PA2AGA > HDDIG 08.10.00 15:25l 181 Lines 6470 Bytes #-8918 (0) @ EU
BID : HD_2000_273C
Subj: HamDigitalDigest 2000/273C
Sent: 001008/1143Z @:PI8HGL.#ZH1.NLD.EU #:22799 [Den Haag] FBB $:HD_2000_273C
Date: Sat, 07 Oct 00 14:37:26 MET
Message-Id: <hd_2000_273C>
From: pa2aga@pe1mvx.ampr.org
To: hd_broadcast@pa2aga.ampr.org
X-BBS-Msg-Type: B
> > > > quit threating to "report" anyone doing Internet-backbone
> > applications
> > > > on ham freqs.
> > >
> > > You operate illegally, and you WILL be turned in.
> > > It's that simple.
> >
> > I'm doing it right now - call the FCC. If you keep bothering them
> > non-issues, they'll probably pull YOUR ticket for being such a pest.
> > As long as you aren't conducting business over the Amateur
> > and are using the channel for personal communications - it is legal.
> > Quit spreading false rumors - you aren't "God" anymore.
> If you are allowing messages and content that do not meet the criteria
> (As set by the FCC) for legal traffic, you are illegal.
> If you are providing a service to others which is also available
> commercial providers, you are illegal.
> If you encrypt your data, you are illegal.
> You really need to READ part 97, and read it for content. The rules
> in place for a reason. That reason is to keep guys like you from using
> the ham bands for commercial ventures.
More doublespeak. The rules are in place to disallow an individual to
conduct business on the ham bands. There are plenty of "commercial"
ventures on the ham bands - what do you think APRS is? What do you
think all those commercial radios are? You're talking out your ass.
> I have nothing against the technology that you are proposing, provided
> it be used on a frequency band that is approved for that type of
> traffic.
It IS OK for ham bands - because there ARE no other commercial services
that offer the same kind of functionality(there are no existing
services that provide equivalent range for mobile platforms). Besides,
if your reasoning held true - we would have to outlaw all ham phone
patches! Quit talking out your ass.
> Dave
------- Stewart - N0MHS --------
Wireless Entertainment/Communication Devices(WECs), Networks, and
ublic Radio Services Information(MURS,FRS,GMRS,ARS,CB):
Sent via Deja.com http://www.deja.com/
Before you buy.
Date: Thu, 5 Oct 2000 18:17:03 -0500
From: "Charles Brabham" <n5pvl@swb.net>
Subject: wireless PDA hacking
<horseshoestew@my-deja.com> wrote in message
> snip a lot of ignorant nastiness.
This guy has proved his point over and over again (that he's an ignorant,
characterless dud) but finds it necessary to prove it over and over again.
We all get the point, bud; You're an ignorant idiot. Now troll off and
infest some other newsgroup.
73 DE Charles Brabham, N5PVL
Date: Fri, 06 Oct 2000 03:14:00 GMT
From: dmoisan@shore.net (David Moisan)
Subject: wireless PDA hacking
On Wed, 04 Oct 2000 17:58:05 GMT, horseshoestew@my-deja.com wrote:
>This is not clear from the web site.
They don't seem to have a monthly service as such. The Cybiko seems
to be a pure peer-to-peer system with the functionality of a PDA. The
company does offer games and downloads for the device.
If you read the brochure, it is careful to say (in kids' language)
that it can support 100 users (10 users per freq for 10 freqs.) There
is supposed to be an email gateway available, though it is strictly
local (basically, a Cybiko hooked to a PC with the software). Nothing
said about cost (if Cybiko provides it) or security. They do say the
gateway software will be available "soon" for regular users.
>I've got two teenagers, and this is what gave me the idea. But look at
>the range; 150ft indoor - 300ft outdoor. What a joke. I bet those are
>lab numbers, and you won't even get that(same with the TAPR FHSS
>project!). I need to take my company public.
You must admit this isn't much of a limitation for its intended
use--kids in groups at the mall or the movies. (Or, horrors!, school.
Watch this be the next thing banned: its applications for exams are
much too obvious to note here)
I think it's a cool PDA that may find a closet audience with some
older people. I'd like to develop for it myself.
73, Dave
David Moisan, N1KGH, GROL
Invisible Disability:
GE Superradio FAQ:
Sangean ATS-909 FAQ:
Date: Fri, 6 Oct 2000 09:13:03 GMT
From: nomail@rob.knoware.nl (Rob Janssen)
Subject: wireless PDA hacking
David Moisan <dmoisan@shore.net> wrote:
>>I've got two teenagers, and this is what gave me the idea. But look at
>>the range; 150ft indoor - 300ft outdoor. What a joke. I bet those are
>>lab numbers, and you won't even get that(same with the TAPR FHSS
>>project!). I need to take my company public.
>You must admit this isn't much of a limitation for its intended
>use--kids in groups at the mall or the movies. (Or, horrors!, school.
>Watch this be the next thing banned: its applications for exams are
>much too obvious to note here)
Are these "walkie talkie" things still popular in the states? Guys, you
are years behind! Over here in Europe all the schoolkids have a handheld
phone (GSM) and are sending short text messages to eachother when in places
where it is not clever to talk in the thing.
No range limitation, you can chat to your buddy whenever both of you are in
range of the mobile network. Which should be anytime, given the fact that
antenna forests are on each of the highest buildings of every block.
(some statistics show that there are more handhelds in this country than
there are private subscriber phonelines)
| Rob Janssen pe1chl@amsat.org | WWW: http://www.knoware.nl/users/rob |
| AMPRnet: rob@pe1chl.ampr.org | AX.25 BBS: PE1CHL@PI8WNO.#UTR.NLD.EU |
End of Ham-Digital Digest V2000 #273
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