G4EBT > RSGB 06.02.07 23:52l 174 Lines 6307 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
Subj: Re: NoV free for simplex irlp/echolink/eqso
Sent: 070206/1931Z @:GB7FCR.#16.GBR.EU #:17776 [Blackpool] FBB-7.03a $:EE4469G4
Ian, G3ZHI wrote:-
>the rsgb dcc have finally accepted Nov for simplex links are free
>for the last 12 months they have been misinforming people by telling
>them ofcom were charging 12GBP.
No surprises there then.
>rsgb still have problems and seem very slow to change
Like all national societies, RSGB (Radio Society Going Bust?) relies
on volunteers. The most willing aren't always the most able.
Many work tirelessly to try to put something back into the hobby, but
a few seem to be in it for control freakery and self-aggrandisement.
They're amateur outfits run by amateurs, for amateurs, often in an
amateurish way, with a poor grasp of modern regulatory frameworks.
They're often beset with internal conflict, and they often get stuck
with someone who wants to be "king of the hill".
The mindest of some regional bodies is hopelessly out of date. EG: Region
3 IARU: "To promote, represent, and advance amateur radio in whatsoever
manner it sees fit".
"Whatsoever manner it sees fit" sounds high-handed, outmoded and silly.
>the whole NoV scheme is now being looked at by ofcom
Not before time - Ofcom should scrap NoVs. They're an RA/RSGB hangover.
Ofcom has a statutory duty to de-regulate. Any impositions it places
on any sector of radiocomunications must be necessary and proportionate.
(See clip of the 2003 Communications Act below).
The NoV system doesn't meet that requirement. RSGB should have no part in
it - we've seen what a botch it makes. RSGB isn't the regulator - Ofcom
The RA ought never to have put any regulatory matters into the hands of a
bunch of unaccountable RSGB amateurs with no performance criteria to meet
and no oversight by the RA.
Hopefully Ofcom have taken all regulatory tasks back in-house from RSGB.
Here's a typical clip of RSGB propaganda (their SHOUTING - not mine):
Obsolete twaddle.
That's the old world when the RA wanted an easy life and asserted that
all ideas and suggestions to reform and modernise the hobby should be
channelled to it via the RSGB "treacle factory" as a clearing house.
The RSGB revelled in it, filtering out anything that didn't meet with its
approval ("whatsoever manner it sees fit"). This enabled RSGB to trumpet
that it represented "all radio amateurs" - not just its members.
Those days are gone.
RA has gone.
RSGB is living in the past. Going, going...
Ofcom has a statutory duty to "consult widely" with "citizen consumers"
(us). It does. Every deregulation proposal I put to Ofcom was accepted
and implemented, despite RSGB's stance.
Mandatory logbooks scrapped, Foundationers granted 10 Metres, wording
of the licence terms revised to comply with the law, (which says we
can discuss any topic under the sun). The old wording was so foggy
that it was barely legal, especially for the hard of thinking.
It's in plain English now.
If anyone can demonstrate to Ofcom that it's failing in its duty to
de-regulate, Ofcom must act. If not, it risks a judicial review.
It matters not that RSGB says it's "totally opposed to any form of
de-regulation". RSGB is a sideshow.
RSGB should respect the laws that Ofcom has to comply with. Ofcom isn't
going to fall foul of the law just to keep RSGB happy. De-regulation isn't
an option for Ofcom - it's a statutory duty. (Throughout the EU, BTW).
RSGB was asleep at the wheel over deregulation. It had enough time to
prepare for it, had it been up to speed. It was in Hansard back in March
Hansard - House of Commons:
6 Mar 2002 : Column 375
Deregulation Committee:
14C It shall be a duty of OFCOM to establish a Deregulation Committee to
provide advice to OFCOM about how relevant proposals about the regulation
of communications could be modified to deregulate the communications
End quote.
Communications Act 2003 - duty to deregulate:
Duties to review regulatory burdens:
(1) OFCOM must keep the carrying out of their functions under review
with a view to securing that regulation by OFCOM does not involve:-
(a) the imposition of burdens which are unnecessary; or
(b) the maintenance of burdens which have become unnecessary.
(2) In reviewing their functions under this section it shall be the duty
of OFCOM:-
(a) to have regard to the extent to which the matters which they are
required under section 3 to further or to secure are already
or secured, or are likely to be furthered or secured, by effective
self-regulation; and:-
(b) in the light of that, to consider to what extent it would be
appropriate to remove or reduce regulatory burdens imposed by OFCOM.
(3) In determining for the purposes of this section whether procedures
for self-regulation are effective OFCOM must consider, in particular:-
(a) whether those procedures are administered by a person who is
sufficiently independent of the persons who may be subjected to the
procedures; and:-
(b) whether adequate arrangements are in force for funding the activities
of that person in relation to those procedures.
(4) OFCOM must, from time to time, publish a statement setting out how
they propose, during the period for which the statement is made, to
secure that regulation by OFCOM does not involve the imposition or
maintenance of unnecessary burdens.
Being a member of RSGB always seemed like the right thing to do, but I
resigned in 2005 after 31 years. I wasn't prepared to endorse its anarchic
opposition to deregulation, and its ludicrous propaganda in radio mags
attacking Ofcom, saying Ofcom would be the death of the hobby in five
years. (Only three to go then).
I can't think of a single creative idea from RSGB to gain any benefit
from de-regulation - its all been left to individuals.
If anyone has any ideas to modernise the hobby, don't waste time with
RSGB, go direct to Ofcom. RSGB is to amateur radio what George Bush is
to international diplomacy.
Ranted 'EBT (with just a tinge of schadenfreude).
Best wishes
David, G4EBT @ GB7FCR
(ex-RSGB Member, 1974 - 2005)
Cottingham, East Yorkshire.
Message timed: 14:56 on 2007-Feb-06
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