DJ7ST > QRP 01.10.06 08:01l 113 Lines 4201 Bytes #999 (30) @ WW
Subj: Invitation 19th HOT-PARTY
Sent: 060930/1853z @:DB0ABZ.#NDS.DEU.EU [Salzgitter JO52FD] DP6.00 $:J6F5N1DB0A
From: DJ7ST @ DB0ABZ.#NDS.DEU.EU (Hartmut)
To: QRP @ WW
X-Info: Upload without password authentication
From: DJ7ST @ DB0ABZ.#NDS.DEU.EU Sep 30th, 2006
c/o Dr. Hartmut Weber, DJ7ST
Schlesierweg 13
e-mail: dj7st@darc.de
A touch of chirp possibly will be in the air when the QRP-CONTEST-COMMUNITY
cordially is inviting to the
19th H O M E B R E W & O L D T I M E - E Q U I P M E N T - P A R T Y
GUESTS : operators of homebrew or more than 30 years old equipment
CLASS A : TX a n d RX are homebrew or older than 30 years
CLASS B : TX o r RX are homebrew or older than 30 years
(A homebrew or oldtime TX or RX may be completed by a modern
commercial RX or TX)
CLASS C : QRP-TX below 10 watts input or 5 watts output,
homebrew or older than 30 years
DATE : 19 - N O V -2 0 0 6 (3rd Sunday in November)
QRG : 1300-1500 UTC: 7010-7040 kHz 1500-1700 UTC: 3510-3560 kHz
MODE : Single OP CW, PA input below 100 watts (Class A, Class B)
EXCHANGE: RST, serial No. (starting from 001 on BOTH bands) /Class
e.g. 579001/A
POINTS : Class A : with A or C = 3 points, with B = 2 points
Class B : with A or C = 2 points, with B = 1 point
Class C : with A or C = 3 points, with B = 2 points
(No multiplier points)
LOGS: must include a description of the homebrew or oldtime equipment
used (type, vintage). A short description of abt. 40 letters
will be published in the result list.
DEADLINE: Dec 15th to: Dr. Hartmut Weber, DJ7ST, Schlesierweg 13,
D-38228 SALZGITTER, Germany. Packet Radio: DJ7ST @ DB0ABZ.
e-mail: dj7st@darc.de (e-logs -.txt or .stf -formated, please)
- - - - - -
The HOMEBREW & OLDTIME-EQUIPMENT-PARTY is an open event: there are no
taboos like exceeding the 5W QRP limit or operating commercial equipment.
So we meet 'trendy' multi-IC low power test equipment as well as loving
restored S-Lines from the 50ies or even One-Tube-TXs from the 20ies.
In all cases don't forget to test your equipment in time to avoid a
"bombshell" during the HOT-Party. Which has happened not only once...
- - - - - - - - - -
If you don't know us yet:
The QRP-Contest-Community (qrpcc) is an international network of qrp
enthusiasts (at present promoters from 12 nations) pursuing the
organization and promotion of QRP Contests since 1992.
The qrpcc may be viewed as a support group taking care of the QRP'ers
interests in a self-help manner.
Since 1996 the qrpcc carries out the ORIGINAL-QRP-CONTEST, designed for
genuine QRP gear. Real QRP, not just downregulation of QRO.
There are up to 300 participants in the OQRPC.
The HOMEBREW & OLDTIME-EQUIPMENT-Party (HOT-PARTY) since 1997 is organized
by the qrpcc, too. Up to date homebrewing meets nostalgia
(may be with a little chirp).
The youngest qrpcc "child" is the QRP-MINIMAL-ART-SESSION
born at Ascension Day 2000. Skillful and eye-winking minimalism but no
mindless "plug and play but don't understand anything".
The promoters of qrpcc are private persons supporting the idea by personal
participation in organizing, log-checking, translating etc. or by
contributing to postage costs.
- - - - - - - - -
There are 7 weeks time left for a simple homebrew project.
Maybe you will find your one in a list of "Simple QRP-Homebrew-Projects"
uploaded in <qrp> in Packet Radio (or just type: c < dj7st).
We would be very pleased to hear many stations from your country. So please
pass this invitation over to the contest column editor of your ham radio
magazine. If you do it right now (by e-mail) there is a good chance that
an invitation could be published "just in time" in the november issue.
Thank you very much in advance.
Hpe cuagn in HOT-PARTY!
Best 73/2 de Hal, DJ7ST
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