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VK7AX  > BCAST    26.01.25 13:34l 992 Lines 33378 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 1952_VK7AX
Subj: VK National News 26Jan25
Sent: 250126/1143Z @:VK7AX.#ULV.TAS.AUS.OC #:1952 [Ulverstone] $:1952_VK7AX

VK National News 26Jan25

Text edition:

Weekly news from the WIA:
MP3 edition of news available at: 
Text edition:








 ARRL report DXCC application processing is back to typical processing
 times. -

 Michelle VK2AYL, President of the Australian Ladies Amateur Radio
 Association, ALARA. -

 All this and more in this once again "sans directors" edition of



 So our non-believers reckon the WIA are a stodgy old group of old codgers?

 A great WIA meme did the rounds on social media through the week reminding
 us , in a fun lounge in cheek way, of the use of AX for Australia Day, 
 yes TODAY 26th.

 The memes image is a massive Yagi adorning Parliament House on Capital 
 Hill and then 6 rules for what you require for a successful Australia Day

 A valid amateur radio "licence"


 A 'brawl' on 40 meters with an Old Timer

 and number 6?

 All of the above!


 Carnarvons Decommissioned NASA Satellite Dish Back In Service After
 40 Years.

 The 29.8 meter parabolic antenna at the Australian OTC (overseas
 telecommunications commission) station has come back to life again
 after nearly forty years spent in decommissioning limbo.

 This parabolic dish antenna shares an illustrious history together with
 the older 12.8 meter Casshorn antenna in that together they assisted with
 many NASA missions over the decades. These not only include the Apollo 11
 Moon landing with the small antenna, but joined by the larger parabolic
 dish (in 1969) the station performed tracking duty for NASA, ESA  and many
 other missions. Yet in 1987 the station was decommissioned, with scrapping
 mostly averted due to the site being designated a heritage site, with a
 local VK6 museum.

 In 2022 the 29.8 meter parabolic dish antenna was purchased by ThothX
 Australia, who together with the rest of ThothXs world-wide presence will
 be integrating this latest addition into a satellite tracking system that
 seems to have the interest of various military clients.

 ThothX's mission statement reads" We aim at contributing to space safety
 and sustainability while meeting the needs of industry, academia and
 government departments and agencies.

 Putting this decommissioned dish back into service wasnt simply a matter
 of flipping a few switches. Having sat mostly neglected for decades it
 requires extensive refurbishing, but this most recent milestone
 demonstrates that the dish is capable of locking onto satellites.
 This opens the way for a top-to-bottom refurbishment, the installation of
 new equipment and also a lick of paint on the dish itself, a process that
 will still take many years but beats watching such a historic landmark
 rust away by many lightyears.



 This is Michelle VK2AYL, President of the Australian Ladies Amateur Radio
 Association, ALARA.

 The program for the ALARA 50th Anniversary on 26th July has now been
 There will be a formal lunch at the Novotel in Glen Waverly as well as
 tours of the Phillip Island Penguin Parade and Puffing Billy for those
 who can stay longer. In addition we will have a casual pizza and trivia
 night on the Saturday evening for those who would like to meet some of the
 ALARA members.

 Details of all the Anniversary events and registration information can be
 found on the ALARA website:-


 Well Australia has its fair share of FIFO workers, i.e. Fly in Fly out.

 How about "flying in and out to get your ham radio certificate"?

 The St George Amateur Radio Society  is but a short uber ride from
 Sydney airport and they are running ham courses shortly?

 OK maybe a bit expensive BUT if you are in the St George area the
 St George Amateur Radio Societys Education team have their next training
 and assessment weekend scheduled for Saturday the 1st and Sunday the 2nd
 of March. The training venue is in Sutherland, a short walk from the
 railway station and there is usually plenty of free 'on street' parking 

 Foundation, or entry-level training, is provided on the Saturday.
 This covers basic radio theory, regulations and practical setup and
 safe operation of an amateur radio station, and is followed by
 qualification assessments on Sunday. 

 Standard and advanced level qualification assessments are available on
 either Saturday or Sunday, BUT, by prior arrangement with the SGARS
 education team.

 All assessments are conducted by ACMA accredited assessors.

 Bookings close on Thursday the 20th of February and you can contact them
 email to education(at)



 INTERNATIONAL NEWS is with thanks to ARRL, DX-WORLD, eHam, Hackaday,
 SARL and the World Wide sources of the WIA. 

 Amateur Radio has been a hobby for well over 100 years.

 For as long as there has been an understanding of electricity and
 radio waves, people have been experimenting with these technologies and
 advancing the state of the art. As a result, the world has moved from
 wired telegraphy to tube radios to telephones -- forward a century -- to
 GPS and high-speed digital communication devices that fit in your pocket.

 Advances made by amateur radio experimenters have propelled the work of
 NASA, satellites, television, the internet, and every communications
 company in existence today. People fiddling with radios have pushed
 forward technological advances the world around, time and time again. Yet
 the people making these efforts, doing these feats, aren't always the best
 at documenting and preserving their work for the future.

 That's where Internet Archive comes in.

 Digital Library of Amateur Radio and Communications. 

 DLARC is a project of the Internet Archive, and its job is to find and
 preserve this rich history of radio and communications. DLARC collects
 resources related to amateur radio, satellite communications, television,
 shortwave radio, pirate radio, experimental communications, and related

 In the two years since the project launched, DLARC has preserved thousands
 of magazines and journals, manuals, product catalogues, radio programs and
 conference proceedings. These materials were scattered worldwide, often
 inaccessible and in obsolete formats. DLARC have digitized material that
 was on paper, cassette tape, reel-to-reel tape, CD-ROMs, DVDs, digitized 
 video from 16mm film, VHS, U-Matic, Betacam and even more obscure video

 Theyve built a collection of more than 140,000 items and made them
 available to the world. Researchers, academics, and hobbyists use the
 library to learn from the rich history of this 100-year-old hobby.

 Ofcom has announced a consultation which seeks to simplify the licensing
 of amateur radio visitors to the UK from a specified list of countries.

 The consultation also covers the proposed simplification of other wireless
 equipment usage. Ofcom says: We propose to introduce a new licence
 exemption for short-term use of radio amateur equipment by radio amateurs
 visiting from countries that are not covered by the CEPT Recommendation
 T/R 61-02, but with whom the UK has a bilateral reciprocal agreement. 

 The deadline for responses to the consultation is 5pm on the 28th of March

 Heading to the USA soon? maybe to Dayton?


 The National VOA Museum of Broadcasting in West Chester, Ohio is QRV and
 is about to reopen.

 Six months of renovations have come to an end at the Voice of America
 museum, which reopened  its doors to the public at noon on Saturday the
 25th of January. The work has created new exhibit space with room for more
 displays that showcase radio history in the US. The building formerly
 housed the Voice of America's Bethany relay station.

 The West Chester Amateur Radio Association, WC8VOA, has its headquarters
 in the historic building and has had uninterrupted on-the-air activity
 even as remodelling took place elsewhere in the interior. As visitors
 return, hams will be on the air and, as always, ready to welcome them.

 Theres a saying in theatre that even if you encounter hardship,
 the show must go on.

 Well, the theatre of radio is no exception to that rule.

 We learn how an important amateur radio program weathered the storm -
 literally - to fulfil a promised short-wave broadcast premiere. 

 Listeners had counted on hearing the first short-wave broadcast of the
 D.A.R.C.'s amateur news programme from Woofferton, England  but no one
 had counted on the severe storm that was bearing down on the west of
 England. The damage rendered 7 of the stations 35 antennas unusable
 leaving the 9670 kHz broadcast imperilled as the start of the programme
 drew near.

 The technical team scrambled and, on short notice, improvised:
 They "Crash-Started" another transmitter and a different antenna so that
 they were able to put the programme on the air, just as expected,
 on-time and on-frequency.

 In an announcement to listeners on Sunday, 12th January, Radio D.A.R.C.s
 Rainer Englert, DF2NU, thanked the Woofferton team, saying
 [quote] this incident shows once again that technicians help each other
 and do everything humanly possible. [endquote].

 Although reception reports varied unexpectedly because of the different
 equipment employed, over 1,000 listeners emails poured in, praising the
 programme. Rainer proclaimed the premiere a success.

 The Woofferton station had saved Radio D.A.R.C. for its listeners after
 the closure of its previous short-wave broadcaster in Moosbrun, Austria,
 had been obliged to close down. Meanwhile, the station reports that the
 original antennas have since been repaired and their original
 configuration restored.

 The show will indeed go on.

 Still in the UK, the RSGB has announced that it is an official partner
 for this years British Science Week, run by the British Science

 The RSGB Outreach Team worked with the RSGB Comms Team to offer an
 amateur radio-related activity, and this will feature in the
 British Science Week Community Pack. This links with the Societys
 strategic priority of Growth and its desire to reach new audiences.
 The Society is very excited that amateur radio will be featured for
 the first time in this important national STEM campaign. 

 This years event runs from the 7th to the 16th of March with the theme
Change and adapt.

 It is not just for young people and the RSGB has a range of additional
 activity ideas you could try with your community, friends and family too.
 The RSGB hopes its ideas and resources will encourage many to get out
 there and inspire others.

 Reception Reports

 WIA News rebroadcasters often give Short Wave Listeners a
 welcome to the broadcast as they commence call-backs
 straight after the Local News. Local news follows National
 news in all states. It would be great if those SWL's would
 email their reception reports and location to

 Submitting news items

 If you would like to submit news items for possible inclusion
 in the VK1WIA broadcasts, please email your item in text to   and don't JUST send url's links or
 posters, but take the time to pen YOUR contribution. 

 To submit audio, email
 and send BOTH the audio and the text
 We would appreciate items certainly no longer than 1.5 mts in
 length as we only have a half hour.

 Remember the sooner you submit material the more the
 likelihood of it being broadcast in the very next edition of
 WIA National News.

 Each recorded item will only be broadcast once, if you want a couple
 of mentions, please submit different slants to keep your
 event 'fresh' and always if the news room is to read your
 item --- write it in the 3rd person. (First if YOU are
 reading your own item).  If you are mentioning your own name / call
 in the story, say something like "and myself, Pat, vk11abc"
 Promote your local rebroadcast; details on
 A reminder when supplying HamFest info we obviously can't
 plug DEALS from commercial traders "on air", but we at the
 WIA will put your supporters 'goods' in this text edition
 "no worries."

 We will not give blatant 'plugs' to raffles, be it raffles
 at the event or "on-line".

 Oh... and to contact us with your news because
 If It Matters To You It Matters To Us!

 Click the links below to download the most recent edition of
 National News, BUT this is ONLY the backup site!

 WIANEWS backup thanks to Brendan VK4BLP can be found on

 BACKUPS OF THE BACKUP!!  thanks to Tony VK7AX (This is the link
 to the original text version and original audio on wia site)

 WIANews - 


 Societies and Club News Letter Editors can EXCHANGE a feed
 prior to the actual broadcast date, e-mail

 Call-backs follow the RF editions, but also for text readers
 you may lodge a quick reply to let us know you read it, who
 knows, you might even get a "cheerio call".

 Thanks to our dedicated band of broadcast volunteers who
 utilize their time and equipment in bringing you this weekly
 Who and where are they?
 Promote your local rebroadcast; details on
 The purpose of "WIANews" is to rapidly provide news of
 interest to WIA affiliated clubs and active amateurs residing
 in Australia and the globe. 

 We strongly encourage membership in the Wireless Institute of
 Australia and participation in the activities of local clubs.
 Opinions expressed in "WIANews" are those of the writers who
 submit material and do not necessarily reflect those of the
 rebroadcasters, nor the National WIA, but IF broadcast, are
 done so in the spirit in which they were submitted." 

 If you would like to see the call-backs reported each
 broadcast, OR have call-backs to contribute to the National
 News call back tally then please send through your call-backs
 to callbacks(at)


 How do I join this REBROADCASTERS List? 
 (subscribe for an automatic feed.)
 Email to vk1wia-broadcasters-join(at)
 from the email account that you wish the emails to go to.

 How do I join this National News List? 
 (subscribe for an automatic weekly feed.)
 Email to vk1wia-news-join(at)
 from the email account that you wish the emails to go to.

 How do I leave this National News List? (unsubscribe your
 weekly feed)
 Open mail program which sends mail from the address you want
 to unsubscribe from.  Send unsubscribe to the list
 unsubscribe address vk1wia-news-leave(at)
 You will be sent a confirmation mail and must follow the
 instructions given in that mail to complete the 
 Once your unsubscription has been processed, you will
 probably receive a message confirming your unsubscription
 from the list and at that point you should stop receiving






 Start time was 22 hundred UTC 25th January to 10 hundred UTC 26th January.

 Modes are SSB, CW FT8 & FT4

 The Complete Rules are on the website


 The CQ 160m DX Contest runs from 2200UTC on Friday the 24th until 2200UTC
 on Sunday the 26th of January. Using CW on the 160m band, the exchange is
 signal report and CW Zone. USA stations also send their state and
 Canadian stations send their province.



The British Amateur Radio Teledata Group RTTY Sprint runs from 1200UTC on Saturday the 25th until 1200UTC on Sunday the 26th of January. Using RTTY on the 80 to 10m bands, where contests are permitted, the exchange is your serial number.



 The IARU 100th Anniversary Centennial QSO Party.

 The IARU CQP will be held for nine days, beginning Saturday 12 April and
 ending Sunday 20 April. This event will celebrate 100 years of the IARU



 HARRY ANGEL MEMORIAL 80 Meter Sprint, Saturday May 3.     (vk4uh)


 VK Shires Contest  7th - 8th June 2025


 NZ Straight Key Night

 Next New Zealand Straight Key Night will be held Sunday 8 June
 from 9pm to 10pm NZDT (0800 to 0900 UTC) on 80 metres.

 Polish and lubricate that old morse key and enjoy an evening of
 old-time radio fun.

 Straight Key Night is an informal event which honours the roots of
 amateur radio: Morse Code sent with a straight key (no bugs,
 sideswipers, keyers or keyboards).

 Winter SKN is the second Sunday in June, 8-9pm NZ time.
 Summer SKN is always the first Sunday in December, 9-10pm NZ time.

 SKN honours the original amateur radio mode in an easy-going style.
 Operators send signal report, name, location, type of key, type of
 transmitter and power output. Stations are limited to 100W output 

 SKN is not a contest - but the operator who gets the most votes for the 
 quality of their sending will win the Bruce Scahill Best Fist Award.
 This certificate honours Bruce ZL1BWG (SK), who was a dedicated
 supporter of SKN. Please email your nomination to ZL1NZ within one week 
 following the event.

 (Neil ZL1NZ, SKN Manager)



 DXCC application processing is back to typical processing times.

 In October, we reported that the ARRL DXCC System had been returned to
 service following work that was completed to ensure the security and
 integrity of the system following the cyber-attack in May 2024.
 Over 4,000 DXCC applications have been logged into the system for
 processing since returning the system to service.

 ARRL are currently processing applications submitted in December, and
 continue to mail orders for paper DXCC certificates and endorsement
 stickers. There were 315 certificates mailed between December 27, 2024,
 and January 13, 2025.

 DXCC, the DX Century Club, is ARRLs most popular award.

 DXCC is achieved by confirming amateur radio contacts with a minimum of
 100 entities on the ARRL DXCC List (entities are the distinct geographic 
 and political entities).



 Be listening for the callsign 5 N 9 DTG being used by members of the
 Rebel DX Group. They are on the air from Nigeria for up to three weeks,
 starting in the third week of January. See for QSL details.

 (newsline 2464)


 Team IG9/S51V have several members on the air between the 19th and the
 29th of January operating with the prefix IG9 followed by their home
 callsigns, including S56DX, S51V, S57UN and several others.

 They will also be participating this weekend in the CQ WW 160-Meter CW
 Contest as a Multi-Single entry using the team callsign IG9/S51V, all from
 Lampedusa Island, IOTA number AF-019.

  QSL via the operators home calls. 

 (newsline 2464)


 Listen for OF60AP being used by members of the Central Uusimaa
 Radio Amateurs Association OH2AP in Finland.
 The club is marking its 60th anniversary with this year-long special

 See for certificate and QSL details.
 (newsline 2464)


 Thierry, TK1CX is active in Cameroon until February.

 In his spare time, he is QRV as TJ/TK1CX on the 20, 17, 15, 12 and 10m
 bands mainly using FT8 with a solar power supply.

 QSL via Logbook of the World, eQSL or via EA5ZD.



 Scott, WA 5 A, is currently on the air as 5Z4/WA5A from Ruaka on 40 - 10
 meters  mostly on SSB.

 The duration of his stay is not known at present.

 QSL via home call which again is WA5A



 Don, KW7R is active as V73KW from the Marshall Islands in the north  
 western Pacific Ocean. He is there on a work assignment until September 
 and in his spare time, he operates CW and FT8 on various bands.

 QSL V73KW via Logbook of the World.



 The Czech DXpedition Group will be using the callsign C 8 K  from
 Mozambique the 17th of January through to the 2nd of February. Find them
 on 160 through 6 metres and via the QO-100 satellite for our overseas  
 viewers. C8K will be using CW, SSB, FT8 and RTTY.

 (newsline 2462)


 Rwanda 9 X 2 AW and be on the air from the 27th of January through to the
 15th of February, holiday style on 10 through 160 metres.

 (newsline 2462)

 PC 80 TT is the special callsign for members of VERON Leiden to celebrate
 the 80th anniversary of the liberation of the Netherlands during
 World War II (5 May 1945).

 Look for activity now until June One

 QSL PC80TT via the bureau to PI4LDN.

 The special call sign honours the memory of Rudolf Tappenbeck (PCTT),
 a pioneer of Dutch amateur radio who died in Neuengamme concentration
 camp 1944.



 Our I.A.R.U. celebrates its centenary this year (2025).

 Since its founding in Paris, France, IARU has worked tirelessly to
 promote innovation in amateur radio and to encourage the growth of
 the service in communities throughout the world.

 VI 100 IARU is a special event callsign transmitting from VK3 to help
 celebrate the IARU Centennial.

 qsl via MO 0 OXO



 During 2025 the SARL will be on the air with special event callsign
 ZS 100 SARL, as well as the permanent callsigns ZS6SRL and ZS9HQ and
 possibly other special event callsigns.



 8 R 1 TM from Georgetown, Guyana, now until the 8th of February.
 CW, SSB and digital modes on all bands.

(newsline 2461)


 HamSCI Announces Personal Space Weather Station Sessions via Zoom.

 The Personal Space Weather Station (PSWS) network is a distributed series
 of receivers designed to measure the space environment. These stations are
 built by professionals, citizen scientists, and ham radio operators.
 HamSCI and its partners are constantly at work on expanding the network,
 improving the PSWS data collection hardware and software, growing the
 network infrastructure for data storage and retrieval, as well as meeting 
 HamSCI's ultimate goal, analysis of the collected data.

 HamSCI has announced a recurring series of Zoom based sessions to help
 those interested in the project. Sessions occur each Thursday at 10:00 AM
 Eastern USA time and more information is available on the HamSCI website.

 HamSCI works with scientists and radio amateurs around the world to 
 collect data and half a dozen, from VK7, 5 3 and 2 right here in our own 



 DP0GVN still spotting WB6RER Pico Balloon EARLY January.

 WB6RER Pico Balloon (a 10 meter WSPR transmitter) position over Antarctica
 January 6 and still at 44,300ft. Looks like it will fly right over or very
 close to the Neumayer Station III DP0GVN within the next day or two.

 The Neumayer Station is apparently the only 10 meter WSPR spotting station
 in Antarctica AND it's appreciated the help keeping track of this world
 traveling balloon. It flew north of the Arctic Circle during its early
 orbits so it has flown over almost every part of our world.

 Distance Travelled 143,083+ miles
 Flight duration: 597 days, 22 hours, 40 mins



 Secret listeners -- Revealing the Life of Amateur Radio Heroes:

 The story of the WW2 codebreakers at Bletchley Park near Milton Keynes,
 the cracking of the German Enigma and Lorenz cypher machines and the role
 of supreme mathematicians such as Alan Turing is increasingly well known.

 However, the role of the Voluntary Interceptors is equally important but
 more obscure.

 Prior to the outbreak of WW1 in 1914, many of the techniques to be used in
 later years for radio communications had already been invented. During the
 interwar years amateur radio enthusiasts began to emerge in the UK and by
 1922 there were 6,986 wireless licenses issued to receive transmissions
 and 286 giving permission to transmit.

 Upon the outbreak of WW2, the Radio Security Service (RSS) was 
 established. The service, which began as a branch of MI5, was formed to
 listen to radio airwaves and detect illicit wireless communications within
 the UK. Later the work included interception of Axis diplomatic and
 military signals.

 Again, much kudos to the Ham Fraternity.



 And what better Island than Bouvet.
 Bouvet 2026.

 Team 3Y0K has announced the completion of a major milestone with the
 signing of a contract with the company that will take them to Bouvet
 Island in February 2026. They have also secured a contract with a company
 that will provide a helicopter, two pilots and a mechanic for this

 We will depart from Cape Town on 1 February 2026, the team says,
 and the DXpedition is scheduled for 36 days. We intend to stay around
 the island for more than 21 days, which will provide us with enough time
 to wait for good conditions to land the team and all the equipment. 
 Northern California DX Foundation (NCDXF) has discussed the planning with
 their leadership team and believes that this plan will be successful.
 There is risk associated with this DXpedition as we all know because of
 weather and local conditions. The leadership has experienced these
 challenges and has thoughtfully addressed them as best as they know". 

 There will be two grants from NCDXF, totally up to $200 000.

 The first will be a down payment of $100 000. The second will be a dollar
 for dollar match up to $100 000. The match will be a challenge to the
 clubs and hams that donate prior to the DXpedition".



 Brett Nicholas  VK2BNN Scouts Australia National co-ordinator
 for JOTA.
 Lorraine OHare VK2FICQ is Girl Guides Australia National
 JOTA-JOTI Co-ordinator.

 Alec VK2MV reports:-

Well what a wonderful time I had in Maryborough for the 26th Australian Jamboree. 

It was a plethora of activities, from stem to sea to craft and camping. 

All other scouts I spoke to had a wonderful time, meeting each other and engaging in the activities.

Archery tag and Laser tag were highlights, which I would like to experience again. 

We had a couple rainy days and night, so my gumboots and raincoat came in handy. 

The mud run benefitted from the rain, which helped me get very dirty when I did it!

I even brought home a couple pieces of muddy clothes, much to the disgust of my mother. 

As you know the AJ2025 station was on air using the callsign  VI2025AJ during that time. 

They had some contacts however I heard the bands were not that cooperative. 

I am sure Chris Horne, VK2CGH, will be able to supply a report on the activity of the station to the WIA news crew, so we may be able to share some YOTA news with you. 

Happy Australia Day!

For WIA National News, I am Alec VK2MV in Sydney. Now back to you Bruce. 


 This story takes us to the US state of California where deadly wildfires
 consumed much of the Los Angeles area and beyond, destroying homes and
 causing electrical and cellular outages. Even as SpaceX temporarily
 activated the test version of its satellite-to-cellular service to help
 deliver emergency alerts and texts, hams were relying on the region's
 robust and resilient PAPA System of repeaters.

 The analogue repeaters of California's wide-reaching PAPA System had their
 nets and routine traffic communications cancelled for a number of days.
 The repeaters were placed on standby for news and emergency traffic only 
 but by January 14th, all but three returned to net-hosting and normal use.
 Three repeaters remained off the main network to continue providing
 emergency coverage in the greater Los Angeles area. 

 Cecil Casillas, WD6FZA, president of the PAPA System, told our US sister
 service, Newsline, that as of Tuesday 14th, none of the PAPA repeaters had
 suffered fire-related damages. He said that flames closely threatened
 repeaters on Mount Wilson and at Saddle Peak, which overlooks Malibu, but
 the fires stopped short of affecting the buildings, antennas or other
 equipment. He said the Saddle Peak repeater had been knocked out of
 service by an unrelated battery failure but that the fires blocked access
 for anyone to bring up a generator.

 Meanwhile, SpaceX gave temporary access to its Starlink satellites to
 T-Mobile customers, even without its direct-to-cell constellation being
 fully completed. According to an article in PC Magazine, only T-Mobile
 customers with supported phones would have access to texting but emergency
 alerts and evacuation notices could be received by any cellular phone.

 (newsline 2464)



 VK2RSY Beacons at Dural in NSW.

 The beacons identify in Morse with VK2RSY QF56MH (the Maidenhead locator
 for the site) at approximately 40 second intervals.

 Beacons serve a couple of major functions. One is as an indicator of
 propagation, to see if there is a path between an observer and the
 location or region of the transmitter. The other major function is in the
 local service area, where the constant signal of a beacon can be used as
 a reference for antenna or equipment performance and comparison.

 Band	Frequency	Power	Antenna	Notes
 10m	28.262 MHz	25W
 6 m	50.289 MHz	20W
 2 m	144.420 MHz	20W
 70 cm	432.420 MHz	20W
 23 cm	1296.420 MHz    20W

 There are no beacons at Dural currently operating on frequencies higher
 than 23 cm. Amateur Radio NSW do have the licenses and would be interested
 in hearing from YOU  if you would like to work on a project for one or 
 more of these microwave bands.



 Clubs are welcome to email text with audio for this section

 Details of all WIA affiliated clubs and societies can be found
 on the WIA website, including email addresses and website links.


 VK3 - BARG HamFest the 2nd of February at Ballarat Polo-Crosse Pavilion
       next door to the BARG clubrooms at Ballarat Airport. (wiacal)

       Mandurah Bowling Club 89 Allnutt Street      ( )

 VK3 - Yarra Valley Amateur Radio Group HamFest March One at
       Mooroolbark Community Centre.                        (wiacal)

 VK4 - Redcliffe & Districts Radio Club REDFEST April 12 at
       Deception Bay North State School.                     (wiacal)

 VK - WIA AGM May 3 - 4. Hosted by Bendigo Amateur Radio & Electronics
      Club and their Technology Expo                   (vk3gtv/wiacal) 

 VK5 - SERG Convention and Fox Hunting Championship June 7 and 8
       At Scout Hall in Mt. Gambier                        (vk5dj)

 VK  - Australian Ladies Amateur Radio Association 50th anniversary
       Glen Waverly July 26              (vk2ayl)

       Country Paradise Parklands 231 Beaudesert Nerang Road.

 VK3-  Rosebud RadioFest, Eastbourne Primary School, Rosebud (wiacal)
       November Sixteen.


  Reception Reports

 WIA News rebroadcasters often give Short Wave Listeners a
 welcome to the broadcast as they commence call-backs
 straight after the Local News. Local news follows National
 news in all states. It would be great if those SWL's would
 email their reception reports and location to


            (Posted to the packet network courtesy Tony VK7AX)

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