PA2AGA > PACDIG 14.10.00 16:11l 204 Lines 7185 Bytes #-8912 (0) @ EU
BID : PR_2000_261C
Subj: PacketRadioDigest 2000/261C
Sent: 001014/0902Z @:PI8HGL.#ZH1.NLD.EU #:24957 [Den Haag] FBB $:PR_2000_261C
Date: Fri, 13 Oct 00 21:32:19 MET
Message-Id: <pr_2000_261C>
From: pa2aga@pe1mvx.ampr.org
To: pr_broadcast@pa2aga.ampr.org
X-BBS-Msg-Type: B
> politics then
> > it is a free country. A man bound in chains, silenced, blinded and
> defend
> > can still be free in his own mind.
> I don't know where that first part comes from but I do agree we are
> free in our minds regaurdless otherwise.
> >Bad government only happens when we
> > don't do our jobs as citizens of the free world. Besides, this
> country was
> > founded on greed and freedom to pursuit what ever we choose by
> methods of
> > our own choosing. Ten thousand votes sing louder than any fat
> budgeted
> > lobbyist because we can vote them right out of office! Now that is an
> > expression of who really has the power, it's only a question of when
> we will
> > choose to use it.
> I don't think greed gets us anywhere but I do agree that our vote
> counts and we'd better start using it. That is one of my main points.
> We agree.
> >
> > As for the title of Amateur,... Professionals get paid for their
> > services. A broadcast radio personality gets paid to entertain you
> with a
> > vary powerful transmitter. You have to pay the light bill for a small
> > station in the corner of your home. Your wages are spent when you
> press the
> > PTT button. By definition of the word, it applies.
> >
> Now, I covered "professional" said to mean "paid for". I say not
> always. My main point is "Amateur" as a word has many negitive
> conitations. To say it means "not for profit" is poorly defined.
> Perhaps the word has undergone change in it's most likely meaning and
> it's time has past. Yet, this is a minor concern of mine and not to
> take away from more pressing issues of real benifits for people.
> > Ham radio is more than a hobby like boy scouts is more than
> summer camp.
> > Our pride is built on the personal conduct of every operator that
> represents
> > us to the world on free air waves that know no man made limits of
> boarders
> > or nationalities. It's called a hobby because it's done in your
> spare time,
> > but you live radio like some one might live the military. Set up
> your gear
> > is only the beginning of the adventure and all the real fun is the
> challenge
> > of working a new country or grid square.
> >
> > I might be a tech (Only for anther month) but I understand what
> allot of
> > people have done before me and I respect them for not wanting to let
> go of
> > heritage. I honor them by accepting their challenge of exceptional
> > operating skills and challenging to improve the way we communicate. I
> > haven't invented anything yet, I'm only rediscovering what others
> >already
> I hope you understand I agree with these (above) statements. I just
> don't intend to stagnate with old technology in the process. We are in
> need of technical revision. We are way over do and behide and this is
> partly due to outmoded thinking and rules. What's so bad about
> innovation?
> > know like every school child does.
> >
> > It's time to go to school.
> >
> > KC0GWG
> Now hears what I said :).............
> > <helpfull@my-deja.com> wrote in message news:8s2hc8$s05
> $1@nnrp1.deja.com...
> > > IMHO....
> > >
> > > I tired of hearing that Ham radio is just a hobby. Of course it's a
> > > hobby
> > > but that's not all. I'm not talking about emergency services either.
> > > That's
> > > all well and good and may be one of the reasons our bands still
> exist
> > > but
> > > I'm sick of the politics.
> > >
> > > If all we're doing or allowed to do is help each other set up stuff
> and
> > > enjoy the fun of getting it working; what then? Are we to do
> > > nothing but test our SWR and call it a hobby. If you keep saying
> what
> > > Ham
> > > radio is NOT then you're cutting it off at the feet. Why the hell
> would
> > > anyone want to be a "Ham" once the "fun" of setup is over? It
> limits the
> > > hobby to smart asses.
> > >
> > > The point is, WHERE'S THE BENEFIT? We need to be flexible about
> Internet
> > > connectivity and new methods. Everyone is quick to say that packet
> has
> > > been
> > > hit hard by the internet. Yet not enough say what CAN packet do
> that's
> > > different. Plus, stop the either or one sided thinking! For example,
> > > use the
> > > darn Internet when it makes since. If you want to brag about not
> using
> > > anything but radio, fine. Yet keep your mouth shut when others do
> their
> > > thing. Too many "rule police" are self righteously killing Ham
> radio!
> > >
> > > Sure I know, we need rules else it would be like CB. I understand
> that.
> > > But
> > > that's not even the issue. We're not talking about childish repeater
> > > abuse
> > > here. We're talking innovation. That is going to mean change. Too
> many
> > > of us
> > > simply fear change. Stop it!
> > >
> > > If everyone listened to the nit-picking rule police then NO ONE
> would
> > > join
> > > the hobby/service. To the nay-sayers, I don't recommend breaking the
> > > law. My disagreement is the suggestion that *YOUR* view of Ham radio
> > > should
> > > be my view. Isn't it (after all) what we make of it? So first check
> you
> > > pride
> > > and arrogance at the door and remember we're talking about sharing
> the
> > > bands
> > > here and not murder. Don't be naive about the money involved and
> special
> > > interests too.
> > >
> > > It's been said that the telephone lobbies promoted much of part 97
> to
> > > keep
> > > everyone from using Ham radio instead of the phone system. While
> it's
> > > widely
> > > debated what the purpose and *true* intent of Part 97 is; we need to
> > > keep an
> > > open mind. We need to consider change. We need to know our vote
> counts
> > > *and*
> > > we can change the rules as new innovation necessitates.
> > >
> > > So I hope you all get the point. There needs to be an attraction to
> ham
> > > radio other than just being technical. It's fun but why are we
> spending
> > > good money on equipment? Why are we training our selves in proper
> > > techniques?
> > > Why are we focusing on features and not benefits? Why is every real
> > > benefit
> > > seemingly shot down by outdated rules while ham radio dies off with
> > > it's old
> > > guard? CHANGE people, is a good thing. I suggest you get used to
> it. You
> > > haven't a choice in this regard. The goal is communication.
> > >
> > > So I'd like to think Ham radio is about scientific exploration. New
> > > benefits
> > > from the new features, methods, and technology. I'd always
> considered
> > > Ham
> > > Radio to be the place for "do it yourself" radio innovation. It's a
> free
> > > county is it not. I hate politics but do you see there's money
> interests
> > > involved? So I say create first and then change the rules to back up
> > > your new
> > > benefit, if needed. Sure move to MURS or Part 15 or whatever if you
> > > need to.
> > > Yet, What's happening to Amateur Radio?
> > >
> > > A pet peeve of mine is the "Amateur" in Amateur Radio. Just a
To be continued in digest: pr_2000_261D
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