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EI2GYB > NEWS     11.06.23 14:49l 60 Lines 7418 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 15188_EI2GYB
Subj: IRTS Radio News Bulletin Sunday June 11th, 2023
Sent: 230611/1329Z 15188@EI2GYB.DGL.IRL.EURO LinBPQ6.0.23

  _____ _____ _______ _____   _   _                   
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IRTS Radio News Bulletin Sunday June 11th, 2023
South Eastern Amateur Radio Group EI2WRC

On both Saturday and Sunday, the 3rd & 4th of June, EI2WRC were QRV from the Old Copper Mine, Tankardstown in Co. Waterford. For anyone who worked the EI2WRC/P station, the site has four different designators for the following three award categories: Echo India Flora and Fauna (EIFF). Echo India Parks On The Air (EI-POTA) and Echo India Castles On The Air (EI-COTA). Logs for these awards have now been uploaded to the relevant award sites. Over the weekend, both the weather and band conditions were excellent with the sun shining on both days. Many calls were logged and all the EI2WRC members that attended at some stage over the weekend had a great time. Thanks to all who came over the weekend. A special thanks to Edwin EI2HEB for towing the club caravan and planning the weekend. Thanks to Dermot EI7IMB and Joe EI8DY for staying overnight and keeping the station in operation. Massive thanks to Jim EI8IG for arriving on the Saturday night with lovely hot food for the gang. The group report that it was great to work so many of you over the weekend on different bands and thank all who gave them a call. A special word of thanks to John Galloway, Manager of the Geopark Centre for the usual warm welcome to the site. Information about the South Eastern Amateur Radio Group can be found on their website, via email to SouthEasternARG /at/, Facebook, or seargnews on Twitter. In addition, please feel free to go along to any of their club meetings or events.
Bangor & District Amateur Radio Society Rally

The 54th annual Bangor & District Amateur Radio Society is taking place on Saturday June 17th, 2023. The venue is the Ballygilbert Presbyterian Hall in Bangor. Doors open at 11.30 a.m. and entry costs œ4.
Tipperary Amateur Radio Group

The next meeting of Tipperary Amateur Radio Group will be held at The Talbot Hotel, Clonmel on Wednesday the 14th of June 2023 at 8 p.m. The meeting is open to all and shortwave listeners, in particular, are very welcome to attend. More information about the group is available at
Galway Radio Experimenters Club EI4GRC

Galway Radio Experimenters Club EI4GRC will hold their next meeting on Monday June 12th at 8.00 p.m. sharp at The Menlo Park Hotel, Terryland, Headford Road, Galway H91 E98N. There will also be virtual access to the meeting - please contact the Club Secretary via. email to secretary /at/ for access details. The club website is and anyone is welcome to come to their club nights or contact the secretary for more information.
Collective Communication

Collective Communication has been advised that their fund gathering activities for the RNLI SOS Week held on Tramore promenade on May 28th raised _210 for the RNLI. This figure may yet increase as the contents from one of the collection buckets are still to be counted. The Tramore RNLI is very pleased and appreciative of EI3CC for their efforts. Collective Communication is very pleased too.

The 2023 IARU Region 1 50MHz CW/SSB Contest takes place next weekend from 14:00 UTC on Saturday June 17th until 14:00 UTC on Sunday June 18th. Running concurrently with this contest is the RSGB 50 MHz Trophy Championship. Entrants for this can submit their logs for the coordinated IARU contest also. Both include a six-hour section which may favour those wishing to take advantage of a potential early afternoon to evening opening on the band.

The Stew Perry Top Band Distance Challenge takes place on Saturday June 17th. Created by a small group of 160m top band contesters, the point value of QSOs is proportional to the distance between stations. This CW-only contest runs from 3 p.m. local time for 24 hours with a maximum on time of 14 hours. Further information is available at
Automatic Packet Reporting System Activity

Developed from the late 1980s, Automatic Packet Reporting System (APRS) is seeing a resurgence in interest lately. Each Thursday, an APRSThursday global net is held every with the aim of growing message activity on APRS across the world. You can find further information about how to participate on or on social media. For amateur satellite enthusiasts, a 3U cubesat called GreenCube with the Amsat designator Italy Oscar 117 has an onboard APRS digipeater. Since its launch almost one year ago, it is proving to be very popular due to its medium earth orbit with an altitude of approximately 6000 km. This makes it possible to make APRS contacts on 70cm from Ireland extending from South America to Japan during passes.
Shannon Basin Radio Club Packet Radio Construction Project

Continuing with the theme of packet radio, some Shannon Basin Radio Club members are busy working on constructing equipment for a terrestrial amateur radio packet network. This includes building a terminal node controller kit from, software integration, and radio programming. Unlike packet radio from the 1990s, this new approach is designed to support low-cost collision-free communications. Each Sunday from 8 p.m., members meet via the club's repeater EI2SBR to discuss progress. Anyone interested is welcome to join and further information can be found via the club's social media channels.
2m Tropospheric Outlook

According to the Hepburn Tropo Index, there are early indications of a potential medium to strong tropospheric lift from midweek onwards. This will likely favour stations in the west and south of the country who may like to experiment with QSOs on 2m with stations in northern Spain and western France.
Items for Inclusion in Next Week's Radio News

That is the news for this week. Items for inclusion in next week's radio news can be submitted by email to newsteam/at/irts/dot/ie for automatic forwarding to both the radio and printed news services. The deadline is midnight on Thursday. 


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=           (____)(__)(____) \___/(__/  (____/  (____/(____/(____/             =
=                  PART OF THE DONEGAL PACKET RADIO NETWORK                    =
=                    Packet: EI2GYB@EI2GYB.DGL.IRL.EURO                        =
=                      Email/PayPal: EI2GYB@GMAIL.COM                          =

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