VE2HAR > MT63 17.03.05 17:38l 185 Lines 6348 Bytes #-7295 (0) @ WW
Subj: Re: [MT63] High-speed HF Modem
Sent: 050317/1614z @:VE2HAR.#MTL.QC.CAN.NOAM Laval #:43373 $:12347sentto
> I agree that emergency services needs a high speed , robust HF data mode,
> not requiring specialized modems to operate.
> As an designer and operator of a communications, command and control unit ,
> I disagree with your choice of software, since a computer in these untis has
> to do more than act as a data terminal. Other requirements for that computer
> would be for mapping software, word processing, VHF packet, and the like.
> We have used all of those on our emergency deployments in the past.
I sure that your experience is good and I too have been designing and operating
C3 units since 1989 and each use is quite different...mainly for the USAF, MARS,
NDMS and local ARES operations.
> Most volunteer operators would be familiar with Windows, which would make it
> one less thing to train on. It is easy to find operators who use the
> popular software such as Word, on a regular basis.
One of the popular considerations is that you use volunteer operators which is
true; however, in all the situations I encounter, we don't allow individuals
without training and actual operational experience operate these C3 units...so
what computer operating system, computer or radio hardware you have is not
important. In my current project, we have communicators who prior to
volunteering were not hams and as part of their training must become
licensed...most do not operate on the hams bands except from the C3 unit.
Generally speaking, we don't use office suite software...most are specialized
web forms using a special browser so knowing MS ir MSIE is not particularly
helpful. Most of the disaster relief software packages we see are not being
written using MS specific application interfaces.
> Having been involved with emergency managment/planning for many years, the
> KISS principal still applies: Keep it simple, stupid! So , despite your love
> of Linux, that should probably stay on your home computer rather than in a
> command post with many operators of different skills.
Again, we DO NOT use untrained volunteers in our operations. We find that
untrained volunteers slow down and create bottelnecks in the communications flow
process. Therefore we give specialized training. In this case, any computer
use in a new learning process regardless of what previous computer experience is
had. Of course knowing how to type and use a mouse if important. But other
than that, its all a new process.
I believed that we have long harbored under the false notion that we can take
any ham off the street and make them a Ecomm or disaster relief communications.
Certainly the ARRL not any state of federal agency believes this. Thus the
stressing of EComm training courses such as offered by the ARRL and CERET training.
> With respect to the mode, well I am not convinced that MT63 works better
> than MFSK under really poor conditions, although the baud rate is higher. I
> haven'y had the opportunityto try them side by side when conditions are
> poor, and look forward to that. If OLIVIA ever gets written for windows,
> that might be the way to go ......
MT63 DOES NOT work better than MFSK16 in a keyboard-to-keyboard situation;
however, I haven't seen much need for keyboard-to-keyboard; rather, the need to
send rather large ASCII files.
Of course if propagation degrades to the point where MT63 won't copy data, then
MFSK16 can be used; however, you are forced to mannually type or if your
interface applications supports it, cut and paste of text into the MFSK transmit
> Sorry if I have offended all you Linux lovers, but in the real world ,
> Windows should rule the emergency computer world...
Again John, it matters little what the OS is since most of the applications are
not used by hams in their day-to-day ham communications.
But again, the bottom line is that something faster, not necessarly more robust,
that MT63 is desired. What computer hardware is used to accomodate the mode is
not in question.
> John
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: <dubose@texas.net>
> To: <mt63@yahoogroups.com>
> Sent: Wednesday, March 16, 2005 11:59 AM
> Subject: [MT63] High-speed HF Modem
> >
> > I will be representing the Texas Baptist Men Disaster Relief effort at the
> Texas
> > Emergency Manager's Workshop in Waco Mar 21-23. We will be taking our
> Command,
> > Control and Communications unit for display at the Workshop.
> >
> > I have already been contacted by a number of individuals (emergency
> managers)
> > concerning the desire for a highspeed and robust HF data mode that does
> not
> > require the use of an expensive controller or expensive (new) computer.
> >
> > Right now the answer is that you run MT63 using gMFSK under Suse Linux (or
> some
> > other Linux distro). The choice is Linux because many individuals do not
> want
> > to run W95/98/ME and their oranizations don't have the money to purchase
> software.
> >
> > If anyone has any suggestions for something faster and more robust than
> MT63
> > that doesn't require additional hardware other than a computer, please let
> me know.
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Walt/K5YFW
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
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> >
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