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G8MNY  > HOBBY    13.11.15 12:04l 186 Lines 8697 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 48156_GB7CIP
Subj: Re: regular packeteers on air
Sent: 151113/0953Z @:GB7CIP.#32.GBR.EURO #:48156 [Caterham Surrey GBR]

By G8MNY                             (Updated Apr 2015)
(8 Bit ASCII graphics use code page 437 or 850, Terminal Font)

Some time back Andy, G0FTD wrote:-
> There's a surprising amount of true on air activity from some
> packeteers that we obviously don't hear enough about.

So here is MY BLOG
I have done a lot of amateur radio operating & construction since I started in
1977 with the B licence. (actually passed the written RAE in 1970, but too busy
with college, work & discos etc. to take it up.)

I was not interested in the 150 year old CW mode, I am not musical at all, so
learning CW looked too hard to do for me.

§=Â=Ð==Ð=¿   -. - .-.-  ??
So I strove to do more technically challenging modes like ATV, where home
design & construction was the norm.

I have been active on packet radio for over 30 years, started with YAPP. Now
still run TNC & RF...
 ____________   _______   ______   ______    \|/ Loft
³Compaq W98seÃÄ´TNC 220ÃÄ´FT290RÃÄ´30W PAÃÄÄÄÄÙ fullwave dipole
³ PaKet 6.2  ³  ~~~~~~~ \ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄ´                        |12v PSU &|
 ~~~~~~~~~~~~            ´FT790RÃÄ´10W PAÃÄ>Chinmey X500 Colinear | battery |
                          ~~~~~~   ~~~~~~
I am well known for the ASCII art in technical bulletins that I publish on
packet radio, this I do to try keep the mode more interesting. These I allow to
be copied to Ham internet sites.

ACTIVITY                           _______________________________________
My level of activity, since 1977 I |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
have filled 13 full size log books |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
with main station & /P activity    | 1| 2| 3| 4| 5| 6| 7| 8| 9|10|11|12|13|
but nit includingmy /M operating.  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
(2m 200W FM)                       |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
My best DX ever, was years ago in 1986 with a confirmed SSB contact to VK on
70cms /2m via OSCA 10.      ___
                          /~  G~\ ~  -  _
                         |       |  70cm up~  -  _
                        |  EARTH  |                _~ =*Osca10
                         |       | 2m down_  -  ~
                          \_ VK_/ _  -  ~
                              < ---- 23000 miles ---- >

Although using a satellite may be seen as cheating by some, my 70cms LSB signal
had to go 23,000 miles up to OSCA 10 when it was just on/below the horizon.
Then through the Satellite transponder to 2m USB, then another 23,000 miles to
again another earth scraping path to the VK. The rare 10 min window was only
possible every few months.

On the ATV front I often used to run fast scan TV with a 400W PEP Vestigial
Side Band colour on 70cms from a homebrew Tx & homebrew K2RIW PA. I worked
stations in full 625 line PAL colour ATV a 100 miles away.
 _______    ______     ________
|12V PSU|  |ATV Tx|---|K2RIW PA|-----¿
 ~~~~~~~    ~|~~~~~    ~~~~~~~~       \__________70cm beam
 __Ú---¿     |   ___     _______ Relay/ LDF 450  & rotator
()_|CAM|-----/  |[ ]|---|PREAMP |----Ù
   À-Â-Ù         ~~~     ~~~~~~~
    / \        70cm TV

Later I moved ATV activity to FM on 23cms, but with only a 40W homebrew Tx & PA
when GB3HV repeater started up 51kM away in 1987. I have been one of the main
players in the Home Counties ATV Group since it formation in 1980, serving as
club secretary for many years, & I can still be found at rallies on the ATV

I have also done a lot of /P contest from the hilltop @ Woldingham (sometimes
under G6CTU call on 2m 1988-1999 or other calls) working mainly on VHF/UHF both
ATV & SSB modes with ERPs of around the 40kW mark from large aerial arrays at
66ft & I designed & built much of the kit for this.

                                      70cm 27el     ×
                                     Quad Loop Yagi º   400W
    /-/-/-/-/Â/-/-/-//                    @ 66ft    º
/-/-/-/-/Â/-/-/-//                                  º
 4x 17el ÃÄÒÄ´    400W                              º
 Boxed   ÃÄ×Ä´                                      ×
    /-/-/³/×/Á/-/-/-//                              º
/-/-/-/-/Á/-/-/-//                                  º
           º                                        º
  2m beams º                                        º
  @ 50ft   ×                                        ×
           º                                        º
           º                                        º
           º              ÚÄÄÄÄÄ.-Ä-.               º
           º   generator  |Operating³               º
    Rotator²      []      |Tent&³Van³       Rotator ²
The 4x 17el was soon replaced with 2x 17el @ 55ft & 66ft due to the work
evolved in putting it together, but it was VERY nice to use a 20dBd gain aerial
on 2m!

Also been /P for many demo station both ATV, VHF, & HF etc. with SCOUTS, GUIDES
                                                /    /     /
 /-/-/-/-/-/-/      80/40m trap dipole         /----/-----/
 17 el ×--------=-------------Â------------=--/----/×    /
  2m   º                      |              3el HF º
 beam  º                      |            Tribanderº
@ 66ft ×                      |             @ 66ft  ×
       º                      |                     º
       º                      |                     º
       ×                  /\  |                     ×
       º                 /  \ |                     º
       º   generator    |Demo||                     º
Rotator²      []        |Tent||             Rotator ²
HF at my QTH
I have grown VHF & UHF aerial systems over the years & now have up..
    2m Loft full wave dipole (packet),
    4m dipole @ 25ft,
    2m & 70cm X500 15ft tall colinear @ 30ft
    2m 8el homebrew Quad @ 40ft
  70cm 19el Tonna @ 41ft
  24cms 24el Tonna ATV Tx @ 42ft
  23cms 55el Tonna ATV Rx on 2nd mast @30ft
  70cms 55el fixed vertical beam (ATV repeater command)

Since class B's were given access to the HF bands, I equipped my shack with an
HF rig now IC735, & the garden with a nest of HF dipoles & a squeezed in a
topband dipole over the house too.

Chimney  80m       40m~ ~ ~ ~-~-~-~-~/º\~-~-~-~-~ ~ ~ ~
                   +15m     20m  ~~~~ º ~~~~10m

But my HF interest is not as high, all too easy rubber stamp QSOs etc. I have
had a brief go at PSK31 as well, but again not that interesting really. So ofen
to be found nowadays in afternoons natters on 40m.
I have also been involved in training (tech side). At first just a 1 day break
a year from the normal lecture on the original full RAE courses, & later with
Novice & now the M3 Foundation & 2E0 Intermediate courses, at Bromley club. And
also once @ RSGB HQ for their staff. Our club M3/6 & 2E0 training team has had
over 200 students of all ages youngsters to old timers, with a good pass rate.

So ask yourself "what have you done for amateur radio?"

I am member of B.A.T.C. (UK ATV), Home Counties ATV club, R.S.G.B. (UK Soc),
Bromley & District ARS (Mainly Training), Caterham Radio Group (Mainly packet),
Surrey Radio Contact Club (based in Croydon where do monthly "Fixit nights" &
VHF NFD) & Wimbledon & District ARS (I do much of their summercamp). I often
give talks & help out with demo & /P activities to these clubs. There are loads
of other clubs locally I could join too, but enough is enough!

How many clubs do you actively support?

On a different tack since 1994 I offered my radio expertise to a local
broadcast Restricted Service Licence projects (28 day max) 37 done so far.
Normally they are 10W ERP Vertical pol on Band 2, full spec stereo & RDS, with
Band 1 or 3 VHF links & sometimes live O.B. systems as well.
Also 6 AM ones done on 531kHz, with a wire aerials that are huge, but still
tiny compared to the wavelength!
Now SUSY RADIO has a 5 year licence for 103.4MHz & there has been loads more
work done to get it all through the Ofcom technical inspection etc.
See & listen on

I see this as another way to "put back something into the community".

See my technical buls on these subjects.

Y don't U send an interesting bul?

73 de John G8MNY @ GB7CIP

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