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Subj: IRTS Radio News Bulletin Sunday June 4th, 2023
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IRTS Radio News Bulletin Sunday June 4th, 2023
IRTS Committee
Expressions of interest are invited from clubs willing to host next year's Annual General Meeting. Contact the IRTS secretary Owen O'Reilly EI4GGB at IRTS underscore secretary at irts.ie. The Society's 80m and 40m radio news service on Sunday mornings is in urgent need of additional volunteer newsreaders. If you feel you can help, please contact the IRTS Radio News Co-ordinator Seany EI2HZB directly on 083-4713001 or by email at IRTS underscore PRO at irts.ie.
Italian Fidenza Radio Club Special Event Station
The Italian Radio Amateur Association Fidenza Radio Club is organising the eighth edition of a technical & cultural event at birthplace of Guglielmo Marconi Foundation on Saturday, June 10th and Sunday, June 11th, 2023. The aim of this event is to highlight at an international level, the historical value and meaning of the Yacht 'Elettra'. This was the moving laboratory of the great Italian scientist where important radiocommunications experiments were conducted onboard. Over the whole weekend, radio amateurs from the A.R.I. Fidenza group will operate a radio station located close to the keel of the yacht "Elettra", which is kept at the museum. The special Marconian station callsign used will be I Y 4 F G M.
Tipperary Amateur Radio Group AGM
The Tipperary Amateur Radio Group conducted their Annual General Meeting at The Talbot Hotel in Clonmel on Wednesday the 19th of April 2023. This was a well-attended meeting chaired by Andy EI5JF. Members travelled from Co. Kilkenny, Co. Waterford, and Co. Cork to join their Co. Tipperary based colleagues. The new committee was elected as follows: Chairman Andy Jay EI5JF, Vice Chairman Brian Kelly EI2JKB, Secretary John Ronan EI7IG, Treasurer Thomas Hallinan EI2IT, Group PRO Hugh O'Donnell EI2HI, and Events & QSL Manager Paul Norris EI3ENB. For more information about T.A.R.G, visit the group's website www.ei7trg.ie or you can follow them on Facebook under 'Tipperary Amateur Radio Group'.
Welcome To New Licensees
The National Shortwave Listeners Club report that out of just over thirty club candidates that sat the recent HAREC exams, twenty-seven passed the exams. Many congrats to the successful recipients of new licences and we look forward to hearing the new callsigns on the air.
TinyGS Station Workshop in Cork
Jeffery Rowe EI7IRB is running a workshop in Cork on Friday June 9th from 6.30 p.m. to 8.30 p.m. where you can build your own satellite ground station to receive data from space. No prior experience is required. Participants will be provided with all the necessary materials, tools, and equipment while being guided through the process. The cost is eighty euro and the venue is Benchspace, Marina Commercial Park, Centre Park Road, Cork City, postcode is T12 YAE4. Book your place at www.benchspacecork.ie
South Eastern Amateur Radio Group EI2WRC
A great day was had by all the EI2WRC members who attended the Irish Vintage Society's All Ireland Vintage Rally on Sunday May 28th in Ballyfin, Co. Laois. The group has often attended much smaller events of this nature, but this was the club's second time to participate in the national event. Throughout the day, members of the club were active on HF showcasing the great hobby to the public. As per usual, there was a great interest from the public as to what amateur radio is all about. The group wishes to thank Martin Ffrench EI3GO and the Ballyfin Vintage and Veteran Club for their very kind invitation to attend the event. A massive thanks to all our members who made the trip up to Ballyfin.
Today, Sunday June 4th, EI2WRC will be QRV from the Old Copper Mine, Tankardstown, Bunmahon, Co. Waterford until 4 p.m. approximately. The site which has four different designators can be logged in any of the following three award categories: Echo India Flora and Fauna reference EIFF- 0263 Mid Waterford Coast SPA, Echo India Parks on The Air references EI-0162 Mid Waterford Coast SPA and EI-0163 Tankardstown Copper Mine, in addition to Echo India Castles On The Air reference EI-01566 Tankardstown Copper Mine. Keep a listen out for the EI2WRC/P call on most HF bands. Regular updates will be posted on most DX clusters and anyone in the area is welcome to call in to say hello. The Old Copper mine located on the beautiful Waterford coast with breath-taking views is an ideal location for a family picnic or just to unwind.
For anyone wishing to find out more about the South Eastern Amateur Radio Group and their activities, you can email them at southeasternarg /at/ gmail.com or please feel free to go along to any of their meetings. Their website is www.searg.ie and you can find EI2WRC on Facebook and Twitter at seargnews.
Collective Communications
Over the past couple of weeks, members of Collective Communications have been building half a dozen handheld three element "tape measure" Yagi antennas for the two-meter band. These are being prepared for some members of the National Short Wave Listeners club along with others from Scouting Ireland to use during Collective Communication's amateur radio direction finding fox hunt demonstration/participation at Oughaval Woods near Stradbally next Sunday 11th June. It will be starting at approximately 12 noon local time. Everything has been arranged for N.S.W.L. club and Scouting Ireland members to enjoy an afternoon as guests of EI3CC participating in Amateur Radio Direction Finding activities and doubtless banter within the spirit of ham radio fellowship. The EI3CC mobile shack will be on site to act as a base and offer a station on the air for those who might feel the urge to try their hand at operating on the HF bands. Tea & coffee will be available to quench the thirst of those whose throats become dry with all the excitement of the day. They are very grateful to the IRTS who have been extremely helpful in providing administrative assistance such as third party-liability insurance and advice regarding completion of all the necessary paperwork to ensure that the day goes off without a hitch. Provided the weather is kind to them, it should prove to be a day of great activity for everyone's mutual benefit.
Limerick Clare Amateur Radio Club
LCARC is very happy to confirm that their two-meter repeater on FM and C4FM located near Ardagh in west Limerick is now live with the callsign EI2REG. The repeater output is on Channel R5 145.725MHz and the input is on 145.125MHz. The club would like to encourage as many people as possible to use it.
VHF FT8 Activity is an open contest that promotes FT8 activity on the 2m, 70 cm, and 23cm bands. The next round takes place on 2m on Wed June 7th from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. Further information is available at www.ft8activity.eu
For any operators planning Summit on the Air activations on Sunday June 11th, it is worth noting the RSGB 144MHz Backpackers contest takes place that day from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. It is likely to be a great opportunity to increase your QSO count and opportunities for summit to summits on 2m. Further information can be found at www.rsgbcc.org
Items for Inclusion in Next Week's Radio News
That is the news for this week. Items for inclusion in next week's radio news can be submitted by email to newsteam/at/irts/dot/ie for automatic forwarding to both the radio and printed news services. The deadline is midnight on Thursday.
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= Email/PayPal: EI2GYB@GMAIL.COM =
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