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	     by D. Joseph Creighton (Joe_Creighton@UManitoba.CA)
		and Joshua Sean Bell (
  Updated: Nov 14, 1994      Copyright (c)  1994       All rights reserved.
   You are free to copy this list for personal use, or to make it available
 for redistribution in its electronic format, provided that:
	(1)  it remains wholly unedited and unmodified,
	(2)  no fee or compensation is charged for copies of or access to
	     this list (save for any download/connect time charges from a
	     commercial online service), and
	(3)  this copyright notice remains attached.
   This list is primarily for personal use and reference.  Therefore, any
 interpretation of canon material is left up to the reader.
  - This list is an expanded version of STAR TREK SHIPS by D. J. Creighton.
  - Only information from "Star Trek", "Star Trek: The Next Generation",
    "Star Trek: Deep Space Nine", the feature films, and the following
    books will be considered for use in this list:
	"Star Trek: The Next Generation Techical Manual"
	"Star Trek Chronology: The History of the Future"
	"The Star Trek Encyclopedia: A Reference Guide to the Future"
  - All notations will be listed with their first appearance in any series.
  - In the case of a discrepancy between the aired and printed sources, the
    information from the on-air source will be considered final.
  - Please feel free to notify us of any corrections and/or suggestions.
  - Updates of this list will be posted monthly (on or around the 13th) and
    are available via anonymous ftp from the following sites: in /pub/usenet/news.answers/star-trek/ships/expanded in startrek/ships.expanded
  * A World Wide Web browsable version of this list can be found at URL:
  * This list is current up to and including:
			DS9 "The Abandoned"
--- BAJORAN ---
Antares Class:
	<Unnamed>               Cruiser         TNG "Ensign Ro"
				Destroyed by Cardassian war ship
Other Class/Type:
	<Unnamed>               Scout           DS9 "Past Prologue"
				Captain Tanna Los
	<Unnamed>               Transport       DS9 "Battle Lines"
	<Unnamed>               ?               DS9 "...Hands of the Prophets"
	<Unnamed>               Assault vessel  DS9 "The Circle"
	<Unnamed>               Assault vessel  DS9 "The Circle"
				Destroyed by Bajoran sub-impulse raider
						DS9 "The Siege"
	<Unnamed>                               DS9 "The Siege"
				Sub-impulse raider
				Crash landed on Bajor
    2 - <Unnamed>               Interceptor     DS9 "Sanctuary"
	<Unnamed>               ?               TNG "Parallels"
				Parallel warring universe
	<Unnamed>               Transport       DS9 "Shadowplay"
	<Unnamed>               Transport       DS9 "The Collaborator"
Galor Class Type 3 (Encyc.):
	Aldara                  War ship        DS9 "Past Prologue"
				Gul Danar       Encyc.
	Trager                  Gul Macet       Encyc., TNG "The Wounded"
	Reklar                  Gul Lemec       Encyc.
						TNG "Chain of Command, Part I"
	V'Tarr                  Gul Evek        TNG "Journey's End"
    2 - <Unnamed>               ?               TNG "Ensign Ro"
	<Unnamed>               Patrol ship     TNG "Lower Decks"
	<Unnamed>               Gul Dukat       DS9 "Emissary"
	<Unnamed>               Gul Jasad       Encyc., DS9 "Emissary"
				Cardassian Guard; 7th Order
    2 - <Unnamed>               ?               DS9 "Emissary"
				Cardassian Guard; 7th Order
    2 - <Unnamed>               ?               DS9 "The Homecoming"
	<Unnamed>               Gul Ocett       Encyc., TNG "The Chase"
	<Unnamed>               ?               TNG "The Chase"
	<Unnamed>               ?               TNG "Parallels"
Hedeki Class:
	<Unnamed>               Patrol ship     DS9 "Tribunal"
				Gul Evek
Unknown Class:
	Bok'Nor                 Freighter       DS9 "The Maquis, Part I"
				Merchantman class design
				Destroyed by impulse overload/sabotage.
	<Unnamed>               War ship        TNG "The Wounded"
				Destroyed by USS Phoenix
	<Unnamed>               Supply ship     TNG "The Wounded"
				Destroyed by USS Phoenix
	<Unnamed>               Shuttle         DS9 "Necessary Evil"
    2 - <Unnamed>               Attack vessels  DS9 "The Maquis, Part I"
				Destroyed by Federation support courier
Ambassador Class (TNG:TM):
	USS Ambassador          NX-10521        TNG:TM
				Not explicitly named in this reference
	USS Adelphi             NCC-26849       Encyc., TNG "Tin Man"
				Captain Darson
	USS Enterprise          NCC-1701-C      Encyc.
						TNG "Yesterday's Enterprise"
				Captain Rachael Garrett
				Lieutenant Richard Castillo
				Destroyed in battle over Norendra III
	USS Excalibur           NCC-26517       Encyc.
						TNG "Redemption, Part II"
				Commander William Riker (temporary)
	USS Gandhi              NCC-26632       Encyc., TNG "Second Chances"
	USS Horatio             NCC-10532       Encyc.
				Captain Walker Keel     TNG "Conspiracy"
				Destroyed by possible sabateurs; debris found
				in Sector 63
	USS Zhukov              NCC-26136       Encyc., TNG "Data's Day"
				Captain Gleason
	<Unnamed>                               DS9 "Emissary"

Antares Class (Encyc.):
	USS Antares             ?               TOS "Charlie X"
				Captain Thomas Ramart
				Destroyed by Charlie Evans
	USS Hermes              NCC-10376       TNG "Redemption, Part II"
Apollo Class (Encyc.):
	USS Agamemnon           NCC-11638       Encyc., TNG "Descent"
	USS Ajax                NCC-11574       Encyc., TNG "Where No One..."
				Captain Noth (yr 2327)
						Encyc., TNG "Tapestry"
	USS Gage                NCC-11672       Encyc.
				Destroyed in Borg encounter at Wolf 359
Bradbury Class (Encyc.):
	USS Bradbury            NX-72307        Encyc., TNG "Me'nage a` Troi"
Challenger Class (Encyc.):
	USS Buran               NCC-57580       Encyc.
				Destroyed in Borg encounter at Wolf 359
Constellation Class:
	USS Constellation       NCC-1974        Encyc.
				(Second ship with this name)
	USS Gettysburg          NCC-3890        Encyc.
						TNG "Too Short a Season"
	USS Hathaway            NCC-2593        TNG "Peak Performance"
				Abandoned and later recovered
				Cmdr William Riker
	USS Magellan            NCC-3069        Encyc.
				Captain Conklin TNG "Starship Mine"
	USS Stargazer           NCC-2893        TNG "The Battle"
				Captain Jean-Luc Picard
				Recovered after its abandonment
	USS Victory             NCC-9754        TNG "Elementary, Dear Data"
				Captain Zimbata
Constitution Class:
	USS Constellation       NCC-1017        TOS "The Doomsday Machine"
				Commodore Matthew Decker
				Destroyed by doomsday machine
	USS Constitution        NCC-1700        Encyc., TOS "Court Martial"
				(identified by wall status display)
	USS Defiant             NCC-1764        Encyc., TOS "The Tholian Web"
				Lost in dimensional rift
	USS Enterprise          NCC-1701        TOS - All
				Captain Robert April    Chron.
				* Refit *       Chron.
				Captain Christoper Pike TOS "The Cage"
				Captain James T. Kirk
	USS Excalibur           NCC-1664        Encyc., TOS "Court Martial"
				(identified by wall status display)
				Captain Harris  TOS "The Ultimate Computer"
	USS Exeter              NCC-1672        Encyc., TOS "Court Martial"
				(identified by wall status display)
				Captain Ronald Tracey   TOS "The Omega Glory"
				Abandoned in orbit around Omega IV
	USS Farragut            NCC-1647        Encyc.
				Captain Garrovick       TOS "Obsession"
	USS Hood                NCC-1703        Encyc., TOS "Court Martial"
				(identified by wall status display)
						TOS "The Ultimate Computer"
	USS Intrepid            NCC-1831        Encyc., TOS "Court-Martial"
				Vulcan crew; destroyed by 'amoeba' creature
						TOS "The Immunity Syndrome"
	USS Lexington           NCC-1709        Encyc.
						TOS "The Ultimate Computer"
				Commodore Bob Wesley
	USS Potemkin            NCC-1657        Encyc.
						TOS "The Ultimate Computer"
	USS Republic            NCC-1371        Encyc., TOS "Court Martial"
	USS Yorktown            NCC-1717        Encyc., TOS "Obsession"
				Recommissioned as USS Enterprise, NCC-1701-A
Constitution Class: [ Refit ]
	USS Eagle               NCC-956         Encyc.
	USS Enterprise          NCC-1701        ST:TMP
				Captain William Decker
				Admiral James T. Kirk
				Captain Spock
				Stolen and destroyed over Genesis
	USS Enterprise          NCC-1701-A      ST IV:TVH
				(identified this class in ST VI:TUC)
				Captain James T. Kirk
Daedalus Class:
	USS Archon              NCC-189         Encyc.
						TOS "Return of the Archons"
				Destroyed by Landru
	USS Essex               NCC-173         TNG "Power Play"
				Captain Brythe Shumar
				Presumed lost over 200 yrs ago
				Later found crashed on moon of Mab-Bu VI
	USS Horizon             NCC-176         Encyc.
						TOS "A Piece of the Action"
Danube Class Runabouts (Encyc.):
	USS Ganges              NCC-72454       Encyc., DS9 "Emissary"
				Destroyed by T'Lani Cruiser
						DS9 "Armageddon Game"
	USS Mekong              ?               DS9 "Whispers"
	USS Orinoco             NCC-72905       Encyc., DS9 "The Siege"
	USS Rio Grande          NCC-72452       DS9 "Emissary"
				(verified registry in DS9 "Paradise")
	USS Yangtzee Kiang      NCC-79453       Encyc., DS9 "Emissary"
				Crash landed on unnamed moon, Gamma Quadrant
						DS9 "Battle Lines"
	<Unnamed>               ?               TNG "Timescape"
Defiant Type:
	USS Defiant             NX-74205        DS9 "The Search, Part I"
				Escort vessel/Warship prototype
Deneva Class (Encyc.):
	USS LaSalle             NCC-6203        Encyc., TNG "Reunion"
Excelsior Class (Encyc.):
	USS Berlin              NCC-14232       Encyc., TNG "Angel One"
	USS Cairo               NCC-42136       Encyc.
						TNG "Chain of Command, Part I"
				Captain Edward Jellico
	USS Charleston          NCC-42285       Encyc., TNG "The Neutral Zone"
	USS Crazy Horse         NCC-50446       Encyc., TNG "Descent"
				(visual identification in TNG "The Pegasus")
	USS Enterprise          NCC-1701-B      TNG 
				(identified by wall model in conference room)
	USS Excelsior           NX-2000         ST III:TSFS
				Captain Styles
				NCC-2000        ST VI:TUC
				Captain Hikaru Sulu
	USS Fearless            NCC-14598       Encyc., TNG "Where No One..."
	USS Gorkon              NCC-40521       Encyc., TNG "Descent"
				Admiral Nachayev
	USS Hood                NCC-42296       Encyc.
						TNG "Encounter at Farpoint"
				Captain Robert DeSoto
						TNG "Tin Man"
	USS Intrepid            NCC-38907       Encyc., TNG "Family"
	USS Melbourne           NCC-3184/3194?  TNG "11001001"
				Destroyed in Borg encounter at Wolf 359
				(identified type/registry in DS9 "Emissary")
	USS Potemkin            NCC-8253        Encyc., TNG "Legacy"
				(visual identification in TNG "Ethics")
	USS Repulse             NCC-2544        TNG "The Child"
				Captain Taggert TNG "Unnatural Selection"
	<Unnamed>               ?               TNG "The Offspring"
	<Unnamed>               ?               TNG "The Drumhead"
Galaxy Class:
	USS Enterprise          NCC-1701-D      TNG - All
				Captain Jean-Luc Picard
				Destroyed by antimatter containment failure in
				independent timeline
						TNG "All Good Things..."
				Destroyed in alternate timeline
						TNG "Time Squared"
				Captain William T. Riker (field promotion)
						TNG "The Best of Both Worlds"
				Destroyed in collision with USS Bozeman in
				alternate timeline/loop
						TNG "Cause and Effect"
				Captain Edward Jellico
						TNG "Chain of Command, Part I"
				Captain Jean-Luc Picard
						TNG "Chain of Command, Part II"
				Captain Thomas Holloway (alternate timeline)
						TNG "Tapestry"
				Destroyed by energy feedback (alt. timeline)
						TNG "Timescape"
				Destroyed by antimatter containment failure in
				independent timeline
						TNG "All Good Things..."
285K+ - USS Enterprise          Captain William T. Riker (various)
				Parallel universe vessels
				One Enterprise destroyed by Enterprise-proper.
						TNG "Parallels"
	USS Galaxy              NX-70637        TNG:TM
	USS Odyssey             NCC-71020 (?)   DS9 "The Jem'Hadar"
				Captain Keogh
				Rammed and destroyed by Jem'Hadar vessel
	USS Yamato              NCC-1305-E      TNG "Where Silence Has Lease"
				NCC-71807       TNG "Contagion"
				(second NCC number visible on saucer section;
				Encyc. states this as a production error)
				Captain Donald Varley
				Destroyed by computer virus from alien probe
Galaxy Class: [ Refit ]
	USS Enterprise          NCC-1701-D      TNG "All Good Things..."
				Admiral William T. Riker
				(25 yrs after Stardate 47988)
				Destroyed by antimatter containment failure in
				independent timeline
Hope Class (25 yrs after Stardate 47988):
	USS Pasteur             NCC-58928       TNG "All Good Things..."
						TNG "Journey's End" (preview)
				Captain Beverly Picard
				Destroyed by warp core breach
Hokule'a Class (Encyc.):
	USS Tripoli             NCC-19386       Encyc., TNG "Datalore"
				Decommissioned  Encyc.
Istanbul Class (Encyc.):
	USS Constantinople      NCC-34852       Encyc., TNG "The Schizoid Man"
				Transport ship
Korolev Class (Encyc):
	USS Goddard             NCC-59621       Encyc.
						TNG "The Vengeance Factor"
Maquis Type:
	<Unnamed>               ?               DS9 "The Maquis, Part I"
				Federation Merchant vessel
	<Unnamed>               ?               DS9 "The Maquis, Part I"
				Modified support courier
    2 - <Unnamed>               Federation      DS9 "The Maquis, Part II"
				Possible short range fighters
    9 - <Unnamed>               ?               TNG "Preemptive Strike"
	<Unnamed>               ?               TNG "Preemptive Strike"
				Ro Laren, pilot
				Abandoned; recovered by USS Enterprise
Mediterranean Class (Encyc.):
	USS Lalo                NCC-43837       TNG "We'll Always Have Paris"
				Freight ship    TNG "The Best of..., Part II"
				Missing after Borg encounter; presumed lost
Merced Class (Encyc.):
	USS Trieste             NCC-37124       Encyc., TNG "11001001"
Miranda Class (Encyc.):
	USS Reliant             NCC-1864        ST II:TWOK
				Captain Clark Terrel
				Destroyed in detonation of Genesis device
	USS Saratoga            NCC-1867        Encyc., ST IV:TVH
Miranda Class [ Refit I ] (Encyc.):
	USS Brittain            NCC-21166       Encyc., TNG "Night Terrors"
				Found adrift in a Tychon's Rift
				(identified verbally and through Encyc. as
				being the "USS Brattain"; model mislabelled)
	USS Lantree             NCC-1837        Encyc.
				Class 6 Supply  TNG "Unnatural Selection"
				Captain L. Iso Tolaka
				Destroyed to prevent spread of DNA virus
Miranda Class [ Refit II ] (Encyc.):
	USS Saratoga            NCC-31911       Encyc., DS9 "Emissary"
				Destroyed in Borg encounter at Wolf 359
	USS Tian Nan Men        NCC-21382       Encyc.
						TNG "Redemption, Part II"
Nebula Class:
	USS Bellerephon         ?               Encyc., DS9 "Emissary"
				Destroyed in Borg encounter at Wolf 359
	USS Endeavour           NCC-71805       Encyc.
						TNG "Redemption, Part II"
	USS Merrimac            NCC-61827       Encyc., TNG "Sarek"
	USS Monitor             NCC-61826       Encyc., TNG "The Defector"
	USS Phoenix             NCC-65420       TNG "The Wounded"
				Captain Benjamin Maxwell
	USS Prometheus          NCC-71201       DS9 "Second Sight"
				Host to Prof. Gideon Seyetik
	USS Sutherland          NCC-72015       Encyc.
				Lieutenant Commander Data (temporary)
						TNG "Redemption, Part II"
New Orleans Class (Encyc.):
	USS Kyushu              NCC-43837       Encyc.
						TNG "The Best of..., Part II"
				Destroyed in Borg encounter at Wolf 359
	USS Renegade            NCC-63102       Encyc.
				Frigate         TNG "Conspiracy"
				Captain Tryla Scott
	USS Rutledge            NCC-57295       Encyc., TNG "The Wounded"
				Captain Benjamin Maxwell (previous commander)
	USS Thomas Paine        NCC-65530       Encyc.
				Frigate         TNG "Conspiracy"
				Captain Rixx
Niagara Class (Encyc.):
	USS Wellington          NCC-28473       Encyc., TNG "11001001"
Oberth Class (TNG:TM):
	USS Biko                Supply ship     TNG: "A Fistful of Datas"
	USS Cochrane            NCC-59318       Encyc., DS9 "Emissary"
	USS Copernicus          NCC-623         Encyc., ST IV:TVH
	USS Grissom             NCC-638         Encyc., ST III:TSFS
				Captain J.T. Esteban
				Destroyed by Klingon Bird of Prey over Genesis
	USS Grissom             NCC-59314       Encyc., TNG "The Most Toys"
	USS Pegasus             NCC-53847       Encyc., TNG "The Pegasus"
				Captain Eric Pressman
				Prototype phased-cloaking vessel
				Presumed destroyed by warp core breach 12 yrs
				ago; later located inside Asteroid Gamma 6-0-1
				in the Devolin System
	USS Tsiolkovsky         NCC-53911       Encyc., TNG "The Naked Now"
				Destroyed by exploding star fragment
	SS Viko                 NAR-18834       Encyc., TNG "Hero Worship"
				Research vessel; non-Starfleet
				Destroyed in Black Cluster
	USS Yosemite            NCC-19002       Encyc., TNG "Realm of Fear"
				Trapped in solar plasma stream.
	<Unnamed>               ?               TNG "The Drumhead"
	<Unnamed>               ?               TNG "The Game"
	<Unnamed>               ?               DS9 "Emissary"
				Destroyed in Borg encounter at Wolf 359
Renaissance Class (Encyc.):
	USS Aries               NCC-45167       Encyc., TNG "The Icarus Factor"
	USS Hornet              NCC-10532       Encyc.
						TNG "Redemption, Part II"
Rigel Class (Encyc.):
	USS Akagi               NCC-62158       Encyc.
						TNG "Redemption, Part II"
	USS Tolstoy             NCC-62095       Encyc.
						TNG "The Best of..., Part II"
				Destroyed in Borg encounter at Wolf 359
Soyuz Class:
	USS Bozeman             NCC-1941        TNG "Cause and Effect"
				Captain Morgan Bateson
				Appeared from space-time distortion (yr 2278)
Surak Class (Encyc.):
	USS Zapata              NCC-33184       Encyc.
Sydney Class:
	USS Jenolen             NCC-2010        TNG "Relics"
				Transport ship
				Reported missing 75 yrs ago (this yr 2364)
				(Encyc. identifies this yr as 2369)
				Destroyed by Enterprise in Dyson sphere escape 
	<Unnamed>               Transport ship  Encyc., ST VI:TUC
				Call sign: SD103
	<Unnamed>               Transport       DS9 "Playing God"
Wambundu Class (Encyc.):
	USS Drake               NCC-20381       Encyc.
				Light Cruiser   TNG "The Arsenal of Freedom"
				Captain Paul Rice
				Destroyed by automated defence system on Minos
Yorkshire Class (Encyc.):
	USS Denver              NCC-54927       Encyc.
				Transport ship  TNG "Ethics"
				Struck gravitic mine; presumed abandoned
Shuttles (original):
	Columbus                NCC-1701'2      TOS "The Galileo Seven"
	Copernicus              ?               TOS "The Galileo Seven"
	Galileo                 NCC-1701'7      TOS "The Galileo Seven"
				Destroyed over Taurus II
	Galileo II              NCC-1701'7      TOS "The Way to Eden"
	<Unnamed>               ?               TOS "Let That Be Your Last..."
				Stolen from Starbase 4
	<Unnamed>               ?               TOS "Metamorphosis"
				Owner: Zephram Cochrane
	<Unnamed>               ?               TOS "The Menagerie"
    4 - <Unnamed>               ?               TOS "The Omega Glory"
				Abandoned in the USS Exeter's shuttlebay
Shuttles (angular style):
	Copernicus              #3              ST V:TFF
				Damaged and abandoned on "Sha-Ka-Ree"
	Galileo                 #5              ST V:TFF
Shuttles (TNG:TM) [ visual identification required ]:
	<Unnamed>               #2              TNG "Samaritan Snare"
	<Unnamed>               #4              TNG "The Next Phase"
	<Unnamed>               ?               TNG "The Next Phase"
	<Unnamed>               ?               TNG "Power Play"
				Crash landed/abandoned on moon of Mab-Bu VI
	<Unnamed>               ?               TNG "True Q"
	<Unnamed>               RS-47           TNG "Aquiel"
				Shuttle from Communication Relay Station 47
Personnel Shuttle Type 6 (TNG:TM):
	Currie                  ?               TNG "Parallels"
				"Stolen" by Cardassian agent
	Fermi                   ?               TNG "True Q"
	Feynman                 ?               TNG "Chain of Command, Part I"
	Goddard                 ?               TNG "Relics"
				Given to Captain Montgommery Scott
	Justman                 #3              TNG "Suspicions"
	Magellan                #15             TNG "The Outcast"
				Destroyed in Null Space pocket
	Sakharov                #1              TNG "Unnatural Selection"
	<Unnamed>               ?               TNG "Genesis"
Shuttlepod Type 15 (TNG:TM):
	Cousteau                ?               TNG "Identity Crisis"
				Shuttle from USS Aries
	El-Baz                  #5              TNG "Time Squared"
	Onizuka                 #5              TNG "The Ensigns of Command"
	Onizuka                 #7              TNG "Mind's Eye"
	Pike                    #12             TNG "The Most Toys"
	Voltaire                #3              ST Encyclopedia
				Destroyed in Mar Oscura nebula
						TNG "In Theory"
	<Unnamed>               #9              TNG "The Price"
Personnel Shuttle Type 7 (TNG:TM):
	Hawking                 ?               TNG "The Host"
	<Unnamed>               #5              TNG "The Nth Degree"
	<Unnamed>               #6              TNG "Coming of Age"
	<Unnamed>               #10             TNG "The Child"
				Shuttle from USS Repulse
	<Unnamed>               #13             TNG "Skin of Evil"
				Crashed on Vegra II
	<Unnamed>               ?               TNG "Q Who"
	<Unnamed>               ?               TNG "Identity Crisis"
				Destroyed in Tiarchanon atmosphere
	<Unnamed>               ?               TNG "The Best of..., Part II"
Dock / Spacestation Shuttles:
	<Unnamed>               ?               ST:TMP
    2 - <Unnamed>               Work Bee        ST:TMP
	<Unnamed>               #5 (Travel Pod) ST:TMP
	<Unnamed>               #5 (Travel Pod) ST II:TWOK
	<Unnamed>               #6              ST III:TSFS
	<Unnamed>               #5 (Travel Pod) ST IV:TVH
Shuttles (various):
	Surak                   Warp shuttle    ST:TMP
	<Unammed>               ?               DS9 "The Search, Part I"
				Shuttle from USS Defiant
Other Class/Type:
	USS Arcos               Freighter       TNG "Legacy"
				Destroyed by warp core breach
	SS Artemis              Colony ship     Encyc.
						TNG "The Ensigns of Command"
	SS Botany Bay           DY-100 Class    TOS "Space Seed"
				Sleeper ship
				Stripped and placed on Ceti Alpha V
	USS Carolina            Freighter       TOS "Friday's Child"
	SS Columbia             Survey Vessel   TOS "The Cage"
				Crashed on Talos IV
	USS Columbia            NCC-621         ST:TMP
	USS Discovery           ?               TOS "The Squire of Gothos"
	USS Entente             NCC-21249       ST:TMP
	USS Fleming             Med. transport  TNG "Force of Nature"
				Abandoned in Hekarus Corr.; presumed destroyed
	Kobayashi Maru          Simulation      ST II:TWOK
				Class III Neutronic Fuel Carrier
				Registration: Amber, Tau Ceti IV
				Captain Kojiro Vance
	SS Mariposa             DY-500 Class    TNG "Up the Long Ladder"
				Captain Walker Granger
	SS Odin                 NGL-12535       Encyc.
				Freighter       TNG "Angel One"
				Disabled and abandoned by crew
	USS Raman               NCC-25487 (?)   TNG "Interface"
				Science vessel
	USS Revere              NCC-595         ST:TMP
	SS Valiant              Survey Vessel   Encyc., TOS "Where No Man..."
				Self-destruction by order of captain.
	SS Woden                Freighter       TOS "The Ultimate Computer"
	<Unnamed>               Class J Cargo   TOS "Mudd's Women"
				Destroyed in asteroid field
    3 - <Unnamed>               SR Fighter      TNG "The Best of..., Part II"
				Destroyed outside Mars Defence Perimeter
    5 - <Unnamed>               Nova Squadron   TNG "The First Duty"
				Precision Flying Craft
				Destroyed in attempt of Kolvord Starburst 
NOTE: SR = Short Range
Unknown Class/Type:
	USS Aurora              ?               TOS "The Way to Eden"
				Destroyed by dissenters
	SS Beagle               ?               TOS "Bread and Circuses"
				Captain R.M. Merik
				Intentionally destroyed on planet 892 IV
	USS Clement             ?               TNG "Lower Decks"
	USS Concord             ?               TNG "All Good Things..."
	USS Constellation       ?               DS9 "The Abandoned"
	USS Crocket             ?               DS9 "Paradise"
	SS Diedre               ?               TOS "Friday's Child"
	USS Hera                ?               TNG "Interface"
				Captain Silva LaForge
				Missing; presumed lost
	USS Kyesach             ?               TNG "Firstborn"
	USS Lexington           ?               TNG "Thyne Own Self"
	USS Livingston          ?               DS9 "Invasive Procedures"
	USS Novel               ?               TNG "Interface"
	USS Prokofiev           ?               DS9 "Tribunal"
	USS Shika Maru          ?               TNG "Darmok"
				Captain Sylvester
	USS Val-de-Marne        ?               DS9 "Tribunal"
	USS Valiant             NCC-1223        Encyc.
						TOS "A Taste of Armageddon"
				Missing in space some 50 yrs ago after first
				contact with Eminiar VII
	USS Yorktown            ?               TNG "All Good Things..."
				(25 yrs after Stardate 47988)
	<Unnamed>               NCC-1631        TOS "Court Martial"
				(identified by wall status display)
	<Unnamed>               NCC-1665        TOS "Court Martial"
				(identified by wall status display)
	<Unnamed>               NCC-1667        TOS "Court Martial"
				(identified by wall status display)
	<Unnamed>               NCC-1705        TOS "Court Martial"
				(identified by wall status display)
	<Unnamed>               NCC-1710        TOS "Court Martial"
				(identified by wall status display)
    2 - <Unnamed>               ?               TNG "11001001"
	<Unnamed>               Class IX Probe  TNG "The Emissary"
				Modified with life support systems
B'rel Class (Klingon Bird of Prey):
	<Unnamed>               Daimon Lorin    TNG "Rascals"
				Renegade Ferengi ship
				Captured by the USS Enterprise
	<Unnamed>               ?               TNG "Rascals"
				Renegade Ferengi ship
				Captured by the USS Enterprise
D'Kora Class (Encyc.):
	Krayton                 DaiMon Tog      TNG "Me'nage a` Troi"
	Kreechta                Daimon Bractor  Encyc., TNG "Peak Performance"
	<Unnamed>               Transport ship  TNG "Force of Nature"
	<Unnamed>               DaiMon Taar     Encyc., TNG "The Last Outpost"
	<Unnamed>               DaiMon Bok      TNG "The Battle"
Ferengi Pod (Encyc):
	<Unnamed>               Shuttle         TNG "The Price"
				Lost via wormhole in Delta Quadrant
	<Unnamed>               Shuttle         TNG "The Perfect Mate"
				Self-sabotaged containment failure
	<Unnamed>               Nagus' ship     DS9 "Rules of Acquisition"
Unknown Class/Type:
	<Unnamed>               ?               TNG "Descent"
				Trading ship
	<Unnamed>               DaiMon Goss     TNG "The Price"
B'rel Class (Encyc.):
	<Unnamed>/HMS Bounty    Scout Class     ST III:TSFS
				Captain Kruge
				Admiral James T. Kirk
				Crash-landed in San Fransisco Bay, Earth
	<Unnamed>               Captain Klaa    ST V:TFF
	<Unnamed>               Advance Scout   TNG "Yesterday's Enterprise"
D7 Class (Encyc.):
	<Unnamed>               Captain Kang    TOS "The Day of the Dove"
	<Unnamed>               ?               TOS "Elaan of Troyius"
	<Unnamed>               Captain Koloth  TOS "The Trouble With Tribbles"
	<Unnamed>               Commander Kor   TOS "Errand of Mercy"
K'T'inga Class (Encyc.):
	IKC Amar                ?               ST:TMP
				Destroyed by V'ger
	IKC T'Ong               Captain K'Temoc TNG "The Emissary"
				Found after extended dormancy
	IKC T'Acog              Cruiser         Encyc., TNG "Heart of Glory"
				Destroyed by renegade Klingons
	Qo'nos One              Battle Cruiser  Encyc., ST VI:TUC
				Chancellor Gorkon
    2 - <Unnamed>               ?               ST:TMP
				Destroyed by V'ger
    3 - <Unnamed>               ?               ST II:TWOK
K'Vort Class:
	IKC Pagh                Cruiser         Encyc., TNG "A Matter of Honor"
				Captain Kargan
	<Unnamed>               ?               TNG "Yesterday's Enterprise"
				Destroyed in battle with the Enterprise-D
    2 - <Unnamed>               ?               TNG "Yesterday's Enterprise"
T'Rann Class shuttlecraft:
	<Unnamed>               Captain Koral   TNG "Gambit, Part II"
Vor'cha Class (Encyc.):
	IKC Bortas              Captain Gowron  TNG "Redemption"
	IKC Maht-H'a            ?               Encyc., TNG "The Chase"
	Qu'vat                  Commander Morag Encyc., TNG "Aquiel"
	Tolkaht                 Captain Telpa   DS9 "Dramatis Personae"
				Destroyed (bomb placed near reactor core)
	<Unnamed>               Captain K'mpec  TNG "Reunion"
	<Unnamed>               ?               TNG "Mind's Eye"
	<Unnamed>               Governer Torak  TNG "Aquiel"
    2 - <Unnamed>               ?               DS9 "Crossover"
				Mirror universe Association ships
Bird of Prey Type:
	IKC Barruc              Captain Gowron  TNG "Reunion"
	Hegh'ta                 Captain Kurn    TNG "Redemption"
	IKC Vorn                Captain Duras   TNG "Reunion"
    2 - <Unnamed>               Warship         TNG "The Defector"
    2 - <Unnamed>               ?               TNG "Mind's Eye"
	<Unnamed>               ?               TNG "Redemption"
				Destroyed by IKC Bortas
	<Unnamed>               ?               TNG "Redemption"
    2 - <Unnamed>               ?               TNG "Redemption, Part II"
				Destroyed in battle with the Hegh'ta
	<Unnamed>               Prototype       ST VI:TUC
				General Chang
				Destroyed by Enterprise and Excelsior
	<Unnamed>               ?               DS9 "Past Prologue"
	<Unnamed>               ?               DS9 "Blood Oath"
Unknown Class/Type:
	IKC Prang               Crusier         TNG "The Emissary"
	<Unnamed>               ? Scout         TOS "Friday's Child"
	<Unnamed>               Cruiser         TNG "The Royale"
	<Unnamed>               Freighter       DS9 "The Maquis, Part I"
    2 - <Unnamed>               ?               TNG "All Good Things..."
				One destroyed by USS Enterprise
				(25 yrs after Stardate 47988)
NOTE: IKC = Imperial Klingon Cruiser
Bird of Prey:
	<Unnamed>               ?               TOS "Balance of Terror"
	<Unnamed>               ?               TOS "The Deadly Years"
D-7 Cruiser Type(Klingon):
    3 - <Unnamed>               ?               TOS "The Enterprise Incident"
D'deridex Class [ B-Type ] (Encyc.):
	Decius                  Admiral Picard  TNG "Future Imperfect"
	Devoras                 Admiral Mendak  Encyc., TNG "Data's Day"
	Haakona                 Sub Cmdr Taris  Encyc., TNG "Contagion"
	IRW Khazara             Cmdr Toreth     Encyc., TNG "Face of the Enemy"
	Terex                   Cmdr Sirol      TNG "The Pegasus"
				Cmdr Tomalak    TNG "All Good Things..."
				(25 yrs after Stardate 47988)
	<Unnamed>               ?               TNG "Tin Man"
				Destroyed by Gomtuu
	<Unnamed>               ?               TNG "Tin Man"
	<Unnamed>               ?               TNG "The Neutral Zone"
	<Unnamed>               Illusionary     TNG "Where Silence Has Lease"
	<Unnamed>               ?               TNG "The Enemy"
	<Unnamed>               ?               TNG "The Enemy"
	<Unnamed>               Cmdr Tomalak    TNG "The Enemy"
	<Unnamed>               ?               TNG "Data's Day"
	<Unnamed>               ?               TNG "Mind's Eye"
	<Unnamed>               ?               TNG "Timescape"
	<Unnamed>               ?               TNG "Unification II"
Scout Type:
	Pi                      ?               Encyc., TNG "The Enemy"
				Crashed, unseen.
	<Unnamed>               Admiral Jarok   TNG "The Defector"
				Destroyed in self-detonation
	<Unnamed>               ?               TNG "The Next Phase"
				Science vessel
Unknown Class:
	<Unnamed>               ?               TNG "Sins of the Father"
    4 - <Unnamed>               Warbirds        TNG "Yesterday's Enterprise"
	Gasgo                   ?               DS9 "Paradise"
    4 - <Unnamed>               Vulcan vessels  TNG "Unification II"
				Destroyed by Warbird
NOTE: IRW = Imperial Romulan Warbird
--- OTHERS ---
Ships By Name:
	Akina           "Cargo ship"            DS9 "Invasive Procedures"
			Rogue terrorist ship
	Batris          Antares Class           Encyc.
			Talarian Freighter      TNG "Heart of Glory"
			Destroyed after sustaining severe damage
	Dorian          Captain Talmit          TNG "Man of the People"
			Transport ship
	ISS Enterpise   Captain James T. Kirk   TOS "Mirror, Mirror"
			Federation Empire ship from mirror universe
	Erstwhile       Cargo Carrier Class 9   TNG "The Outrageous Okona"
			Captain Okona
	Fesarius        ?                       TOS "The Corbomite Maneuver"
			First Federation Flagship
	Gomtuu          Living space vessel     Encyc., TNG "Tin Man"
	Jovis           Zabaylian Tradeship     TNG "The Most Toys"
			Captain Kivas Fajo
	Kalondin        Kressari ship           DS9 "The Circle"
	Kamair          Talarian warship        TNG "Suddenly Human"
			Captain Endar
	Kalisco         Cargo ship              TNG "Silicon Avatar"
			Destroyed by Crystaline Entity
	Malad           Transport ship          TNG "New Ground"
	Mondor          Antares Class           Encyc., TNG "Samaritan Snare"
			Pakled ship
	Nanut           Tygarian freighter      DS9 "The Homecoming"
	Nenebec         Mining shuttle          Encyc., TNG "Final Mission"
			Captain Dirgo
			Crash landed on Lambda Paz
	Norkova         Freighter ship          Encyc., DS9 "The Passenger"
			12 member crew
	Q'Maire         Talarian Warship        TNG "Suddenly Human"
	Rak-Miunis      Kobheerian freighter    Encyc., DS9 "Duet"
	Rayat           Kobliad Transport ship  DS9 "The Passenger"
	Sanction        Onaran Freighter        TNG "Symbiosis"
	Santa Maria     Erewhon Class           DS9 "Paradise"
			Personnel transport
			Crash landed on planet in Orelious Minor system
	Sherval Das     Valerian Transport      Encyc., DS9 "Dramatis Personae"
	Taris Murn      J'naii shuttle          Encyc., TNG "The Outcast"
			Abandoned in Null Space pocket
	T'Pau           Vulcan ship             TNG "Unification"
	T'vran          Vulcan ship             Encyc., DS9 "Vortex"
	V'ger           Voyager Probe           ST:TMP
			Presumed destroyed in evolution of higher life form
	Yonada          Asteroid ship           TOS "For the World..."
Ships By Race:
	Alean           Transport               TNG "The Chase"
	Andorian        Transport               DS9 "Rules of Acquisition"
	Angosian        Transport vessel        TNG "The Hunted"
			Destroyed in escape attempts by prison inmate 
	Angosian        Security Transport      TNG "The Hunted"
	Atlec           Class 7 Interplanetary  TNG "The Outrageous Okona"
	Bartesian       Merchantship            DS9 "The Maquis, Part I"
	Bolian          Freighter               DS9 "Whispers"
	Bolian          Transport               DS9 "The Maquis, Part I"
	Bolian          Freighter               DS9 "Tribunal"
	Borg            Cube; scout; crew of 5  TNG "I Borg"
			Crash landed on moon within Argolis Cluster
	Borg            Cube; scout             TNG "I Borg"
	Borg            Cube                    TNG "Q Who"
	Borg            Cube                    TNG "The Best of Both Worlds"
			Power overload caused self-destrution in Earth orbit
	Borg            Ship of a new design    TNG "Descent"
	Boslik          Freighter               DS9 "The Homecoming"
	Corvallen       Antares Class Freighter TNG "Face of the Enemy"
			Destroyed by IRW Kazara in Kaleb Sector
	Costalane ship  Diplomatic              TNG "Cost of Living"
    3 - Fernalian       Science vessel          DS9 "Emissary"
			Talarian design
	Galador         Freighter               DS9 "The Maquis, Part I"
	Galipiton       Freighter               DS9 "The Wire"
	Gorn                                    TOS "Arena"
	Hekaran                                 TNG "Force of Nature"
	Husnakk         Warship; Illusionary    TNG "The Survivors"
    2 - Kalon           Starship                TNG "Half a Life"
	Katarian                                TNG "The Game"
	Klaestronian                            DS9 "Dax"
	Kotakian                                DS9 "The Maquis, Part I"
	Kovarian        Freighter               DS9 "The House of Quark"
	Lyaaran         Shuttle; crash landed   TNG "Liaisons"
	Lysian          Destroyer               Encyc., TNG "Conundrum"
			Destroyed by USS Enterprise
    7 - Lysian          Sentry Pod              Encyc., TNG "Conundrum"
			Destroyed by USS Enterprise
			(47 in total, all presumed destroyed)
	Miradorn ship   Theta Class             DS9 "Vortex"
			Captain Arkel
			Destroyed by igniting Tomair field in Chalmra Vortex
	Orion           Scout; self-destructed  TOS "Journey to Babel"
	Promellian      Battle cruiser          TNG "Booby Trap"
			Destroyed by USS Enterprise
    2 - Rekok           Battle cruiser          TNG "Man of the People"
	Satarran        Pilot: "Keran MacDuff"  TNG "Conundrum"
			Destroyed; possible self-destruction
	Sheliak                                 TNG "The Ensigns of Command"
	Skrreean        Emigrant ship           DS9 "Sanctuary"
			Stolen; destroyed by Bajoran Interceptors
 100s - Skrreean        Emigrant ship           DS9 "Sanctuary"
	Straleb         Security ship           TNG "The Outrageous Okona"
			Class 7 Interplanetary
	Suffite         Freighter               DS9 "The Homecoming"
	T'Lani          Cruiser                 DS9 "Armageddon Game"
			Talarian Design
	Taask                                   DS9 "Captive Persuit"
	Taask           Hunter                  DS9 "Captive Persuit"
	Talarian        Observation Craft       TNG "Suddenly Human"
	Talarian        Warship                 TNG "Suddenly Human"
	Tamarian        Captain Dathon          TNG "Darmok"
	Tarellian                               TNG "Haven"
	Tarellian       Cargo freighter         TNG "Liaisons"
			Crash landed
	Teldarian       Cruiser                 TNG "Mind's Eye"
	Tellerite       Freighter               DS9 "Shadowplay"
    2 - Tholian                                 TOS "The Tholian Web"
	Valtese         Chancellor Alrik        TNG "The Perfect Mate"
	Veneban         Transport               DS9 "Vortex"
	Vergillian      Freighter               DS9 "Vortex"
	Vulcan                                  TNG "The Chase"
	Waddi                                   DS9 "Move Along Home"
	Xepolite        Freighter               DS9 "The Maquis, Part II"
			Headman Droofu Awa
	Yridian         Warp-capable tradeship  TNG "Birthright, Part I"
	Yridian         Destroyer               TNG "The Chase"
			Destroyed by USS Enterprise
	Yridian         Freighter               TNG "Firstborn"
	Zalconian       Commander Sunad         TNG "Transfigurations"
	Farpoint "ship" Elasamorph being        TNG "Encounter at Farpoint"
	Gatherer's ship Pakled design           TNG "The Vengeance Factor"
	Lazarus' ship                           TOS "The Alternative Factor"
	Merchantship    Merchantman class       ST III:TSFS
			Destroyed by Klingon Bird of Prey
	Doomsday Machine                        TOS "The Doomsday Machine"
			Deactivated by destruction of USS Constellation
	Ion Drive ship                          TOS "Spock's Brain"
	<Unnamed>       Scout type              TOS "The Corbomite Maneuver"
			First Federation vessel
	<Unnamed>       Sublight Freighter      TNG "Final Mission"
			Radioactive Waste Product ship
	<Unnamed>       Jovis escape pod        TNG "The Most Toys"
	<Unnamed>       Time pod (26th Century) TNG "A Matter of Time"
	<Unnamed>       Captain Jaheel          DS9 "Babel"
			Destroyed by containment field breach
	<Unnamed>       Mercenary ship          TNG "Gambit, Part I"
			Maquis Type (?)
	<Unnamed>       Black combat vessel     TNG "Unification"
			Jovis design
			Destroyed by USS Enterprise
	<Unnamed>       Mulzirak transport      Encyc., DS9 "Q-Less"
    2 - <Unnamed>       Jem'Hadar vessel        DS9 "The Jem'Hadar"
	<Unnamed>       Jem'Hadar vessel        DS9 "The Jem'Hadar"
			Destroyed by ramming USS Odyssey
    7 - <Unnamed>       Jem'Hadar warship       DS9 "The Search, Part I"
	<Unnamed>       Jem'Hadar warship       DS9 "The Search, Part I"
			Destroyed by USS Defiant

From: (D. Joseph Creighton)
Newsgroups: rec.arts.startrek.misc,, rec.answers, news.answers
Archive-name: star-trek/ships/expanded
Last-modified: Nov 14, 1994

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