LA4ND > IARU 25.06.99 21:44l 121 Lines 4513 Bytes #-9401 (0) @ WW
BID : 10648_LA4O
Subj: Reg.1 Conf - papers
Sent: 990614/1524Z @:LA4O.OSL.A.NOR.EU #:10648 [Oslo] FBB7.00f $:10648_LA4O
Organizing Society: Norsk Radio Relae Liga (NRRL).
A summary of the nearly 70 papers submitted to the Conference has
been published on NRRL's Conference web-pages:
The summary comprises 28 pages, so only a short extract of it follows:
Financial matters (Committee C 2)
- The net result of the years 1996, 1997, and 1998 was a loss of
CHF 127153, 85588, and 64994 respectively.
-The total numbers of licensed members of the Member Socities were in
1996 185770, 1997 182883, and 1998 179708. This year the number is
177301. The estimation of the EC for 2000, 2001, and 2002 is 175000,
173000, and 171000 respectively.
- The Tel Aviv Conference 1996 costed 172248 CHF.
- The EC proposes that the contribution from the Member Societis per
licensed member be increased from CHF 1.55 in 1999 to CHF 2.25 per
year the next three years. The EC has made a long statement in this
connection. You may read it in the web-pages.
- DARC (Germany) proposes a Financial Advisory Committee to be
established for the duration of the Conference.It shall report to the
Final Plenary.You may read more about this document in the web-pages.
- A paper from DARC, REF (France) and RSGB (UK) deals with the
financial management of the organization. You may read the paper
in the web-pages.
- The number of licensed members 1999, 1998, and percentage in-
crease/decrease of the ten largest societies are as follows:
DARC (Germany) 52461, 52658, -0.4
RSGB (UK) 24007, 24103, -0.4
URE (Spain) 13964, 14300, -2.3
ARI (Italy) 12090, 13490, -10.4
REF (France) 9350, 8500, +10.
VERON (The Netherlands) 8393, 8482, -1.0
SSA (Sweden) 6160, 5600, +10.0
SRAL (Finland) 4611, 4651, -0.9
ZRS (Slovenia) 4583, 5592, -18.0
OeVSV (Austria) 3741, 3741, 0
Administrative and Organizational matters (Committee C 3)
- The Conference shall decide on a proposed revised article
concerning the Amateur Service and the Amateur-Satellite
Service in the Radio Regulations. (Article PS25).The article
is quoted in the web-pages.
- The IARUMS Coordinator has submitted a paper with the
title: "A new way forward for the IARU Region 1 Monitoring
- USKA (Switzerland) whishes to organize the next Conference
in 2002 in Davos.
- New ARDF rules will be finalized and approved at the Conference.
- DARC proposes to establish a Region 1 Future of Amateur
Radio Service Conference Committee.
- RSGB has produced a paper on the potential interference
from XDSL, ADSL, VDSL and PLT, and a paper on the Basic
Needs of the Amateur Service.
- NRRL proposes changes in the composition and election
rules for IARU Administartive Council, while SARL (South
Africa) wants to discuss the question on morse code as a requirement
for entry to the HF bands.
- OeVSV has delivered a long document with the title:
"The Future of the Amateur Radio Service". You may find
the paper in the WEB.
- DARC proposes the establishment of a working group
to review the decision making procedures in the organization.
The same society wants the administrative structure of the
organization altered.
HF matters (Committee C 4)
-In his report the Chairman of the HFC, LA5QK, announces that he
will not stand for reelection due to health problems.
- Listing some of the HF matters: HF beacons in southern
Africa. Registration policy for HF contests. Definition of
"ITU Zones". Proposals on new HF band plans. IARU beacon
project. Combinding the Region 1 CW and phone field days to
one FD. Proposed resolution against deliberate and malicious
interference. Exemption from 160 m band plan in 4 major world
wide SSB contests. Spectrum occupancy survey around 7MHz with
a view to forthcoming WRCs.HF/VHF beacon development.
VHF/UHF/Microwave matters (Committee C 5)
- Interference from SRD and LPD and the future of the 435MHz band.
- Scientific use of meteor scatter data.
- Frequencies for APRS, multiband timesharing beacons and manned
space operations.
-Access to the packet radio network on 2m and 144.675MHz as
HF DX spotting frequency.
You may find the title of all papers in the web-pages, making it
possible for you to ask for a copy of those papers interesting you
from your national society.
Stein Barlaug, LA4ND, NRRL Conference PR Manager
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