ZL3AI > APRDIG 16.06.04 10:55l 783 Lines 29190 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 3467-ZL3AI
Subj: TAPR Digest, Jun 09, 7/8
Sent: 040616/0727Z @:ZL3VML.#80.NZL.OC #:25929 [Chch-NZ] FBB7.00i $:3467-ZL3AI
Subject: Re: Tetroon collateral damage report, revision1
From: "Robert Bruninga" <bruninga@usna.edu>
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 2004 18:07:55 -0400
X-Message-Number: 108
>>>"Scott Miller" <scott@opentrac.org> 6/9/04 5:32:41 PM >>>
>And GPWPL? Isn't that supposed to be supported so
>everyone can send GPS waypoints?
Yes, that was so that people with TRACKERS made out of real TNC's could
RECEIVE positions and plot them on the attached GPS. Thus TRACKER ONLY
hardware could SEE others on their GPS MAPS...
I'm not sure how much it is used. That is for those people that *dont*
have a kenwood, but do have a TNC dumb tracker and want the attached GPS to
show others on it..
Subject: Re: Tetroon collateral damage report, revision1
From: Doug Bade <dbade@clecom.com>
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 2004 18:08:40 -0400
X-Message-Number: 109
At 05:06 PM 6/9/2004, Curt, WE7U wrote:
>I don't care a whit what people think one way or the other about a
>kenwood. I own a kenwood or two (although not a D7A or D700A), some
>icoms, some yaesu, some heathkit, probably a few others. I don't
>want to get involved in any my-radio-is-better-than-yours
NO superiority claims here, I DO own a D700, among many other radios, for a
reason, it is the only APRS capable radio with an integrated display..
Pretty simple... I am an Icom commercial dealer among other things, I make
no claim Kenwood is better than anyone else ( that might be bad for
business ;-) ). But as Icom has no equivalent product, nor anyone else
for that matter, I do claim they are the only Manufacturer to step up to
the plate and COMMIT to date, so I wish everyone would get off their case
about it... Until a replacement is available I will be glad to consider it
a superior option to encoder only solutions or Laptops in the car... NO
chest thumping.. just reality.
I hope the OpenTrac promoters have as much success as the APRS promoters,
in convincing someone to build a radio to their specs.. I will be
interested to buy one when that happens.
Subject: two questions
From: Wes Johnston <wes@johnston.net>
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 2004 18:18:26 -0400
X-Message-Number: 110
1) when you unplug the kenwood d700 from power, will it auto restart when
you plug it back in? I have mine in my wife's car and powered off the cig
lighter for the time being. It is not coming on when power is applied...
is this normal? In the past, I've always hooked directly to the battery so
this was never of any concern to me.
2) when an external TNC is hooked to the 6pin DIN data plug, does that key
up the DATA side of the radio, or the side of the radio which is
selected? I remember a kenwood rig from several years ago which
intelligently sorted PTT requests by data/mic and would key the correct
side of the radio. Does d700 do this? Or does the data jack PTT line act
just like the MIC PTT line?
Subject: Re: [ Robert Bruninga ] Re: Tetroon collateral damage report, revision1
From: "DG2JW" <dg2jw@privateasylum.com>
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 2004 01:24:19 +0300
X-Message-Number: 111
Nice that you said that Bob.
I think that you should understand that (speaking for myself) we understand
to some degree why you hold the position you do. Its just that we don't
agree. :) That's it, no smoke and mirrors.
Im going to sleep, club night was hard last night.
>Im just trying to keep APRS on track..
Subject: RE: Thoughts on a proposed replacement for D700
From: "hasan schiers" <schiers@netins.net>
Date: Wed, 9 Jun 2004 08:25:01 -0500
X-Message-Number: 112
The DR-135TP does not work "reliably" in KISS mode. It may work for an hour
or less, but then it's non-functional. I have one, and have tried every
trick in the book to get it to work reliably in kiss mode. I finally gave up
and use a Tiny2 TNC externally and the radio works fine.
If anyone EVER figures out what can be done to make the internal tnc work in
kiss mode, please make a special point of letting us know.
....hasan, N0AN
----- Original Message -----
From: "Brian Riley (maillist)" <n1bq_list@wulfden.org>
>On 6/7/04 10:47 PM, "Curt Mills" <archer@eskimo.com> wrote:
>>On Mon, 7 Jun 2004, Doug Bade wrote:
>>>My recollection is they bought the tnc as a sub assembly of hardware and
>>>code from a third party, and do not own the rights... Just my memory, so do
>>>not take it for book...
>>It's a Tasco TNC. Same or similar to what's in the Alinco. So I've
>>heard anyway.
>Yes, its the TASCO TNC. There are several flavors of it though. The D7A and
>its upgrade D7A(G) have the crippled TNC where KISS transmit doesn't work.
>The D7E (European version) upgrade had KISS fixed. As far as I know the
>D700A and D700E have the same flavor TNC and KISS works on them and yes, ist
>essentially the same TASCO TNC in the Dr135, but I have no idea what the
>KISS Status is on that ... Curt?????
>Cheers ... 73 de brian, n1bq
Subject: RE: Thoughts on a proposed replacement for D700
From: Drew Baxter <droobie@maine.rr.com>
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 2004 18:27:25 -0400
X-Message-Number: 113
At 04:31 PM 6/9/2004, sv1uy wrote:
>So I prefer to stick with the KENWOODS. Wouldn't it be better if Kenwood's
>next D7 also had a GPS built in? GARMIN and Albrecht already have them in FRS
>and PMR radios. I do not want to add another box in my D7 or D700 and if I
>could do with a new version with the GPS built in all the better.
Yeah it would've.. But there is enough room in the D700 shell (maybe) to
stuff a 'mouse' style GPS unit in there and make a hole for the antenna on
the casing.. I'd have done it already if I didn't absolutely love my
GPSMap76S.. I don't love it like I would the IQue or something, but I do
think it's a great unit.
>I wonder why don't you try OPENtrack on 2.4GHZ using the 802.II protocol where
>you can take advantage of the high speed links? You can use the lower channels
>which fall whithin the amateur band there! I think OPENtrack, being a thing of
>the future is best suited to run in a futuristic frequency!!!
If you didn't think about it, microwave doesn't appreciate obstructions in
the sense that if it hits one (even a leaf), the show is over. Otherwise
you'd see everything in amateur radio that involved data up there.
I respect the fact people don't want this on the defined 'National APRS
Frequency', but to shift it up into the microwave band is like me
suggesting my smoking neighbors to light up somewhere over near
Quebec. It's a great idea, for the people who don't want to be around it,
but it's not practical.
This isn't the first time that someone has suggested such a thing though,
so maybe people should read a little about how microwave works. I think it
might have been a focus of the study materials for the Technician Class
license here in the U.S. as well.
Wasn't trying to take it out on you, sv1uy. Just happened that your post
got me thinking.. :)
--Droo, K1XVM
Subject: Re: Tetroon collateral damage report, revision1
From: "Robert Bruninga" <bruninga@usna.edu>
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 2004 18:30:09 -0400
X-Message-Number: 114
>>>"DG2JW" <dg2jw@privateasylum.com> 6/9/04 5:08:30 PM >>>
>Scott just don't bother anymore.
>"They" are never going to understand that evolution
>is a natural part of everything.
We WELCOME evolution, but on a differeent frequency
>"They" will never understand that neither APRS or the
>Kenwood's are at risk.
You dont understand. I DO believe that something like OPENtrack WILL
succeed if left unfetterd by existing APRS. That is why it is such a
threat ON the working APRS channel. Once it gets mass it will snoball and
then all of use 38% of existing KENWOOD users would be BLIND to what is
going on around us!
It is the potential for SUCCESS of OPENttack in the long run that convinces
me it WILL kill the kenwood. So leave us be and let us die with a WORKING
system and then, even when you have taken over the world with OPENTRCK, we
can still use our radios till they die without being inundated with
OPENtack packets that we cannot see!
>"They" will never listen to reason.
I simply think you dont understand this thread at all.
>"They" will never understand why I have lost respect
>for people who I considered innovators up last weekend.
Glad you respected me once. I am happy to know that I have stood up for
the 38% of existing APRS users who dont want to see the loss of APRS
capability while mobile... because of the arrogance of a few programmers...
>This is not at all about Opentrac anymore.
>Its about the Ham community coming together to
>cooperate on a project that can enhance
>experimentation in our hobby.
And if you would KEEP IT OFF from jamming 38% of all existing users who
will NEVER BE ABLE TO USE it on the APRS channel, then you might find that
others would be more happy to support it! Put it on an experimental
channel where you are not encumbered by all of us EXISTING users and it
willbe to your best interest and will blossom!
"working together" means NOT JAMMING a working net with a totally
incompatible protocol where 38% of the existing users will NEVER SEE any
benefit while mobile...
>APRS needs to grow and it cannot make any innovative
>leaps and bounds without major revision to the spec.
There are ALL kinds of growth potential in the kinds of information that
you can push to the 240 or so "tiny-web-pages" in the D7 alone... Why have
so few talented people not jumped at this opportunity?
>I will however continue to promote APRS and teach
>more hams about useful ways of implementing APRS locally.
Thanks, that is all I can possibly ask. And I promise you, that if people
have ideas of things they want to put into APRS that they cannot think of
how to do it withing the present protocol, or an addition that will not
obsolete existign users, I will help in anyway I can.
>People are not interested in what is going on this SIG
>because they think this SIG is destructive to APRS.
>I suppose I agree with that, if the attitude is "Shut up
>and take what we give you"
We dont have to "give" you anything, The SPEC is stable and there are all
kinds of ways to implement all kinds of things into APRS just by DOING
IT!!!! You dont even need to ask us, just DO IT. But use the spec so you
can see how to take your NEW ideas and innovative features deliverable to
the end user who will WELCOME your efforts.
But dont come whinning that it is too hard for programmers. Life is hard.
But that is the price to pay for a standard communicatinos protocol that is
dedicated to providing a stable consistent mechanism for delivering
information to mobile users in real time!
de WB4APR, BOb
Subject: Re: [ Robert Bruninga ] Re: D700 - Yes mine has FLASH and In-Circuit
From: Drew Baxter <droobie@maine.rr.com>
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 2004 18:31:58 -0400
X-Message-Number: 115
Hey wait a minute? There's a new one? :)
Just had to get to it before someone else did.
--Droo, K1XVM
At 04:58 PM 6/9/2004, Robert Bruninga wrote:
>Clearly you have never been a design engineer.
>Any design change on the CASE and the water
>sealing system and on a multi-layer surface
>mount board is NOT TRIVIAL and would be
>DUMB to tell joe-clue ham to open it and do it
>himself. Then they would hav no end of technical
>service problems. I sure am glad you arent
>designing the next one!
Subject: RE: Thoughts on a proposed replacement for D700
From: "sv1uy" <sv1uy@ham.depa.gr>
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 2004 01:33:52 +0300
X-Message-Number: 116
On Wed, 09 Jun 2004 18:27:25 -0400, Drew Baxter wrote
>>I wonder why don't you try OPENtrack on 2.4GHZ using the 802.II protocol
>>you can take advantage of the high speed links? You can use the lower
>>which fall whithin the amateur band there! I think OPENtrack, being a thing
>>the future is best suited to run in a futuristic frequency!!!
>If you didn't think about it, microwave doesn't appreciate
>obstructions in the sense that if it hits one (even a leaf), the
>show is over. Otherwise you'd see everything in amateur radio that
>involved data up there.
>I respect the fact people don't want this on the defined 'National
>APRS Frequency', but to shift it up into the microwave band is like
>me suggesting my smoking neighbors to light up somewhere over near
>Quebec. It's a great idea, for the people who don't want to be
>around it, but it's not practical.
>This isn't the first time that someone has suggested such a thing
>though, so maybe people should read a little about how microwave
>works. I think it might have been a focus of the study materials
>for the Technician Class license here in the U.S. as well.
>Wasn't trying to take it out on you, sv1uy. Just happened that your
>post got me thinking.. :)
>--Droo, K1XVM
Hi Drew,
Just read the line about the futuristic frequency!!! hi hi hi! I was just
joking of course. I guess it is difficult to make a joke in another language
and be understood 100%. I think all this thread is for a joke really!
73 de Demetre SV1UY
e-mail sv1uy@ham.depa.gr
Subject: Re: [ Robert Bruninga ] Re: D700 - Yes mine has FLA SH and In-Circuit
From: Drew Baxter <droobie@maine.rr.com>
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 2004 18:42:26 -0400
X-Message-Number: 117
I would've paid for an 'extended warranty' program that would've ensured I
had discounted or free upgrades in some form. I think that Kenwood
could've marketed this properly since they were already getting 500-600+
bucks out of us for a revolutionary piece of hardware.
I think they dropped the ball and were shortsighted in this case.
--Droo, K1XVM
At 04:31 PM 6/9/2004, Eric H. Christensen wrote:
>I think this is a great idea. Maybe Kenwood could work around the warrantee
>issue by issuing flash upgrades via the internet (charge $20 or whatever)
>and download it and upgrade your D700 or D7A... Keeping the radio alive!
>Eric KF4OTN
Subject: RE: Thoughts on a proposed replacement for D700
From: Drew Baxter <droobie@maine.rr.com>
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 2004 18:40:31 -0400
X-Message-Number: 118
I figured you were kidding but some people have actually thought this to be
a 'good idea' so I figured I'd take advantage of the opportunity.. It
appears you didn't take it like I was aiming for you, so that's good :)
--Droo, K1XVM
At 06:33 PM 6/9/2004, sv1uy wrote:
>Hi Drew,
>Just read the line about the futuristic frequency!!! hi hi hi! I was just
>joking of course. I guess it is difficult to make a joke in another language
>and be understood 100%. I think all this thread is for a joke really!
Subject: Re: Kenwood APRS radio...
From: "Robert Bruninga" <bruninga@usna.edu>
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 2004 19:04:52 -0400
X-Message-Number: 119
>>>"DG2JW" <dg2jw@privateasylum.com> 6/9/04 5:59:01 PM >>>
>Could someone please explain in plain easy to read
>English how its possible that 31% of APRS users
>would loose tactical real-time-information if people
>started sending OPENTrack data on the APRS system?
When we installed our Kenwoods, most of us removed our LAPTOPS. Our
window to the APRS world is through the HEADS-UP remote head of the Kenwood
radio on the Dash Board right below our driving line of sight.
We see everyone there, we see them come and go and we see our messages and
bulletins and WEATHER there. We see TRAFFIC speeds and Wrecks and slow
downs there while driving and WITHOUT endangering our selves by trying to
manage a LAPTOP in a car front seat (which is illegal anyway)
And we WANT to see EVERYTHING. We want to see who is near us, where they
are going , and what they are doing.
YOUR INTENTION to add incompatible packets to this excellent functioning
network that we have taken 12 years to build and that we will NEVER be able
to see on our HEADS-UP displays is an outright attack on our system. And
not only will you split the community into incompatible X and Y users who
cannot see each other, the end result is that The X's are interferring with
the Y's and the Y's are interfering with the X's and Nothing gets better,
just 50% worse!
>Could you also explain to me how that same 31% did
>not watch their Kenwood's melt down during last weeks
>Tetroon launch as they surely heard or received
>OPENTrack data on the APRS system...
1) In DUAL mode, Everyone admits there was a 50% loss of channel capacity
during that event. (Everyone looses).
2) If he had transmitted only OPENTRAK packets then again, 99.9% of
everyone looses because they cant track it, and none of the 38% kenwoods
would have been able to help in the recovery
3) If he had transmitted ONLY APRS, no one loses anything, and EVERYONE
wins, because they can all see the balloon.
Now, if he had gone to another frequency it doesnt matter one hoot what
protocol he uses, because he would not impact anyone...
>Surely the facts can be laid out on the table in a clear
>easy gentlemanly manner.
Seems pretty obvious to me...
Subject: DTMF Decoding for my talking weather station
From: "Andrew Rich" <vk4tec@hotmail.com>
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 2004 09:24:12 +1000
X-Message-Number: 120
Does anyone know of a DTMF decoding routine for LINUX or VB that can decode
Before I start doing up a board with a chip and use the parrallel port.
Andrew VK4TEC
Subject: Re: Kenwood APRS radio...
From: Danny <danny@messano.net>
Date: Wed, 9 Jun 2004 19:30:48 -0400
X-Message-Number: 121
Because if a *KENWOOD* can't decode it, it's non-aprs-channel-interference?
Wednesday, June 9, 2004, 5:59:01 PM, you wrote:
D> Could someone please explain in plain easy to read English how
etc, etc...
Subject: RE: Thoughts on a proposed replacement for D700
From: Drew Baxter <droobie@maine.rr.com>
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 2004 19:42:20 -0400
X-Message-Number: 122
My results were similar with Xastir using Kiss the last day or so.. Worked
for an hour or two and then ka-put.. So It's a converse mode unit for now..
No problems since.
Kinda sad seeing as I bought it solely for the IGate.
--Droo, K1XVM
At 09:25 AM 6/9/2004, hasan schiers wrote:
>The DR-135TP does not work "reliably" in KISS mode. It may work for an hour
>or less, but then it's non-functional. I have one, and have tried every
>trick in the book to get it to work reliably in kiss mode. I finally gave up
>and use a Tiny2 TNC externally and the radio works fine.
>If anyone EVER figures out what can be done to make the internal tnc work in
>kiss mode, please make a special point of letting us know.
>...hasan, N0AN
Subject: Re: two questions
From: Drew Baxter <droobie@maine.rr.com>
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 2004 19:44:04 -0400
X-Message-Number: 123
At 06:18 PM 6/9/2004, Wes Johnston wrote:
>1) when you unplug the kenwood d700 from power, will it auto restart when
>you plug it back in? I have mine in my wife's car and powered off the cig
>lighter for the time being. It is not coming on when power is applied...
>is this normal? In the past, I've always hooked directly to the battery
>so this was never of any concern to me.
No. It does not come on when power is applied.. It's meant to go to your
battery, not to a switched circuit anyway.. :)
>2) when an external TNC is hooked to the 6pin DIN data plug, does that key
>up the DATA side of the radio, or the side of the radio which is
>selected? I remember a kenwood rig from several years ago which
>intelligently sorted PTT requests by data/mic and would key the correct
>side of the radio. Does d700 do this? Or does the data jack PTT line act
>just like the MIC PTT line?
I do think it's the side selected, but maybe someone else would know for
sure.. I do believe that data side designation doesn't matter if you're
not using the internal TNC.
--Droo, K1XVM
Subject: How to Run ZTerm on Mac OS X?
From: "Matthew Stennett" <wa4tkg@iwon.com>
Date: Wed, 9 Jun 2004 20:03:31 -0400 (EDT)
X-Message-Number: 124
Not familiar with what Panther will do, so don't know how to run simple
terminal program to MFJ-1270C on OS X? I have a serial ><USB adaptor but
don't know how to configure it. Serial adaptor is a Belkin F5U103-MAC. No
OS X driver on DISC from when I bought it. Don't know if it will even run.
Subject: Re: [ Robert Bruninga ] Re: D700 - Yes mine has FLASH and In-Circuit
From: "Eric H. Christensen" <kf4otn@earthlink.net>
Date: Wed, 9 Jun 2004 19:46:44 -0400
X-Message-Number: 125
Yeah! I would have loved to get my D700 to TX compressed packets... Maybe
I could dump the code for SSTV stuff and get some more bytes to add in
decoding Ultimeter Weather packets.
Speaking of which, is anyone using the SSTV thing on their D700 or D7A???
Might be something new for me.
-----Original Message-----
From: Drew Baxter [mailto:droobie@maine.rr.com]
I would've paid for an 'extended warranty' program that would've ensured I
had discounted or free upgrades in some form. I think that Kenwood
could've marketed this properly since they were already getting 500-600+
bucks out of us for a revolutionary piece of hardware.
I think they dropped the ball and were shortsighted in this case.
--Droo, K1XVM
Subject: Re: Tetroon collateral damage report, revision1
From: Danny <danny@messano.net>
Date: Wed, 9 Jun 2004 20:13:48 -0400
X-Message-Number: 126
>>If you are worried about the image that APRS gets from
>>the internet, think about the propaganda that is being
>>spewed out by it's creator.
RB> Not propaganda, just simple truths from the numbers
RB> that have been posted here by others...
I was really referring to the user bashing and name calling. You simply
refuse diplomacy in any way, and wonder why others respond back with the
same. Not a good image for APRS.
Subject: Re: [ Robert Bruninga ] Re: D700 - Yes mine has FLASH and In-Circuit
From: Drew Baxter <droobie@maine.rr.com>
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 2004 20:14:50 -0400
X-Message-Number: 127
Friend of mine (N1WTQ) has the SSTV unit and the D7A(G) if I recall. Not
sure if he's used it actively or not, just that he has used it and owns
them or did last time I checked.
I called him some names because I want a D7A(G) and a VC-H1 badly but not
like 400+300$ badly.. :)
--Droo (K1XVM)
Subject: Re: Kenwood APRS radio...
From: "Mark Fellhauer" <sparkfel@qwest.net>
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 2004 17:20:02 -0700
X-Message-Number: 128
At 04:30 PM 6/9/2004, Danny wrote:
>Because if a *KENWOOD* can't decode it, it's non-aprs-channel-interference?
No because over 1/3 of the existing user base can not decode it. Brand
names have nothing to do with it.
Subject: Re: DTMF Decoding for my talking weather station
From: Drew Baxter <droobie@maine.rr.com>
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 2004 20:30:22 -0400
X-Message-Number: 129
Supposedly that does it.
--Droo, K1XVM
At 07:24 PM 6/9/2004, Andrew Rich wrote:
>Does anyone know of a DTMF decoding routine for LINUX or VB that can
>decode DTMF.
>Before I start doing up a board with a chip and use the parrallel port.
>Andrew VK4TEC
Subject: Re: Kenwood APRS radio...
From: Drew Baxter <droobie@maine.rr.com>
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 2004 20:26:13 -0400
X-Message-Number: 130
No, because it isn't in the SPEC or SPEC errata, it's
non-aprs-channel-interference. Bob has a habit of using Kenwood as a
reference because it [fully] supports the 1.0 APRS Spec.
I say 'fully' in jest of course. 22 char comments breaks 'fully'
I do see what he means, but at the same time if someone has the ability to
decode both Opentrak and APRS, they have the capability to handle anything
and everything. In his case it sounds like people shouldn't be able to
operate on Sidebands solely because not everyone can hear them. I don't
think I agree with that.
I do think that APRS and Opentrac on the same frequency is like chaining 2
toilets on a sewer pipe built for one though. We're drowning in our own
traffic already as it is.
I also don't think telling people what to do with the frequency is in the
interest and spirit of Amateur Radio where 'no one person or function owns
a frequency'. You can SUGGEST or RECOMMEND or even BADGER people into not
doing such things, but ultimately if the impact is such that it is not
directly impacting the users (and in CSMA, people wait for one another if
all goes well, so in most elements it would not), then you can do it.
If Bob wants to declare the 144.390 as APRS only, then I'd find a way to
adjust the band plan so that it defines that. The band plan is a
suggestion, too, but it is good practice to follow as a radio operator. I
realize it's 'recognized' as that, maybe even defined elsewhere, but I
would want it to be on the band plan.
--Droo, K1XVM
At 07:30 PM 6/9/2004, Danny wrote:
>Because if a *KENWOOD* can't decode it, it's non-aprs-channel-interference?
Subject: Re: I AM OUTTA HERE! (38% is good enough for me!)
From: "Kurt A. Freiberger" <kurt@badgers-hill.net>
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 2004 19:31:53 -0500
X-Message-Number: 131
<small voice> So, is it safe to mention Hitler now, or is that just
UseNet protocol? </small voice>
Robert Bruninga wrote:
>>>>Steve Dimse <k4hg@tapr.org> 6/9/04 5:18:02 PM >>>
>Bob asked:
>>>I have been assuming that Kenwoods are mostly a
>>>USA thing. If I am wrong, I need updating.... thanks...
>>if you look at the numbers I already gave,... 43% of the
>>Kenwoods are using callsigns other than US prefixes...
>WOW, NEW PARADIGM! Ok, now then if 38% of
>ALL APRS users (count bodies, not SSID's) in the
>world use a Kenwood APRS radio and it is GLOBAL
>and not jusst USA, then I think once and for all we can get
>off of this stupid thread from the people who dont
>own one, and claim that it is "holding back APRS".
>I have had ENOUGH of all this carping by a few
>disgruntled complainers that don't even own one,
>and I feel that I have done my job to keep the existing
>network compatible with those 38% of existing
>APRS users.
>I'm not wasting any more of my time on this sensless
>OPENtrack issue and those that could care less about
>being backwards compatible with existing users.
>Im outta here. Im not reading ANYTTHING ELSE
>de WB4APR, Bob
Subject: Re: How to Run ZTerm on Mac OS X?
From: Drew Baxter <droobie@maine.rr.com>
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 2004 20:42:35 -0400
X-Message-Number: 132
If you take the lid off of it and give me the chip part number I think I
can help you out.
Belkin has no Mac driver for it either. :) But all might not be lost.
--Droo, K1XVM
At 08:03 PM 6/9/2004, Matthew Stennett wrote:
>Not familiar with what Panther will do, so don't know how to run simple
>terminal program to MFJ-1270C on OS X?
>I have a serial ><USB adaptor but don't know how to configure it.
>Serial adaptor is a Belkin F5U103-MAC.
>No OS X driver on DISC from when I bought it.
>Don't know if it will even run.
Drew Baxter (Dr. Droo), Network Developer / Systems Exorcist
@Network Data Group of Maine - [Maine.1-X.net]
Phone: 207-942-0275 / Cellular: 207-356-9143 / Toll-Free: 866-715-3311
E-Mail: droobie@maine.rr.com / RTT Paging: pagedroo@1-X.net
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