VE3WBZ > SCHOOL 19.01.12 00:03l 181 Lines 7412 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 60571_VE3LSR
Subj: RE: G0TEZ's Comments
Sent: 120118/2247Z @:VE3LSR.#SCON.ON.CAN.NOAM #:60571 [Barrie] $:60571_VE3LSR
DT: Wednesday,January 18th.,2012 @ 1636hrs EST <JPST>
Hello Ian, and others.... Thought with 2 schools from you
I might just plant the two together in to one;
<< Quoting G0TEZ to SCHOOL @WW >>
> From : G0TEZ To : SCHOOL@WW
> Type/Status : B$ Date/Time : 17-Jan 23:18
> Bid : BB0196G0TEZ Message # : 60529
> Title : RE: G0TEZ's badge...etc
> You touched on something which has always puzzled me,Pete.
> We just don't have fraternities and sororities in the UK and can't
> understand them. The three Greek letters are even more puzzling
> as they don't seem to stand for anything.
They definity are an American thing...not here in CANADA, but for
some reason George Harvey SS had this fraternity, and this Prefect
was one of'em. Never wanted to know a thing about it....just
a few freaks.
> We prefer to be individualists in the UK with the exception of
> some semi secret groups like the Freemasons which do have their uses.
I had a relative who was a member... no one else is a member or cares.
> Our badges and medals tend to be small and only worn on special
> occasians such as old soldiers wearing their medals on
> Remembrance Day then putting them away for the rest of the year.
"Gonging" as is the Royal Navy term for medals follows I think the
other of the services, as yes agreed we don't need medals for a job
we signed on to do. Other countrys "gong" like even for everything.
Like the flag... they wave it like crazy south of here, and recently
some government hack was upset that Cannucks didn't do this like
their neighbours to the south, so it seems these days there is
flags flying everywhere.
I guess you have to pick, or did have to like me, when and where
I could wear my awards, but before I left I always wore'em just
to have a last dig at'em, and well now I don't care, as that
period of my life is over. Like trophys.
When you mentioned the tie for the classes of glider pilots, it
makes me think of a tie they have here, that via my family I can
wear...but the company here adopted it for upper managment, and
gave me what for, until they got told straight the entitlement
and they...not me were in violation.
I am sorry you don't fly, but then well I would always rule myself
unfit even before a medical exam took place.
> I think I'll leave the prefect bit alone now:-)
No problem, it was the only school and I don't think I have heard
of anyothers. Strange to have that system in a high school like
that place.
> 73 - Ian, G0TEZ @ GB7CIP
> Message timed: 22:56 on 2012-Jan-17 GMT
> Message sent using WinPack-Telnet V6.80
> [End of Message #60529 from G0TEZ]
OK .... unto the next school posting Ian... :)
<< Quoting G0TEZ to SCHOOL @WW >>
> From : G0TEZ To : SCHOOL@WW
> Type/Status : B$ Date/Time : 17-Jan 23:18
> Bid : C90197G0TEZ Message # : 60530
> Title : RE: G0TEZ's badge...etc
> In my last bull to pete I finished with "I am going to drop this"
> but that was before i read yours.
OH ! Ok ... so lets get to it;
> You will agree that every school has it's bullies who will terrorise
> people and prevent serious tudents from working. We prefects were
> chosen for being well behaved, hard working, keeping to the rules
> and enforcing them. Just like police which is what prefects were
> in ancient Rome.
OK ... but then there was this school I went to. It was a rough
school and the teens there were or had police records, and not
surprised to see police take a suspect out of class.
Yes all schools had "bullies" but then there were ways to look after
them as I did in public and that one time in GHSS. No Prefect
helped me. If they were trying to be as in Rome, then my return
now is even that much better. I am going to phone them or dropby
and see if they still have the Prefect nusiances going about the
> We were proud to be chosen. I think I was about 14 when they picked me.
> I have mentioned the punishments we gave, it was only in extremis that we
> resorted to physical punishment. If the bully was big, it could take as
> many as three of us to cure him but we did and the scum deserved it.
OK Ian ... and as with Bob, it worked there, as I guess was a long
established system and tradition, but then CANADA is a new land, and
it very rare to see this kind of system.
All my bullies were public school, but not high school. I made sure
there were no repeaters.
I can not evn remember if we had Prefects at the school in Scotland
I attended...very briely.
> We didn't make a big deal out of sports at our school though we did
> have a football and a cricket team as well as athletics.
> Even my own sport which got me the title of cross country captain,
> I didn't see as very important as I never saw it as a team sports,
> just me versus up to 26 miles of open country.
Ian. If you had gone to either of our high school and a runner
they would have pestured you to play Football at the receiver
postion. They were generally, small guys who did cross country
and could run distance...and keep up the speed.
Two levels of Football...Junior and Senior ...same as hockey.
Then if someone sees you, you might get a scholarship to colleges
here in Canada or USA.
At GHS: George Harvey SS ... NO one ever wanted to attend the games
of football or hockey....the school had to herd us there..making
sure all attnded, or they stayed at the school. Prefects were
well trained DOGS for the school in this regard...unless they
had to play ... And when I finally got outta the school after 3
years to Northern SS .... Everyone attnded games,...NO one was forced
they wanted to be there...and no prefects.
My last year in high school and at Northern under coach Pulford
<<< Brother of Chicago Caoch at the time of the NHL >>> was my
trip and chance for revenge when we played GHSS ... and even in
the end, their fans were cheering for us...I remember students
saying hi, as I knew some of them, as I took my shots at Kooy
the Prefect, as well the puck off the glass that shook the
Vice-Principal outta his seat. He was so < censored> at me.
> I don't think 'Student Counciles' were introduced until the 1980s,
> we just got on with the job of learning and passing exams.
> They would call us 'nerds' or similar now, my favourite subjects
> were maths, physics and biology. I'm sure you know that more scorn
> is poured on maths students than any other subject - not if you
> hit back though.
> Oh, well, final,final as we used to say.
I loved, history, geography, math and a few others, and well my
only year at Northern. My only teacher at GHSS I would visit,
if not arrested at the door, would have been the math teacher
as he was a industry man, turned teacher and was a wealth of
knowledge and gave me a math book I have today...but then I
lost the slide rule he gave me. I wish today I could
find Mr. Donald Fraser to see him. Some feard him....but once
you got by that image, he was a wonderful person.
> 73 - Ian, G0TEZ @ GB7CIP
> Message timed: 23:18 on 2012-Jan-17 GMT
> Message sent using WinPack-Telnet V6.80
> [End of Message #60530 from G0TEZ]
Yep ..Ian...final ,final final. Life goes on.
73 Pete VE3WBZ
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