KB2VXA > SPAM 23.01.12 17:10l 56 Lines 2657 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 12658_VK6ZRT
Subj: Re: VE3WBZ > various
Sent: 120123/1455Z @:VK6ZRT.#BUN.#WA.AUS.OC #:12658 [Boyanup] $:12658_VK6ZRT
Hi Pete and all,
My bank is a little different, dial the number and the robot says "if you
know the number of the branch or the person you wish to call dial it
now". Trouble is I can't find the dial, only a bunch of buttons. They
never call me but the envelope in the mail comes with more than my
monthly account statement, spam the old fashioned way.
Eh, the US probably USED to be the world's biggest spammer, either that
or my domain server can't read Chinese any more than I can. Seems like
Outlook can however, always lands in the bit bucket.
From Oscar Meyer to Hormel but you didn't catch it either, I realized at
sendoff I credited OM for the Dr. Pepper jingle but straightening it out
once the BBS had it was more trouble than it's worth. Now here we go with
the source of all spam, probably a better avitar too.
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73 de Warren
Station powered by JCP&L atomic energy, operator powered by natural gas.
Message timed by NIST: 14:52 on 2012-Jan-23 GMT
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