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VK7AX  > QNEWS    19.06.04 03:52l 956 Lines 39185 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
Sent: 040619/0134z @:VK7AX.#ULV.TAS.AUS.OC [NWTNOS-NWTas] #:805 $:QNEWS0620D

WIA QNEWS weekly ham radio news bulletin QNEWS 2004 JUNE 20

 Next week, June 27 QNEWS will be presented from Melbourne by
 VK3KRB/VK3CE. Special guests will be the new President of 1WIA
 Michael Owen VK3KI and Contest Manager Ian Godsill.

 Those chosen have talents and experience that are needed
 to guide the WIA for the next two years. These are:
 Michael Owen  VK3KI, new WIA President,
 Ernie Hocking VK1LK, vice President,
 Glenn Dunstan VK4DU
 Trevor Quick  VK5ATQ
 Ewan Mcleod   VK4ERM
 Ted Thrift    VK2ARA, and
 Phil Waite    VK2DKN.

 Over the past weeks here on the Q we have MET WIA DIRECTORS,
 Today it's  Ewen Mcleod VK4ERM
 President Wireless Institute of Australia Queensland
 Division and state coordinator and training officer for
 the Brisbane area WICEN Group.
 He has a keen interest in yachting. Some of his other
 activities include being an orchardist specialising in
 tropical and rare fruits. His orchard is located in
 northern NSW.
 He is the Managing Director of Exair Corporation Pty Ltd
 an Integrated Logistic Support (ILS) and electronics

 design company providing support to industry and Defence.
 His qualifications include a Graduate Diploma
 Manufacturing Management and a Certificate of Engineering
 (Communications) Artificer Radio and Radar.
 His previous employment included the Department of Defence (Army).

 The WIA board of directors allocated portfolios to date are Public Relations
 to Director, Ewan McLeod VK4ERM, and ACA Liaison to Glenn Dunstan VK4DU.
 Peter Naish VK2BPN is continuing as Secretary and David Pilley VK2AYD as
 Treasurer. The new WIA has also issued invitations to all existing WIA Life
 Members to become Honorary Life Members of the new WIA. 

 Michael Owen, President of the National WIA is anxious to visit clubs and
 talk with members whenever he can and he asks clubs to let him know of
 events when it might be appropriate for him to meet with a number of the
 amateurs in your region to speak about his aspirations for the relationship
 between the new WIA and Clubs.
 The WIA knows what it wants from clubs and that is support.
 But what do clubs want from the new national WIA? That is something he
 wants to hear about --- from you.


 The WIA Board has formulated it's response to the ACA paper "Outcomes of
 the review of Amateur Service Regulation", which was released just in time
 for the first board meeting at the end of May.

 The Board welcomes the proposed changes and appreciates the extensive 
 and quite expensive and time consuming consultation process the ACA
 undertook in forming it's position. The ACA has achieved a policy position
 that is sound and is a reasonable compromise that generally meets the needs
 of radio amateurs, the wider community and the ACA in its role as regulator.
 However, the ACA paper places the new Board in a very difficult position.
 The document was released without any prior review by either the WIA or the
 CQVK group, (on who's survey results the document was largely based), and
 there are some controversial outcomes.
 The Board considers the effect of the ACA recommendations is to erode the 
 difference in privileges between the new standard level (novice) and the
 advanced level licensees.  It is difficult see why a standard level licensee
 would want to move up to the advanced level other than a feeling of achievement
 and a gilt edge certificate.  Any real increase in privileges is just not
 there and this may eventually make the advanced level irrelevant. 
 Although it is a desired outcome of the ACA document to make the amateur
 Service more accessible, there is still a legitimate place for a full
 technical qualification.  The WIA Board feels it is important to maintain
 the technical competency of the hobby and also help provide technically
 RF technicians for industry.  This issue alone is currently a prime concern to 
 governments and industry groups and is a sound reason for the very existence of
 amateur radio.
 All this sounds very reasonable but the Board recognises that in expressing
 this policy objective it is also identifying the fact that it faces a real
 The prime role of the WIA Board is to support and truly represent its members
 in dealings with the ACA and the international organisations.  If it attempts
 to reduce the proposed privileges of the standard level licensee there will
 be upset novices who are rightly expecting to enjoy the new privileges.
 Novice operators together with foundation licensees are the new life-blood
 of amateur radio and the very last thing the Board wishes to do is to
 discourage them.

 Conversely, if the Board decides to do nothing it will potentially have a
 number of upset full license holders who feel they have in some way been
 And these people make up the majority membership, people who the WIA is
 supposed to represent.

 The Board has carefully considered these conflicting interests, and has
 reached the conclusion that the ultimate educational aspects of the
 licensing hierarchy is better served by preserving a meaningful distinction
 between the proposed standard and proposed advanced licences, and thus the
 incentive to achieve the higher level.
 Accordingly the Board will advocate the removal of the 20 band from the
 proposed standard (novice) licence privileges.  In doing so, the Board
 recognises that partitioning of the bands has proven problematic in the past
 and is not supported by the ACA.

 This is a very difficult decision and one not taken lightly.  

 The Board recognises that there are those who may feel that after such
 extensive public consultation by the WIA, CQVK, and the ACA that the outcome
 should be simply accepted by everyone - and this may be the position the ACA
 will now take. But the WIA Board believes that this issue is too important
 for the future of amateur radio to dismiss lightly, and that it is its
 obligation to its members to make the difficult decisions if it believes
 them to be right.

 In reaching this conclusion the Board has addressed only what it perceives
 as the major issue flowing from the outcome.  There are very many other
 issue of detail that have been drawn to its attention, but are matters to be
 addressed in the ongoing process of preparing a new LCD and a class licence
 for visiting amateurs and the like.

 The Board is confident that it will have the opportunity to address these
 issues in an ongoing process of consultation with the ACA.

 WICEN can be contacted by phone on 04 0839 7217
 There is a weekly net each Thursday evening on HF at 9pm,  3.6 MHz, and on
 VHF/UHF at 9:30pm on linked repeaters
 (Mark Cheeseman VK2XGK, is  President, WICEN (NSW) Inc.)

 State Coordinator:        John Kerr    VK3BAF
 Secretary VK3XMU
 WICEN HF net TUESDAY evening 2100 on 3.6 MHz

 WICEN state Coordinator Andrew, VK5EX.

 2004 Coopers Rally
 Don't forget the 2004 Coopers Rally will be held  31st July - 1st Aug. If you
 wish to register, please contact

 The WICEN team's Subaru Safari preparations are well advanced.  All that
 remains by way of general preparation is to deal with the inevitable changes
 that arise as any event comes closer.  Individual preparation will surely
 include digging out the thermal underwear and gloves.  One team will spend
 the second day stationed at an altitude of 700 metres.

 The WICEN team are going to be busy.  This will be the biggest Safari yet
 with 63 entries.

 Geeveston will be the place to be next weekend on the 26th and 27th June.
 The town has never seen anything like the circus that's on its way! Truck
 loads of cars and equipment, heading for the Geeveston District High School
 the service area for the Safari.

 Though all jobs are covered, there's always room for more.  If you want to
 join the team for a great weekend of radio and fellowship, you'll be very
 welcome. Just contact Roger VK7XRN

 Members of the Maritime Mobile Service Net 14.3000 recently were instrumental
 in the successful handling of yet another medical emergency at sea. The
 crisis arose when a young hand aboard a commercial fishing vessel in the
 Caribbean Sea off the coast of Central America suffered serious knife wounds
 in a fight with a crewmate.
 Although not an amateur licensee, the captain of the Motor Vessel 'Brandon
 Travis' knew he could get prompt assistance on the net's 14.300 MHz

 "Under normal conditions, transmissions by non-amateur stations on this
 frequency are prohibited by international law," said Assistant Net Manager
 Tom Job, VE3II, who lives near Toronto and took the initial call for help.

 After obtaining critical information, Job contacted the Coast Guard's
 District 7 Search and Rescue Center in Miami and relayed the situation
 report. The Coast Guard in turn contacted Honduran authorities to arrange
 to evacuate the injured man.

 The net also was able to get physician Jim Hirschman, K4TCV, a net member
 in Miami, on frequency. Hirschman has extensive experience assisting with
 injuries and medical emergencies via the radio. He was one of the
 principal MMSN members to provide assistance and advice to the parents of
 Willem van Tuyl, then 13, after he was shot and seriously injured in a
 pirate attack on the family's sailboat in 2000.

 The net remained open past its normal closing time to keep an ear on the
 situation. Early the next morning, the captain of the Brandon Travis
 informed the net that the injured man had been removed to a Honduran naval
 vessel and taken to a hospital.

 The captain of the Brandon Travis checked into the net two days after the
 incident to thank everyone for their help. At the captain's request, the
 net supplied him with a copy of ARRL Amateur Radio license study
 (sourced to arrl letter)

 Become a Ham with the course started by VK2DQ Ron Bertrand by browsing to

 NEW CALLS in the Summerland region of VK2,
 From the recent exams we welcome the following new calls.
 VK2HFS  Ray Seymour, Caniaba.
 VK2WRG  Will Goode , Lismore.
 VK2HPM  Mark Perkins, Teven. Mark, at 16 years of age.

 The NZART Conference in Marlborough this month has recognised its Youth:
 All Youth Awards be given a higher profile on the NZART web site, so that
 branches are encouraged to nominate suitable recipients.
 The Youth Achievement award for best examinations result awarded to
 Heidi McKenzie ZL4HAM from Eastern Southland Branch.
 The Young Amateur of the year award co- sponsored by NZART and Com-Centre
 was presented to NZART Business Manager Debbie ZL2TDM for onward
 presentation to --- Heidi McKenzie ZL4HAM.

 Ken, VK7DY and Brian, VE6JBJ, a teacher from Chestermere Lake Middle School
 in Calgary, Canada will be made contact using IRLP Friday morning at
 7:20 a.m. EST which is 2:20 p.m. Canadian time.

 Kids out of bed on a Tassie Winters Morn at that hour? I'd like to have seen
 that! The Canadian kids were very interested in Tasmania and asked many
 questions for their school project.
 (sourced to vk7wi news)

 NIAR and that Society is going to conduct various programs to promote Amateur
 Radio as part of social cause and disaster mitigation at many places in the
 country.  Lucknow being one area chosen, has seen MANY of the local Amateurs
 preparing to back their Society with help.

 The amateur licence itself may disappear and a GURL ("General User Radio
 Licence") introduced  for New Zealand amateur radio stations. This is just
 one of many possibilities awaiting our service in ZL as they themselves
 await the full outcome of their Ministries review of the Amateur Service
 in ZL.

 New Directions in Amateur Radio Licensing in New Zealand
 The changes started on 17 June when a new revised Schedule 3 attached to
 the ZL licence comes into effect. Other changes will take effect over the
 next 18 months or more. The news is all good. Many long-standing problems
 are being eliminated. Some of the changes are believed to be world firsts.

 There is only one grade of amateur operator licence in New Zealand, the
 General Amateur Licence. The word "General" must continue meantime because
 it is hard-entered in the Ministry's existing database.

 All existing Limited Amateur licensees automatically became General Amateur
 licensees on 17 June 2004 irrespective of what is written on their existing

 A change of callsign can be requested following the existing rules. There
 being only one licence grade, licences will no longer indicate a grade.

 All amateur bands remain the same but the LF band is being listed for the
 first time as an allocated amateur band and is extended from 130 to 190 kHz.

 The permitted maximum transmitter power output for an amateur station is
 quoted with one figure: 500 watt PEP. This is defined in the ITU RR 1.157
 (see Appendix following). With only one figure, it is now mode-independent.

 Licensed overseas visitors, i.e. persons holding a current amateur
 certificate of competency, authorisation, or licence issued by another
 administration, may operate an amateur station in New Zealand under a
 General User Radio Licence (GURL) with similar privileges to a ZL resident
 station for a period not exceeding 90 days, provided the certificate,
 authorisation or licence meets the requirements of Recommendation
 ITU-R M.1544, or CEPT T/R 61-01, or CEPT T/R 61-02, and is produced at the
 request of the Chief Executive.

 The present country-to-country reciprocal licence agreements will disappear
 in time as more countries directly recognise the licences issued by other
 administrations. Cross-border travel by radio amateurs will become easier.

 The callsign to be used by a visitor from overseas will be the home-country
 callsign as allocated by the other administration with an added prefix "ZL"
 or an added suffix "ZL" which is to be separated from the national callsign
 by the character "/" (telegraphy), or the word "stroke" (telephony).
 With one examination, with only one licence grade, and with new and
 simplified procedures, New Zealand amateur radio is positioned for an
 exciting future.

 Extract from The ITU International Radio Regulations:
 fa.. peak envelope power (of a radio transmitter):
 The average power supplied to the antenna transmission line by a
 transmitter during one radio frequency cycle at the crest of the
 modulation envelope taken under normal operating conditions.
 (sourced to Jim Meachen ZL2BHF Editor 'infoline')

 The Marconi Radio Club of Newfoundland's VO1MRC are conducting an experiment
 on 60 meters this weekend, Saturday and Sunday, June 19-20, from 0000 to 2400
 UTC. During this period, a CW beacon will be in operation on 5269.5 kHz to
 determine the relative performance of high and low radiation angle antennas.
 The antenna in use will be identified by a code in each transmission.

 Proposed by the Marconi Radio Club of Newfoundland, the 5-MHz experiment
 has been endorsed by Radio Amateurs of Canada and authorized by Industry
 Canada, which approved resumption of the 60-meter experiments in February.
 (arrl letter)

 Callbacks follow the RF editions, but also for Internet
 readers you may lodge a quick reply to let us know you
 receive "the Q" write a message to
 Compiled by VK4BB

 Bundaberg Club 's "Xmas Party in June" will be held at Sizzlers
 in Bourbong Street Friday 25th June at 1800 hrs. Again all Club
 members, families and visiting Hams are invited.
 Contact Rusty VK4JM  or Ross VK4JRO .. ring h 4155 2665. 

 The Gold Coast Amateur Radio Society invites you to become a member and
 share and contribute to the services it provides.

 The club maintains 2 repeaters one of these ofering IRLP these repeaters
 cost money particularly the IRLP and the club relies primarily on membership
 fees to finance them.
 If you would like to become a member and contribute to these activities then
 please download a membership application form from the club website
 Our membership fees will not break the bank and will help us maintain the
 services you use.
 There will be a General Meeting on 26th June 2004.  A barbeque will commence
 at 11am and the meeting will commence at 1pm sharp.
 The Society conducts classes at our clubrooms in Nerang.  It is hoped to
 commence AOCP classes in a few weeks.
 These classes will be presented by the club Tutor Ron,
 VK2DQ.  Classes are open to everybody and you do not have to be a member of
 the club to come to the classes. AOCP classes are normally held on a day and
 time that suits the group.
 If you are ready to upgrade the AOCP or even just want to do a refresher
 course then please register you interest with our Education Officer Kath
 VK4KU on number 55393530.
 Further more now that Morse  Code  is to be removed ffrom Amateur
 qualification requirement it as become apparent that there is renewed
 interest in Code.

 The club have decided to answer this need by providing CW practice by radio
 and this will possibly take the form of evening sessions twice a week.  The
 finer details are yet to be worked out.

 I'm Kaye, on the Gold Coast now across to Logans Peter Harding.

 Update from the 4JPH at the Logan West Amateur Radio & Electronics Club.

 "Well I am back in town after a short trip to the town of TARC, many thanks
 to Gavin and the crew for your warm welcome, sorry I could stay for  

 Over the last couple of weeks I have asked for further assistance in
 supplying Communications for the Springfield horse Endurance ride in on the
 27th 28th 29th of August. Thankfully several operators have answered the
 call, but we still need more if you can assist with either VHF UHF or UHF CB
 please contact me, Peter Harding on 3800 3305 or by email at

 See you all at the next club meeting Monday 5th July, when I hope to have 
 further details about the Endurance ride".


 Cairns region -
 ** Redevelopment of VK4RIK site underway **

 Central Highlands region -
 ** AGM Bookings now being taken - contact
    Gordon VK4KAL now ! **

 Townsville region -
 ** FNNQARG ! Raffle - ICOM IC-V8 won by John/VK4DJS **
 ** FNNQARG ! Cricket Match won by Atherton/Cairns **
 ** FNNQARG ! Cricket Match Best and Fairest
              prize of ICOM IC-4088S won by Rosalind Bloch **
 ** FNNQARG ! Radio Throwing Contest
              Mens Division won by Phil/VK4HSV
              Ladies Division won by Teri/VK4HYL
              Junior Division won by David Bloch **
 ** FNNQARG ! Watch Backscatter for 2005 venue announcement **
 ** Book NOW for the July 10th exam session **
 ** Ann Renton Memorial Ladies Net - next net July 12th at 7pm **
 ** Scramble! Next Scramble is June 22nd with
              Scramble leader Wally / VK4DO **
 ** TARC doing Groper Creek Markets July 3rd **

 FNNQARG Report !
 Gavin VK4ZZ says the 2004 FNNQARG! was an unqualified success with excellent
 weather, only an occasional shower, a radio experiment or two and renewing

 Friday Afternoon
 The group already arrived at FNNQARG negotiated with the park management
 to raise the TARC tarps despite park management misgivings about expected
 damage to the grassed areas (the areas occupied by FNNQARG! participants
 were returned in pristine condition on Monday morning with the grass
 still growing).

 Friday evening was a low key affair with everyone helping with the deployment
 of the TARC Van towed up from Townsville by Bob/VK4AAH, the raising of the
 VK4ZT Canvas Palace (very sumptuous!), installation of theTARCinc Monster BBQ
 and setup of Barry/VK4TBD's Camp-o-Sat TV receiver

 The proposed activities programme went out the window with everyone on the
 spot enjoying some serious loafing, a run to the Tully Markets and some
 precision deployment of dipole antennae with a height acquisition device.
 The comms centre was completed with 80/40/20/2metre capability.

 The Navcom/ICOM equipment display was set up early as many at the site
 were eager to obtain the latest and greatest in radio and antenna
 equipment. Barry and Yoshi were seen with big smiles on their faces
 as stocks of radios and antennae depleted rapidly.

 A Radio Experiment was also set up, courtesy of David/VK4KIX, consisting of
 a 28metre long wire, a counterpoise, a HF transceiver and a 10AH battery.
 A number of contacts ensued on many bands, including a  contact with
 Alan/VK6WNS/G3WNS and Barbara/G8AKU at Broome. Alan and Barbara had attended
 FNNQARG! 2003 and sent best wishes to everyone at the 2004 event.

 Time went very quickly and before long it was dinner time followed by
 the traditional FNNQARG! singalong featuring the group of renown -
 Electrical Caution.

 A brief overnight shower made things nicely tropical at breakfast time
 with the main entertainment being the gingerly ignition of the Monster BBQ
 (ask og how many hand hairs he has left!! He will get it right one day!)
 then cooking up and consuming of hearty breakfasts whilst listening to QNEWS
 from the 14341.9kHz and 7070kHz feeds.

 The FNNQARG! group gathered at the beach around 10-30am to participate
 in an event revitalised from times of old. Radio throwing - participants
 hurled either an ICOM IC713, Willis L5 or AWA Teleradio transceiver
 downrange for maximum distance and maximum satisfaction.

 With everyone limbered up after the Radio throwing it was time to conduct
 the main event of the weekend - that gore-fest which is pg rated -
 the FNNQARG! Cricket Match.
 With the 2004 nominated umpire John/VK4TL delayed due to a scheduled
 broadcast from his COOL-FM radio station and the morning getting away from
 everyone it was decided to nominate two umpires for the match, in this case
 the nominated Northern Umpire was Nick/VK4YT and the nominated Southern
 umpire was Wally/VK4DO.
 From the umpires notes -
 "It was good to see that this year there were an equal number of members for
 each team without any substitutes required. A couple of competitors required
 runners, the tide went the right way so the pitch was constantly renewed and
 there were no injuries. A ball hit into the water was declared a 3.

 Amateur Radio Direction Finding also got underway with foxes hidden (and 
 all found!) with RadioSport participants including Ulf/VK4HDN, Don/VK4MC,
 Ian/VK4ZT, Phil/VK4HSV plus many others.

 3-30pm rocked around and it was time for the Out of the back of the Tip-Truck
 Auction. The only thing left over at the end of it all was two boxes
 containing  old Atari gear.

 The FNNQARG raffle prize - an ICOM IC-V8 2m transceiver donated by
 Navcom Electronics was drawn live on-air during the 3605.4kHz North
 Queensland Net, won by John VK4DJS, Presented by Yoshi/VK3BZX, MD of
 ICOM Australia.

 FNNQARG! 2004 Cricket Umpire Wally Watkins VK4DO announced the cricket match
 results - Cairns/Atherton 67 Runs, Townsville 66 Runs.

 After breakfast the antennae were brought to ground, green ants evicted from
 the dipole traps, tarps and poles collapsed and stowed, the TARC van hitched
 Final farewell was given and all trundled home.


 The Redcliffe and Districts Radio Club Inc are holding their
 Annual General Meeting on the 21st of June 2004 at 7.30pm at
 their club house, Macfarline park, Klinger Road, Kippa Ring.
 The next General Meeting of the Queensland Digital Group is on Friday July 2
 commencing at  7.30 pm. All members and friends are cordially invited.
 Of course, visitors are always welcome.

 This is a combined meeting with the South East Queensland ATV group.
 Same location and time, date Friday July 2 2004.

 NOTE: this is the first Friday of the month.

 Richard VK4ZA with give a talk on his Sound Card Interface for radio

 As always, up to date information is available from the groups Web site:
 (Alan  VK4YAR)


 The June meeting of the Brisbane VHF Group will be held on Wednesday the
 23rd. All amateurs involved in the amazing world of VHF and above are
 This friendly gathering comprises all of socialising time, informal problem
 solving, club business and, as always, an interesting technical presentation.

 As usual, it will be at the home of Rob Bathgate VK4ZDX at 53 Arrol Street,
 Camp Hill. Gather there around 7:30 pm and please feel that you have now
 been invited!

 That's Wednesday for the Brisbane VHF Group.
 The Group's next event following this meeting will be the Antenna Day in


 OFFICIAL VK Contest Site =

Well thanks Trev, and a warm GÕDay to you all.

In news from New Zealand, an item suggested in general 
business at the NZARTÕs annual conference, held in early 
June, has seen the approval and quick implementation of 
an annual ALL KIWI Contest to commemorate the removal 
of the CW requirement on ZL calls. Hey, I hope itÕs not a 
CW contest!!

Anyway, the NZARTÕs Western Suburbs Branch 03 has 
offered to organise the new event each year, and we look 
forward to passing on the contest details as they evolve.

On a rather more global scale is the ARRLÕs Field Day, 
coming up next weekend. This one aims to improve 
portable, ie field day, type operation. You understand the 
importance accorded to this annual event by the ARRL 
when you visit its web site at Right there as 
you arrive at the main, home page, up pops a little 
window to remind everyone itÕs on, and itÕs big. The Field 
Day is AmericaÕs answer to our RD Day Ñ in other words, 
itÕs as popular as all get-out.

Anyway, the pop-up window offers site visitors a package 
of forms and rules, suggested frequencies, and so on, and 
even offers to sell you commemorative T-shirts and pins, 
which are shipping right now if you hurry. Look, I just 
have to add the little PostScript that all shirt sizes are still 
available, save extra extra extra large, which sold out 

Well, I downloaded the ARRLÕs impressive 31-page PDF 
package, which told me the activity begins at 1800 UTC 
Saturday and ends at 2100 UTC Sunday. There are no 
rules changes from 2003, but if that means as little to 
you as it did to me, just go the ARRLÕs web site and 
download that package for all the rules.

We must make it abundantly clear that you need to be 
operating within IARU Region 2, the Americas, if youÕre to 
submit a log as a contestant. However, what makes this 

such fun is that Field Day stations are all operating 
portable, are encouraged to contact stations in any part 
of the world, and that as people crawl out of every 
possible crevasse it's a great opportunity to add to new 
countries or states or counties or grid squares to your 
totals, and theyÕre all operating portable!

Only a week later, on July 3, is a local Queensland 
contest, the Jack Files Contest. Again, itÕs Saturday, July 
3, and it takes place between 0800 and 1400 Zulu. This is 
the one where you try to work as many shires and towns 
within Queensland as you possibly can, and itÕs all up on 
80 metres. The rules are the same as those for last year, 
and for anyone who needs a bit more information, or 
needs a shire and town code list, please call John, 
VK4AJS, on 0412 989 530.

Coming up on the 21st and 22nd of August is the 
International Lighthouse/Lightship Weekend. YouÕll likely 
wonder where they found all the lighthouses, when you 
learn that last yearÕs contest had some 350 lighthouses 
from more than 40 countries simply, ah, blazing away on 
the amateur bands. Oh strike, did I write that?

Anyway, the main message is that the lighthouse weekend 
has actually attracted quite a following over the last six 
years, and as itÕs not too far off once again, now is the 
time to get your entry in. Registering a lighthouse station 
isnÕt compulsory, but it gets you an entry on the official 
web site, which gives other participants an idea of whoÕs 
where, QSL routes, E-mail and web details. So head to the 
official web site, at to check out the event 
guidelines. Of course, thereÕs also an online entry form 
there, a list of entrants for this and past years, and loads 
more background info.

Already the entrantÕs list for 2004 includes such exotic 
locations as the Falkland Islands, Cuba, and Poland, plus 
lovely green King Island in the Bass Strait joining in for 
the first time. The Lighthouse/Lightship Weekend isnÕt a 
contest per se but it's a lot of fun and you get to meet 
some really nice people right around the world Ñ and 
surely, isnÕt that an important part of what amateur radio 
is about?

And thanks to Kevin, VK2CE, for the timely reminder. And 
now for another timely reminder. Are you manager of a 
Contest? Got some club special events coming up? DonÕt 
forget to tell Qnews all about it. We welcome your input 
from around the globe to QNews @ Write 

In awards news, itÕs high time we reminded you about the 
fabulous ALARA Award. This oneÕs issued by the 
Australian Ladies Amateur Radio Association, and itÕs 
open to the blokes as well. Australian and New Zealand 
amateurs need to work ten ALARA members in five VK 
call areas to qualify. DX stations need only five contacts 
with ALARA members in four different call areas. 
Contacts may not be made via repeaters or the ALARA 

Then thereÕs the ANARS' Young Endeavour Award. To 
qualify for this beauty applicants need to work four of 
the Society's seven club callsigns. They are ZL1SEA, plus 
VK1, VK2, VK3, VK5, VK6 or VK7SEA, which leaves the 
obvious question about ANARS operations in VK4! Oh, 
ANARS is the Naval mob, the senior service, and IÕm sure 
membership is open to anyone with a connection to the 
Senior Service in this country. The ANARS Young 
Endeavour Award is also offered to shortwave listeners. 
Grab the pencil for the address, and IÕm sure you could 
also pop in a membership inquiry if youÕre so inclined. 
Write to:
Endeavour Award Manager,
PO Box 300,
NSW 2548

And now we have some news of an award conferred. 
John, VK4TJ, who is FISTS club member number 9080, 
has recently been awarded his Century Award, and at the 
same time has qualified for the FISTS QRP Award. 
Congratulations John.

Now, if IÕm really quick we might be able to sneak in news 
of a special event station coming up soonÉ

On the air July the 8th until August the 8th will be V I 3 J 
A, on the air as a joint operation by VictoriaÕs Central 
Goldfields ARC and the Midland ARC, celebrating the 150-
year expo of the naming of the Town of Maryborough, 
Victoria. Listen out on 80, 40 and 20 metres, CW, SSB, 
RTTY and PSK modes principally looking for DX, but no 
doubt just as pleased to catch the locals. If youÕre a little 
closer to them than me, you might also keep a look out 
on 144.125 MHz CW and SSB, and QSL via VK3JA

And now the DX EDGE, with BEACON and NET ADVICE

On the air September 25 to October 16 listen for VK9 
Lima, from Lord Howe Island. Bill, VK4FW, announces 
activity will be on all HF bands and 6 metres using CW, 

And a final heads-up before hand-back. From Western 
Sahara, Sierra Oscar, comes news on some DX bulletins of 
an activity by Delta Lima 8YHR as Sierra Oscar One Hotel 
Alpha. QNEWS understands that this information may not 
be entirely correct! Work First Worry Later is generally 
the advice, but do be aware of pirates, and donÕt throw 
good money around unless youÕre quite sure of a 
stationÕs authenticity.

They want the mic back here, so the very best 73 to all 
from Chris Edmondson VK4AA/VK4CE


 V I 3 J A
 Central Goldfields ARC and Midland ARC for the 150 year expo of the naming of
 the Town of Maryborough Victoria.
 80, 40 and 20m cw ssb rtty and psk modes looking for DX.
 Also keep a look out on 144.125 cw/ssb QSL via VK3JA
 Details in full 

 On a cold, clear Friday morning, Hobart's first APRS digipeater was 
 installed on Guy Fawkes Hill in VK7. The digi consists of a Kantronics
 9612 TCN and an Icom 2AT handheld running a mighty one and a half watts into
 a slim jim on 145.175 which is the national APRS frequency.

 Those new to the APRS game, APRS stands for Automatic Position Reporting
 Service and is a method of transmitting your GPS position by packet when
 mobile, and being able to receive it and display the position on a map on
 your computer.  Much more information can be found on the internet by 
 searching for APRS.

 The two most used programs are UI-View and AGW-Tracker.  Both can use 
 AGW-Packet Engine as a (freeware) software TNC using audio in via the 
 soundcard-UI-View can also use a standard TNC.

 Danny, VK7HDM is about to install another APRS digi in the vicinity of 
 Technopark, and Scott, VK7HSE can be heard digipeating occasionally 
 from Kingston.  

 Those tuned to the Q in the Apple Isle, for further information on APRS,
 contact Ken, VK7KRJ the Southern Branch Assistant Technical Officer. 


 Friendship Games in Russia and ARDF in China
 Khabarovsk, in the Russian Far East, will host the 8th
 Friendship radio games August 14 to 18.
 Suzhou, about an hour by train inland from Shanghai in
 eastern China, will host a Chinese national Amateur Radio
 Direction Finding (ARDF) contest in October.

 VK5AGR is the AMSAT National Coordinator,
 VK5ZAI is the Australian Co-ordinator for ARISS.

 2nd Sunday each month.
 November through March 0900 UTC 7.068 MHz
 April through October  1000 UTC 3.685 MHz

 SO-50 satellite now available to all via CTCSS tone:
 AMSAT-NA says the the SO-50 satellite also known as SaudiSat-1C now is
 available to all, and users can switch on the Mode J transponder via a CTCSS

 Here's the procedure: Transmit on 145.850 MHz (taking Doppler effect into
 account) using a CTCSS tone of 74.4 Hz to arm the onboard 10-minute timer.
 Then, transmit FM voice on 145.850 MHz using a CTCSS tone of 67.0 Hz to
 actuate the repeater within the 10-minute window.

 SO-50's downlink frequency is 436.800 MHz. Sending the 74.4 Hz CTCSS tone
 again within the 10-minute window resets the timer.
 SO-50 sports a quarter-wave vertical receiving antenna mounted at the top
 corner of the spacecraft. The transmitter runs 250 mW into a quarter-wave
 antenna mounted on the bottom corner of the spacecraft and canted 45
 degrees inward.
 (sourced to arrl letter)


 New FISTS Member VK4JAZ Grant, number 9635 turns out to be writer and author
 by profession and has been a journalist, working as an on air newsreader
 in Dublin and writing in the PR field for such famous companies as Ford
 Mazda and Mitsubishi.

 As a FISTS member he uses a 100-year-old GPO straight key that was ex-navy
 which his Uncle, a career Naval Telegraphist gave VK4JAZ years ago.

 Working mainly CW, Grant is interested in QRP.
 Grant as a break from the Key, expect a call from QNEWS shortly! HiHi.

 CAVE EXPEDITION PERU 2004 - On The Air 2 July - 25 August.


 SARL News report Paddy Lynn passed away at the age of 101 years!!  He died
 the 4th of May in Durban.  Years ago he virtually ran the Telecoms in the
 then Rhodesia and did a very good job.  He had been to a number of places
 and held the call signs ZD6JC, G3NLA, ZE1AA, Z21A and ZS5JSC during his
 lifetime. Our condolences to his relatives and friends.

 TeleText page 958

 JOTA HF Voice Calling Frequencies
  3590,  7090, 14190, 21190, 28590 kHz
 14290, 18140, 21360, 24960, 28390 kHz (DX)

 7- 8 August 2004 sees the Asia-Pacific Regional Air-Internet Jamboree
 Activities  are keyboard chatting, web browsing, email, voice, video,
 registration, electronic cards, and electronic participation certificates.
 An exciting innovation is the Asia-Pacific Internet Jamboree voice chat
 server where participants can speak live to a number of other Scouts
 using a microphone and the computer's soundcard.

 You will find the latest information at for the Air Jamboree and for the Internet Jamboree.
 This information will be constantly updated until the
 Asia-Pacific Air-Internet Jamboree on the first weekend of August.


 On-line registration for GippsTech2004 is now available at:

 General information is available from the GippsTech2004 link at:

 If you are going, please register as soon as possible.
 No $$ required - just let them know that you intend to be there,
 to assist with planning. Planning like the informal dinner on
 Friday evening at the Morwell Hotel/Motel.

 Conference Dinner will be at the Morwell Club on Saturday night,
 Cost $25 per person plus drinks.

 Anyone else wishing to contribute a talk, short or long, should
 Contact Peter VK3KAI ASAP:

 Gippstech will also have an informal VHF/UHF/Microwave "Swap Meet"
 Occurring during the coffee & lunch breaks. If you have gear
 to sell on a non-commercial basis, take it along.
 Also expect Microwave Muscat AND Port to be available, in limited
 Conference Chair


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