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EI2GYB > NEWS     07.05.23 17:04l 53 Lines 10651 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 13939_EI2GYB
Subj: IRTS Radio News Bulletin Sunday 07 May 2023
Sent: 230507/1524Z 13939@EI2GYB.DGL.IRL.EURO LinBPQ6.0.23

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IRTS Radio News Bulletin Sunday 07 May 2023
News from the IRTS

The IRTS celebrated its 90th Annual AGM Weekend over the weekend of the 29th and 30th of April 2023. The venue for this year's event was the Shearwater Hotel, Ballinasloe, Co. Galway with the Shannon Basin Radio Club hosting the event this year. A great weekend was had by all who attended and both the IRTS and the Shannon Basin Radio Club wish to thank everyone for coming along over the weekend. The weekend kicked off on Saturday afternoon with a series of very interesting workshop type talks on various aspects of the hobby. A wonderful Gala Dinner took place on the Saturday night with over 80 people attending. The IRTS were honoured to have RSGB President John McCullagh MBE, GI4BWM, his wife Grace and Senator Aisling Dolan in attendance at the dinner. MC for the evening Keith EI5IN invited president elect Enda EI2II to speak. Enda welcomed all to the dinner and thanked John, Grace and Aisling for coming. RSGB president John then addressed the people and thanked the IRTS for inviting him to the function. He went on to say how he was looking forward to working with Enda in strengthening the great friendship between the RSGB and the IRTS. Senator Aisling Dolan then spoke and mentioned although she did not know much about amateur radio she would be willing to help out the IRTS and the hobby in any way she could. Some of the service awards were then presented and the night carried on in to the early hours. Following a great Shannon Basin Radio Club rally on Sunday morning the 2023 IRTS AGM took place on Sunday afternoon at 2 p.m. with close on 70 members attending. The meeting was chaired by president elect Enda EI2II. Following reports from IRTS treasurer David EI3IXB and IRTS secretary Owen EI4GGB the committee for 2023 were then elected. As there were no other nominations received for any of the committee positions the committee nominated positions as posted in the spring edition of Echo Ireland were elected. Se n Donelan EI4GK who had been a trustee of the society for many years had indicated some time ago that he wished to retire from that role. The IRTS wish to thank Sean for his sterling service to the society over many years as committee member, President and of late trustee. We wish Sean well for the future. The vacant trustee position was then filled by Thos EI2JD. Following that president elect Enda was deemed elected and presented with his chain of office by IRTS secretary Owen EI4GGB. In his first speech as President Enda thanked everyone for their help and support over the past few months. He also thanked the many volunteers who do so much work in the background to keep the IRTS going. Enda also made reference to the small handful of people whose only input is that of negativity and sarcasm. "The society has no place for people like that" to which a large spontaneous round of applause sounded. Following Enda's speech, the remaining trophies were presented to competition and other award winners for 2022. A full list of the new committee, other roles, and award winners for 2022 will be available soon on the IRTS website.
HAREC Class Foxtrot is Over!

The final, twenty-fourth weekly session of the HAREC course class Foxtrot was delivered by the National Short Wave Listeners Club last Thursday, 4th of May. Over thirty attendees were present, out of some forty regular attendees. Some fifteen attendees have dropped out since the classes started in November, but, on a positive note, a few have managed to pass the early February exam. The next HAREC course will start this autumn, and the popular NSWLC Sunday Socials will continue in the meantime. We wish all the students success at the exam on Saturday, the 13th of May!
South Eastern Amateur Radio Group EI2WRC

EI2WRC were in attendance at the Shannon Basin Radio Club rally at the Shearwater Hotel, Ballinasloe on Sunday April 30th. Throughout the morning many people called by the SEARG stand for a chat and a photo and everyone got their EI2WRC pen. The sweets on the stand proved to be very popular with the kids and the "big kids" seemed to enjoy them too! EI2WRC mouse mats, azimuthal maps and club mugs were also very much sought after on the day. The group were delighted to be able to donate a few mugs and mouse mats as raffle prizes. It was as always, great to be able to meet so many friends both old and new on the day. Thanks to all our club members for helping out but a special mention to Shirley SWL, Joe EI8DY and Raymond EI6HFB who spent all their time at the rally looking after people who called to the SEARG stand. Everyone in EI2WRC wishes to thank everyone in EI2SBC for their kind invitation to the rally and thanks for hosting the weekend this year. It was a brilliant weekend and everyone from EI2WRC that attended had a great time. Everyone in EI2WRC would like to take this opportunity to wish all the candidates sitting the HAREC exam in both the Cork and Dublin venues the very best of luck next Saturday the 13th of May. All you can do is your best and for anyone who isn't successful this time around brush yourselves off and go again. It's a wonderful hobby and worth pursuing until you get your licences. Either way again the very best of luck to all and we look forward to hearing many new callsigns on the air in the near future. For anyone that wishes to find out more about the South Eastern Amateur Radio Group and their activities you can drop them an email to southeasternarg /at/ or please feel free to go along to any of their meetings. You can check their website and you can find EI2WRC on Facebook and Twitter /at/ seargnews.

The final results of the 2022 CQ WW CW leg have been published yesterday on There were 18 entries from Ireland and 1 check log. Congratulations to EI9E for winning in Ireland. EI9E was operated by EI2FG EI4II EI5KG EI6GF and EI8CE. The other Irish team effort was EI2JD operated by EI2JD helped by EI6JK and EI7KD.

The 57th Alessandro Volta RTTY Contest runs for 24 hours from 12:00 GMT next Saturday. This contest is organised by the SSB and RTTY Club of COMO and the A.R.I. to honor the Italian discoverer of electricity, Alessandro Volta. For rules, logging requirements and entry classes visit .

After a muted response and poor participation to the questionnaire and survey undertaken by EMC Manager Liam EI4GB, a renewed interest in the ins and outs of photovoltaics has rekindled the debate. With the steep increase in the number of installations an associated increase in RFI problems is likely, thanks to poor installation practices and sub-par equipment. Concentrating on solutions to this problem, a new thread on is looking into how to avoid troubles , with guidance from those who have already taken the steps to get free electricity from their roofs and still enjoy RFI free radio.
Venus on 47GHz

A translation from an article on the web page of the Portugese Amateur Radio Society reads: On the 7th of April, Iban EB3FRN, and Jos‚ EA3HMJ, performed the first detection of the thermal noise emitted by the Planet Venus at 47GHz using Jos‚'s 120cm Kathrein CAS120 offset dish. On the 8th of April, Miguel CT1BYM, confirmed the observation with similar results, also using the Kathrein CAS120 antenna. This antenna has been used for EME experiments at 10, 24, 47 and 76GHz. Both stations obtained Venus measurements of more than 0.002dB of Signal to Noise ratio at a bandwidth of 10MHz and a time interval of ten seconds, but visible at a two second interval without problem. With this dish system and LNA with 1.7dB noise figure, we were able to consistently obtain Sun and Cold Sky measurements of over 11dB and Moon and Cold Sky of 1.6dB. More details about the observations by the stellar microwave SWLs are promised on .
The Propagation Horoscope

Stable propagation conditions are due to the near constant solar flux values between 135 and 145 units. The earth's magnetic field remains quiet, apart from isolated disturbances. The geomagnetic index k reaches a maximum of 3 to 4. Currently there are five sunspot regions visible, with a some chance of M-flares over the next week. There a good DX conditions during the day on 20 and 17 m, with shorter openings on the higher bands above. At night time 3000 kilometer hop MUF varies from 10 to 12 MHz, resulting in round-the-clock DX on 30 and 40m, but the MUF barely reaches 25 MHz during the day, 12 and 10m will see only short openings with Europe and northern Africa, likely helped by some Tropo over the Bay of Biscay. Earth is currently passing through a particularly dense trail of debris left by Comet Halley more than 3,000 years ago. The southern hemisphere will see the majority of the meteor trails, but after midnight, low in the eastern sky the northern hemisphere can still expect up to 50 larger trails per hour and audible pings in the vhf receiver.

That is the news for this week. Items for inclusion in next week's radio news can be submitted by email to newsteam /at/ for automatic forwarding to both the radio and printed news services. 


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