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EI2GYB > NEWS     11.02.24 23:04l 70 Lines 9465 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 26407_EI2GYB
Subj: IRTS Radio News Bulletin Sunday February 11th, 2024
Sent: 240211/1441Z 26407@EI2GYB.DGL.IRL.EURO LinBPQ6.0.24

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IRTS Radio News Bulletin Sunday February 11th, 2024
Silent Keys Howie Freeman EI4JHB and Paddy Geoghegan EI5HS
It is with deep regret that we learned of the passing of Howie Freeman EI4JHB on February 4th. Howie really enjoyed the hobby and the camaraderie that comes with it. He was an avid member of the National Short Wave Listeners Club as well as Kerry Amateur Radio Group. After passing the HAREC exam in May last year, Howie had recently booked his CW exam and had started upgrading his station. We wish to extend our condolences to his wife Kath, his family, and his wide circle of friends. May he rest in peace.

This week, we were also saddened to learn that Paddy Geoghegan EI5HS of Enniskerry, Co.Wicklow passed away on August 12th last year. Paddy was laid to rest in Shanganagh Cemetery. Our condolences to his sons, daughter-in-law, extended family, and friends. May he also rest in peace.

News from the IRTS
The IRTS committee is obliged by rule to ensure that sufficient candidates are nominated to fill the roles of President, Vice-President and eleven committee positions. If you are interested in joining the committee or know someone who is, please contact the IRTS Secretary, Owen EI4GGB ahead of the next committee meeting, preferably by February 19th at irts_secretary /at/ This procedure does not preclude anyone from seeking election to these positions and if more than the required number of candidates are put forward, then a ballot will be held.

The IRTS HAREC Amateur Radio Station Licence Study Guide, 4th Edition, is now available to be purchased as a paperback book. This book will assist anyone who may be studying for the HAREC exam or act as an excellent reference book for anyone already licensed. We expect to take delivery of the book by late February and should be able to supply to anyone who has purchased it in early March. To order it, or for more information, please see the Studying for HAREC section on

The IRTS Awards Committee is seeking nominations for Awards for Services to the Society or to Amateur Radio and Awards to IRTS members for Other Achievements . Details of these Awards are available at under the Awards section. Nominations should reach the Awards Manager, Jim Holohan EI4HH by Monday, February 19th.

IRTS Awards Curator Mark EI4FNB asks anyone in possession of IRTS trophies to arrange their return in preparation for engraving. Mark will attend both the Phoenix and Limerick Clare rallies to facilitate you. His email address is available on the IRTS website under awards curator for anyone that wants to get in touch with him directly in relation to this.

The next IRTS Committee meeting will take place on Thursday, February 22nd at 8:00 p.m. on the Zoom platform. All IRTS affiliated clubs are reminded that under Rule 16.1, the members in each affiliated club, society or other body may elect a representative and an alternate annually to attend IRTS Committee meetings. Clubs wishing to send a representative should notify the IRTS Secretary, Owen EI4GGB at irts_secretary /at/ in advance to ensure notification and links are provided.

South Eastern Amateur Radio Group EI2WRC
The 2024 Annual General Meeting of The South Eastern Amateur Radio Group EI2WRC will take place at 8.00 p.m. sharp on Monday the 26th of February 2024 via the Zoom platform. Due to the ever-threatening Covid infection and to allow members that live long distances away to attend, the 2024 AGM will take place via the Zoom platform. A limited number of places for non-members to attend are available, and anyone who s interested in attending please express your interest by email to southeasternarg /at/ by Friday, February 16th. For more information about EI2WRC, their activities, and for contact details please see

NSWLC Annual Dinner and the Launch of the IRTS Study Guide in Ennis
The National Short Wave Listeners Club annual dinner will take place at the Temple Gate Hotel in Ennis on 24 February 2024. Everyone is welcome to join, please contact info /at/ The club will be celebrating the launch of the 4th Edition of the IRTS HAREC Study Guide. More than one hundred have already been paid for, and the very first printed copies will be handed over during the NSWLC dinner.

They will be also available from the IRTS stand during the Limerick Clare Amateur Radio Club rally that is taking place the following day, February 25th, at the same location in Ennis. Many of the guide s authors will be around to sign the books, chat, and to hear your feedback. If anyone would like to reserve one, please purchase it from selecting the collection in person option and indicating Ennis as the location. Buying from will help manage the numbers and avoid having to handle cash on the day. The club looks forward to seeing you in two weeks.

Updates from the Limerick Clare Amateur Radio Club
Limerick Clare Amateur Radio Club s Annual General Meeting will be held on Thursday February 15th in the University of the Shannon, Midlands, Midwest at Moylish at 7.30 p.m. All members are requested to attend.

Their club rally will be held on Sunday February 25th in the Temple Gate Hotel Ennis. This is the same venue as last year. Doors will open at 11.00 a.m. All the main traders will be present and there will be an extensive bring and buy section. Tables for the event are filling up. If you require one or more, please contact Dermot Gleeson at dermotgleeson1 /at/

Limerick Clare Amateur Radio Club will continue to activate the club station in the Shannon Aviation Museum every Saturday for the month of February. The station s callsign is EI4SAM. Activation is usually between 11.00 a.m. and 3.30 p.m., initially on 7.123 MHz plus or minus QRM, followed by a check on other bands.

Since the start of this year, over 200 transition year students have visited the club station in the Shannon Aviation Museum. They have received presentations and demonstrations of amateur radio given by club members.

437MHz from the Moon
The successful unmanned landing of the Japanese-built Smart Lander for Investigating Moon (SLIM) spacecraft near the Moon's equator has an amateur radio beacon transmitting telemetry data via a 1-Watt transmitter. Shortly before landing and despite ending upside down due to a thruster problem, the SLIM lander ejected two small autonomous skipping and rolling rovers called LEV-1 and LEV-2. LEV-1 re-transmits data received from LEV-2 on 437.410 MHz using CW and 64 baud pulse code modulation. Unlike the high path losses typical for reflected EME signals that require large setups for receiving signals, an active transmitter on the Moon is much easier to receive. However, it still requires a beam with approximately 20 decibel gain to overcome the 163 decibel path loss from 384,400 km away. More info may be found at

AMSAT Italia Update Regarding the Greencube Satellite
AMSAT Italia published a note informing the amateur community that its request to the Italian Space Agency, the owner of the Greencube satellite, to reconsider its decision of decommissioning the satellite is under evaluation. The satellite designated IO-117 was originally planned to cease operation on February 5th. However, following an online petition and representations by multiple organisations, it remains operational while waiting for the decision from the GreenCube Team at S5Lab in Italy. The hugely popular GreenCube satellite was born as a scientific experiment and placed in medium earth orbit. IO-117 denotes the ham radio part of the satellite consisting of a digipeater which was promoted by AMSAT Italia and coordinated by IARU-Region 1.

Items for Inclusion in Next Week s Radio News
That is the news for this week. Items for inclusion in next week s radio news can be submitted by email to newsteam /at/ for automatic forwarding to both the radio and printed news services. The deadline is midnight on Thursday.


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