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Subj: PacketRadioDigest 2000/261A
Sent: 001014/0754Z @:PI8HGL.#ZH1.NLD.EU #:24904 [Den Haag] FBB $:PR_2000_261A
Date: Fri, 13 Oct 00 21:32:15 MET

Message-Id: <pr_2000_261A>
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Packet-Radio Digest         Fri, 13 Oct 2000     Volume 2000 : Issue  261

Today's Topics:
                  Innovation and Ham Radio (3 msgs)
                       The search for a gene...
                           THIS IS FOR YOU!
You can be in college and Make $3000 a month while in school FREE!! START up  

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Archives of past issues of the Packet-Radio Digest are available 
(by FTP only) from ftp.UCSD.Edu in directory "mailarchives/packet-radio".

We trust that readers are intelligent enough to realize that all text
herein consists of personal comments and does not represent the official
policies or positions of any party.  Your mileage may vary.  So there.
Loop-Detect: Packet-Radio:2000/261

Date: Thu, 12 Oct 2000 11:47:08 -0500
From: "Rod" <>
Subject: Innovation and Ham Radio

    For some one that seems to dislike popular politics your post certainly
sounds like a politicians speech.  Ham radio is like speaking in public, not
every one wants to listen to what you wont to say,...  Let them turn the
VFO!  (scroll past the post as it applies).  Respect them for their choice
not to listen to you.  Respect them enough that if you don't like what their
saying to take an appropriate action.  If you wont to offer a differing
opinion to debate and not argue.  Arguing is just a waste of band space and
time on any medium because it's not communicating.  If you don't like what's
being said and don't wont to debate the idea then just walk away.  It's just
a plain old fashion case of be the better man for showing respect even if
they don't deserve it.  Lids are everywhere!

    Change is inevitable however controllable.  If we vote out confidence
and not just because your family beliefs in a certain parties politics then
it is a free country.  A man bound in chains, silenced, blinded and defend
can still be free in his own mind.  Bad government only happens when we
don't do our jobs as citizens of the free world.  Besides, this country was
founded on greed and freedom to pursuit what ever we choose by methods of
our own choosing.  Ten thousand votes sing louder than any fat budgeted
lobbyist because we can vote them right out of office!  Now that is an
expression of who really has the power, it's only a question of when we will
choose to use it.

    As for the title of Amateur,...  Professionals get paid for their
services.  A broadcast radio personality gets paid to entertain you with a
vary powerful transmitter.  You have to pay the light bill for a small
station in the corner of your home.  Your wages are spent when you press the
PTT button.  By definition of the word, it applies.

    Ham radio is more than a hobby like boy scouts is more than summer camp.
Our pride is built on the personal conduct of every operator that represents
us to the world on free air waves that know no man made limits of boarders
or nationalities.  It's called a hobby because it's done in your spare time,
but you live radio like some one might live the military.  Set up your gear
is only the beginning of the adventure and all the real fun is the challenge
of working a new country or grid square.

    I might be a tech (Only for anther month) but I understand what allot of
people have done before me and I respect them for not wanting to let go of
heritage.  I honor them by accepting their challenge of exceptional
operating skills and challenging to improve the way we communicate.  I
haven't invented anything yet, I'm only rediscovering what others already
know like every school child does.

It's time to go to school.

<> wrote in message news:8s2hc8$s05$
> IMHO....
> I tired of hearing that Ham radio is just a hobby. Of course it's a
> hobby
> but that's not all. I'm not talking about emergency services either.
> That's
> all well and good and may be one of the reasons our bands still exist
> but
> I'm sick of the politics.
> If all we're doing or allowed to do is help each other set up stuff and
> enjoy the fun of getting it working; what then? Are we to do
> nothing but test our SWR and call it a hobby. If you keep saying what
> Ham
> radio is NOT then you're cutting it off at the feet. Why the hell would
> anyone want to be a "Ham" once the "fun" of setup is over? It limits the
> hobby to smart asses.
> The point is, WHERE'S THE BENEFIT? We need to be flexible about Internet
> connectivity and new methods. Everyone is quick to say that packet has
> been
> hit hard by the internet. Yet not enough say what CAN packet do that's
> different. Plus, stop the either or one sided thinking! For example,
> use the
> darn Internet when it makes since. If you want to brag about not using
> anything but radio, fine. Yet keep your mouth shut when others do their
> thing. Too many "rule police" are self righteously killing Ham radio!
> Sure I know, we need rules else it would be like CB. I understand that.
> But
> that's not even the issue. We're not talking about childish repeater
> abuse
> here. We're talking innovation. That is going to mean change. Too many
> of us
> simply fear change. Stop it!
> If everyone listened to the nit-picking rule police then NO ONE would
> join
> the hobby/service. To the nay-sayers, I don't recommend breaking the
> law. My disagreement is the suggestion that *YOUR* view of Ham radio
> should
> be my view. Isn't it (after all) what we make of it? So first check you
> pride
> and arrogance at the door and remember we're talking about sharing the
> bands
> here and not murder. Don't be naive about the money involved and special
> interests too.
> It's been said that the telephone lobbies promoted much of part 97 to
> keep
> everyone from using Ham radio instead of the phone system. While it's
> widely
> debated what the purpose and *true* intent of Part 97 is; we need to
> keep an
> open mind. We need to consider change. We need to know our vote counts
> *and*
> we can change the rules as new innovation necessitates.
> So I hope you all get the point. There needs to be an attraction to ham
> radio other than just being technical. It's fun but why are we spending
> good money on equipment? Why are we training our selves in proper
> techniques?
> Why are we focusing on features and not benefits? Why is every real
> benefit
> seemingly shot down by outdated rules while ham radio dies off with
> it's old
> guard? CHANGE people, is a good thing. I suggest you get used to it. You
> haven't a choice in this regard. The goal is communication.
> So I'd like to think Ham radio is about scientific exploration. New
> benefits
> from the new features, methods, and technology. I'd always considered

To be continued in digest: pr_2000_261B

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