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Subj: IRTS Radio News Bulletin Sunday February 18th, 2024
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>From ei2gyb%ei2gyb.dgl.irl.euro@i0ojj.ampr.org Wed Feb 21 21:45:20 2024
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IRTS Radio News Bulletin Sunday February 18th, 2024
IRTS Updates
The IRTS committee is obliged by rule to ensure that sufficient candidates are nominated to fill the roles of President, Vice-P
resident and eleven committee positions. If you are interested in joining the committee or know someone who is, please contact
the IRTS Secretary, Owen EI4GGB ahead of the next committee meeting, preferably by tomorrow, Monday February 19th at irts_secre
tary /at/ irts.ie. This procedure does not preclude anyone from seeking election to these positions and if more than the requir
ed number of candidates are put forward, then a ballot will be held.
The IRTS Awards Committee is seeking Nominations for "Awards for Services to the Society or to Amateur Radio" and "Awards to IR
TS members for Other Achievements". Details of these Awards are available at www.irts.ie under the Awards section. Nominations
should reach the Awards Manager, Jim Holohan EI4HH by tomorrow, Monday, February 19th.
IRTS Awards Curator Mark EI4FNB asks anyone in possession of IRTS trophies to arrange their return in preparation for engraving
. Mark will be attending the Limerick Clare Radio Club Rally next Sunday the 25th to facilitate you. His email address is avail
able on the IRTS website under awards curator for anyone that wants to get in touch with him directly in relation to this. The
next IRTS Committee meeting will take place on Thursday, February 22nd at 8:00 p.m. on the Zoom platform.
All IRTS affiliated clubs are reminded that under Rule 16.1, the members in each affiliated club, society, or other body may el
ect a representative and an alternate annually to attend IRTS Committee meetings. Clubs wishing to send a representative should
notify the IRTS Secretary, Owen EI4GGB at irts_secretary /at/ irts.ie in advance to ensure notification and links are provided
The IRTS HAREC Examination Board would like to welcome Mick EI6IKB to the team. Mick has been volunteering as invigilator for r
ecent HAREC exams and will now be supporting Dave EI6AL for the next HAREC examinations as part of the Examination Board. The I
RTS would like to thank Mick for stepping up and volunteering his time to support this vital role for the society. The IRTS Exa
mination Board is preparing to host the next HAREC exams in May 2024. Exact dates, times and venues will be confirmed in due co
urse over the coming weeks subject to ComReg approval. The Examination Board would also like to congratulate the National Short
wave Listener Club for the work that they do in hosting training of candidates and in publishing the HAREC study guide. The pos
itive impact has been very evident in the improved pass rate seen in recent exams.
EI0MAR is QRV Again
EI0MAR is the call-sign for the amateur radio station located in the Ye Olde Hurdy Gurdy Museum of Vintage Radio in Howth near
Dublin. It is QRV again following recent antenna storm damage. The X80 HF vertical was a write-off. However, thanks to Tom May,
EI9LA, the station at the radio museum in Howth is now back on air after he kindly donated an X80 vertical antenna, which he h
ad not been using. On Saturday 10th of February, Tony, EI5EM and Joe, EI2JZ installed the new antenna, taking the opportunity t
o replace the coaxial cable at the same time. The museum is currently open at weekends from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. For further infor
mation, email Tony EI5EM /at/ gmail.com or just drop by any Saturday or Sunday.
Update from Collective Communication
Collective Communication provide an update that they are in the process of planning their activities for 2024. They report that
it is going to be a very active year for EI3CC. They were at the Coolmine Rally last weekend and will be at the Limerick Rally
on February 25th as well as the Shannon Basin Radio Club rally in April of course. Marconi Day, Windmills on The Air, and R.N.
L.I. "SOS" week will all see EI3CC present and active along with some new venues where they can demonstrate and promote amateur
radio to the public. Apart from the above-mentioned rallies, their first public activity will be participation in the St Patri
ck's Day parade in Tramore, Co. Waterford.
The club asks that if you would like to be part of their truly dynamic amateur radio club, contact their club secretary, John E
I3HQB, and find out more on 086 870 9265. Their membership fee is just _10 per year. Club subscriptions are used to cover the r
unning and maintenance costs of their club. They state that it takes a lot of fuel to tow their Radio Communications Unit aroun
d the country.
Rally Updates
The Limerick Clare Amateur Radio Club Rally takes place next Sunday February 25th in the Temple Gate Hotel, Ennis. Doors will o
pen at 11.00 a.m. All the main traders will be present and there will be an extensive bring and buy section. For further inform
ation, contact Dermot Gleeson at dermotgleeson1 /at/ gmail.com.
Lagan Valley Amateur Radio Society is holding their annual rally on Saturday, 2nd March 2024 at Hillsborough Village Centre, 7
Ballynahinch Road, Hillsborough, BT26 6AR. Doors will open at 10:30 a.m. and entry costs _5 or œ5. Further information may be f
ound at www.lvars.uk
The Shannon Basin Radio Club rally and monster raffle takes place on Sunday April 14th. It will be held in the Shearwater Hotel
in Ballinasloe, Co. Galway as part of the 2024 IRTS AGM weekend. Doors will open at 10.00 a.m. and admission will be _5. The c
lub reports that prize sponsors so far include Icom, Yaesu, Long Communications, DX Engineering, MFJ Enterprises, Messi & Paolo
ni, Martin Lynch & Sons, WiMo, Radionics, Satworld, Airmast, Wescom Ireland, South Eastern Amateur Radio Group, the Shearwater
Hotel, in addition to Shannon Basin Radio Club itself. Tickets for the IRTS Gala Dinner have been selling fast so you are stron
gly advised to secure them as soon as possible to avoid disappointment. All hotel rooms at the specially negotiated rates have
been sold out. Further information may be found at www.sbrc.ie/agmweekend
Lough Erne Amateur Radio Club's 40th rally will take place on Sunday 5th May 2024. The venue will be the Share Discovery Villag
e located at 221 Lisnaskea Rd, Lisnaskea, Enniskillen BT92 0JZ. The usual traders will be in attendance including the IRTS, RSG
B bookstall, QSL Bureau, IRTS, and a bring and buy. Food and drink are available at the rally, with lunch also being served. Do
ors will open at 11 a.m. Admission will be five euro or five pound which includes a ticket for the draw on the day.
RSGB 3.5MHz CW Club Championship Contest
The RSGB 80m CW Club Championship contest takes place on Thursday February 22nd. It runs from 20:00 to 21:30 UTC. You can find
the rules and further information about this at www.rsgbcc.org
IARU Monitoring System Region 1 January Newsletter
The January edition of the IARU Region 1 Monitoring System newsletter reports intervention by the German Federal Network Agency
regarding intruder broadcasts on the 30m band. They also highlight how the 10- and 15-meter bands are most affected by over th
e horizon radar. Continuing with their new newsletter approach, you can see recorded examples of interference and intruder sign
als for yourself via their newsletter. It is available for download via the Monitoring System webpage found at www.iaru-r1.org
Items for Inclusion in Next Week's Radio News
That is the news for this week. Items for inclusion in next week's radio news can be submitted by email to newsteam /at/ irts.i
e for automatic forwarding to both the radio and printed news services. The deadline is midnight on Thursday.
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= (____)(__)(____) \___/(__/ (____/ (____/(____/(____/ =
= Email/PayPal: EI2GYB@GMAIL.COM =
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