PA2AGA > PACDIG 26.08.00 13:27l 188 Lines 5920 Bytes #999 (0) @ EU
BID : PR_2000_214A
Subj: PacketRadioDigest 2000/214A
Sent: 000825/2144Z @:PI8HGL.#ZH1.NLD.EU #:6733 [Den Haag] FBB $:PR_2000_214A
Date: Fri, 25 Aug 00 21:23:32 MET
Message-Id: <pr_2000_214A>
From: pa2aga@pe1mvx.ampr.org
To: pr_broadcast@pa2aga.ampr.org
X-BBS-Msg-Type: B
Packet-Radio Digest Fri, 25 Aug 2000 Volume 2000 : Issue 214
Today's Topics:
4 year old KPC OK for APRS?
Feed your log with Internet DX Spots!
Looking for MacRatt for Mac
TH-D7 & gps/PC connection...please, Help! (2 msgs)
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Archives of past issues of the Packet-Radio Digest are available
(by FTP only) from ftp.UCSD.Edu in directory "mailarchives/packet-radio".
We trust that readers are intelligent enough to realize that all text
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policies or positions of any party. Your mileage may vary. So there.
Loop-Detect: Packet-Radio:2000/214
Date: Thu, 24 Aug 2000 13:27:42 -0400
From: "Jeff McMahan" <jemac@bellsouth.net>
Subject: 4 year old KPC OK for APRS?
<AB6MB> wrote in message news:399d93c3$1_1@news.nntpserver.com...
> I can buy a 4 year old KPC-3 for $75. Is OK for APRS? Will I have to
upgrade the ROM?
> Any other things I should look out for? Any help will be gratefully
> 73!
> Jeff
I'm using my old KPC-3 for APRS. I think the newer ROM versions have some
advanced features, but for general APRS use it should work fine.
Jeff (KE4GTJ)
Date: Fri, 25 Aug 2000 09:49:29 GMT
From: fabsartoni@usa.net
Subject: Feed your log with Internet DX Spots!
Hello ALL,
This is IK4VYX, Fabrizio, the developer of the
DXTelnet software package:
One of the things you can do with DXTelnet is to
connect simultaneously to many different kinds of
DX resources (telnet, http, IRC, RF) and, why not,
feed ANY log with the Internet DX spots received by
The format of the spots is the classic one (DX de ...)
so your log will not detect any difference.
The way how to do this mainly depends on the kind
of log you use (if it is Windows or DOS based)
and on the available system resources (if you have
only one or more serial ports, and if you plan to link
DXTelnet to your log using a single or separate PCs.
In any case, the minimum requirements are:
* A Windows PC connected to Internet
(All windows family is OK, except NT and 2000;
I don't know about Win ME)
* At least 1 free serial port
* The log must support a serial port connection
(for example a TNC port).
I made several experiments and I was able to feed
successfully dumb terminal applications such as
Hyperterminal (Windows) or Telix (DOS), this on a
single PC using just one (I repeat: JUST ONE)
serial port!!!
Note: even if your log already embeds a telnet client
to reach Internet DX clusters, using it combined
with DXTelnet is recommended: DXTelnet will bring
in more spots; if you dont believe my words just
download DXTelnet (see the above URL), install it
and connect to the CQDX-IRC node.
Moreover DXTelnet has DX Spot specific filters so
that you can choose which spots to feed and which
to ignore.
Just an example: a very useful filter is the
"Reject Old Spots" one; this, combined with
the antidupe filter, allows you to kill the spurious
DX spots sometimes originated by huge cluster loops,
especially during major contests.
As the link method depends on the log and on the
system you use, I will not spend pages here describing
all the different cases.
Just email me telling me which of these cases you
fall in:
A) DOS Log single port
B) DOS Log double port (or double PC)
C) Windows Log single port
D) Windows Log double port (or double PC)
I will be glad to email you a step by step describing
how to proceed in order to setup a link with immediate
My email address is:
"IK4VYX -- Fabrizio Sartoni" <fabsartoni@usa.net>
Best (((73))) de Fabrizio (IK4VYX)
Sent via Deja.com http://www.deja.com/
Before you buy.
Date: 24 Aug 00 23:08:22 GMT
From: py8azt@mac.COM (Luciano Moreira)
Subject: Looking for MacRatt for Mac
Content-type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
Content-transfer-encoding: Quoted-printable
Hellow all,
I'm looking for a packet radio program for Macintosh called MacRatt
I dont found it anywhere on InterNet.
Can anyone help me=3F
73 from PY8AZT LUCiano Moreira
Grid GI58XX Belem, Par=E1 BRASIL
email: py8azt@mac.com
Date: Thu, 24 Aug 2000 22:58:58 GMT
From: "Trollet" <tommy.andersson@telia.com>
Dear Tom
You should try to live in Sweden, before you talk about taxes. :(
Regards sm1nvv
NJRadioDude <njradiodude@aol.com> skrev i
> Gee...I'd love to help, but my taxes are so damned high already from the
> Democrats raising and spending my tax dollars for all those who want to
make as
> many babies as they can without a thought about it, those who want free
> subsidized housing, free health care, food stamps, free gubmint cheese, I
> no money left to help your family that's sooooo obviously in need. Really,
> would love to help you, but I simply don't make enough to support another
> on society trying to get over on the good nature that is us...human
To be continued in digest: pr_2000_214B
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