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Date: Wed, 06 Sep 00 20:35:48 MET
Message-Id: <pr_2000_225>
From: pa2aga@pe1mvx.ampr.org
To: pr_broadcast@pa2aga.ampr.org
X-BBS-Msg-Type: B
Packet-Radio Digest Tue, 5 Sep 2000 Volume 2000 : Issue 225
Today's Topics:
help with BPQ32..
WTB shortwave radio
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Loop-Detect: Packet-Radio:2000/225
Date: Mon, 4 Sep 2000 20:02:18 +0100
From: "john.wiseman" <john.wiseman@ntlworld.com>
Subject: help with BPQ32..
BPQ32 does not support the Baycom modem.
The config file normally has to be in the directory from which the
application which loads bpq32.dll is loaded, but if you have a reasonably
current version of bpq32, you can specify the location of the config files
(for both bpq32 and bpqaxip) by setting the registry key:
John G8BPQ
Robert <bobit@ic24.net> wrote in message
> Hi all...
> I am looking for a way of using BPQ32 with a baycom modem, is this
> yet ???
> Another thing is where to put the rest of the BPQ32 files...., do they
> to be in a specific directory e.g c:\bpq32 ???
> i already have the bpq32.dll in the windows/system directory.
> when i run ui-view32 configured for bpq32 it cannot find bpqcfg.bin
> thanks
> 73
> Robert
Date: Sun, 03 Sep 2000 17:17:38 GMT
From: north@north.yi.org (Dave)
Subject: WTB shortwave radio
486DX-2 66mhz (or higher)
8megs ram, cdrom drive (any speed is fine)
28.8 modem, 425meg hard drive or larger.
3.5" floppy drive.
TRADE for a good, excellent well looked after
Shortwave reciever, DX-394, also will throw in
200 watt Antenna Tuner, 1.8 to 30mhz 200 watts max.
cross meters, swr,wattage, etc, two antennas selectable.
If interested
email north@north.yi.org
End of Packet-Radio Digest V2000 #225
You can send in your contribution to this digest by
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