PA2AGA > HDDIG 27.09.00 09:00l 201 Lines 7279 Bytes #999 (0) @ EU
BID : HD_2000_263G
Subj: HamDigitalDigest 2000/263G
Sent: 000927/0017Z @:PI8HGL.#ZH1.NLD.EU #:18456 [Den Haag] FBB $:HD_2000_263G
Date: Tue, 26 Sep 00 19:51:32 MET
Message-Id: <hd_2000_263G>
From: pa2aga@pe1mvx.ampr.org
To: hd_broadcast@pa2aga.ampr.org
X-BBS-Msg-Type: B
Date: Tue, 26 Sep 2000 00:28:24 GMT
From: "D. Stussy" <kd6lvw@bde-arc.ampr.org>
Subject: APRS Operating Question
On Mon, 25 Sep 2000, Charles Brabham wrote:
> "D. Stussy" <kd6lvw@bde-arc.ampr.org> wrote in message
> news:Pine.LNX.4.10.10009251855450.746-100000@exp.bde-arc.ampr.org...
> > On Mon, 25 Sep 2000, Charles Brabham wrote:
> >
> > snip<
> >
> > > Is this how LandLine Lids such as yourself decide it's "OK" to transmit
> > > commercial content (and porno, etc) from the Internet over the Ham
> bands?
> >
> > ...And there we go. Another unprovoked, personal attack by Mr. CB
> himself.
> "D. Stussy" appears to be unhappy that I recently pointed out his anti-ham
> LandLine Lid rhetoric, and considers my doing so to be an "unprovoked,
> personal attack"...
> Is he related to Bill Clinton, I wonder?
> Then I pointed out the fact that Steve, for all his pretended respect for
> the rules, is one of those LandLine Lids who thinks that we should use
> Amateur Packet Radio as a way to provide Internet access, despite the fact
> that doing so would most certainly lead to illegal content being transmitted
> over the Ham bands. - Another "unprovoked, personal attack ", D. Stussy
> claims.
> Maybe he's related to "Hillary"?
> ;-)
> LandLine Lids such as Steve and D. Stussy "provoke" me to point out their
> anti-Ham activities... This is no "attack"... If they are ashamed of what
> they are doing and feel "attacked" when it's pointed out, perhaps they
> should consider modifying their behavior.
> D. Stussy calls me "Mr. CB", but it's him and those of his ilk who have been
> indulging in anti-Ham behavior, not me. Perhaps he should give THAT a bit
> of thought as well. - If he's up to the job.
1) Very interesting that "Mr. CB" classifies me as a "LLL" although I have
NEVER passed any radio origined or destined traffic via any wireline
connection. I don't even run a packet BBS (but I have used them - and those
which I have used don't forward over the phone lines).
2) Also interesting that he objects to being called "Mr. CB" even though C
followed by B are his initials of his true name.
3) Note that I did NOT say that you personally attacked ME. I simply stated
that your only contribution on the subject was to attack someone else. Go
to trollville.
Date: Mon, 25 Sep 2000 21:22:33 GMT
From: Jeffrey Krehbiel <jeffrey_krehbiel@hotmail.com>
Subject: modifying phone modem for use on HF
I seem to remember seeing an article some time ago that talked about
using phone modems on HF for RTTY, AMTOR, etc. I have not been able to
find any information on the subject, and was hoping someone else had
heard of this and could point me in the right direction. I have a
couple of Hayes 2400 modems that can be set for the old Bell 300 / 1200
baud modes, and am in the mood to experiment :) Thanks!
73 de Jeff KM5KH
Jeffrey N. Krehbiel <jeffrey_krehbiel@hotmail.com>
KM5KH Tulsa Oklahoma
Jeffrey N. Krehbiel <jeffrey_krehbiel@hotmail.com>
PGP Key Fingerprint EA6F 2233 7BB1 A4F7 10D3 30E0 5447 0DC9 C82C 926A
Sent via Deja.com http://www.deja.com/
Before you buy.
Date: Mon, 25 Sep 2000 16:58:49 GMT
From: fred.mahone@vt.edu (Fred Mahone)
Subject: UHF APRS frequency?
I have not been following the APRS talk close enough to know if there
has been any discussion about a dedicated 70cm. APRS frequency.
In southwest Virginia there is very little APRS activity. I am not
really sure why this is, people have to actually build something and
they do not have the ability anymore?
I would like to build some trackers, but to dedicate a two meter
synthesized mobile or handheld is not economical. The kits to build
transmitters and receivers end up being just as costly.
Tekk dropped its vhf mini-transceivers but still make the uhf. These
units are just what I would like to use, but without a dedicated 70cm
frequency, I might interfere with someone else.
I looked at TAPR's site and there was mention of a frequency, but I
have not heard anything else about it.
So, can anyone shed some light on this?
Fred Mahone
Date: 25 Sep 2000 17:37:06 GMT
From: nielsen@oz.net (Bob Nielsen)
Subject: UHF APRS frequency?
On Mon, 25 Sep 2000 16:58:49 GMT, Fred Mahone wrote:
>I have not been following the APRS talk close enough to know if there
>has been any discussion about a dedicated 70cm. APRS frequency.
>In southwest Virginia there is very little APRS activity. I am not
>really sure why this is, people have to actually build something and
>they do not have the ability anymore?
>I would like to build some trackers, but to dedicate a two meter
>synthesized mobile or handheld is not economical. The kits to build
>transmitters and receivers end up being just as costly.
>Tekk dropped its vhf mini-transceivers but still make the uhf. These
>units are just what I would like to use, but without a dedicated 70cm
>frequency, I might interfere with someone else.
>I looked at TAPR's site and there was mention of a frequency, but I
>have not heard anything else about it.
>So, can anyone shed some light on this?
There have been a few discussions on TAPR's aprssig mailing list, but
no conclusions. You should probably check to see if your area has a
bandplan which addresses this. The bandplans differ quite a bit
between areas and it will take a lot of coordination to establish a
common frequency (as it did to get the 144.39 APRS frequency set up).
In the absence of anything in the bandplan, check out simplex
frequencies in your area. You'll probably find several that are not
being used. The local frequency coordinator (listed in the ARRL
repeater directory) should be able to help.
Bob Nielsen, N7XY nielsen@oz.net
Bainbridge Island, WA http://www.oz.net/~nielsen
Date: Mon, 25 Sep 2000 18:54:29 GMT
From: "D. Stussy" <kd6lvw@bde-arc.ampr.org>
Subject: UHF APRS frequency?
On 25 Sep 2000, Bob Nielsen wrote:
> On Mon, 25 Sep 2000 16:58:49 GMT, Fred Mahone wrote:
> >I have not been following the APRS talk close enough to know if there
> >has been any discussion about a dedicated 70cm. APRS frequency.
> >
> >In southwest Virginia there is very little APRS activity. I am not
> >really sure why this is, people have to actually build something and
> >they do not have the ability anymore?
> >
> >I would like to build some trackers, but to dedicate a two meter
> >synthesized mobile or handheld is not economical. The kits to build
> >transmitters and receivers end up being just as costly.
> >
> >Tekk dropped its vhf mini-transceivers but still make the uhf. These
> >units are just what I would like to use, but without a dedicated 70cm
> >frequency, I might interfere with someone else.
> >
> >I looked at TAPR's site and there was mention of a frequency, but I
To be continued in digest: hd_2000_263H
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