenTrak's use and impact on
the channel are almost identical to APRS, and its layer one access to the
channel is identical.
Please do not make accusations unless you have a basic understanding of
packet radio, OK? This thread is FUBAR'ed enough as it stands.
Subject: Re: [ Robert Bruninga ] Re: [ Robert Bruninga ] Re: D700 - Yes mine
has FLASH and In-Circuit Programming.
From: "Gregg G. Wonderly" <gregg@skymaster.cytetech.com>
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 2004 22:56:33 -0500
X-Message-Number: 3
>>When the D7A(G) upgrade was installed, kenwood
>>could have made it possible for users to do future
>>upgrades by extending the wiring harness into a place
>>where it was accessible.
>Clearly you have never been a design engineer.
>Any design change on the CASE and the water
>sealing system and on a multi-layer surface
>mount board is NOT TRIVIAL and would be
>DUMB to tell joe-clue ham to open it and do it
>himself. Then they would hav no end of technical
>service problems. I sure am glad you arent
>designing the next one!
I used the words 'where it was accessible' Clearly, having to open the case,
to me, doesn't imply accessible.
Bob you are making personal attacks again, instead of asking questions like
"Where do you think the harness could exit the case Gregg?" I have not
designed cases before, but, I am able to recognize the fact that you can't let
users open cases if you want to be able to support the device. We sell
hardware systems that I write software for. We've had to make sure that there
are ways for us, as well as the customer to reflash the devices at will. Low
and behold, they can do it with a serial cable using hyperterm which is
available on all windows PCs (typically, sometimes it is not installed, but
can be by the user if needed).
The type of device that they used, and the programming appliance required
would still not work for the casual user of the D7. But, it is in their
control to change that. The inside of the D7 is tight. I've had mine open,
as I said, to resolder cold solder joints on the serial plug receptors. Maybe
they can't do it with the current cover. Maybe they'd need to replace the
cover to add a programming capability.
Anything is possible for the right price... But, you are probably going to
argue that noone would pay for it. I've heard a few people here say they
aren't buying the radio because it's not possible. We can't really get a feel
for what might happen in this forum.
gregg@cytetech.com (Cyte Technologies Inc)
Subject: Re: Tetroon collateral damage report, revision1
From: "Scott Miller" <scott@3xf.com>
Date: Wed, 9 Jun 2004 21:14:47 -0700
X-Message-Number: 4
>display.. Pretty simple... I am an Icom commercial dealer among other
>things, I make no claim Kenwood is better than anyone else ( that might be
Speaking of which, do we have any Kenwood commercial dealers here? I'm in
desperate need of a Series 90 (TK-790 specifically) manual. I need some
info on audio levels, accessory power, and external PTT feature programming.
I've already built a custom OpenTracker board for the accessory port, but it
needs some tweaking. I'm hoping to remove the audio level adjustment
completely, since it shouldn't need to be changed.
Oh, and my first batch of SMT OpenTracker prototypes is in. Got one ready
to go, but now my SOIC programming adapter is on the fritz. That, or I've
managed to toast every one of the SOIC processors I've got.
It LOOKS cool, anyway. But now I've got to shrink it even more... (thanks a
lot, Byon. =])
Subject: Re: Kenwood APRS radio...
From: Drew Baxter <droobie@maine.rr.com>
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 2004 00:19:39 -0400
X-Message-Number: 5
Give credit where due though.. People interested in OpenTrac aren't being
told they're 'not an operator' and whatnot like some of the Morse Code vs
No-code licensing nonsense posts I've seen on Eham and other
places.. Noone's called OpenTrac a 'bastard format' or anything either.
I think people are warming up to the idea of a new way of doing things. I
don't think people will budge about doing it on 144.39 though.
I'd like to see something go a little faster like 9600.. But if memory
serves, the Tasco 9600 portion is very buggy.. Like it holds the channel
open as long as it would take to do a 1200 baud packet.
Amateur Radio does move slower than everything. But the name of the game
is recycling old stuff, so I guess that's how it goes.
My ramblings probably aren't related to what you were saying, but it kinda
sparked my thought. :)
--Droo, K1XVM
At 11:40 PM 6/9/2004, Jeff King wrote:
>I used to collect old magazines at one time. One phrase that stands out in
>my mind is" "The sweet tone of spark" to all those old timers resisting
>going to CW.
>History is a great teacher. The human experience repeats itself over and
Subject: Re: I AM OUTTA HERE! (38% is good enough for me!)
From: "Scott Miller" <scott@3xf.com>
Date: Wed, 9 Jun 2004 21:26:22 -0700
X-Message-Number: 6
Feel free. And every thread here relating to free software and the GPL
eventually winds up invoking Marx...
-----Original Message-----
<small voice> So, is it safe to mention Hitler now, or is that just
UseNet protocol? </small voice>
Subject: Re: [ Robert Bruninga ] Re: [ Robert Bruninga ] Re: D700 - Yes mine
has FLASH and In-Circuit Programming.
From: Drew Baxter <droobie@maine.rr.com>
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 2004 00:38:17 -0400
X-Message-Number: 7
Correction: They'd have to replace the microcontroller they use because you
cannot 'simple flash' the 78K4 microprocessor they use.. More likely they'd
have to replace the entire radio. They make separate microcontrollers that
allow easier upgrading. This isn't such a component..
If it's not there in the first place, it's not the kind of thing you can
just 'throw in there' later. In the case of the D700, which has a 10 pin
proprietary flash connection that Kenwood put in, you'd still need
thousands of dollars in NEC programming hardware to program the
chip. We're talking something that MAYBE your local Kenwood dealer might
have, but more than likely not what Joe User has kicking around.
The right price would suggest making sure the 'next radio' has a big giant
bold print in the brochure: *** USER FLASH CAPABLE - DOWNLOAD UPDATES USING
THE INTERNET ***. Similar to the one Ten-tec uses for their Orion.. Which
I'd.. so love to own.
Kenwood blew it this time around with the D7.. They're halfway there with
the D700.. I suspect for the amount of heat they got this time around,
either they'll make one with Flash capability next time, or they just won't
ever make an APRS radio again.
ICOM will make one sooner or later though, I'm pretty sure of that.
--Droo, K1XVM
Subject: RE: Thoughts on a proposed replacement for D700
From: John Hall <n5jrh@houstonhams.org>
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 2004 23:57:12 -0500
X-Message-Number: 8
Aren't you a programmer Bob, as in APRSDos?
>But I am NOT going to waste time on coulda/shoulda/
>woulda whinning from programmers.... that will DENY
>EXISTING USERS continuity of operations on APRS!
Subject: Re: Kenwood APRS radio...
From: "Scott Miller" <scott@3xf.com>
Date: Wed, 9 Jun 2004 21:55:58 -0700
X-Message-Number: 9
>I'd like to see something go a little faster like 9600.. But if memory
>serves, the Tasco 9600 portion is very buggy.. Like it holds the channel
>open as long as it would take to do a 1200 baud packet.
I'd love to see 9600 in links between digis, and maybe a separate channel
that'd pipe a larger APRS stream to more capable clients.
For tracker use though, I think the concern is that it requires a greater
s/n ratio, and that the modulation formats I've seen take longer to sync up.
Oh, and many radios out there won't do it at all without modification.
Thankfully that's changing, but I still own a lot of handhelds with no 9600
You can make up for the increased bit error rate using forward error
correction, and you can probably pick a modulation format that syncs up
quick, but you're also still stuck with the transmit delay imposed by the
Plus, 1200 baud is just really simple to generate. I do it in software with
an 8-bit microcontroller, using a single output pin in PWM mode. That's
hard to do at 9600.
(My PSK31 code, on the other hand, is really close to working.)
Subject: Re: Kenwood APRS radio...
From: John Hall <n5jrh@houstonhams.org>
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 2004 00:09:47 -0500
X-Message-Number: 10
I, for one, added a laptop after buying a D700.
>When we installed our Kenwoods, most of us removed
>our LAPTOPS. Our window to the APRS world is through
>the HEADS-UP remote head of the Kenwood radio
>on the Dash Board right below our driving line of sight.
Subject: Re: Kenwood APRS radio...
From: Jeff King <jeff@aerodata.net>
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 2004 01:46:10 -0400
X-Message-Number: 11
On Wed, 09 Jun 2004 19:04:52 -0400, Robert Bruninga wrote:
>And not only will you split the community
>into incompatible X and Y users who cannot see each other, the end
>result is that The X's are interferring with the Y's and the Y's are
>interfering with the X's and Nothing gets better, just 50% worse!
I think they called this Eugenics and it was popular pseudoscience in the
Subject: New SMT OpenTracker
From: "Scott Miller" <scott@3xf.com>
Date: Wed, 9 Jun 2004 22:51:56 -0700
X-Message-Number: 12
Just got the boards in this afternoon... got my programmer fixed and got one
running, pic here:
If all goes well with initial testing, I may have a few available for wider
beta testing. Unfortunately Murphy seems to be at work in my supply
chain... Freescale had a 'fab incident' and now the processors are
backordered, and Citizen seems to be having issues with supplies of the
Byon's new TinyTrak version beat me to the 'first APRS tracker to present a
choking hazard to small children' title, though. I might shrink the board a
bit in future revisions, but probably not that far - besides, it's still got
the temperature and voltage sensors the TT3 lacks.
Subject: Not all of us use Kenwoods in the field -was- Re: Re: Tetroon
collateral damage report, revision1
From: Bill Herrmann <bherrman@spro.net>
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 2004 00:00:17 -0600
X-Message-Number: 13
At 02:42 PM 6/9/2004 -0400, Robert Bruninga wrote:
>Yet, the complainers, that don't even have a kenwood,
>that dont use APRS in the field anyway (or they would
>have one),
Um, Bob, it's really hard to put stock in what you say when you make
sweeping generalizations like this. Some of us made a conscious decision
not to buy the Kenwood product because it didn't meet our needs in the
field. I put 2 radios plus a TNC in my rig for less than the price of the
Kenwood D700 and for what I use them for (both now and when I made that
decision) it's a superior solution.
Yes, the Kenwood's would give me more APRS capability when commuting, but
that ain't exactly "in the field". (and for the record I actually run APRS
on the commute at least one day most weeks - it's kind of pointless for a
15 minute commute though) For my normal field use I'd have to have the
laptop hooked up even if I had a Kenwood, so why should I pay a price
premium and give up functionality?
Note: I'm specifically referring to the D700 here. There ain't nothing that
will beat the D7 for handheld APRS use, but for mobile use the D700 didn't
(and doesn't) meet my needs.
p.s. I actually have the Kenwood D700 manual on my laptop because I used it
in the field to help the next station from me in a temporary network.
Subject: Compressed Positions -was- Re: Tetroon collateral damage report,
From: Bill Herrmann <bherrman@spro.net>
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 2004 00:25:22 -0600
X-Message-Number: 14
At 02:42 PM 6/9/2004 -0400, Robert Bruninga wrote:
>4) In addition, I now propose that the APRS-WG REMOVE
> the problematic compressed protocol form the APRS
> spec to help simplify the protocol for future programmers.
Permit me to point out that that is a really, really bad idea unless you
can guarantee that nobody is sending compressed protocol form on the air.
If you remove it then future programmers won't have the documentation to
decode it.
Instead of removing it you would want to mark it as obsolete, not to be
transmitted etc. but leave the information in the specification so that it
can be decoded.
Subject: Re: two questions
From: "Stephen H. Smith" <WA8LMF2@aol.com>
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 2004 02:31:29 -0700
X-Message-Number: 15
Wes Johnston wrote on 6/9/2004, 3:18 PM:
>2) when an external TNC is hooked to the 6pin DIN data plug, does that key
>up the DATA side of the radio, or the side of the radio which is selected?
PTT on the mini-din6 "data" connector follows the side of the radio
selected for mic transmission.
I find this actually works very nicely. I can connect a TinyTrak to the
mini-din to do Mic-E bursts on a voice repeater on the right side while
the internal TNC beacons 144.39 on the left side.
Stephen H. Smith wa8lmf (at) aol.com
Home Page: http://wa8lmf.com
Ham Radio/Mobile SSTV page: http://members.aol.com/wa8lmf/ham
APRS Stuff http://members.aol.com/wa8lmf/aprs
Personal APRS Webserver http://members.aol.com/wa8lmf/webserver
Subject: Re: [ Robert Bruninga ] Re: D700 - Yes mine has FL A SH and
In-Circuit Programming.
From: "Stephen H. Smith" <WA8LMF2@aol.com>
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 2004 03:07:50 -0700
X-Message-Number: 16
Eric H. Christensen wrote on 6/9/2004, 4:46 PM:
>Speaking of which, is anyone using the SSTV thing on their D700 or D7A???
>Might be something new for me.
The so-called SSTV modes on the radios are virtually useless! All they
do is generate serial data commands to control the operating functions
of the (now discontinued) VC-H1 handheld SSTV device. The menus on the
radios merely duplicate the functions (selecting SSTV mode, selecting
overlaid callsign, color of the overlaid call, etc.) that can be done
from the VC-H1 itself (with enough sequential button pushing).
To get even this limited function, you had to get an expensive, kludgy
proprietary cable from Kenwood. One end of this cable has a minature
Hirose high-density connector that plugs into the bottom connector of
the VC-H1. The other end forks into two plugs. One is a mini-din6 to
go into the external "data" connector of the D700 for TX and RX audio
and PTT. The other is a DB9 that ties up the main serial port of the
D700, making it unusable for APRS at the same time.
For the TH-D7, it is even messier. A curly mic-type cable (supplied with
the VC-H1) plugs into the Hirose connector on the bottom of the VC-H1.
The other end has a molded double stereo 2.5MM miniplug and plugs into
the TH-D7 (or ) like a speaker mic. This gives you the TX/RX/PTT
connections and works on several other Kenwood hand-helds as well as the
To use the control functions provided in the TH-D7, a SECOND cable,
with a stereo 2.5MM miniplug on each end, connects the serial COM port
on the SIDE of the VC-H1 to the main serial port on the side of the
TH-D7. Plugging the speaker mic cable in cuts off the internal speaker
of the D7 and substitutes the almost useless speaker in the VC-H1,
making it nearly impossible to HEAR anything on receive. (The VC-H1
speaker produces about 10 dB less audio output than the TH-D7's internal
You don't need any of this mess to operate SSTV with the D700. Just
connect a soundcard interface to the 6-pin mini-din "data" connector
(which is actually TX and RX audio, squelch and PTT) and then use any
soundcard-based SSTV app running on a PC to send and receive SSTV.
Stephen H. Smith wa8lmf (at) aol.com
Home Page: http://wa8lmf.com
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Subject: RE: Compressed Positions
From: "Eric H. Christensen" <kf4otn@earthlink.net>
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 2004 06:36:20 -0400
X-Message-Number: 17
But we just GOT compressed protocol!!! We can't help it if every program
BUT WinAPRS decodes it properly!!! Compressed protocol is where it's at!!!
Subject: RE: Thoughts on a proposed replacement for D700
From: db2fm <db2fm@jfsattv.de>
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 2004 13:23:29 +0200
X-Message-Number: 18
Am Mittwoch, 09.06.04 um 22:31 Uhr schrieb sv1uy:
>I wonder why don't you try OPENtrack on 2.4GHZ using the 802.II protocol where
>you can take advantage of the high speed links? You can use the lower channels
>which fall whithin the amateur band there! I think OPENtrack, being a thing of
>the future is best suited to run in a futuristic frequency!!! If it is better
>than APRS then it will take off there!
That's completely unrealistic! As you know (as living in Europe) in most
countries beginners licences only allow operation on 2 m (144...146 MHz)
and 70 cm (430...440 MHz, in some countried even less).
So that would mean excluding all the newcomers, who might be interested in
APRS AND/OR OpenTRAC. And as somebody stated, who made his licence only
because of his impression of APRS, that would be very stupid to do so.
(There might be somebody interested in OpenTRAC and therefore wanting to
get a licence.)
>But then again you have to have
>everything fit in one box (and I mean one box containing at least the radio, a
>decent display, a mini keyboard and even better a GPS built in), just like the
>KENWOODS otherwise you will end up having home users exchanging SMS messages
>with other home users, which I do not think is the purpose of any decent
>tracking protocol.
>Sorry guys, I do not think I like the idea of mixing APRS and OPENtrack in the
>same frequency.
Don't agree! As Henk stated, no problem here in Europe experienced. So why
not try ist here, away friom the holy APRS-frequency 144.39, on 144.8?
>Oh did I forget to mention again? Remember this is only a HOBBY!!!
How true!
73 de Juergen DB2FM
Juergen Frank
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