OpenBCM V1.07b12 (Linux)

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[JN59NK Nuernberg]

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G7VRI  > PSBBS    09.07.96 05:56l 79 Lines 4673 Bytes #-10315 (0) @ WW
BID : 1296_G7VRI
Subj: This great system
Sent: 960708/1717Z @:G7VRI.GB7NXL.#32.GBR.EU #:1296 [Hornchurch] FBB5.15c

Hi all on  this project, and  also hi to  those on the  sidelines watching, or
reading the procedings of the project (as I was for the last hour or so).

Unfortunatly, I also am not a particularly good programmer in the language the
project appears to be moving towards (i.e. C or C++ (spit spit, curse its soul
and stuff hihihi), having been brought up  for the most of my 18 years of life
on  a BBC,  using basic,  and then  moving on  to Q-Basic,  and just  recently
another basic language ASIC, which compiles!!

However, if I  could make a  suggestion about the  storage of messages,  and a
method of locating these messages.
1st: Using a simple datafile for the messages, in something like the following
format -
Msg No., Callsign from, Callsign to, BBS to, Date sent, Status (eg sent, read,
killed, etc.), type (personal/bullitin) and finally, message title.
2nd: Because not  all sysops have  lots of money  for things like hard drives,
perhaps a PKZIP  type compression method  could be written  in to the  system,
allowing extraction to screen (in this  case, a format which could be  written
to a  user), although  because this  would slow  down the  system, perhaps  an
option to switch this off could be written in to the system. 
3rd: Automatic storage of killed messages in an external file could also be an
option, because  on several  occasions, I  have read  a message  on my  system
(forwarded to  me by  my local  sysop), and  haven't stored  it to a permanent
file, and have then found that in housekeeping in the evening, I have lost it!

Another suggestion may I make is that not all sysops can afford the technology
(both on  hardware and  software side)  to run  Linux, Win95  or OS/2.  My FBB
station here is  running with one  port, 4 channels  on BPQ with 640k ram on a
286. My 386dx I  use for schoolwork, and  I need all of  the ram in that (6mb)
for Word 6.  I am not  complaining about this  lack of equipment, I quite like
messing around with  older computers, but  it is the  assumption that a lot of
people make these  days, which is  that as soon  as a piece of equipment comes
out, the operator has it for the  new software which has come out, not  that I
would use  WIN95 at  the moment  any way  (who needs  an expensive,  but minor
expansion for win 3.1  - Everyone is aware  I hope that all  win95 is is a new
front  end  to  win  3.1,  and  that  the acorns (so I have been told) had the
equivelent software for  the Arc's about  5/6 years ago!).  But enough on  the
WIN95  moan. What  did I  get to.  Oh yes,  if I  could suggest  that  it  was
programmed in DOS, as most operators do use DOS, and those who are using WIN95
can have the  program in a  multi-tasking dos-box. Unfortunatly  I have had no
experience  of OS/2  or Linux,  but I  have been  told that  Linux needs  vast
amounts of memory to play with, both Ram  and Hard Drive (am I wrong, if so, I
might try and get a copy from somewhere!), and I don't know anyone using OS/2.

Having looked back on the text, I have noticed it is almost all complaints, so
I will finish on  a High point, I  am just about to  write to G8BPQ to ask for
info about the  way BPQ interfaces  with other programs,  both for Rxing data,
and  sending it.  I hope  this comes  through, because  this is  a  very  good
protocol to use because it will interface with Baycom and Kiss, and WA8DED and
other protocols.

Also I don't know any callsigns of co-ordinators or programmers, but Good Luck
to you all on this project, and if you want a Beta Tester, and I have a system
within the requirements, the please feel free to send me a copy.

My packet address may well be changing  soon, due to me about to be  going off
to University, however, I will be monitoring the progress of the project....

73 from Jon - STORYTELLER - PacNet Fifedom / Sysop Baby Bear PMS, Hornchuch
 \-----------------------\            ]     |  / 
 |\       JON - G7VRI      \          |     | / /
 | \    HORNCHURCH, ESSEX    \        |     |< < < ... 2M
 |  \     THE BABY BEAR PMS    \      |     | \ \
 |   \  @G7VRI.GB7NXL.#32.GBR.EU \    |     |  \ 
 |    \----------------------------\  |     |       |
 |       hi all, 73s     |-------------- ___|___    | ... 70cms
 |-----------------------|            ||    |       |
                                      |\----|      /_\

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