VK7AX > BCAST 26.01.25 13:34l 496 Lines 28666 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 1953_VK7AX
Subj: VK7 Amateur Radio News 26Jan25
Sent: 250126/1144Z @:VK7AX.#ULV.TAS.AUS.OC #:1953 [Ulverstone] $:1953_VK7AX
VK7 Amateur Radio News 26Jan25
Text edition:
FOR SUNDAY 26th January 2025
Welcome to the Australia Day edition of the VK7 Amateur Radio News.
This was first broadcast on Sunday, January 26th, 2025 and we bring you the latest from the world of amateur radio in VK7.
This week, joining you from the Tasmanian Amateur Radio News desk for the first time is Nic, VK7WW.
Tune in as we share updates and insights across VK7, broadcast through an array of platforms and frequencies:
On DMR Talk Group 5 and D-Star Reflector 91C, managed by Gavin, VK7HGO.
On Medium and high frequency rebroadcasts thanks to our dedicated operators:
1.862 MHz by Any takers
3.670 MHz by Ross, VK7ALH
7.140 MHz by Garry, VK7JGD
14.130 MHz by Any Takers
28.525 MHz by Any Takers and
UHF CB Channel 24 in the Hobart area, hosted by Mark, VK7FMAC
If you missed todayâ€Ös broadcast then you can catch the replay on Tuesday night at 8:00pm on repeaters VK7RAA in Northern VK7 and VK7RHT and UHFCB24 in Southern VK7.
Thank you for tuning in and enjoy the broadcast!
Silent Key
Ursula Roos VK7FROO SK
25th June 1938 to 11th January 2025
Tasmanian amateurs will be saddened to hear of the passing of long time club Member Ursula Roos on the 11th January 2025
Ursula obtained her amateur licence in 2010 and with partner Bob VK7MGW were involved in the club. Assisting with Endurance Rides and Rally Tasmania comms. As well as assisting in JOTA events
Bob and his partner Ursula VK7FROO were very active in the club, with Ursula the Club Secretary for a period of time, they used to host club meetings at their QTH, and one year the clubs Christmas party was hosted at their QTH.
Bob VK7MGW her partner had passed away in October 2024
Sadly missed by her family & friends.
Privately Cremated
Vale Ursula
Eric, VK7EV
News Officer, NWTARC
Statewide News
VHF & Above Field Day Wrap-up
The following is a summary of reports from some who participated around VK7.
In the North West we received a report from Eric VK7EV - a group in the NW went again to the Round Mountain Lookout, on the side of Mount Claude 663m high near Sheffield.
They were active on 6m, 2m, 70cm, 1.2GHz and 2,4 GHz, and operated as a multi operator station, under the call sign VK7NW.
The assembly of the station was done by able bodied Mark VK7MAR and Andrew VK7XR, Eric VK7EV has mobility issues and was supervising and and bringing up some radio gear and antennas.
We had a great day with 69 contacts, and made some contacts into Victoria, on only 2 watts in the 2.4 GHz band. Eric got to try out his 10 watts 1.2Ghz radio talking to Frank VK3ZO using an identical radio, who was on Mt Arawata in Victoria at 288m high and 345km away.
This year it was no longer sitting cramped in cars, but a large gazebo, tables, chairs and a fridge, and 3 masts to mount antennas on, and oodles of battery power.
Eric was amazed how many locals and tourists stopped to chat and see what we were up to. We had a stunning view of the coast and around to the South. We were operational at midday, and pulled up stops at 6:30pm and had a great day.
In the North we received reports from Lionel VK7ZLB/p and Peter VK7PD/p.
Lionel embarked on a portable operation halfway up the northern face of Mt Arthur at approximately 520 meters elevation for a 24-hour single-operator contest. This ambitious field day effort involved constructing a complete station to maximize performance and outcomes. The setup process began on Friday afternoon at 5 PM and was completed by Saturday morning at 10 AM. Lionel's equipment included home-made antennas and components such as a 6m 2-element Yagi with 50 watts, a 2m 8-element Yagi with 100 watts, dual 10-element Yagis for 70cm with 75 watts, and dual 21-element Yagis for 23cm with 25 watts and a preamp. Radios used were the IC9700 and IC7300, with all antennas and power dividers custom-built.
The operation resulted in approximately 170 contacts and over 100,000 provisional points. Lionel logged 27 contacts on 6m, 75 on 2m, 45 on 70cm, and 23 on 23cm, with highlights including a 494 km contact with VK3ER/P on 23cm for 1,828 points and a challenging 805 km contact with VK2GX on 2m for 702 points. The furthest contact was 888 km with VK2DVM on 2m, while the easiest was a local contact with VK7PD on 2m at 23 km for 23 points. Despite no sporadic E contacts on 6m, unlike 2024, and narrowly missing a 70cm contact with VK2DVM due to weak reception, the operation was deemed a success. Lionel plans to incorporate a 70cm low-noise preamp to enhance future performance.
Peter VK7PD went portable at the Notley Hills and provided this information - in 2010, during a QSO with Ken VK3AKK/NW (SK), Peter learned of a long-standing frustration among Southern Victorian hams who operated hilltop stations during VHF/UHF Field Days but rarely heard a VK7 station. Motivated to change this, a few operators, including Peter VK7PD at Notley Hills and Peter VK7KPC at Table Cape, set up portable stations for the Summer Field Day of 2010. While they didnâ€Öt submit logs, they successfully provided their VK3 counterparts with much-desired contacts.
Over the years, the number of participating operators and bands has grown significantly. On January 18 this year, at least two portable stations operated on eight bands, from 6 meters to 3 cm, supported by other portable and home stations. In the northeast, VK7MAT activated Mt Horror on 2m and 70cm, while VK7ZLB operated on four bands from Mt Arthur. VK7s AAJ, AJP (using VK7TAZ), and VK7PD were active on eight bands from White Hills, primarily to connect with VK7s ZMS and ZBX on Mt Wellington. These stations successfully exchanged numbers with VK3 operators and other VK7 stations, further enriching the contest experience.
Field Days continue to play a vital role in exploring microwave propagation paths that are often impractical from home QTHs, enabling mountain-top-to-mountain-top contacts over extended ranges. Beyond technical achievements, they embody the principle of enjoying the outdoors and having fun, as emphasized by Contest Manager Roger Harrison. Photos of this yearâ€Ös portable setups can be found on the VK7 Amateur Radio Facebook Page.
In the South we received reports from Phil VK7ID/p and verbal reports from Murray VK7ZMS/p and Richard VK7ZBX/p.
Phill, VK7ID, operated in the eight hour rover category alternating between two locations at South Arm. Phil was active on 6m,2m,70cm,23cm,9cm and 3cm. He had a faulty triplexer, a failed 23cm amplifier and had mistakenly mounted the shepherds crook feed on my new 10GHz build in the wrong polarity. Phil managed to macgyver up solutions for most of the issues and had a great day in the sun. Contacts were down for Phil compared to previous events due to a lower than usual number of locals participating and lost time due to issues. Many thanks to Rex VK7MO who took time out of his day to work with Phil on his 10GHz issues as well as Tricky VK7ZBX and Murray VK7ZBX on the mountain who were a solid S9+ both ways despite their dish pointing directly into the rocks!
Murray VK7ZMS and Richard VK7ZBX were in their impressive field day van operating all frequencies between 6m and 10GHz. Highlights included 2m, 70cm and 2.3GHz contacts into VK3.
Comment was made that we need to better understand the 5.7GHz band where the new SG-Lab transverters are being used. There were at least 6 station in the South using 5.7GHz however the results were mixed. There was a great interview with Murray and Richard on the Wednesday Experimenterâ€Ös Group stream that can be found at the link on the email edition of the broadcast.
Thanks to all who participated, submitted reports and please remember to put your logs in.
73, Justin, VK7TW
SSTV Nights
A quiet net night that saw the following participants, VK7s –
ZGK, ZAB and AAR all sharing only seven photos.
The highlights were:
The “Super Pit” at Kalgoorlie, WA. One of Australiaâ€Ös largest open cut gold mines
A YL as a size comparison to one of the mineâ€Ös Haul Trucks
A veteran car from the 2024 Tassie tour, a T model Ford Runabout with a small van back
Rural scene of Tasmania
and 73 from a Kookaburra on a LoRa bird perch
Note - Ken VK7KRJâ€Ös and Steve VK7OOâ€Ös fully automatic 24/7 monitoring sites allow anyone who has sent an SSTV picture the ability to check them on their pages almost immediately, any time, both South and North Tasmania.
If you missed the net there are archives of these SSTV nights.
These photos can be seen on Kenâ€Ös and Steveâ€Ös SSTV websites or on NTARCâ€Ös website under blogs.
Please remember to use your own photos or those that are copyright free.
SSTV VK7OO Tasmania Australia (tasme.com)
VK7KRJ's 2m SSTV scrolling web gallery
Blog 3 â€ö NTARC Inc.
73 from Andreâ€Ö VK7ZAB
News from the North West
North West Tasmania Amateur Radio Club
Annual General Meeting
The Annual General Meeting of NWTARC will take place at 1.30pm next Saturday 1st February 2025 at our usual venue, the Scout Hall, 73 Alexandra Road, Ulverstone.
The ordinary business of an annual general meeting will be to confirm the minutes of the last preceding annual general meeting.
To receive from the committee, auditor, employees and other persons acting on behalf of the Association, reports on the transactions of the Association during the last preceding financial year of the Association.
To elect the officers of the Association and the ordinary committee members.
To appoint the auditor and determine his or her remuneration.
To determine the remuneration of employees and other persons acting on behalf of the Association.
To appoint the Public Officer either from the committee or general membership.
All current office holder, committee, auditor and the Public Officer positions fall vacant at the AGM.
Nominations for each office bearer and the Committee members are invited, and should be made in writing to the Secretary, and delivered to the Secretary, at least 10 days before the day on which the annual general meeting is to be held.
The nomination is to be on the NWTARC nomination form, along with the signatures of the Nominator, Seconder and that of the member nominated.
Appointments will also be required for the positions of Auditor and Public Officer.
Members will need to have paid their 2025 membership subscription to be able to vote at the Annual General meeting. And they will need to have paid their 2025 membership before they can be nominated or nominate or second someone for office, as only financial members can nominate or be nominated
The AGM will be followed by the February General meeting, after which afternoon tea will also be held, and members are encouraged to bring items for show & tell, and club rooms are open until 6pm for members to socialise.
A small plate of afternoon tea would be appreciated, and we have single packaged Tea, Coffee and Sugar and disposable cups for members and guests. Visitors are most welcome to attend.
If you have any cold or flu symptoms, or are unwell, or been in contact with a confirmed COVID case, then please do not attend the meeting.
73, Eric VK7EV, News Officer
The Summits On The Air/World Wide Flora and Fauna parks group meets twice weekly – Mondays and Fridays 10.30AM till 12.00 at the Glebe Gardens Cafe, Henry Street, Launceston.
For more information contact Al on 0417 354 410.
73, Al, VK7AN
Northern Tasmanian Amateur Radio Club Incorporated
The Club Technical night had its first get together for 2025 last Wednesday night. It was very well attended with eager members swelling the numbers even before the normal start time of 6:30. There was certainly a lot to catch up on amongst the members after the Christmas break. I will pass it over to Idris, VK7ZIR for a bit of a rundown on the evenings “technical” side of the proceedings.
Cast your mind back to the first Statewide SSTV night for this year on the 4th January. One of the stand out images was of a 3D printed forty position holder case designed for SMA sized adaptors. Well true to his word Colin VK7ZCF brought the actual holder into the club for inspection.
Also the 3D printed box to hold some of his 10W dummy load attenuators.
Yet another very useful piece of 3D printed workshop accessory!
Colin also brought in two other projects that he has now finished. These required metal machining of mainly scrap materials to integrate with the main purchase parts. We have been following the progress of these individual projects over the last few months on Clubroom Tech Nights. The two projects were:
A portable 2 metre antenna on a photographic tripod with detachable radials
An HF antenna with 5.2 metre telescopic antenna, heavy duty antenna base, an aluminium disc for attaching counterpoise wires and a clamp from a truck mirror mount to attach a ground stack.
Well done Colin, these generated much interest.
Ian VK7IG brought along a USB cable tester and a USB power meter that he had purchase from AliExpress.
The USB Cable Tester from Tree-Dix was a palm size unit with the full array of all types of USB and Lightning connectors duplicated on two of the sides. To use it was easy, just plug a cable into which ever socket was appropriate for each end of the cable. The board had a LED for each of the pins of each connector. For easy interpretation the pins did not use numbers but the signal functions description - like earth, data receive plus and minus etc. The LED lights to show continuity is OK and the unit could be powered externally or from the internal button battery.
The other device was a USB Digital Tester model J7-c. This was an inline power meter with both USB 3 and C inputs and outputs. It had a small but easy to read colour OLED display. The display was multi-page so the voltage, current and power could be shown numerically or as a graph over time. Being designed for the latest USB C standard it could measure up to 32 Volts and 8 amps.
Also, Lionel VK7ZLB brought along an RF power splitter he had made for use on the recent “Summer VHF and above Field Day”. It was a “T” type arrangement of 3 panel mount “N” sockets with an accurately cut length of coax. The splitter was required as he had built a 2nd UHF Yagi and needed to connect them as a phased pair. Lionel then gave everyone a slide show presentation of his latest setup for the Summer Field day. All antennas were Yagis on a single mast, covering the 6 and 2 metre plus 70 and 23 cm bands. The mast was strapped to the hand rail of a deck and used an “arm-strong” manual rotator. The mast and some of the Yagis were made multi section so they could be disassembled and carried in the rear of his compact hatch. Thanks Lionel, it appears he had a busy weekend with lots of contacts.
Thank you Idris, no doubt the night was a start of another interesting year.
Pictures will be available on the NTARC Web site under “Blogs” for this broadcast. Blog 3 â€ö NTARC Inc.
Now back to the house keeping.
The Annual General Meeting of NTARC is getting closer so please give some serious consideration to any nominations you would like to make for the new 2025 committee.
Please note for your convenience there is a nomination form available on the NTARC website, www.ntarc.net and printed forms are also available at the club rooms.
Once completed drop them off at a technical night or a Friday morning tea, even scan the completed form and e-mail it to the secretary(at)ntarc.net and send the original to PO Box 275 Launceston 7250.
They must be received by close of business Friday the 7th February.
Club Members are reminded that they will need to be 2025 financially current to be able to nominate, be nominated, or vote at the Annual General Meeting.
TestNet and TechNet session - Every Wednesday, TestNet/CW course on 3.580MHz from 7 pm, then a TechNet on 3.567MHz from 7.30 pm till 8.30 pm. Your host for the evening is Nic VK7WW.
Club Room Technical night session - The next session will be on Wednesday the 5th February, at the usual time of 6.30 pm at the Club Room Archer Street, Rocherlea.
Coffee Morning - held every Friday in the NTARC Club rooms. Time is from 10 am to noon and we look forward to seeing you all there. So why not pop in check the QSL cards and join us for a cuppa, there is endless tea and coffee along with biscuits available for a donation.
Annual General Meeting & General Meeting - Wednesday the 12th February 2025 at the NTARC Club Rooms, Rocherlea Scout Hall, Archer Street Rocherlea commencing at 19:30 hours (7.30 pm). Information has been e-mailed to club members.
Finally - A reminder to all members that if you have any items of news you would like added to our weekly roundup, no matter how trivial, then please email them to the Secretary at the following address news(at)ntarc.net all items to be received no later than 5 pm on the Friday prior to the Broadcast.
Thatâ€Ös all folks,
73 from Stefan, VK7ZSB, Secretary NTARC Inc.
Radio and Electronics Association of Southern Tasmania
REAST February Forum
Join us for an engaging and interactive REAST Forum Night on February 12, 2025, at 7:30 PM, held at the Queens Domain Clubrooms and streamed live via the REAST YouTube Streaming Channel.
The topic, "How do you get friends and family involved / interested in Amateur Radio?", invites all members and visitors to explore practical ideas and share experiences about introducing the joy of amateur radio to those closest to us.
Whether you're looking for tips to spark interest in the hobby or want to share your success stories, this forum provides the perfect platform. With a mix of practical discussions, and real-world insights, you'll leave inspired and equipped to grow the amateur radio community through your friends and family.
Donâ€Öt miss this exciting opportunity to connect and contribute!
See you there.
REAST Committee
Annual General Meeting 2025
REAST will be holding its AGM on 16th February 2025 at 11am in the Queens Domain Clubrooms.
The AGM will be followed by a free BBQ for members.
All committee positions are open for nomination and the nomination form is available from the REAST Website at the link on the email edition of the broadcast.
Nomination forms are due to the Secretary by 6th February 2025.
The ordinary business of the annual general meeting as defined in the rules is as follows:
to confirm the minutes of the last preceding annual general meeting and of any general meeting held since that meeting;
to receive from the committee, auditor and servants of the Association reports on the transactions of the Association during the last preceding financial year;
to elect the officers of the Association and the ordinary committee members;
to appoint the auditor;
See you at the AGM.
REAST Committee.
HUMONGOUS Amateur Radio Car Boot Sale - WrapUp
Well the weather was perfect, the BBQ fired up and snags, burgers and soft-drink flowed and there was money and equipment changing hands at a pace!
We had 10 sellers with stands and carboots that were doing a swift trade and it was great to see some sellers and buyers who had travelled all the way from the North.
There was significant redistribution of amateur radio treasure during the day.
We sold at least 11 x 8.1m Aluminium masts and still have a good number for sale. It seems that everyone who bought a mast was using the amateur adage that is used post storms - “if your antenna is still standing - then itâ€Ös not big enough” as they all bought 8.1m and not 5.4m masts…HIHI!
So we will be converting our 5.4m masts into 8.1m mast kits for the remaining masts.
If you are interested in purchasing one or more for the princely sum of $40 each then please make contact the club - reast(at)reast.asn.au.
A big thank you to all the helpers throughout the day and special shoutout to Tony VK7VKT who was our executive chef on the BBQ plate.
73, REAST Committee
Wednesday Experimenterâ€Ös Nights
Last Wednesday night we started with a blast from the past and some Dick Smith Electronics FunWay kits with Ben, VK7BEN & Justin VK7TW.
The first was a Funway 2 broadcast FM transmitter and we took a look at the very nice hand made case and circuit diagram. We then moved to the DSE Funway 2 Universal Timer Kit and DSE Pocket Comm IIs mini handhelds on 27MHz. The Electronics Australia - VHF UHF Receiver Kit from January 1990 then featured and then the advanced kits from EA - 2m Transceiver Kit called the DSE Commander. Thanks Ben VK7BEN.
Justin then went through a recent Carboot sale purchased in a ARDF & Sniffer box Mk 4 designed and made by Brian VK3YNG.
Hayden VK7HH then bought along a portable temperature controlled soldering Iron that connects to a standard cordless power tools battery. Thanks Hayden.
For the VHF & Above Field Day Wrap we got Richard VK7ZBX & Murray VK7ZMS and their field day van exploits into the studio.
Highlights included Mt Wellington - 2.3GHz and 23cm contact to mainland.
Murray and Richard went through some of the recent innovations and how they found their new 5.7GHz transverters and this is a definite work in progress. We finished up with some EME experiments that Richard has been doing.
Finally there was a Space Weather report, training course and future events information shared.
This week more hysteric electronics kits fun, semi-auto keys, arduino keyers, SOTA & IOTA activations, light LiPo battery packs and much more.
On a Wednesday night people start arriving at the night around 6pm and many bring their dinner to enjoy.
There is always much discussion, experimenting, playing, talking, drinking coffee and tea, serious cunning plan development and general amateur radio shenanigans and world problem solving in the clubrooms as well!!
We stream the nights on the REAST YouTube streaming channel and we also go out on RF - DVB-T 7MHz Standard Definition on 445.5MHz. So, if you have a TV, Set-top box or USB DTV Dongle that you can tune and scan 445.5MHz and you can see the Queens Domain, then you have a good chance of receiving the DATV Experimenter's Night Signal. Look out for VK7OTC.
See you there or on the stream.
73, Justin, VK7TW
REAST Training and Assessment Update
Looking to join the world of amateur radio or upgrade your license? REAST has you covered with regular Training and Assessment Days for all license levels!
Key Dates:
Foundation Training and Assessment Days: Held every two months, starting 22nd February 2025.
Standard, Advanced, and Regulations Assessments: Held on alternate months, starting 29th March 2025.
Stay updated with the full schedule on the REAST Events Page.
Do you need to secure your spot or ask a question - email: reast.assessor(at)gmail.com and your inquiry will go directly to the Learning Organiser, who be in contact.
We have learning resources available including our Foundation Licence Training Videos that are a must-watch for beginners. Find them on the REAST YouTube Training and Assessment Playlist.
Practice Makes Perfect so, prepare with the WIA Foundation Trial Exams and the link can be found on the email edition of the broadcast.
Whether you're starting your journey or leveling up, REAST is here to guide you every step of the way.
73, Reg, VK7KK
Regular VK7 gatherings and events over the coming months:
Regular gatherings:
Sewing Circle Net – Daily on 3.640MHz commences at 6:30pm AEST.
Statewide SSTV Net - held every Thursday night via the North/South Link on VK7RAF/VK7RJG from 7:30pm. In the North and North West - VK7RJG on 438.55 -7MHz and in the South - VK7RAF (146.650 -600kHz) CTCSS tone 141.3Hz to link RAF North-South.
State-wide – MICROWAVE QSO Party – following the Sunday broadcast call-back on 1296.15 MHz FM. One group in the greater Hobart area and another in the greater Launceston area.
Then North-south digital contacts on 1296.2MHz using Q65-60B.
Stations in the Launceston area transmitting on the odd minute. Southern stations on the even minute.
SOTA/WWFF Group – Meeting Mondays and Fridays 10.30-12.00 midday at Glebe Gardens Cafe, Henry St, Launceston.
NTARC - Club Room Technical night session - Wednesday the 5th February from 6.30 pm at the Club Room Archer Street, Rocherlea.
NTARC - TestNet and TechNet sessions every Wednesday night. TestNet/CW course on 3.580MHz from 7pm till 7.30pm and a TechNet on 3.567MHz from 7.30pm till about 8.30pm
NTARC Coffee Mornings are held every Friday in the NTARC Club rooms. Time is from 10am to noon in the Rocherlea Clubrooms.
NW VK7 – Wednesday from 8:00pm local – NW Tassie Amateur Repeater Group Net on 70cm VK7RMD
NW VK7 - Thursday commencing at 8:30pm local - N.W. Tassie 2m DX Net 144.190 USB
NWTARC - February 1 - Annual General Meeting from 1.30pm in the Scout Hall, 73 Alexandra Road, Ulverstone.
NTARC - February 12 - Annual General Meeting & General Meeting at the NTARC Club Rooms, Rocherlea Scout Hall, Archer Street Rocherlea commencing at 7.30pm.
REAST - February 12 - REAST February Forum night - How to interest Family and friends in amateur radio - 7:30pm Queens Domain clubrooms and streamed.
REAST - February 16 - Annual General Meeting and BBQ from 11am - Queens Domain Clubrooms
A reminder to those people rostered for next weekâ€Ös Australia Day broadcast:
Newsreader: VK7PD
Repeaters: REAST, NTARC and in the NW thanks to NWTARC, WCRG, NWCRRA, VK7AX, VK7JH and VK7DC
160m: VK7GS
80m: Any takers
40m: VK7ALH
20m: VK7JGD
10m: VK7VKT
DMR: Talk Group 5 and D-Star: Reflector 91C VK7HGO
A huge thank you to all people and organisations that assisted with this broadcast.
That wraps up this week's edition of the VK7 Amateur Radio News. We hope you found it informative and enjoyable?
You've been listening to VK7WI, or if youâ€Öve just tuned in, you've just missed our live broadcast. But donâ€Öt worry! You can catch the
rebroadcast on Tuesday night at 8:00pm on repeaters VK7RAA in Northern VK7 and VK7RHT and UHFCB24 in the South.
We encourage you to share your news, stories, and updates with us. Email your contributions to vk7arnews(at)gmail.com.
For more information about the broadcast and to join the discussion, visit our VK7 Amateur Radio News Groups.IO Group.
Remember, the deadline for submissions is 21:00 on the Friday before the Sunday broadcast.
Stay tuned for callbacks on the frequency youâ€Öre currently listening to. Relay stations will use their own callsigns during this time.
On behalf of the entire VK7 Amateur Radio News Team, this is Nic, VK7WW wishing you 73, have good Australia Day and good DX to all.
(Posted to the packet network courtesy Tony VK7AX)
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