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Subj: IRTS Radio News Bulletin Sunday May 14th 2023.
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IRTS Radio News Bulletin Sunday May 14th 2023.
Silent Keys - Paddy Doran EI2CJ and Jim Hall EI9GLB
It is with deep regret that we announce the recent deaths of Paddy Doran EI2CJ and Jim Hall EI9GLB. Paddy EI2CJ passed away peacefully at his home on Main Street, Leighlinbridge, County Carlow on his 89th birthday on Wednesday last May 10th. We extend our deepest sympathy to his sons James and Michael, his daughter Kathleen and his wider family. Paddy will be laid to rest in the adjoining cemetery following Mass at 1100 in St. Lazerian's Church, Leighlinbridge on Monday May 15th. Jim EI9GLB from Gorey, Co. Wexford passed away on Saturday May 13th in St. Vincent's Hospital and we extend our deepest sympathy to his XYL Margaret, sons Seamus, Kenneth, Mark, daughters Suzanna, Julie and Joanne and his extended family. Jim will repose at Murphy's Funeral Home, Gorey on Monday May 15th from 4 to 8pm. Funeral Mass at 12 noon in St. Moling's Church, Ballycanew followed by burial in Ballyoughter cemetery. May they both rest in peace.
Thanks to Stefan EI4KU
On behalf of everybody in IRTS, we would like to thank Stefan EI4KU for all his hard work over the past few years as the IRTS News Editor and as an 80m news reader. Due to work commitments Stefan sadly has had to resign from both these roles. We wish Stefan well in the future and we look forward to welcoming him back to the newsreaders panel in the future.
Youth Camp in Hungary
The International Amateur Radio Union Region 1 Working Group have announced that the YOTA Camp for 2023 will take place in in the town of Gy?r in Hungary. The event itself will be held from 5th to 12th August 2023 and will host 100 ambitious youngsters from around IARU Region 1 including guest teams from Regions 2 and 3. The camp is a great chance for young operators to sharpen their skills, meet likeminded amateurs and also experience the hospitality of radio friends from other countries. Participants are in the age range of 15 to 30. The Irish Radio Transmitters Society are keen to send a team to represent Ireland - anyone interested in participating should email the IRTS Youth Officer - Niall - EI6HIB at the email address yota /at/ irts.ie
Committee Meeting Next Saturday
The first meeting of the newly elected IRTS committee will be held on Saturday next May 20th at the Athlone Springs Hotel in Athlone starting at 1100. Affiliated clubs who wish to send a representative to the meeting should advise the IRTS secretary of the name of the appointed representative and the name of a substitute. This is probably the most important meeting of the year as members will be appointed to fill the over 50 jobs that keep the society functioning on a day to day basis. If you feel you can contribute to the running of the society in any capacity, drop an email to the Secretary Owen EI4GGB at irts underscore secretary at irts.ie
Contest News
EU PSK DX Contest 24 hours from 1200z on May 20th. The mode is BPSK63 on 80, 40, 20, 15 and 10 metres. Also running for 24 hours from 1200z on May 20th is the King of Spain Contest on CW on the normal contest bands from 160m to 10m. Spanish stations will give RST plus province and all others send RST plus serial number. On Saturday next May 20th the UN DX Contest runs on CW and SSB from 0600z to 2100z on 80 to 10 metres. Kazakhstan stations send RST plus district code and others send RST plus serial number. The CQ WW WPX CW contest takes place in two weeks time and in last year's event, four new EI records were set as follows: Mark EI6JK in single operator low power 160m, Slava EI/US2YW in the Classic overlay high power, Ryan EI8KW in Youth high power and Megan EI5LA in Youth low power. Have a look on cqwpx.com at all the EI records and see if you can set a new one.
Collective Communications
"SOS week," which actually lasts for the entire month of May, is an Amateur Radio event on behalf of the RNLI, National Coastguard Watch and National Inshore Lifeboat Association. Tramore in Co. Waterford will be the QTH for Collective Communications' involvement in raising funds for these most worthwhile of causes. EI3CC is the only Irish amateur station registered for the event and will be operating from the car park opposite the promenade on the last Sunday of May (28th) where they will be 'passing the bucket' for these charities while inviting members of the public to witness, and if they are brave enough, have a go at amateur radio communication themselves, (under supervision of course). Hopefully they will be be using their purpose built mobile shack, which is receiving some TLC at the moment. However if the shack isn't ready they will revert to plan "B" and press their EI3CC caravan into use housing their radio gear and operate from within. HF and hopefully 2m bands will be used, so please listen out for them on Sunday 28th May on SSB, CW & FM. Please drop by and say hello, enjoy a cuppa, and take in the sea air. Their crew would love to see you.
Limerick Clare Amateur Radio Club
On Thursday May 11th the Club held the most recent of its regular coffee mornings in the Shannon Aviation Museum. There was a good turnout of members who discussed a number of activities in an informal and convivial atmosphere. The Club station, EI4SAM, was also activated on the day. The coffee mornings in the Shannon Aviation Museum are held regularly and all members are welcome to come along for a chat and use the Clubs extensive operating facilities.
South Eastern Amateur Radio Group EI2WRC
EI2WRC are delighted to announce that the group will be showcasing the hobby to the public at the Irish Vintage Society's All Ireland Vintage Rally on Sunday the 28th of May which is being held in Ballyfin, Co. Laois (Eircode R32 AD92) with gates opening at 10 a.m. The group have often been in attendance at much smaller events of this nature, but this is the second time to be in attendance at the national event. The group wish to thank Martin Ffrench EI3GO and the Ballyfin Vintage and Veteran Club for their very kind invitation to attend. Come along on the day and see vintage machinery and cars from days gone by. All the usual attractions will be there, as well as a steam thrashing display. All monies raised will be donated to local charities. If you cannot attend keep a listen out on the bands and keep an eye on the cluster for the EI2WRC/P call. To find out more about the South Eastern Amateur Radio Group and their activities email them at southeasternarg at gmail.com or go along to any of their meetings. You can check their website at www.searg.ie and you can find EI2WRC on Facebook and Twitter /at/ seargnews.
HF Newsreaders Required
The Society's HF radio news service on Sunday mornings on the 80 and 40 metre bands is in urgent need of additional volunteer newsreaders. If you feel you can help by joining the rota or if you need further information, please contact the IRTS Radio News Co-ordinator Seany EI2HZB directly on 083-4713001 or by email at irts underscore pro /at/ irts.ie. As well as the broadcasts on SSB, the news is broadcast on RTTY at 1300 on 3.580MHz on Sundays on a trial basis and volunteers are also required for this service.
Deadline for printed news
The EI News monthly online IRTS publication is distributed on the first day of each month to all members who have an email address listed with the membership records officer. News items are very welcome and should be submitted by May 29th. The deadline for submissions to the Summer edition of Echo Ireland is May 31st.
That is the news for this week. Items for inclusion in next week's radio news can be submitted by email to newsteam/at/irts/dot/ie for automatic forwarding to both the radio and printed news services. The deadline is midnight on Thursday.
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= Email/PayPal: EI2GYB@GMAIL.COM =
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